Podcast de tecnologia, series, aficiones y poco de mi
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Ni Makala yanayoangazia kwa jicho la tatu mazingira halisi ya dunia yalivyo bila kusahau kile ambacho kinachangia kuyaharibu. Utapata kufahamu namna ambavyo mazingira na rasilimali zinavyoharibiwa huku pia teknolojia ikijumuishwa. Hakika mazingira mazuri ya leo ni dunia yako kesho.
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Catch up on Paddy & Maz for Breakfast on Triple M107.7 weekdays from 5:30 to 9am!
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The latest BibleTalk.tv videos focused on a wide variety of different Bible subjects.
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Bažnytinio gyvenimo naujienos. Reportažai iš krikščioniškų renginių. Įvykių komentarai. Spaudos apžvalga. Evangelijos ištraukos ir jos aiškinimas. Lietuvos bažnyčios vadovų balsas. Teologų ir dvasingumo mokytojų įžvalgos. Šeštadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.
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La psicologia spiegata in maniera semplice e pratica da Luca Mazzucchelli. Provare per credere ;-)
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Tai Šventojo Rašto ištrauka, kurią palydi dvasininkų ir teologų komentarai, pokalbiai apie tikėjimo kelionę ir kasdienybės stebuklus. Kasdien 05.45 ir 20.45 val. per LRT RADIJĄ. Laidą rengia Julius Sasnauskas, Jūratė Kuodytė ir Jūratė Grabytė.
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Full-length Bible lessons on a variety of Bible topics complete with Scripture references, PowerPoint, student worksheets and transcripts.
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Laidos autoriai ieško brandaus kultūros ir religijos sąlyčio pavyzdžių šiandienos pasaulyje, aptaria aktualias Lietuvos bei tarptautinio gyvenimo problemas, supažindina su intriguojančiomis biografijomis. Sekmadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ ir pirmadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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Trance Evolution, the house of trance and progressive since 2002 - previously aired nationwide in Italy over FM. Sundays show deliver the latest in trance and progressive music, hosted by Andrea Mazza. Discover more about tracks and artists, ON AIR every week at 22.00 CET. FOLLOW TRANCE EVOLUTION ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/trance.evolution http://www.youtube.com/c/TranceEvolution on facebook @AndreaMazzaOfficial on inststagram djandreamazza
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The Baseball Hour with Tony Mazz airs weeknights from 6pm-7pm ET during baseball season. Hosted by Tony Massarotti, he is also joined weekly by Jen McCaffrey of The Athletic and, and Matt McCarthy & Tyler Milliken from 98.5 The Sports Hub. Download full show podcasts every weeknight right here on 985thesportshub.com, bPod Studios, or wherever you get your podcasts. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast service.
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Monika is a powerhouse who helps driven individuals achieve more with less stress, less grinding, and less complexity. As a solo immigrant from Poland to the US, Monika's journey from nanny to personal trainer, bodybuilding competitor, and thriving business owner exemplifies her grit and focus. Today, she leads a thriving online business, guiding clients to their goals. Monika's approach is about simplicity and efficiency. She's a master at zooming out and taking a big picture approach, ensu ...
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Marta Napoleone Mazzoni is host of the award winning podcast Marta on the Move. Created in 2015 the show shines light on her’s and other people’s journey through life, and what makes us human. Guests of Marta On The Move have included- Chelsea Handler, Alec Baldwin, David K Harbour, Patrick Page, Tom Savini, Paige Davis, Mayor Bill Peduto, Peter Max, and Patrick Wilson and more. You can find the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Twitter @icantfindmarta Instagram- @martasonthemove Inquiri ...
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تحليل هاى ماركسيستى در باره مسايل اجتماعى-سياسى توسط مازيار رازى. Marxist Analysis by Maziar Razi
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Informatieve podcast over ervaringsverhalen uit het dagelijkse leven!
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A short insight on the meaning and importance of advocating for safe spaces for young people in our communities
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Welcome to the Gaurav Mazumdar podcast, where amazing things happen.
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My life , it's about finding myself and daily journey . 😊 Will be great if I have you people along side. Love.
