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The David Mammano Show is where entrepreneurs, innovators, and game-changers share their secrets to success. Join David as he dives into insightful conversations with industry leaders, uncovering the strategies, mindsets, and stories that inspire action and growth. Whether you're building a business or leveling up your life, this show delivers the motivation and knowledge you need to thrive!
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Tro & Medier

Et annerledes mammaforum. Her deler vi tanker om familieliv, morsrollen, kjærestetid og mye mye mer. Vi byr på smil, latter, tårer og et brutalt ærlig perspektiv på livet som mamma. Du finner oss også på Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok og Facebook - som @mammashjerte. Nettsiden vår, er også verdt et besøk. Dette er en podcast i samarbeid med Tro & Medier.
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Mammas in Pajamas

Miriam Miller and Ayala Kohn

Thank you for checking out Mammas in Pajamas - a project of Aish Detroit. We are friends, colleagues and educators who are passionate about supporting one another to infuse Jewish values into our homes. We'll share relatable successes and failures, Torah wisdom, and practical tips for riding the highs and lows of parenting and coming out on top!
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Welcome to Mamma Social - The Podcast! with Kayleigh Laverick and Lauren Causer. A safe and fun place to have a whinge, a bit craic, and get into the nitty gritty of motherhood, womanhood, and general adult life. We’ll be dropping a new episode every Thursday and in the meantime, you can keep up with us on Instagram @mammasocialpod / @mammasocialco Remember to like, follow, and subscribe for updates and please leave a review to help others find us! Our podcast is filmed and produced by Flami ...
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Mamma Dilettante

Diletta Leotta - Dopcast

Il mondo della genitorialità non ha più segreti per Diletta Leotta: ha imparato tutto quello che c’è da sapere e ora non ha più nessun dubbio! Beh ma magari… Nella quarta stagione di “Mamma Dilettante”, il podcast dedicato alla genitorialità, Diletta approfondirà in compagnia di molti amici e tantissimi nuovi argomenti legati al meraviglioso universo che lega genitori e figli, per superare i dubbi che naturalmente si formano a proposito del “mestiere più difficile del mondo”. Niente paura, è ...
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Jeg brenner for at du skal ha det best mulig når du er gravid eller mamma til et lite nytt menneske! I denne podcasten deler jeg kunnskap og verktøy slik at du kan forstå og støtte deg selv i en krevende tid. Jeg er trebarnsmamma og psykologspesialist. På finner du Mammahjerte medlemsportal for deg som har det tøft i spedbarnstida og Min fødsel – et helhetlig fødselsforberedende kurs for deg som har fødselsangst. Jeg og de andre psykologene i tilbyr samtaler for ...
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In 'Made By Mammas: The Podcast', TV Presenter & Radio Broadcaster Zoe Hardman combined with Georgia Dayton bring their mummy blog to life as they discuss the brands they love, the products they swear by, and the experiences they've been through during the first years of motherhood. Each episode sees Zoe and Georgia chat to a famous face or an expert in their field on a host of topics ranging from pregnancy to sleep to activities to do with little ones, and so much more! Your go-to for non-j ...
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Birth Like a Mammal™ is a community created for both parents and doulas. Lindsay has over a decade of professional doula experience supporting families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Combined with her B.S. in Animal Science, Lindsay is an expert on mammalian birth. Most of what is taking place in hospital L&D units is not in alignment with mammalian biology, and the complications that arise during and from giving birth can be prevented or avoided altogether by simply giving birth l ...
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Jon Hall & Charles Foley

Charles Foley and Jon Hall talk to mammalwatchers, biologists, conservationists and those with a passion for observing and protecting the world's wild mammals. For more information visit Dr Charles Foley is a mammalwatcher and biologist who, together with his wife Lara, spent 30 years studying elephants in Tanzania. They now run the Tanzania Conservation Research Program at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. Jon Hall set up in 2005. Geneticall ...
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Et skråblikk på mammatilværelsen fra Caïssa og Benedicte

