Talk About Work 공개
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Let’s Talk is een podcast van de groep Blenders & WEB, waarin de gespreksstof bestaat uit impactvolle initiatieven, straf ondersteuningsaanbod, en participatie als katalysator voor innovatie. Uw host is Bart Wuyts, CEO van de groep Blenders en WEB, de incubator van inclusieve werkvloeren en innovatieve strategieën rond o.a. ondernemerschap, duurzaamheid en toeleiding naar werk. Onze gesprekken houden verband met werk, de weg naar werk en welzijn op de werkvloer. Elke maand nodigen we een and ...
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It shouldn’t be awkward and uncomfortable to talk about being unemployed. Given that sooner or later most of us will experience being out of work, shouldn’t we start to have normal and healthy conversations about being unemployed? Agile Unemployment podcast host, employment expert, and author, Sabina Sulat creates a safe place to talk about all things unemployment. In each episode, Sabina will cover everything you need to know to not only survive, but thrive through being out of work.
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For Anyone With A Job (#ForAnyoneWithAJob) is a refreshingly honest and darkly fun podcast that examines how to talk about mental health at work. Hosted by Heather Bodie, a Chicago-based Public Speaker, Artist, and Mental Health Advocate - the episodes vary in style and range from expert interviews to Moth-style story telling.
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Work has become such a huge part of our lives - how much of it we're doing, how many hours we're devoting to it, and what its monetary value is. But why? We may not be simply defined by our job titles, but our current relationship to "the hustle" has begun to define whole generations. It's time to talk about more than just what we do for a living. Join me as I sit down with guests to trace their careers and their relationship to work.
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Das ist der zweisprachige Podcast von ProCoRe. / Voici le podcast bilingue de ProCoRe. ProCoRe ist das nationale Netzwerk für die Rechte von Sexarbeitenden in der Schweiz. In unserem Podcast erzählen uns Sexarbeiter*innen im Gespräch mit Brigitte Hürlimann und Laure Gabus von ihrem Arbeitsalltag und von ihren Wünschen und Sorgen. Let‘s talk about Sex Work will weder romantisieren, noch dramatisieren, sondern einen Beitrag leisten gegen die Stigmatisierung in der Sexarbeit. Twitter: @ProCoRe1 ...
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On the Words Work At Microsoft Podcast, we’ll be chatting about how Microsoft culture has evolved, starting with the way we talk. In each episode we’ll interview someone within the Microsoft writing community, giving you an inside look at how we approach our work. And, hopefully, offering up a heavy dose of trips and tricks along the way.
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show series
[for a summary in English, click here] Beste luisteraar, inclusie vormt de rode draad doorheen deze podcastreeks, en we maken ons sterk dat we dit thema intersectioneel benaderen. Want net zoals dat inclusie met méér heeft te maken dan enkel etnische achtergrond, gezondheid of socio-economische status, heeft het naast tewerkstelling ook raakvlakken…
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Many leaders strive to create deeper connections and get more effective results in both the workplace and in life. But how is it done? According to Patrick Ghielmetti, the key is embracing authenticity and vulnerability. Born in Switzerland, Patrick is a multi-cultural, multilingual global leader who is hugely passionate about changing the world – …
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🌟🌟🌟In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the workplace dynamics and challenges facing Generation Z with Kelly Kinnebrew PhD . 🌟🌟🌟 Kelly, a renowned psychologist and entrepreneur, shares her expertise on the unique needs of Gen Z employees and how organizations can support them effectively. We also explore the significant impact of early u…
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🛠️ One of the hardest parts of the job search is turning off those negative voices in your head—especially if you’ve been laid off or experienced a toxic work environment. 💔 Our self-esteem is a product of our environment and nurturing. It’s all too easy to believe the negative thoughts we have about ourselves, especially when our professional life…
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[for a summary in English please click here] >>> Welkom in weer een aflevering van onze Let’s Talk About Work podcast! We zijn aanbeland in alweer aflevering 6 van het tweede seizoen. Deze keer gaat Bart Wuyts in gesprek met 2 gasten: Eva Maréchal, die met Hop Up een innovatief concept in de wereld heeft gezet dat kinderen versterkt in vrij spel; e…
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Recovery and Unemployment with Special Guest Kevin Hyer of the Hyer Calling Foundation🎙️ Episode Overview In this insightful episode of Agile Unemployment, we have the pleasure of speaking with attorney Kevin Hyer, founder of the Hyer Calling Foundation. We delve into the important topic of how companies can show empathy to employees in recovery an…
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Welcome back to the Agile Unemployment Podcast! 🎙️ In today's episode, we delve into the concept of the "Just for Now Job" – the job you take to pay the bills, get out of the house, and sustain yourself while searching for your dream job. 💼✨ Key Points Discussed: Pros of Taking a "Just for Now Job": Financial Stability 💰: Keeps the lights on and th…