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W audycji wyruszamy na szlak śladami kuchni mazowieckiej. Czym smakuje Mazowsze? O tym w audycji ”Podróże kulinarne po Mazowszu”
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Kiedy prezydent opala się na Helu, a prezes ubiera hawajską koszulę... czas zrobić przerwę od polityki i ruszyć w podróż! Robert Mazurek o swoich wakacyjnych przygodach w wyjątkowym poradniku dla tych, którzy kochają lub nienawidzą podróżować!
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Two adversarial journalists shooting the breeze, knitting scarfs, and using Asana.
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Mazingira yetu radio podcast operates under the slogan ‘’empower and inform’’ by bringing to it’s listeners educative, entertaining and informative environmental podcasts that are tailor made to suit the East African audience.
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Welcome to the Mazi MouHamed Mounir podcast, where amazing things happen.
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MAZZ AB - der Interview-Podcast mit den einzigartigen Fragen, der jeden 13. Tag des Monats erscheint. Hier stelle ich ungewöhnliche Fragen an faszinierende Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen. Gemeinsam tauchen wir in inspirierende Gespräche ein, die euch unterhalten, zum Nachdenken anregen und motivieren sollen. Seid bereit für außergewöhnliche Einblicke in die Welt meiner Gäste und in die Tiefe ihrer Gedanken. Reinhören. Abonnieren. Staunen. Ich freue mich auf euch!
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This series will examine the different types of psalms as well as the various literary devices used by the authors of this book.
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From time to time attorneys from the law offices of Martin, Harding & Mazzotti LLP in Albany, NY will share their input and insight with local media outlets to help better shine a light on the issues we all face on a day to day basis. Visit: http://1800LAW1010.com for more information
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Playing a selection of new and old house and techno with heaps of guest Dj mixes to come
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Come join our talks every Monday morning! Host- Madison Russell
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Greetings our precious M tube’s radio station listeners, welcome to our weekly podcast. And , in today’s podcast we will be having a discussion on any topic that comes to our minds and have fun!
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This series is a training session to help Christians understand their own religion and prepare them to answer common challenges and questions concerning the Bible and its teachings.
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Bookings - [email protected] MAZZULA.NET "my favourite modern electro artist" - Dave Clarke The Mazzula project has been an incredible ride. It’s been great fun pushing the electro boundaries and bearing witness to reactions, good and bad over the last few years. I've always written for the love of the music and will continue to do so. I don't think you need to be making money to enjoy what you do, although it does help to concentrate the mind when people are prepared to buy your art. Keep ...
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This series provides an in-depth look at the most well-structured gospel record originally designed to address Jewish questions about Jesus but later used by the early church as a primer for new Christians.
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A 50 lesson series that covers all 50 chapters of Genesis. From creation to the flood and on to Abraham finishing with Joseph in Egypt. A complete study of the first book in the Bible.
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Comentar algunos de los temas que me parecen interesantes, usamos nuestra libertad de expresión y además ayudamos a generar más opiniones... Entretenimiento y algo de crítica.
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This series explores the lives of both good and bad Jewish rulers in order to find timeless lessons that can be applied to Christian life today.
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Katechezei ir apskritai krikščioniškajam švietimui skirta laida. Susipažinsite su svarbiausiomis katalikų tikėjimo tiesomis ir tradicijomis, būsite įvesti į mįslingą liturgijos pasaulį, pagilinsite Šventojo Rašto suvokimą, pastebėsite naujas Bažnyčios spalvas – trečiadieniais ir penktadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ. Ved. Jūratė Grabytė.
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Mazzula is an electro and techno artist from Stoke-on-Trent.
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The Mazin Shaikh Show gives you a backstage pass to the most fascinating conversations with solo founders, entrepreneurs and thought leaders around the world. Hear inspiring stories from them, learn how to become one yourself, and be a part of an amazing community that's changing the world together. Rate this podcast if you enjoy listening. Happy listening!