Mammafjas er en podcast hvor vi gir dere et skråblikk på våre roller som mammaer. Den usminkede versjonen skal frem!
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HelloMammas (ex Le Tourbillon) c'est le premier podcast qui part à la rencontre des femmes du monde pour parler sans filtres de la maternité. Quel regard elles portaient sur la maternité avant de devenir maman ? Comment ont-elles vécu leur grossesse ? Quelle épreuve ont-elles traversé ? Chaque mardi, des femmes de tous horizons vous racontent leurs histoires douces, fortes, puissantes, sans aucun tabou. Bienvenue dans HelloMammas, le podcast qui parle de la maternité, la vraie 💛 Rejoignez vi ...
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The official podcast of the AEMV - Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians. We are an association of veterinary professionals dedicated to advancing the care of ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, rats, mice, chinchillas, hedgehogs, and other exotic companion mammals. The goal of this podcast to be a source of exotic mammal continuing education for veterinary practitioners, including technologists and veterinary students. This will include everything from article summaries from the J ...
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Ba Mammad

Mohammad Ahmadi Akbari

Ba Mammad is a podcast hosted by Mohammad Ahmadi Akbari that explores a wide range of topics, including technology, movies, books, music, and interviews with interesting people. Whether you're looking to learn something new, be entertained, or get inspired, Ba Mammad has something for everyone. New episodes are released regularly, so be sure to subscribe and never miss an episode!
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MaJhane aka MamMaJ

MamMaJ(ism) is a podcast meant to challenge you. Every podcast starts w/ a guided meditation to help get you in the right mindset so you can properly receive the information. Each episode will tackle a topic that hits close to home for me. I’m not licensed, I’m no expert but I do love to talk and learn. Because of this, I wanted to bring my experiences to you all and share the lessons I’ve learned. The (ism) is a movement of love and open conversations so let’s get into it, I love you!
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Marine Mammal Rescue Stories

Marine Mammal Rescue Centre

We rescue marine animals in distress, rehabilitate and release them - and we like to talk about it! Join us as we talk about saving lives for a living, recount some of our most exciting animal rescues and answer your most burning questions about seals and sea lions, fur seals, sea otters, whales, dolphins and porpoises.
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Irene er styrer i Solbakkeparken barnehage i Halden og Linnca er styrer i Hjørgunn barnehage i Fredrikstad. Begge barnehagene er tilknyttet Barnehagenett. Begge har jobbet med barn i mange år, og er i tillegg forholdsvis ferske foreldre selv. I denne podcasten har de lyst til å dele ting vedrørende graviditet, fødsler og livet med barn, også de tingene som sjeldent snakkes om.
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Pusterom for mamma

Kathrine Vigdel

Pusterom for mamma er en podcast for alle mammaer som trenger en liten pause i hverdagen. Her får du en liten refleksjon, litt oppmuntring og tid til å senke skuldrene. Kathrine Vigdel er småbarnsmamma og forfatter som elsker å leve sakte.
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This podcast is for all the mommas out there who want more than just motherhood. In this podcast I’m going to help you learn how to slow down so you can manifest everything you have ever wanted into your life! I will take you along on my journey of how I am changing my life one day at a time, through the use of meditation, gratitude, visualization and reprogramming my mindset. And I'm going to help you do the same!
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Med barn i huset, er gode, lange samtaler en sjeldenhet. De dype tankene, latterkrampene med andre voksne, diskusjonene om oppdragelse, parforhold, og livet generelt hører med til unntakene. Har du savnet å lytte til en podcast som tar opp refleksjoner og dagligdagse gleder og utfordringer for oss med skolebarn? Trenger du et pusterom mellom lekser, aktiviteter og gjøremål? Trine og Marte diskuterer og forsøker å løse små og store verdensproblemer, alene eller med gjester. Bli med i samtalen ...
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Marine Mammal Science

