Seit über 18 Jahren sucht Julia Leischik weltweit nach verschwundenen Menschen. Zusammen mit ihrer Kollegin Sylvia Lutz erzählt sie nun in „Julia Leischik: Spurlos“ besondere, emotionale und rätselhafte Vermisstengeschichten. Die Betroffenen schildern dabei selbst spannende Details und emotionale Hintergründe. Julia Leischik ist nahe dran an jedem einzelnen Fall. Manche Verschwundenen konnten von ihr und ihrem Team bereits gefunden werden, bei anderen werden die Zuhörer um Mithilfe gebeten. ...
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Welcome to The Earn Your Leisure Podcast. Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings will be your host. Earn Your Leisure will be giving you behind the scenes financial views into the entertainment and sports industries as well as highlighting back stories of entrepreneurs. We will also be breaking down business models and examining the latest trends in finance. Earn Your Leisure is a college business class mixed with pop culture. We blend the two together for a unique and exciting look into the world o ...
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Mindgame Fußball Podcast - Mentaltraining für Fußballer - Deine Beste Leistung auf dem Fußballplatz
Christoph Kleinert - Football Leverage
Der Mindgame Fussball Podcast ist der Podcast für alle Fußballer, die ihre beste Leistung auf den Platz bringen wollen. Denn: Mentalität entscheidet Spiele. Bist Du bereit Mental auf das nächste Level zu kommen und so wirklich kontinuierlich, alles was in Dir steckt auf den Fußballplatz zu bringen? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig!
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Get ready to dive into PANTS, with Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey. They met over twenty years ago playing best friends on the iconic, groundbreaking show THE L WORD. Each week, these two real-life BFFs catch up with each other on the big and small things going on in their lives, complete with hilarious oversharing, unqualified advice, and heated debates. PANTS is about friendship, queer life, chosen family and all things DIY. Listen to PANTS and eavesdrop on a friendship that’s as dynamic an ...
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Die wöchentliche Podcast-Show, um wissenschaftlich Deine Gesundheit zu optimieren und Deine athletische Performance zu verbessern. Lerne wie Du wissenschaftliche Strategie richtig anwendest und dein Training, deine Erholung und deine täglichen Routinen auf das nächste Level heben kannst, by Dr. med. Golo Röhrken.
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Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft - Der soziologische Podcast von Berthold Vogel und Julia Kropf
Berthold Vogel, Julia Kropf
Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Wir, das sind: Berthold Vogel, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Göttingen (SOFI) sowie Sprecher des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ) am Standort Göttingen und Julia Kropf, Soziologin und freie Moderatorin. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft im Gespräch über Fragen und Themen, die unsere Zeit bewegen. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Das klingt selbstverständlich. Aber es klingt in diesen Zeiten auch nach Luxus ...
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Unternehmerquickie - Leistung auf den Punkt
Anke Lambrecht | Sparring + Strategieberatung für Selbstständige und Unternehmer
Strategie, Fokus, Nerven wie Drahtseile für dein Unternehmen.
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Themen rund um den Leistungssport
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Visit to create your own podcast episode. Ask any question, get the answer as a PodSights podcast.
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Tired of the same old nonsense in the aesthetics industry? Craving unfiltered insights to take your practice to the next level? Look no further than The Scalpel of Truth Podcast, hosted by Leisa Krauss, The Bitch'n Beautician. With three decades of experience, Leisa peels back the surface to reveal the truth behind medical aesthetics. Each episode dives deep into the hottest topics, delivered with precision and punch. From provocative Rant-a-roonies to practice growth strategies, The Scalpel ...
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برامج يهدف لنشر الثقافة القانونية
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you need people like us so u can point ya fingers and say those are the Bad Guys. LeisureWorldPodcast features hosts @Yerrp08 and Cohost @TheRealKandilady speaking on everyday issues,entertainment,music & life.
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The Land, Leisure, and Tourism podcast aims to explore fresh ideas and drive innovation, inspiration, and growth across the land, leisure, and tourism sectors. Our mission? To empower businesses and arm you with the knowledge to help you grow and succeed in the tourism industry.
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Sport und Karriere: Leistungssportler trifft Wirtschaftseliten Jannik spricht mit Machern und Lenkern über die Liebe zum Sport, die Idee der dualen Karriere und den Transfer ins Berufsleben.