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[For a transcript in English click here.] >>> Intro Welkom bij deze aflevering van 'Let’s Talk About Work'. Vandaag praten we met Bart Wuyts van WEB-Blenders en Klara Segers van de Vrouwenraad over veranderingen in de regels voor kinderdagverblijven. Deze nieuwe regels hebben veel aandacht gekregen omdat ze grote impact hebben. Aanstaande moeders d…
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Depuis plus de dix ans, Kelly travaille illégalement comme travailleuse du sexe en Suisse. Elle souhaiterait trouver une autre activité pour subvenir à ses besoins et à ceux de ses (petits-) enfants - mais « sans papiers », elle fait face à mille obstacles. Dans le podcast « Let's talk about Sex Work », elle parle avec la journaliste Noémie Guignar…
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[For the transcription in English: click here.] >>> intro Welkom bij de podcast Let’s Talk About Work. In deze aflevering zitten een optimist en een pessimist tegenover elkaar aan tafel: Bart Wuyts en professor Nicky Dries gaan allebei resoluut voor een andere organisatie van de arbeidsmarkt, meer betekenisvolle jobs én meer welzijn – ze doen dat e…
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In this episode of the Agile Unemployment podcast, prepare to be inspired as we sit down with the remarkable Kathleen (Kathi) Baker, whose journey through unemployment is a testament to the power of positivity and authenticity. Kathi's story is one of resilience in the face of adversity. Despite setbacks in her career in higher education and real e…
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[for English, please click here] >>> intro Welkom in deze aflevering waarin we aan de keukentafel van Mounir Samuel aanschuiven. We vroegen Mounir als gast in deze podcast naar aanleiding van zijn boek ‘Je Mag Ook Niets Meer Zeggen. Een Nieuwe Taal voor een Nieuwe Tijd’ dat intussen aan een tweede druk toe is (mét nog meer woorden). In het boek rei…
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📘 Reading the Tea Leaves: What You Can Learn and Should Know About the Interview Process 🍵🫖🍃 🎧 In the latest episode of the Agile Unemployment podcast, we delve into the hidden meanings and subtext behind each phase of the interview process. Host Sabina Sulat explores how understanding this secret code can provide invaluable feedback for job seeker…
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🎙️ As we find ourselves a little past the midpoint of February, the days stretch on like a stubborn winter chill. Yet, just beyond the horizon, the promise of spring beckons. But what if you’re out of work during this peculiar time? February, despite its brevity, can feel like an eternity when you’re job hunting. In this episode, of the Agile Unemp…
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🎙 Excited to share the latest episode of the Agile Unemployment Podcast! 🎧 In this episode, we delve into the crucial topic of negotiating your separation and how to do so effectively. Losing a job can be a challenging experience, but understanding your rights and knowing how to navigate the process can make a significant difference. Listen in as S…
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Are you equipped to recognize the signals in your job search journey? Join Sabina Sulat, your employment expert and host, as she delves into the nuances of identifying red, yellow, and green flags during the interview process. 🚩🟡✅ Uncover the insights crucial for job seekers, recruiters, and hiring managers alike. 🚩Red Flags: Warning signs indicati…
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[click here for the english transcript] Aflevering 2 (Sz. 2): Andrea Bardyn en Stef Heylen over Duo For A Job >>> intro Welkom bij de tweede aflevering van seizoen 2 van 'Let's Talk About Work'. In deze aflevering verwelkomen we Bart Wuyts, Andrea Bardyn en Stef Heylen, die dieper ingaan op de succesfactoren van Duo For A Job. In deze bijzondere af…
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Sometimes being out of work is a roller coaster but have you ever felt like your job search is stuck on repeat, akin to the Groundhog Day movie? Add in the cold and dark of the end of winter and you have a recipe that can dampen even the most optimistic job seeker's mood, placing their job search in jeopardy. Host Sabina Sulat discusses the importa…
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Wer in der Schweiz legal in der Sexarbeit tätig sein will, muss komplexe bürokratische Auflagen erfüllen. Sexarbeit unterliegt zudem der Steuerpflicht. Arbeitsrechtlich geschützt und sozial abgesichert sind Sexarbeitende hingegen kaum. Hinzu kommt in vielen Fällen ein grosses Machtgefälle zwischen Arbeiter*innen und Club-Betreibenden. In der aktuel…
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In this empowering episode, we dive deep into the art of standing out in the job search by embracing your true self. Career coach Phillip Migyanko shares invaluable insights and strategies to help you navigate the competitive job market with authenticity. Key Points: Authenticity Matters: Discover why being true to yourself is a powerful strategy i…
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Welcome, job seekers and career enthusiasts, to another insightful episode of Agile Unemployment! From Unemployment to Orientation, the journey from job hunting to on-the-job performance is a nonstop roller coaster. In the excitement, many of us tend to overlook a crucial step: Onboarding. I'm your host, Sabina Sulat, and in today's episode, we div…
