Membahas apa aja tentang tingkah milenial
continue reading membahas permasalahan sosial dan hal-hal lainnya dari sudut pandang generasi millenial dengan bahasan yang berada di sekitar masyarakat Indonesia. @dino_s26 selaku host membahas permasalahan yang berada di masyarakat karena perduli dengan hal tersebut dan ingin berbagi dari sudut pandang sebagai salah satu generasi Millenials. Follow IG : / @dino_s26 Email : Cover art designed by @robertugs
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trabajo practico de civica alumnos: manuel rio lucas mechetti thiago habib juan humphreys
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Pembicaraan tentang segala hal yang menggelisahkan millenial. Entah soal filsafat, sosial, ekonomi, bahkan sampai persoalan romansa. Mencoba banyak mengajukan pertanyaan, sehingga setiap pendengar banyak mengaktifkan pikiran.
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Ruang ngobrol anak-anak millenial seputar negara tercinta
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Podcast do TaDa Fc
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Di angkat dari kisah nyata narasumber yg disajikan dalam bentuk Obrolan yang mengangkat topik Dunia Perkuliahan, lika-liku bisnis, Pengembangan karir, dan Hobby. #obrolanmillenial
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Obrolan santai yang membahas isu-isu millenial kekinian. Dibahas secara random oleh @felicia @anne @williamcahyawan
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Welcome to Understanding Millenials.
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Podcast yang akan membahas tentang keuangan dengan sudut pandang millenial. Akan ada sharing experience dan juga tips bagaimana bijak dalam hal keuangan untuk millenial. So, stay tuned guys!
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Selamat datang di akun Podcast saya. Berkomentar, dan sharing tentang hal hal yang sedang happening di bumi kita tercinta (tentunya sebagai seorang millenial). Free arguing, just visit our IG : 😘
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Escúchanos todos los domingos a las 2 de la tarde a través de Promoestereo ¡Sigue nuestras redes Desconexión Millenial y Alex El panda 🎙️! Desconexión Millenial ¡Tu conexión radiofónica al entretenimiento!
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Adulting is hard AF! But it's time we figure it out
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Faith and nation for the elect
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Just rambles.
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Inspírate escuchando las historias y retos que vivimos los millenials para emprender y lograr un estilo de vida descentralizado para alcanzar nuestros sueños.
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Who is this podcast for? Great question, if you are a 9-5 employee and sick and tired of earning a paycheck and not enough money to save. You will learn how to create wealth outside of your 9-5 gig. This podcast will take you on a journey from novice to expert wealth builder and you can make a decision whether to leave or stay at your 9-5 job once you achieve your financial independence or financial freedom. Show host Amir Estimo will not gate keep any information by sharing and teaching on ...
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Podcast santai yang akan banyak ngobrolin tentang keluarga, parenting, dan kegiatan ngurus bocil di rumah, yang mungkin bisa jadi tambahan wawasan untuk kita semua.
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Menjadi seorang ibu millenial tentunya dituntut untuk selalu up to date dengan banyak hal! Disini, aku Kyla, bakal sharing pengalamanku sebagai ibu baru dan bakal review produk-produk bayi! Because sharing is caring! Let’s spread love to all mothers out there 💛
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Just sharing my views. Not your typical millennial.
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Welcome to the Diverse Millenial Podcast. Bringing real help to improve your mental, physical, and spiritual self. Instagram: @diversemillenialpodcast
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Millenial Maven is designed to pass knowledge, wisdom, and savy along to the new age business people. I AM NO EXPERT. Simply a young man that studies that experts and passes on value
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Everything from Hot Topics , Debates and Trending News all from the minds of the MILLENNIALS
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Welcome to The View of a Millenial, where I share about the views, opinions and problems a millenial has in his life. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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Ende der 80er werden sie in verschiedenen Welten geboren: Katja in Leipzig, Marvin in Berlin Neukölln. Heute sind sie Selfmade-Millenials, Medienleute, Freunde und merken: Als Erwachsene fühlt sich alles anders an. Ob Party, Liebe, Eltern...irgendwie ist jetzt alles FAST WIE NEU...
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Join Meet Kevin, Andrei Jikh, Graham Stephan, and Jeremy (Financial Education) every week for market news and investing discussion!