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Problemas de la actualidad
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Club Soda's new Podcast where we hold the mic up to some of Croydon's best artists, performers and musicians with learning disabilities. We also feature interviews with inclusive arts and leisure organisations from Croydon and we'll drop in at our favourite local venues too.
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No Limits podcast brings you insightful conversations about relationships, psychology, self-development, and mental health. Everyone has a story to tell or something to teach, our guests range from experts and public figures to your next-door friend. New episodes every week, find us on Youtube, Spotify, or on Apple Podcasts.
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Welcome to Self-Perspective podcast hosted by Leishon Turner, self-care advocate, wife, mom. This podcast was created to cultivate a positive, and healthy environment in hopes to inspire and uplift. It is a safe environment that will allow you to be heard and understood. Join me every Sunday as we discover ways to decompress, through helpful self-care tips and enjoy great conversation. When sharing this podcast us the hashtag #selfperspectivepodcast Follow on Instagram @theeselfcareadvocate ...
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Kieu, My, Anna und Talisa springen vom Zehnmeterturm. Sie werden bewundert, sie träumen von Olympia. 13 Jahre haben wir sie begleitet, wie sie dabei erwachsen werden. Die Angst vor dem Sprung bleibt. Und die vor der Frage: Was wäre ich ohne den Sport?
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Leise aber Laut sind Sika und Marco. Wir quatschen uns einmal Quer durch Filme, Musik, Serien, Anime und Fischstäbchenpizza. Hier ist wirklich für JE-DEN was dabei!
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Estudos sobre solução adequada de conflitos. Você conhece a constelação? As relações obedecem a 3 leis sistêmicas, verificadas pelo filósofo, teólogo e pedagogo Bert Hellinger (1925-2019). Sintetizando: 1) Pertencimento: todos têm direito de pertencer; 2) Hierarquia: quem chega primeiro tem precedência; 3) Equilíbrio: relações horizontais são recíprocas no dar e receber. Dúvidas? Sugestões? Envie áudio no link dos episódios!
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Good news stories from employees and members and how the centre has helped them.
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Kannst Du am Tag x Deine Bestleistungen abrufen? In unserer anspruchsvollen Zeit dreht sich alles um Leistung. Doch wie kann man seine Ressourcen zu 100% nutzen? Im Podcast "Leistungsoptimierung im Sport" gebe ich Dir in 5-10 min Sequenzen Tipps zu Deiner mentalen Stärke.
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Sejam bem vindos aos melhores podcasts de Leis comentadas e Informativos do STF!! Agora você pode otimizar seu tempo realizando diversas atividades e estudando. Vamos comigo!!
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Alles und Nichts, gelegentlich mehr als zu wenig. Dabei immer herrlich unkonkret und spezifisch zugleich. Fatma, Tobias und Joon versenken ihr Erspartes in diesem Podcast und sprechen darüber, was sie im Alltag so bewegt oder auch stillstehen lässt.
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Black Women In White America & A Tribute to historic figures
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Hey everyone, I'm Jayson Leisenring, and this is the Tell Me Why series. In this series we focus on topics in the health and fitness world and try to learn more about different aspects of getting healthy.
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Life & Leisure Television is an informative magazine style program that exhibits the hottest stories, trends and breakthroughs that will educate and motivate our viewers.
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Expert interviews, top marketing tips and digital know how for the tourism & leisure industry. Presented by David Kilkelly from BlinkBack - Video Production and Marketing
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Als Heilpraktiker in Köln und Haslach (Schwarzwald, in Kinzigtal) sind meine Behandlungsverfahren Myoreflextherapie nach Dr. med. Kurt Mosetter (kein Verfahren der Krankenkasse), Myohydro nach Rachl, Akkupunktur westlich orientiert, Schmerztherapie, KiD Kraft in Dehnung als DehnKraft Training. Als ehemaliger Leistungssportler und Trainer habe ich viel Erfahrung im Rettungsswimmen, Jiu-Jitsu und Ju-Jutsu, Turnen und vielen anderen Freizeitsportarten. Aus allen Verletzungen, Ausbildungen und B ...