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[click here for the English transcript] ‘t Is veel gemakkelijker om over een anonieme massa vanalle maatregelen.. Maar als je weet ‘onze Jos is gedetineerd’ of ‘ons Latifa is de dame waar het over gaat’.. dan is dat meteen een heel andere connectie. >>> intro Welkom, beste luisteraars, bij de eerste aflevering van ons sprankelende tweede seizoen va…
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In the concluding episode of Agile Unemployment for 2023, host Sabina Sulat takes a look at the challenges faced by employers, recruiters, and job seekers within the dynamic employment landscape. From antiquated hiring approaches to counterproductive job search behaviors, Sabina discusses the habits that impede progress for all stakeholders. Tune i…
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Welcome to the second part of the Agile Unemployment podcast, where we delve deeper into the transformative power of Self-Compassion with guest, Massimo Backus – Self-Compassion expert, coach, and author. In this episode, Massimo guides us through a profound exercise, emphasizing the three key practices of Self-Compassion: Mindful Awareness, Humani…
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Something to get you through the Sunday Scaries 🎙 Exciting News! Join me in the latest episode of the Agile Unemployment Podcast as we delve into the transformative world of Self-Compassion! 🌟 In Part I of this two-part episode, I have the honor of interviewing Massimo Backus, a renowned self-compassion expert, executive coach, and soon-to-be-publi…
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As we bid farewell to Thanksgiving but before we dive into the seasonal holidays, it's time to reflect on the journey of self-discovery and resilience. Join us in this special episode of the Agile Unemployment Podcast as we delve into the art of reinforcing habits across the eight crucial areas of self-care. From mental well-being to professional g…
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"Daar moeten we gewoon niet meer over discussiëren. Er zijn zoveel vrouwen met talent die rondlopen, en die écht iets willen doen. En die mensen hebben we nodig!” [intro spreker] >>> Welkom in deze aflevering waarin we niemand minder dan Sana Sellami te gast hebben. Sana is socioloog en communicatiestrateeg, ze bouwde expertise op binnen het domein…
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This episode follows some crucial actions you can take at the end of the year when you're either out of work or fearing job loss. Join host, Sabina Sulat as she discusses the key focus areas for job seekers to follow to wrap up the prior year and to prepare for the new one, including creating a list of accomplishments, cultivating gratitude, and ev…
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It feels like everywhere you go people are talking about AI/Artificial Intelligence. More and more content creators, employees, and even job seekers are feeling more and more pressure to sit back and let AI do the work for them. But how much should you use AI in your job search, if at all? Join Agile Unemployment podcast host Sabina Sulat as she sh…
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In a time when applicant tracking systems are gatekeepers and job seekers are turning to AI, there is still one surefire way to get into the VIP Room of the job search- Networking. But it isn't just about who you know. The type of relationship you build with others, how you are perceived, and how you serve others is just as important as your connec…
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It takes a tremendous amount of character and courage to stand up for what you believe in, especially if it is not a popular opinion. Such strength of character cost author Jocelyn Davis her EVP role but also opened the door for her to become a best-selling author and thought leader. In this second part of her interview on the Agile Unemployment po…
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Are you afraid of speaking up? Are you finding your leadership style unappreciated or ineffective? People who lose their jobs are often leaving a toxic work environment or at the very least, a workplace that is not aligned with their values and beliefs. Whether you are in the C Suite or on the frontline it can happen to anyone. With a toxic environ…
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[Click here for the English transcipt] Aflevering 9: William Boeva over leven in gesubsidieerde segregatie "Dat is kei moeilijk: je wordt al door de overheid tegengehouden. Ah ja: als je gaat werken.. Je moet weten een invaliditeitsuitkering is opgesplitst in twee delen: je hebt een werkloosheidsuitkering en je hebt een integratietegemoetkoming. De…
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[click here for the english transcription of this episode] “Switching Talent is een project gesubsidieerd door Europa WSE. Het is een project van 2 jaar, het loopt nog tot het einde van dit jaar. En bedrijven en organisaties krijgen de kans om hun medewerkers te laten deelnemen aan een leerplek-uitwisseling. Dus een medewerker kan zeggen van ‘ik wi…
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Last week the Agile Unemployment Podcast hit its one-year anniversary. In the premier episode of Season Two, host Sabina Sulat reflects on the purpose and topics of the podcast, highlighting the best of Year One as well as sharing with listeners what is in store for them for Season Two.저자 Sabina Sulat