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Entonces, ser Millenial…¿Está chingón? O ¿De la chingada? ¿te consideras uno exitoso? Y en todo caso, ¿cuál es el concepto de éxito para ti como Millenial? Estas y otras preguntas son las que intentaremos responder a lo largo de la 1er temporada de Millenial y Exitoso, donde cada semana, tendremos un invitado que nos contará qué se siente ser millenial y su historia de éxito, además de compartirnos sus claves para haberlo encontrado a tan corta edad y que seguro te ayudarán a complementar tu ...
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Two millennials exploring ideas, beliefs, and paradigms of thought through casual conversation.
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In Produttività Post-Millenial, Sam e Rob vi racconteranno, con molto entusiasmo ed un po’ di irriverenza, la loro visione sul mondo del business, della psicologia, delle interazioni sociali e molto altro. I due nativi digitali vi aiuteranno a capire come essere produttivi in quest’epoca di distrazioni continue, attraverso le loro esperienze personali ed attraverso interviste a giovani imprenditori. Produttività Post-Millenial è il podcast di tutti, per tutti. Scopri i nostri episodi. Se hai ...
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The world as our parents knew it is no longer here. New generation, new rules, new struggles. This podcast addresses topics relevant to today's struggles. Adulting, college, surviving your 20's, dating, religion, inspiration, motivation and more! This is just A Millenial's Perspective on life.
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Marcus Peña Presents: The Social Millenial Podcast @socialmillenialpod A podcast of hot takes, cold takes, pop-culture commentary, peculiar stories, and life lessons.
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Experience, encouragement and growth to listeners searching for insight into achieving a 6 figure income for themselves. Topics: wealth, career, education, negotiation, investment, self improvement and growth.
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Ramblings from a millenial's countertop about music she wasn't even alive to hear on the radio.
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Thought provoking conversations that we should have everyday but don't
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The Millenial Moment (one 'n' .. we know) is about breaking down the Trends & Topics in our Global Society that youth and the young-at-heart want to talk about, including Social Media, TV, Politics, News, Activism, Life, Culture and Positive Inspiration from a Jamaican perspective.
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Christianity gives a person a unique perspective on life. Join Sean Parker and Chris Moore every Sunday as they dig into how science, history, and pop-culture relate to the Bible. Each episode will cover topics such as understanding scripture, Biblical history, Christian living, and current events. This is apologetics for the everyday person. Whether you are a believer, or just want to know what Christianity is all about, this show is for you!
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Two Whites And A Blue is a podcast for millennials. Joey, Mike and Will cover financial and lifestyle choices that millennials and young adults are tackling for the first time. Listen and watch as the boys cover relationships, spending habits, investing, and current events that you actually care about. Tune in, share, and subscribe!
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126: Navigating Today's Expensive Auto Market: What's Your Best Vehicle Option?
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24:44Send us a text Car buying has become increasingly complicated and shockingly expensive. With electric vehicles commanding $60,000+ price tags and potential tariffs threatening to push costs even higher, how does the average millennial make a smart decision in today's auto market? Drawing from personal experience transitioning from gas vehicles to a…
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125: Your Current Job Is Just a Stepping Stone, Not Your Final Destination
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18:53Send us a text We explore the crucial balance between appreciating your current position and strategically planning for future career growth in today's uncertain economic environment. The podcast offers practical guidance for building financial resilience amid rising costs and limited job security. • Cultivating gratitude for current employment whi…
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124: The Land Investing Secret: What the Wealthy Don't Want You to Know!