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Erfolg durch Ernährung | Dein Weg zu Gesundheit, Vitalität, Leistungsfähigkeit & Wohlfühlgewicht
Dr. Gabriela Hoppe | Heilpraktikerin & Spezialistin für ganzheitliche Regulation
Auch du kannst wieder "richtig" gesund sein! Was viele für unmöglich halten, sehe und begleite ich jeden Tag in meiner Praxis, meinen Coachings und meinen Onlinekursen: Wenn du Erkrankungen, Symptome und Blockaden an ihrer Ursache packst, anstatt nur "Symptomretusche" zu betreiben, wird dein Organismus wieder gesund, fit und vital. Und das ist oftmals einfacher, als du denkst! Und vor allem gibt es IMMER Auslöser, Ursachen und Treiber für deine Beschwerden - auch, wenn dir schon viele Therap ...
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Lawn Care and Leisure
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Welcome to Ignite The Power in you with LEISA TIMMS, where amazing things happen. This podcast is to bring awareness to how you think and move through struggles in life. We speak into ways you can uplift your spirit, soul, and body through different contemplations. We would love to invite you into your very own wellness vault for Zen Success Here: These podcasts are aimed at giving you the tools to help you explore and navigate life. Join us here: ...
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Embarking on a journey of camaraderie that spans years, Adam and Michael have cultivated a deep friendship rooted in their mutual passion for cycling. Through the twists and turns of life, these two friends have pedaled side by side, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and good-natured teasing that only solidifies the authenticity of their bond. Their cycling escapades, filled with laughter and banter, are a testament to the enduring spirit of true friendship. Whether conquering challen ...
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New episodes every Sunday at 12:00 PM CST Classic Creepypasta, True scary stories, and even original stories are to be expected Find us on Spotify, Deezer, Iheart radio, Amazon Music and more!
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When life gives you lemons, make sure you wash them before using them. And wash your hands too! My other podcasts:
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Sharing my life of leisure with you and helping you be A Woman Of Leisure too if that's what YOU want to do. 😉
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Gemma Cairney interviews cultural icons, tastemakers, artists and musicians about their pastimes, hobbies, collections and loves beyond what they are known for.
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Subscribe for discussions from the Men of Leisure. Including but not limited to Sports, Fantasy Football, Degenerate Gambling, and so much more.
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Ganz neu bei der #rp18 dabei ist das Segment “Leisure & Lifestyle”. Nicht nur auf dem Innenhof haben diese Themen sowieso schon stattgefunden, deswegen jetzt auch mit eigenem Label.
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When you hear words that heal, you hear words that light up your eyes, or make you remember forgotten joys. Think of life as a journey with sounds.
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Most games make it really easy to play against other people online. There will probably be a “Multiplayer” option on the main menu: just click on that and follow the instructions. You may get a choice of playing “co-op” (with your friends against computer-controlled enemies) or “competitive” (playing against other people).
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This podcast will tackle about the teaching world--classroom and ESL, life in the province, life lessons, love, interests, culture, volunteering and community. Let's learn from each others' life experiences and be inspired. Let your voice be heard! 🤴👸🗣️📣
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Welcome to my new podcast Leisure! Here to discuss the black community and how to gain financial freedom. We're here to learn together. Support this podcast:
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Since the dawn of time, man has competed and relaxed. UCB Sports & Leisure celebrates both. Hosts Matt Walsh (Veep) and Scot Armstrong (Dice, Hangover 2) investigate the biggest names and characters in comedy to bring you the biggest stories in sports, and the wide world of leisure.
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The Nature of Time, Holiday Plans, Airplane Strategies, and Tauntaun Coats Pre-Order Our Book @ PANTS with Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey is produced by Valerie Hurt Video Editing by Ana Rezende Sound Mixing and Editing by Jaime Sickora Executive Produced by Katie Rhodes and Peg Donegan Our music is by Carol Parr @csssuxxx See omnys…
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In this clip of Market Mondays, hosts Rashad Bilal, Ian Dunlap, and Troy Millings dive deep into the evolving dynamics between the crypto market and traditional banking. As trust in conventional financial institutions wavers, more people are turning to alternative currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Ian Dunlap discusses the alarming financial ins…
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Mass Exodus: When Your MedSpa Team Moonwalks the F*ck Out
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This week, Leisa tackles the dreaded "mass walkout," that stomach-churning moment when your team decides to jump ship en masse. It's a scenario that can cripple a business, leaving owners reeling and scrambling for answers. But Leisa breaks down the underlying causes of these dramatic departures. She explores the subtle signs of brewing discontent,…
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Drake vs. Universal Music: Is This Bigger Than Michael Jackson's Fight Against the Labels?