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How can Behavioral Science help you transform your life, not just at work, but outside of it? Kendall Ryndak Samuel AKA "The Behavior Influencer" is dedicated to helping people create positive change in behavioral patterns. She geeks out about the science behind it all, and how to incorporate behavioral science tools into day-to-day life. Show note…
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[For the English transcript of this conversation please click here] "We gaan het eerst afspuiten want het staat helemaal in brand – het onderwijs. Maar ik denk dat de professionalisering binnen onderwijs, dat dat het eerste is. [Leg uit?] De realiteit van een docent of een leerkracht nu is: je zit in een onderwijssysteem dat totaal niet meer aangep…
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[For transcription in English, please click here.] "Wat is de allermooiste vakantiebestemming die je ooit hebt gezien? – Ook bij sollicitatiegesprekken, wanneer mensen heel zenuwachtig zijn, als ik dan dat trucje doe dan zie je dat die dan even in zichzelf keren en even de rust gaan opzoeken.. Want dat was vast een ongelofelijk mooie plek.” [algeme…
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Few things are as uncomfortable to talk about as money. And when you are out of work, the subject of money becomes even more difficult to discuss. However, knowing how to properly handle your money when you are out of work can be the difference between surviving and thriving. Join Agile Unemployment podcast host Sabina Sulat as she and special gues…
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Are you struck by unwanted and unpleasant thoughts at inconvenient times? Is worry your constant companion? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop all the time? You could be experiencing Catastrophic Thinking. Intrusive thoughts about bad things are normal but when you are job insecure or out of work, these thoughts can take your time, energy, and …
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For the English transcription: click here. "Wij volwassenen.. onze cv ziet er nu strategisch uit. Moest ik hier vandaag zeggen van ‘ik heb dit en dit gedaan’, dan lijkt het alsof dat allemaal wel doordachte en strategische beslissingen waren. Maar voor ons was dat ook maar een knutsel- en puzzelwerk. Je gaat er natuurlijk achteraf wel een lijn in z…
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Meditation... at work!? A practice that might previously be considered "woo-woo" is gaining steam. Nadene Cherry joins the show to share her experience with workplace meditation, and how it helped her not only live a healthier life, but helped grow her sales from $10M to $20M. Listen along as Nadene shares her story and even leads us in a guided me…
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One of the hardest things to accept in unemployment is how vastly different your life has become. We take that resistance to every aspect of our lives as we recover from job loss and being to build the next chapter of our professional lives. But that reconstruction seems to take forever. The sooner we come to terms with the things that we cannot ch…
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Do you suffer from the Scary Sundays? That churn in your stomach when you think about going back to work. Do you feel taken advantage of at work? Isolated. Do you feel that you have to play along with everyone else just to be accepted? Worse, if you have lost your job, do you feel at a complete loss and not even sure who you are anymore? You might …
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This one seemingly little thing could be the one thing that is sabotaging your job search: Alignment. Our reliance on technology can be the best thing about your job search, but only if all elements of your search-- your online profile, your resume, your cover letter, and even your interview questions are aligned with the job description and the jo…
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[click here for the transcript in english] " Een heel groot probleem voor vrouwelijke componisten is: heel veel partituren liggen klaar, maar het is zo duur om daar partijen van te maken dat veel orkesten zeggen van ja, laat maar.” [alg. intro] >>> Je luistert naar Let’s Talk, een podcast waarin de gespreksstof bestaat uit impactvolle initiatieven,…
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Grief is part of the baggage we take wherever we go. It is who we are but it can also prevent us from becoming who we should be. In this episode, podcast host, Sabina Sulat examines the phases of grief in a job loss and how "leaning in" to your grief could be the very thing that propels you to the job you want and the future you deserve.…
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Being out of work is overwhelming for anyone but especially so if you are an immigrant. The usual challenges of unemployment are made harder through the additional obstacles of language barriers, cultural differences, and most significantly, lack of social support. In a very special episode of the Agile Unemployment podcast join host Sabina Sulat a…
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Episode 4: Yara Al-Adib on learning to say no, the quest for balance and contribution to safe spaces [klik hier voor de Nederlandse transcriptie van dit gesprek] “And she was always telling me: “I am giving you what my father didn’t give me, I am treating you like your brothers.” Which is true by the way – she did treat me like my brothers, but the…
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