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Ypatingas dėmesys – senajai ir moderniajai religinei muzikai. Laidos autorės Živilė Stonytė ir Violeta Osteikienė supažindina su sakralinės muzikos palikimu ir religiniais motyvais šiuolaikinių kompozitorių kūryboje – antradieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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Hosted by Tom Mazawey
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Vilniaus etninės kultūros centro tinklalaidės „daugiau mažiau“ idėja kilo norint geriau pažinti etninės kultūros lauke veikiančius žmones. Pokalbių temos aprėps įvairiausius kultūros barus, kuriuose naudojamos etninės kultūros detalės. Sieksime susipažinti su etninės kultūros įvairialypumu, atrasti netikėtas, mažai aptariamas, o gal kartais ir neteisingai interpretuojamas temas, ieškoti etninės kultūros visumos ir naujų panaudojimo galimybių.
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Mark's gospel is a rapid-fire account of Jesus' ministry focusing primarily on His many miracles. This eyewitness account presents the boldest and clearest witness of Jesus' identity as the Son of God with power!
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This week on Paddy & Maz, the team ran into Kyle Sandilands, and also caught up with David Wenham, Lee Kernaghan, and Roman Banks. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.저자 Triple M
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Mažoji studija. Dievo žodis Kasdieniai skaitymai.저자 LRT
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Apie nepilnamečių demokratiją Amerikoje ir laimę ugdytis dorybes
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54:58„Žinoma, kad iš anksto buvo planuota susidoroti su Zelenskiu, ir Vance'as aiškiai tam pasiruošė. Agresyvi ir pasipūtėliška teisininko laikysena, mėginimas įsiteikti savo viršininkui, reikalavimas, kad Zelenskis padėkotų prezidentui, - visos šios patyčios atrodė kaip desperatiškas siekis gauti patvirtinimą. Nepaisant visų savo turtų ir galios, Vance…
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Perché devi scegliere persone con i tuoi stessi valori e non con gli stessi interessi
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14:43🧭 Conoscere i propri valori e usarli come bussola per orientarsi nel mondo può essere la chiave di volta per vivere una vita di significato. Se vuoi essere aiutato/a in questa ricerca ho una proposta: iscriviti al mese di marzo del BeMore Program. Con Susanna Morlino, psicologa cognitiva e della comunicazione esploreremo insieme il mondo dei valori…
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202. 3 years of growth: here’s what no one tells you about leveling up (solo episode)
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37:01This week, I’m doing a solo episode to break down what’s changed in my life over the past three years since starting this podcast. No fluff, just lessons from taking action, adapting, and building a life that I love. I’m sharing: Action over perfection: how I stopped overthinking and started making moves. Building real freedom: the shifts that took…
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In this first lesson on the book of I Kings, Mike traces both the rise and decline of Israel's most dynamic and famous king, Solomon.저자 Mike Mazzalongo
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In this first lesson on the book of I Kings, Mike traces both the rise and decline of Israel's most dynamic and famous king, Solomon.저자 Mike Mazzalongo
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Utupaji salama wa taka za kieletroniki, mashirika yachangamkia fursa kuokoa mazingira
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9:57Taka za kieletroniki zinajumuisha vitu vingi ambavyo ni hatari kwa afya ya binadamu na mazingira na utupaji ovyo ni chanzo kikuu cha madhara, dutu hizi hatari zikiwa na uwezo wa kuchafua udongo, maji, hewa na vyanzo vya chakula. Shirika la E-Waste Initiative Kenya linatoa suluhu ya taka za kieletroniki. Bonyeza hapa kufahamu zaidi.…
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What's Your Why? What guides you forward? What gets you back up again? What inspires you to create? Finding you why can often lead you back to the truth at your core. It is the most powerful question we can ask ourselves, and sometimes we don't like the answer we get. That is half the fun of realigning with our soul. Speaking today about my why and…
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Mažoji studija. Kultūra ir religija저자 LRT
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Popiežius ligoninėje, karo Ukrainoje metinės ir „kaip Amerika išduos Europą“
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54:59Šią savaitę kone visam pasauliui su nerimu laukiant naujų žinių iš Romos Agostino Gemellio klinikos, kur jau daugiau kaip dvi savaites gydomas popiežius Pranciškus, radosi ne viena proga apmąstyti, ką Bažnyčiai davė Pranciškaus pontifikatas. Penktadienį į Romą išskridusi Lietuvos piligrimų grupė nesulauks planuotos audiencijos pas popiežių, tačiau …