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27:18Send us a text In our latest episode, we're peeling back the curtain on land investment and what it means for building wealth. Why do billionaires like Bill Gates and Ted Turner see value in land? Join us as we explore the evolving land market, the challenges investors face today, and the unique advantages land ownership provides. With stories of s…
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123: Land Investing: Navigating Land Deals, Lead Generation, and Legalities $2,500 Second Land Deal
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24:22Send us a text This episode reveals the intricate lessons learned from my recent land deal in Iredell County, North Carolina, illustrating the importance of negotiation, patience, and thorough due diligence. Listeners gain insights into lead generation strategies, the complexities of double closings, and the critical nature of understanding all ass…
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122: Unlocking Success with Real Estate Investing and Integrity $10,000 First Land Deal
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27:37Send us a text Today, we explore the rewarding yet challenging world of land investment through the story of my first property purchase, revealing invaluable lessons learned along the way. From understanding the emotional aspects of real estate to assessing true profitability, the journey outlines critical tips for prospective land investors. • Buy…
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121: Turning Side Hustles into Profitable Ventures: Affiliate vs. Network Marketing
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27:30Send us a text Can you really turn your side hustle into a profitable venture, or is it all just a pipe dream? This episode uncovers the truths behind affiliate and network marketing, two popular yet often misunderstood income streams. By sharing my personal experiences, I promise you'll gain valuable insights into which might be the better fit for…
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Send us a text What if the key to your life's purpose has been hiding in plain sight as your unique talents? Join us as we share an inspiring journey that began with a poignant moment involving my daughter as she stands at the crossroads of adulthood. Drawing on the timeless parable of the talents, we reflect on how each of us is endowed with gifts…
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Send us a text This episode emphasizes the importance of consistency in achieving personal and professional goals, underscoring how showing up regularly can lead to success. Amir shares lessons learned from his own podcasting journey and reinforces that persistence can bring breakthroughs. • Emphasizing gratitude for listeners and their commitment …
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Ep 118: Securing Your Legacy: Lessons from Celebrities Without Wills or Trusts
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27:51Send us a text What happens when iconic figures leave behind a legacy but no plan for their assets? Tune into this episode of the Think Generation of Wealth podcast as I unravel the cautionary tales of celebrities like Prince, Aretha Franklin, and Jimi Hendrix, who departed without wills or trusts, leaving behind chaos. I weave through these storie…
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Ep 117: Rethinking Inheritance: Financial Independence, Family Dynamics, and Societal Impact
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23:42Send us a text Could leaving your children without an inheritance be the best gift you can give them? Jackie Chan's controversial decision not to pass his wealth to his children serves as a springboard for our discussion on whether parents should prioritize financial independence over inheritance. With only 26% of Americans planning to leave an inh…
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Send us a text What if the greatest gift you could give your children isn't money, but independence? Inspired by Jackie Chan's audacious decision to donate his $400 million fortune to charity instead of passing it down to his children, this episode of the Think Generation of Wealth Podcast invites you to ponder the true legacy of wealth. Join me, A…
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2W1B 092 - Finishing School, Wife vs Work, Political Garbage
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1:05:22We back. Your once every so often dose of the boys (two of them anyway) for Jan 11 2025.
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Ep 115: The Reality of Media Ethics and Empowerment for Young Women
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34:38Send us a text What happens when allegations of sexual harassment surface in the media industry, implicating high-profile figures like Skip Bayless and Joy Taylor? Tune in as I return to the Thin Generation of Wealth Podcast after a year-long break to address these critical issues. Our latest episode takes a hard look at the lawsuit filed by former…
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2W1B 091 - Adversarial Jobs, Having a Kid, Catholic School Kids vs Public School Kids
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1:16:19We're back. Like and Subscribe.
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YERRR! Welcome Back! EP 78 Oh That's What We Doin? We're talkin: Joe Biden executive order Joe Biden immigration amnesty Congestion pricing postponed indefinitely MERCH! PATREON! HOMEPAGE! SOCIALS! Links: NYC congestion pricing Biden amnesty…
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Yerrrr! Welcome back to Ep 77 Can't Have Nothin Nice We're talkin: 'The Portals' shut down cause of people being people NYC Mayor Eric Adams gives us a racial twoffer Plea deals coming for NYCHA bust MERCH! SOCIALS! HOMEPAGE! Links: The Portals Eric Adams https:…