The Society for Marine Mammalogy

Marine Mammal Science is a podcast covering some of the latest scientific research on marine mammals – whales and dolphins, polar bears, seals and sea lions, manatees and dugongs, and sea otters. The podcast is produced by Absolutely Smashing Events and Consulting on behalf of the Society for Marine Mammalogy and the journal Marine Mammal Science. The host, editor and producer is Dr. Ashley Scarlett, familiarly known as Dr Scarlett Smash.
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Manna Mammas

Brina Nevo

We at Manna Mammas want to improve your life inside and out. Help provide answers, encouragement, and friendship with the heart of godly love and healing as our core perspective. It's our objective to help you as we help ourselves and grow together. Women and men are welcome. Any unfriendly kid episodes we will try and label. Support this podcast:
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La radio raccoglie le esperienze delle neomamme alle prese col meraviglioso mondo dei neonati! L'immagine è tratta da e reperibile al seguente link:
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PA' MAMMA es una idea original de Paola Vargas, Psicóloga y Asesora de Lactancia, bajo la producción de Psicomedia. Este proyecto nace de la necesidad de facilitar conocimientos e información sobre temas de Psicología, maternidad, educación familiar y arte. Cada semana estaremos transmitiendo diferentes contenidos que esperamos sean de tu agrado. Gracias por llegar hasta aquí. Abrazos. Support this podcast:
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Me ramblin. This is a podcast about me and my life and my children and my husband. Just what I go through day-to-day basically at audio diary. I have no a hundred percent if interest in people listening to this but I'd like to just put that out there as a way to vent as a way to express myself.You will also hear me and my babies pillow talking before bed. That's when Charlotte has her bright I think it be fun to listen to this mess in the future.
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Hi everyone! I’m a 27 year old mum to six children under the age of six Ill be doing weekly podcasts of my blogs and weekly fresh new podcasts with all new,real content you won't get on my other social media pages! My child is "that" child in class. And I guess I'm "that" mum. What an awesome time Im having; please join me, listen in. Pour yourself a glass of wine and lets Cheers to motherhood. The good, The bad; and the crazy. Ill keep it as real as I can if your promise not to judge me; to ...
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Mamma Jobber

Monster podkast

Hvorfor gråt Kristin Skogen Lund på do i småbarnsperioden? Hvordan håndterer en Benedicte som er lege morgenstress? Og hva med de mammaene som er alene med barna? Hør mer i denne intervjupodkast der Mira møter inspirerende damer med barn og jobb for å snakke om hvordan de får livet til å gå opp på et vis. Følg med på instagram @mammajobberpodkast for inspirasjon og behind the scenes. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The Soul Mammas Podcast

Nicole De Leon: Podcast Host and Fired up Soul Mamma

In a world where so many women have shed past notions of what being a mom looks like, who can listeners turn to for real talk on soulful motherhood? Through this weekly podcast, host, Nicole De Leon, a long-time surfer, teacher, yoga instructor, adventurer and now new mother, seeks to candidly talk about the realities of modern motherhood, especially as it affects the pursuit of one’s own interests while remaining a soulful parent. In this podcast, guest moms will share inspiring stories of ...
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Pow[HER] Mamma