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Welcome to another riveting clip of *Black Out with Ian & Rashad*! In this clip, "Blackout Med #1," hosts Ian Dunlap and Rashad Bilal are joined by special guest Jamil "Mal" Clay for an in-depth discussion about the unfolding drama between Drake and the music industry. Could this confrontation rival the historic battles of music legends like Michae…
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How to Invest in Bitcoin Indirectly: Insights on MicroStrategy, Square, and Beyond
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Welcome back to another clip of Market Mondays! In this session, your hosts Rashad Bilal, Ian Dunlap, and Troy Millings dive into the fascinating world of Bitcoin investments through publicly traded companies like MicroStrategy, Square, and others. This episode is packed with insights on indirect investment strategies, the evolving cryptocurrency e…
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Is Online Gambling and Sports Betting Hurting the Black Community?
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In this powerful clip of Market Mondays, hosts Rashad Bilal, Troy Millings, and Ian Dunlap dive deep into the targeted marketing and massive impact of online gambling on the Black community. Rashad shares eye-opening insights on how billions of dollars have been strategically funneled into promoting online gambling through influential platforms lik…
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Last meals, perfect cookies, holiday bakes and a dog’s true self. Pre-Order Our Book @ PANTS with Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey is produced by Valerie Hurt Video Editing by Ana Rezende Sound Mixing and Editing by Jaime Sickora Executive Produced by Katie Rhodes and Peg Donegan Our music is by Carol Parr @csssuxxx See…
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#53 Annas Lebenswunsch: Findet meine Geschwister!
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Drei Kinder, die immer nur zu Boden blicken.Eine Frau in einer Hotelhalle, die nicht lächelt.Und ein Streit, der alles zerstört. Heute – bei Spurlos. Instagram TikTok Redaktion Sylvia Lutz Natalya Prokhorenko Ton Migo Fecke (Soundhouse)Ei…
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Playing Favorites: How Favoritism Destroying Your MedSpa Culture
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Is your med spa a hotbed of simmering resentment? Do whispers and side-eyes follow your “favorite” employee down the hallway? In this episode of Scalpel of Truth, Leisa uncovers a hidden plague infecting med spas across the land: favoritism. It’s not just about hurt feelings, folks. Leisa reveals how this seemingly innocuous practice can unravel yo…
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#259 die Wichtigkeit von Role Models und Werten auf dem Weg des Profifussballers mit Per “Pelle” Nillson
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In der dieser Folge des Mindgame Fußball Podcasts ist der ehemalige Bundesliga-Profi und schwedische Nationalspieler Per "Pelle" Nilsson zu Gast! Pelle hat als Spieler bei Vereinen wie Hoffenheim, FC Kopenhagen, dem 1. FC Nürnberg oder auch der schwedischen Nationalmannschaft bewiesen, wie wichtig das Leben von Werten, mentale Stärke und Disziplin …
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Send us a text Join us for a heartwarming episode of "Road Adventures with Cycling Men of Leisure" as we share a touching Veterans Day celebration that included a surprise steak dinner for Adam's veteran father, reminding us of the importance of gratitude. Alongside this tribute, we dive into community updates, addressing listener feedback on our s…
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In this episode of EYL, hosts Rashad Bilal and Tui dive deep into the promising landscape of Ghana, sharing their personal experiences and insights into the country's investment and entrepreneurial potential. Tui, with his dual perspectives as an American and Ghanaian, paints a vivid picture of why Ghana stands out in Africa and globally. From its …
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HIT, MCAS, SIBO & IMO - wie hängen sie zusammen? | #94
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Schreib mir - ich freue mich über deine Nachricht! Histamin-Intoleranz (HIT), Mastzellen-Reaktionen (MCAS), SIBO und IMO treten oft gemeinsam auf Ich fasse in dieser Folge zusammen, wie Mastzellen, Histaminose und Histamin-Intoleranz, SIBO und IMO zusammenhängen. Wir sprechen über die wahren Gründe, Auslöser und Ursachen und wie wirksame Behandlung…
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Understanding the Recent Drop in Eli Lilly Stock - Big Concerns or Big Opportunities?