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YERRRR! Welcome back to EP 75 We're talkin: NYC Gov Kathy Hochul showing what she really thinks of POC George Lucas may be coming to Star Wars BONUS EPISODE! MERCH! HOMEPAGE! SOCIALS! Links: Kathy Hochul gaff George Lucas may return https://insidethema…
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Yerr! Welcome Back! Ep 73 Reading Between The Lines We're talkin Ronda Rousey being trash again Karens Karening BONUS EPISODE! MERCH! HOMEPAGE! SOCIALS! Links Ronda Rousey being trash Karens karening…
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Yerrr! Welcome back! EP 71 Disney+ = Tubi We're talkin: We're talkin to animals now Eric Adams corruption, maybe? Streaming is becoming cable BONUS EPISODE! HOMEPAGE! MERCH! SOCIALS! Links We're talkin to animals Eric Adam…
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YERRRRR! Welcome back! Ep 69 The Plants Are Feeling Things We're talkin: Plants actually cry out in pain? Math homework may be hurting Disney starts righting the ship BONUS EPISODE! HOMEPAGE! MERCH! SOCIALS! Links: Plants can feel pain? Math homework study https://www.scie…
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YERRR! Welcome back! EP 67 Walk Out Amazon We're talkin: Amazon "Just Walk Out" Tech was trash MTA holds whole subway lines for ransom BONUS EPISODE! HOMEPAGE! MERCH! SOCIALS! Links: Amazon "Just Walk Out" MTA…
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YERRR! Welcome Back! EP 65 Mexico Blackmails America We're talkin: Diddy sells off his stake in Revolt TV NYC: Affordable housing? Mexico Blackmails America BONUS EPISODE! HOMEPAGE! MERCH! SOCIALS! Links: Diddy Affordable housing, for who? https://gotha…
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Yerrr! Welcome back! Ep 63 Cheetah Like Speed We're Talkin: Why Cheetahs are so fast MTA neglect Biden being Biden BONUS EPISODE! HOMEPAGE! MERCH! Links:…
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Yerrr! Welcome Back! EP 61 Jake Tyson We're talkin: Avatar: The Last Air Bender State of The Union 2024 Resurrecting The Wooly Mammoth Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson BONUS EPISODE! HOMEPAGE! MERCH! Links: Video fact check of State of The Union 2024 Wooly Mammoth…
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Welcome back! EP 59 Sheesh! We're talkin: MTA congestion pricing is here Another Eric Adams aide under investigation by the FBI BONUS EPISODE 60! HOMEPAGE! MERCH! Links:…
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Welcome Back! EP 57 Its All Connected We're talkin: NYC Comptroller audit finds money mismanagement by the Eric Adams administration Eric Adams want more funding for rise in subway crime PATREON! HOMEPAGE! MERCH! Links:…
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2W1B 090 - Resetting Your Mood, Love is Blind, Tinder Pics
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1:19:34Make sure to share Two Whites and a Blue with your pals, and your family - specifically your family - and colleagues. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
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WAIT TILL THE END! Welcome Back! EP 55 BIG TINGS Happy New Year! Checking in, catching up, and announcing a HUGE development! PATREON! MERCH! HOMEPAGE!저자 Marcus Peña
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2W1B 089 - Work Chatter, Putin and Tucker, Old School Teen Angst
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1:16:43Welcome back. Much to discuss this week - politics with Tucker and Vlad, old Emo tunes, Ernest movies and more. Subscribe, share, etc. See ya soon.
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Marvin war in Bangkok, Katja derweil auf Wasserrutschen in NRW: So kann das neue Jahr gerne öfter starten! Heute treffen sich beide vor Publikum in Berlin und glühen gemeinsam vor, denn ITS PARTYTIME! Wir gehen auf eine Ü30 Party und nehmen euch mit. Aber, wie sagt man heute als junger Mensch zum Partymachen? Das klären wir mit der GEN Z im Basecha…
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2W1B 088 - Mental Health, Airplane Doors, Bringing Your GF to Beer League Games
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1:04:28Welcome back. This week we wade - yet again - into dicey topics. Should you bring a girl to beer league games if you suck? Find out. Make sure you subscribe, share and all the other good stuff.This podcast is part of the CBP Media Network -
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2W1B 087 - Beer League, The Incredible Machine, Old Tech Was Better Tech
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1:08:49Welcome back friends.This week:- Beer League Sports- MSN Messenger vs Facebook - School PC Games- Whack Fast Food- Posing with Expensive Coffees- Hamilton Thinqusition- No One Care About Their Appearance- The "As Seen on TV Store" is InsaneAnd much more.Make sure you subscribe, share and all the other good stuff.This podcast is part of the CBP Medi…
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Ep 114: Trials and Triumphs in Strategic Real Estate Investment
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31:37Send us a text After a brief departure from the mic, I've returned to usher in an era of steadfast commitment, both personally and within our wealth-building community. This week on the Think Generation of Wealth Podcast, we're cracking open the playbook of persistence as I reveal the trials and triumphs of a land flip adventure in the rugged terra…
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2W1B 086 - Indexing, CPP Scam, Building a Business, Porn in Relationships and More
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1:13:07Welcome back friends.Enjoy this NYE rip of 2W1B.Make sure you subscribe, share and all the other good stuff.