Emilie Daudin & Emilie Leguiniec

Quelle maman ne s’est jamais sentie bouleversée par l’arrivée de son nouveau né, désemparée face à son ado, incapable de gérer les crises du terrible two tout en étant éperdument amoureuse de son enfant? QUi n’a pas entendu des réflexions comme Ha tu n’allaites pas? Quoi tu allaites depuis 1 an, c’est bizarre? Tu fais du cododo? ah tu fais garder ton enfant si jeune? Pourquoi tu prends un congé parental le boulot ne te manque pas? tu n’as pas arrêté de travailler avec ton nouveau né, mais tu ...
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This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long description. This show has a very long de ...
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show series
La cantante Bianca Atzei e la “Iena” Stefano Corti sono i protagonisti del nuovo episodio di Mamma Dilettante. Una puntata di grandi risate grazie agli aneddoti sopra le righe di Stefano, temperati dalla dolcezza di Bianca: da quella volta che Stefano, insieme al figlio maggiore, ha nuotato nel Nilo con i coccodrilli, fino al piccolo Noa in braccio…
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Motherhood changes everything - your body, your identity, and, let’s be honest, your pelvic floor. In this episode, we’re joined by Natasha McMahon, a pelvic health physiotherapist, to talk all things women’s health. From stress incontinence (yes, sneezing shouldn’t make you pee) to perimenopause, Natasha breaks down the real issues affecting women…
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Det er mye uro, krig og endringer rundt oss for tida som det er helt naturlig å bli preget av. Som gravid og spedbarnsmamma kan du dessuten være ekstra mottakelig for risikotenkning og beredskapsfølelse fordi hormoner, beskytterinstinkt og hudløsheten som føler med lite søvn gjør noe med stresstoleransen og behovet ditt for trygghet. Jeg og psykolo…
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This week, it's just Zoe and Georgia, for a little catch up. We're chatting handling creepy DMs, Georgia's time away without Axel, Zo's struggles with the guilt of being away from the kids & Gigi's questionable new favourite shop. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Acast, and please do rate and review to h…
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There's moments in every parents life when kids ask those BIG questions, that sometimes you're not quite sure how to answer. On today's episode we try to tackle them, from grief and death questions to puberty and religion. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and please do rate and review to help others find…
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Pour devenir mère, Pauline a du passer par la case FIV car les résultats du spermogramme de son mari étaient vraiment mauvais. Sans stress, Pauline était surtout très impatiente de rencontrer son futur bébé. Après avoir fait toutes les analyses et les premiers transferts ratés, Pauline tombe enceinte et démarre sa grossesse. Mais lors de l’échograp…
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We cannot wait to share this super empowering and powerful conversation with the brilliant Sarah Jayne Dunn. Sarah, G & Zo chat about raising boys and the importance of doing things they want to do without enforcing certain gender stereotypes, her experience leaving Hollyoaks, standing in her power and finding OnlyFans, and how pole and pole fitnes…
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Hvordan er det å være kunstner, musiker, kone og 5-barnsmor? I denne episoden har Cathrine besøk av Ingrid Helene Kopperstad Raunehaug som kan gi deg svaret på alt dette - og litt til. Mammashjerte anbefaler varmt å leite fram "Ingrid Helene" på Spotify. Her er link til den rykende ferske låta hennes, som også blir presentert i episoden: Medvind…
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It's been a while since you Asked us Anything and we just love the variety in questions you send in! So this week... When to start botox, how to know when it's right to call time on your relationship, dealing with online comparison, our life goals and what parenting decision would we change? Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple P…
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In questa puntata di Mamma Dilettante, l’ospite è “la Beyoncé dei bambini” italiani: la cantante più famosa del mondo kids, Carolina Benvenga, idolo di tutti i bimbi grazie ai suoi video di “baby dance” pubblicati su YouTube che vantano oltre 1,5 miliardi di visualizzazioni. Carolina racconta a Diletta il suo lato umano e più sincero: i momenti di …
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Becoming a mum changed everything for us - including our careers. In this episode, we're having a chat about what happens when your old job no longer fits your new life. Whether it’s stepping away from a career you once loved, navigating self-employment, or figuring out what you actually want, we’re sharing the highs, the lows, and the surprising o…