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Welcome back to another insightful clip of Market Mondays! In this clip hosts, Troy Millings and Ian Dunlap, dive deep into the recent movements in Eli Lilly's stock. With a 26% drop from its peak of $972 to $718, many investors are questioning whether this is a cause for alarm or a golden opportunity to buy. Ian and Troy break down the situation, …
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James Harden’s First Podcast: Billion-Dollar Moves, Transforming Basketball, & Answering Critics
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In his first-ever podcast interview, James Harden joins Earn Your Leisure to share an in-depth look at his journey from basketball superstar to a successful entrepreneur. He discusses how his relationship with Jay Z led to the opportunity to join 'The Beard Club' and reveals the story of how he first met Michael Rubin. Harden reacts to Mark Cuban's…
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ChakaBars on The Global Importance of Ghana as a Homeland for Black Unity and Empowerment
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Welcome to the this clip of EYL, where we dive deep into Ghana's rich historical legacy and untapped potential for investments and business opportunities. Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings host this enlightening conversation with special guest Chaka Bars, who provides a comprehensive overview of Ghana's crucial role in African and Western history, as …
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Jane Lynch stops by to chat with the Pants about astrology, deep fears, future podcasts and more. Pre-Order Our Book @ PANTS with Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey is produced by Valerie Hurt Video Editing by Ana Rezende Sound Mixing and Editing by Jaime Sickora Executive Produced by Katie Rhodes and Peg Donegan Our music is by Carol P…
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Fellas, Fillers & Facials: Bringing More Men into Your MedSpa
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This week on the show, Leisa tackles a key demographic: men. Men, she argues, aren't just untapped potential; they're ideal patients – loyal, compliant, and refreshingly drama-free. They use recommended products, arrive on time, and resist the siren song of Instagram influencers. But why are men missing from med spas? Leisa explores societal percep…
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In this clip of Market Mondays, join hosts Rashad Bilal, Troy Millings, and Ian Dunlap as they sit down with seasoned Bitcoin and cryptocurrency expert Mike Novogratz. They delve deep into the current and future states of Bitcoin, addressing critical questions that every investor should consider. *Bitcoin's Cycles and Future Predictions:* Rashad op…
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Is the Creator Economy Dying or Thriving? What's Next for the Industry
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Join hosts Troy Millings and Rashad Bilal in this insightful clip of EYL as they sit down with Moksha Fitzgibbons, a leading voice in the media and creator economy. This week, we delve deep into the dynamics of the creator economy and its sustainability. Is it really a recession for creators, as some claim? With a flood of creators entering the spa…
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Invest in Ghana NOW! How to Buy a Home & Make Money in Africa's Future | 400Acre Real Estate Project
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Invest in Ghana NOW! How to Buy a Home Join us for an unmissable episode of Earn Your Leisure as we uncover the incredible opportunities waiting in Ghana with the groundbreaking Sanbra City project! This visionary 400-acre real estate development offers a unique chance for investors and aspiring homeowners to enter the African market, build wealth,…
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#wird gut: Auf dem Weg in eine bessere Zukunft mit Lars Castellucci
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Prof. Dr. Lars Castellucci, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages für die SPD-Fraktion, ist in dieser Folge zu Gast bei Berthold Vogel und Julia Kropf. Lars Castellucci vertritt den Rhein-Neckar-Kreis im Deutschen Bundestag und ist geschäftsführender Vorsitzender des Innenausschusses. Er ist außerdem Professor für Nachhaltiges Management an der Hochsc…
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Welcome back to another insightful clip of Market Mondays! Today, we’re diving deep into the dramatic and historic collapse of Super Micro Computer Inc. (SMCI). From peaking at a staggering $122 to plummeting down to $26, SMCI’s decline offers a wealth of lessons for investors and tech enthusiasts alike. *Key Points Covered:* 1. *The Fall of SMCI:*…
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Stress ball pajama party, post election feelings Merch Drop at Pre-Order Our Book @ PANTS with Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey is produced by Valerie Hurt Video Editing by Ana Rezende Sound Mixing and Editing by Jaime Sickora Executive Produced by Katie Rhodes and Peg Donegan Our music is by Carol Parr @csssuxxx See omn…
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