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Sex für den Kapitän auf dem Traumschiff - 2024 beginnt mit einem Skandal! Außerdem fragen wir uns "was macht Kevins Mutter von Kevin allein zu Haus beruflich?" Und was as steht in unseren Glückskeksen? Darüber müssen Marvin und Katja reden! Wir wagen einen zaghaften Blick aufs neue Jahr und außerdem feiert das beliebte Spiel „Was schlägt Google vor…
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LIVE AND DIRECT from the CBBP HQ studio - the boys return after a LONG hiatus to discuss all the important things, including what's next for the show. Strap in, and we'll see you again soon.
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Wie lässt man am besten das aktuelle Jahr auslaufen? Mit einer Podcast-Folge! Marvin und Katja treffen sich an Heiligabend, um zusammen zu resümieren – Marvin hat einen alten Bekannten wiedergetroffen: Das Corona-Virus, Katja erzählt von ihren Ängsten, die sie auf dem Rückflug ihrer USA-Reise hatte und klären, was genau ein Ick ist – Achhtung, klei…
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Welcome back! EP 54! Last of 2023! We're talkin: Breaking Cosmology SAG-AFTRA COVID Lawsuit Biden on nonsense NYC Mayor Eric Adams on nonsense HOMEPAGE! MERCH SHOP! Red Vs. Blue State Debate Commentary Links: New Theory on our part of the universe…
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Welcome Back! Ep 53! We're talkin: Robin Williams Historical refirgerators More MTA Gaslighting HOMEPAGE! MERCH SHOP! Links: Robin Williams Mrs. Doubtfire Process Ice Factory in 400 B.C. …
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Welcome Back! Ep 52! We're Talkin: My full thoughts on 'The Marvels' HOMEPAGE ! MERCH SHOP! #podcast #marvel #socialmillenialpod #disney #disneyplus #back #themarvels #themarvelsreview #themarvels2023 #thoughts #full #talkshow #marcuspena저자 Marcus Peña
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Welcome back! EP 51! We're talkin: A new big bang theory NYC Mayor Eric Adams is starting to pull funding for public services The Disney Marvel Problem HOMEPAGE! MERCH SHOP! Links: A big bang theory for Dark Matter Eric Adams pulls school safety officers Corporate Disney is now course correcting after multiple Marvel flops #socialmillenialpod #marv…
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Welcome back! EP 50! We're talkin: Eric Adams under investigation New brain studies are in Marvel/Disney pivoting HOMEPAGE! MERCH SHOP! Links: Eric Adams campaign investigation In-Person vs. Zoom…
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Welcome Back! Ep 49! Hope you had a good week. We're talkin: Being more merciful and understanding The MTA is trash Global push for carbon neutrality is a failure? MERCH SHOP! HOMEPAGE Links: MTA is trash Going green failing https://www.washing…
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In this episode, I have an in-depth conversation with Elias about why there are gender wars! This is a conversation from a different perspective and very eye-opening.Check it out and please share your thoughts on it.With love,Wambui
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Welcome Back! Ep 48! We're talkin: NYC population propaganda New galactic discoveries Marvel retooling MERCH! HOMEPAGE Links: NYC Census New Milky Way Galaxy Discovery…
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Welcome back! EP 47! We're talkin: Gov Hochul still gaslighting Mayor Eric Adams announces "A.I. Action Plan University of Singapore pushes A.I. forward TAP HERE FOR MERCH! TAP HERE FOR HOMEPAGE! Links: NYC "A.I. Action Plan" Next step in A.I.…
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In today's episode, we dive into a sensitive and complex subject – purity culturein the African context. We'll discuss where it started, its advantagesand disadvantages, and conclude with some food for thought. Thank you for joining us today. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking conversations by @ _wambuinjuguna…
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Israel Palestine Seek What You Always Try To Find
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1:13:09Welcome to episode 46! We're talkin: Israel-Palestine Chris Cyborg at Bellator 300 Working through being an intensely feeling person Support The Show - Shop Merch! Links: Chris Cyborg @ Bellator 300 Israel-Hamas Conflict저자 Marcus Peña
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Welcome back! In EP 45 we're talkin: The ball seem to be rolling on my 'Ghost Voting Body' theory The James Webb telescope has returned some data that F's with everything My thoughts on 'The Marvels' MERCH BELOW! Links!…
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Ep 113: The Power of Land Ownership: A Key to Generational Wealth
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17:33Send us a text Have you ever considered the power of owning land? How can it be turned into a source of generational wealth? Join me, your host Amir Estimo, in this thought-provoking episode of the Think Generation of Wealth Podcast as we dive into this very question. We explore the reasons why investing in land is a pivotal step towards creating a…
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