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Céline Bailleux a toujours voulu avoir des enfants, toute petite elle calculait même le nombre d’enfants qu’elle aurait et choisissait leurs prénoms. Vers trente ans, son désir de maternité est accompli avec l’arrivée de sa fille puis rapidement de son fils, car elle voulait aussi une fratrie aux âges rapprochés. Ce que Céline n’avait pas prévu en …
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This week we discuss something that hit quite deep and gave us a bit of a fresh perspective on a topic we've all experienced in one way or another. Annalie Howling is a trauma and performance coach and now author of 'Unapologetic: Unshackle Your Shame, Reclaim Your Power' and she join us for a conversation on that very topic - shame. Listen by clic…
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Charles and Jon talk to legendary mammal guide Sid Francis from his home in Sichuan. Sid runs through a career as geographically diverse as it is professionally. After studying agriculture in the UK he worked as - among other things - a shepherd in the Falkland Islands shepherd and a school teacher in Denmark before moving to China and becoming a w…
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It's been sunny outside for more than two consecutive days and we're itching for those sunnies and warmer climes. Zo & G answer your Spring summer questions: where to find the best sunnies, what to wear for an abroad hen do, and pants - where to look for the best under legging undies. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts…
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Motherhood, marriage, and intimacy - why does no one prepare us for this part? In this episode, we are with Ellie from Coupled, a relationship coach who’s helping couples navigate the messy realities of life after babies. From the mental load to sleep deprivation, sex, and resentment, we’re tackling the conversations most people shy away from. Elli…
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C’è una coppia ospite di questa puntata, ed è una coppia di travel blogger con una storia fortissima. Parliamo di Giulia Lamarca e Andrea Decarlini: si sono conosciuti e innamorati tra le corsie dell’ospedale dove Giulia era ricoverata dopo il brutto incidente che le ha tolto la possibilità di camminare. Là è iniziata la loro storia d’amore che va …
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Som barselkvinne med en traumatisk fødsel i bagasjen, så er det ikke nødvendigvis lett å forstå reaksjonene fødselsopplevelsen gir og hvordan det du har opplevd kommer til uttrykk i tankene, følelsene og kroppen din. I denne episoden tar jeg deg med gjennom ulike fødselsrelaterte traumesymptomer for at du kan forstå og håndtere det du kjenner på sl…
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We last spoke to this amazing guest when she was pregnant. Now, a few years down the line, we hear how it's going. Zo & G speak to the incredible Louisa Lytton about parenting in the moment, the difficulties of pregnancy as a freelancer, and so much more. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Acast, and pleas…
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Kan dyr brukes i skole, barnehage eller i hjemmet for å få til trygghet, mestring lek og læring? Og hvis svaret på dette er "ja", hvordan kan det se ut i praksis? Bli med Cathrine på denne spennende praten med 4-barnsmamma, spesialpedagog, barnevernspedagog og Mammashjerte sin ekspert på Dyreassisterte intervensjoner (DAI), Herdis Assev. Her finner…
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We all have them - it's time for your most shocking, unbelievable and funniest school group chat stories! Zoe & G were shocked - you really pulled out the stops! Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Acast, and please do rate and review to help others find the podcast. Find a new episode every Tuesday & Frida…
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Puntata speciale di Mamma Dilettante: accanto a Diletta, a dialogare con la coppia Giorgia Palmas-Filippo Magnini, c’è Alessio Cimmino, Responsabile Comunicazione di Meta. Alla presenza dell’esperto, la puntata indaga su tante questioni centrali della genitorialità di oggi: quelle relative all’educazione digitale e al benessere dei figli, tra socia…
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Motherhood, identity shifts, and all the messy bits in between - this episode is one you won’t want to miss. We get real about what happens when you’re no longer expecting, and life starts throwing stuff at you that you just didn’t see coming. From postpartum rage and relationship dynamics to the unexpected emotions of watching your kids grow more …
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Marie-Charlotte vit en Italie avec le papa de ses deux enfants, elle est kiné et s’est spécialisée en rééducation du périnée après avoir suivi les cours de Bernadette de Gasquet. C’est donc en toute logique que son projet de naissance était basé sur un accouchement physiologique dans la mesure du possible évidemment. Elle accouche de son premier en…