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This week on Paddy & Maz, the team chat with Josh Hodgson ahead of the 2025 NRL Season Opener, and Maz gets her movies mixed up. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.저자 Triple M
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This final lesson in II Samuel traces the negative family and national events that were a direct result of David's sin with Bathsheba.저자 Mike Mazzalongo
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This final lesson in II Samuel traces the negative family and national events that were a direct result of David's sin with Bathsheba.저자 Mike Mazzalongo
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Imparare a dire di no: guida pratica per rispettare se stessi
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38:45💙 Se desideri intraprendere un percorso più strutturato per lavorare su di te con il mio team di terapeuti, clicca qui e riceverai con la tua prima seduta il nostro Premium Kit MindCenter: https://bit.ly/mindcenterkit E tu sei in grado di dire di no? In questo episodio ti guiderò step by step grazie al mio modello VIAR per imparare a dire di no e r…
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Un poco de tecnología y un mucho de afición recuperada
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201. From watching to doing: how Karolina went from doubting herself to lifting, walking, and thriving with BBM
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44:37This week on the podcast, I’m joined by Karolina D’Angelo, a BBM member who went from watching on the sidelines to fully committing to her fitness journey. After years of starting and stopping, she finally took the leap—and what started as a simple walking challenge turned into a complete mindset and lifestyle shift. We dive into what changed this …
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#206 The Wolves We Feed- Foundational Self Care Remembrance
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36:13Reflecting today on my own journey into self care and how I had forgetten the value of the foundations of where that all began. Speaking about the 5 people closest to us and how they reflect our inner landscape, and also taking self care in small baby steps for building that foundations within ourselves, especially in a time of grief. What's Coming…
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#205 Honoring Ourselves and Our Ancestors on Special Days
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28:30How do you navigate your grief through special days? Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries? I offer some ways that have meant the most to me that are in my practice, and I would love to hear some of yours. I also speak today about my sister's birthday and how our grief relationship has shifted and evolved over the years. Also speaking about my Home to…
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Kaip nepalūžti grėsmės akivaizdoje ir ką reiškia patriotizmas? Su disidentu Petru Plumpa
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25:06Petras Plumpa – neeilinis žmogus, sovietmečiu ne tik saugojęs savo vidinę laisvę, bet ir kovojęs už lietuvių tautos išsilaisvinimą nuo okupantų. Matęs pokarį, partizanų kovas, dalyvavęs pogrindinėje veikloje, du kartus kalintas ir pats patyręs, ką reiškia Sibiro lageriai, dalyvavęs Katalikų Bažnyčios kronikos leidyboje, už visa tai 2023 m. apdovano…
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Valdant Trumpui, Vatikano laukia nauja ideologinė kova su JAV
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54:51„Katalikų Bažnyčios vadovybė, ypač Vatikanas, turi prisitaikyti prie šios naujos tikrovės. Trumpo Jungtinėse Valstijose vyksta staigus poslinkis nuo ankstesniame Amerikos šimtmetyje susiformavusių struktūrų link naujos populizmo suformuotos epochos. Ši slinktis turės gilių padarinių, nes iš naujo apibrėžia politinius, socialinius bei ekonominius pa…
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This week on Paddy & Maz, the team catch up with NRL Rooster's Lock Conner Watson and the final casting of Paddy's elbow is revealed. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.저자 Triple M
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Mwali wa mwisho: Mkaa wa Briketi kama suluhu ya nishati jadidifu
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9:59Mkaa wa Briketi hutengenezwa kutoka kwa vumbi la mkaa wa kawaida, taka za kilimo au mabaki ya mbao, na hutumiwa kimsingi kwa mapishi nyumbani, shuleni na hata katika makampuni. Mkaa huu una faida kwa kuwa unapunguza uchafuzi wa mazingira, kupunguza ukataji wa miti lakini pia huwaka kwa muda mrefu na kwa usawa zaidi kuliko mkaa wa kawaida, na kuufan…
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In this lesson Mike will trace David's rise to the highpoint of his reign over Israel and his relationship with God as a man after His own heart.저자 Mike Mazzalongo
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