show episodes

SpongeMind Podcast

Jonson Lee 존슨 리

A bilingual podcast to make your language learning an inspired journey 여러분의 언어습득 과정에 힘을 드리고자 만드는 이중언어 팟캐스트입니다. Many of the episodes come with the transcript and translations. 많은 방송편들은 받아적고 해설한 자료가 제공됩니다.
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30대. 준.비.운.동.

Namhee LEE, Sunghwan YOU

안녕하세요 "30대 준비운동" 블로그의 운영자 이남희, 유승환입니다.저희는 "스물아홉살, 그리고 내 인생의 컨셉이 정해진 시기" 라는 주제를 가지고 활발히 활동하고 계신 크리에이터분들과 우리 주변의 친구들의 인터뷰를 팟캐스트로 담아 아이튠즈에서 무료로 다운받을 수 있도록 운영하고 있습니다. [blog -]
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비즈니스에 관심이 많은 학생, 직장인, 경영자 뿐만 아니라 유럽의 삶에 관심이 많은 분들 그리고 해외 시장을 공략하고자 하는 미래 사업가들을 위한 비즈니스 팟캐스트로, 스마트 비즈니스 팟캐스트는 Harsest라는 패션 비즈니스 컨설팅 회사를 운영하고 있는 이하석과 스웨덴의 유명 이어폰 브랜드 Sudio에서 마케팅부서에서 일하고 있는 박경태의 호스팅으로 진행하는 팟캐스트로, 스웨덴및 유럽의 삶, 재밌는 일반 비즈니스 내용과 세일즈, 마케팅 그리고 두 사람의 경험을 통한 해외 비즈니스에 대한 접근을 누구나 접근 쉬운 톤으로 전달합니다. 스마트 비즈니스 팟캐스트를 통해 더 스마트한 조금은 더 의미있는 삶과 비즈니스를 공유하며 팟캐스트를 듣는 모든이들과 비즈니스 인사이트를 키우는고자 합니다.
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Hansik House

Michael Lee, Ryu Kim

Hansik House is the podcast dedicated to discussing the pressing social issues around contemporary South Korea and Korean culture. Each episode is recorded in both English and Korean in order to translate the culture both ways. Music by TAK, K-Pop Culture 2015
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show series
Our special guest Taewoong and Jonson take a deep dive into the topic of… WORK. We first cover three Korean words that mean “work” and how they are different from one another. Then we also talk about the pros and cons of having only one job vs. multiple. Lastly, we discuss the meaning of work, essentially the reasons why we work.…
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Our special guest Taewoong and Jonson take a deep dive into the topic of… WORK. We first cover three Korean words that mean “work” and how they are different from one another. Then we also talk about the pros and cons of having only one job vs. multiple. Lastly, we discuss the meaning of work, essentially the reasons why we work.…
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We have a special guest named Tae-Woong today. He runs a YouTube channel called Comprehensible Input Korean which teaches Korean in a very interesting, yet highly effective way. He talks about why he started the channel and also his ambition to change the landscape of the language teaching business.저자 Jonson Lee 존슨 리
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When Koreans say you have big hands, it sometimes has nothing to do with the body parts attached to your arms. It is an expression and it’s used when… well, you are going to find out from this episode. Oh and also how the name “Korea” came about.Summary of the Episode: Section 1 (오늘의 한국말) = 손이 크다; Section 2 (재미있는 한국 이야기) = 코리아 라는 나라 이름의 유래; Section…
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Eunice and Jonson talk about the expression Koreans use to describe someone who gets swayed by others too easily. They also talk about how our feeling and mood can change from moment to moment and how it impacts us.Summary of the Episode: Section 1 (오늘의 한국말) = 귀가 얇다; Section 2 (재미있는 한국 이야기) = 부대찌개; Section 3 (깊은 얘기) = 성격…
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Koreans love sharing their food…but not always. And maybe not anymore, at least for certain kinds of food. In this episode, Eunice and Jonson discuss the food sharing culture in Korea and how it changed over time.Summary of the Episode: Section 1 (오늘의 한국말) = 꼬리를 내리다; Section 2 (재미있는 한국 이야기) = 음식 나눠먹기; Section 3 (깊은 얘기) = 성격…
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Almost every Korean male has to serve in the military, and as a consequence, military culture permeates the entire Korean society. In this episode, Eunice and Jonson discuss the military culture in Korea as well as important military lingo commonly used by Koreans.Summary of the Episode: Section 1 (오늘의 한국말) = 거품 물다; Section 2 (재미있는 한국 이야기) = 한국의 군대…
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What’s the Korean idiom for “bad influence”? And what’s up with that gold colored tea that almost every Korean restaurant serves for free? We are going to cover it all in this episode!---Summary of the Episode: Segment 1 (오늘의 한국말) = 물들다Segment 2 (재미있는 한국 이야기) = 보리차Segment 3 (깊은 얘기) = 직업저자 Jonson Lee 존슨 리
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