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This is a conversation that had a huge impact on both of us, but especially Zo. We are joined by the incredible Harriet Shearsmith for a conversation on breaking parenting cycles - something that we all go through but don't speak about. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Acast, and please do rate and revie…
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Parenting is hard. It's just so hard. This week, Zo & G go through what they're struggling with most at the moment, answer your questions, and also just sit in this space. We've got you. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Acast, and please do rate and review to help others find the podcast. Find a new epis…
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La nuova ospite di Mamma Dilettante è Alena Seredova, mamma dei suoi tre splendidi figli Lollo, Dado e Vivi. Definita scherzosamente dagli amici “furia ceca” per il suo carattere fumantino, Alena racconta con massima sincerità i dettagli della sua esperienza materna: dall’arrivo della piccola Vivienne, che l’ha costretta a mettersi faccia a faccia …
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Motherhood, womanhood, and the madness of adulthood—this episode has it all. We’re talking about the rise of the “Trad Wife” trend, the reality of balancing ambition with family life, and whether staying at home is really a dream or just a cleverly rebranded role with outdated expectations. We also chat about financial independence, societal pressu…
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In this episode of the Birth Like a Mammal™ podcast, host Lindsay Askins interviews Aly McClain, a Mother of four and an RN from Nebraska who transitioned from hospital births to home births. Aly shares her contrasting experiences of a Cesarean in a hospital followed by three peaceful home births, emphasizing the transformation and healing she foun…
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Manon Lisa n’a pas eu de désir de maternité avant l’âge de trente ans et ce qu’elle souhaitait vivre surtout c’était l’expérience de la grossesse. Alors quand elle se lance dans l’aventure et qu’il ne se passe rien pendant des mois, la tristesse et l’incompréhension s’installent. Pourquoi ne tombe t-elle pas enceinte alors que tous les voyants sont…
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We are unbelievably excited to welcome Gabby Logan to the podcast! Together, with Zo & G, they discuss Gabby's journey to pregnancy (including unexplained infertility), raising twins who are now teenagers, and fascinating research from Vitality about women re-joining sports and exercise. You can read the research here. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, su…
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OBS! Denne episoden skjer utelukkende på engelsk, og tar opp et viktig tema: Sex trafficking. Cathrine har besøk i studio av visepresident i organisasjonen "Exodus cry", Helen Taylor. Exodus Cry er en amerikansk, kristen, ideell organisasjon som jobber for avskaffelse av den lovlige kommersielle sexindustrien. Les mer om organisasjonens arbeid her.…
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Let's talk about spring fashion! One of Zo & G's favourite episode drops as they answer all your questions, whether that's long coats, in style sandals, "dressing like a Mum", and so much more. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Acast, and please do rate and review to help others find the podcast. Find a n…
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A Mamma Dilettante arriva la coppia che non ti aspetti: Fabio Caressa con la primogenita Matilde. Tra punzecchiature sorridenti e ricordi esilaranti, Fabio e Matilde ci regalano un ritratto della famiglia Caressa-Parodi più unita che mai. C'è voluto lavoro per trovare questo equilibrio, ed anche il supporto di un percorso psicologico. La loro è una…
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In this episode, we dive into all things motherhood, relationships, and the realities of adulting - no filters, no fluff. From juggling busy schedules to navigating the pressures of Valentine's Day, we keep it real in this conversation. We also tackle the often-unspoken realities of sex and intimacy after kids, sharing our own experiences and liste…
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Jeg er ikke gravid, ammer ikke, sover høvelig sammenhengende og kan gå på do i fred. Jeg er ute av den intense småbarnsperioden og kan se tilbake på mammareisen min som har vart i snart 12 år nå. På selveste morsdagen fikk jeg derfor lyst til å dele noen ord med deg som er midt i det intense akkurat nå. En spontan og annerledes episode som jeg håpe…
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