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Colby Pearce has been a Steve Hogg Certified expert bike fitter for the past 10 years and has worked with elite athletes and WorldTour teams, including EF Education First. He is also an elite cycling coach and has been passing along his wisdom to the riders he coaches for decades. Pearce’s repertoire of knowledge spans 30 years, five continents, hundreds of races, and countless miles in the saddle. The minutiae of cycling and riding technique are just part of the story that Colby shares. Ali ...
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show series
Thomas McDaniel: Knowledge is Horizontal (Part 2) - Ep159 This the second part of a conversation is with Thomas McDaniel, who has been in the cycling world for many years. He is currently completing his PhD at CU Boulder in Advanced Biomechanics. In the past, Thomas has been a PT, a bike mechanic, a bike fitter, and worked at Specialized, BMC and T…
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Thomas McDaniel: Knowledge is Horizontal - Ep158 This conversation is with Thomas McDaniel, who has been in the cycling world for many years. He is currently completing his PhD at CU Boulder in Advanced Biomechanics. In the past, Thomas has been a PT, a bike mechanic, a bike fitter, and worked at Specialized, BMC and Trek. Thomas and I are aligned …
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The Inner Self - Ep157 In this walking podcast I share some of my thoughts about how you can be your own medicine and claim authority over your life. In this day and age we have access to so much information, it can be simultaneously overpowering and also paralyzing. What I offer is a perspective on the difference between knowledge and understandin…
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Tyler Benner: It Feels Easy When you do it Right - Ep156 This episode is a conversation with Tyler Benner from Strong Feet Athletics. Tyler was a member of the US National Archery team for about a decade, and a lifelong athlete. He has spent the last 10 years making the world’s first barefoot style cycling shoe that is mass produced. They just star…
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Lore: Creating Unicorns - Ep155 This podcast is a conversation with Lore CEO and founder Stephan Drake and lead engineer Rob Horacheck. If you haven’t seen or heard of Lore shoes, come out from under the rock you are living under and see the future of cycling footwear. Lore is a fully custom 3D printed carbon fiber shoe. Let that sink in for a mome…
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Ben Serotta: Where Does Responsibility Begin and End? - Ep154 This conversation is with legendary bike builder Ben Serotta. Ben has been building bikes since the year I was born [1972!]. He is also one of the pioneers of bike fitting, founding the Serotta International Cycling Institute in the late 90’s, and creating the Size Cycle, so fitters coul…
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Menachem-Brodie (Part 2) - Ep153 Greetings Well Dippers. This is the second part of my conversation with Strength and Conditioning coach Menachem Brodie. If you missed part 1, feel free to start here but you won’t have the full picture until you listen to the first part of our discourse. Hopefully this conversation reminds you to move consciously. …
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Menachem Brodie – Part 1 – Ep 151 Happy New Year Spartans and Archadians. This conversation is with strength and conditioning coach Menachem Brodie. This podcast was recorded for his channel, The Strong Savvy Cyclist & Triathlete Podcast, and I thought my listeners might enjoy our conversation as well so it is republished here. We recorded two podc…
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Relationship to Cycling - Ep151 In this final walking podcast for this year, I ask you to consider what your relationship is to cycling, and does this relationship serve you? I unpack a few archetypes of riders I have worked with and raced with over the years. Everyone has their own relationship to the sport. From my perspective, there is no “right…
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More Thoughts on Shoes and Feet - Ep150 This walking podcast is a bit of a rambling pile of thoughts on shoes and feet, in relation or response to some discussions I have had recently including feedback from my audience. Specifically, I address the commonly held belief that in cycling, the best way to have good “power transfer” is to immobilize the…
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The Two Fulcrum Problem of Cycling - Ep149 In this walking pod, I talk about the Two Fulcrum Problem of Cycling, which is a term I made up during the walk to encapsulate the challenges many riders face in their relationship to this relentlessly symmetrical machine. I also offer a few short rants on various topics related to modern life. Hopefully t…
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Reflections on the 2004 Olympics - Ep148 In this walking soliloquy, I share some reflections on the 20 year anniversary of the Olympics in Athens, Greece, which I attended as a member of the US team. I competed in the 40KM points race, finishing 14th out of 24 competitors. Being on the Olympic team is something I can be proud of, but at the same ti…
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Why Bike Fitting is Stupid - Ep147 On this episode I thought I would just dive in and stab a sacred cow in the face. I share my thoughts on why bike fitting is “stupid” and by that, I really mean what a few of the challenges are in bike fitting. Perhaps you agree or perhaps you do not. Either is OK but if the latter, I hope it is with good critical…
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Michael Holt: Always the Middle Path - Ep146 This discussion is with Micheal Holt, whom I regard as a friend, teacher, and colleague. I first met Michael at a course at the Chek Institute about five years ago, where I learned he had been teaching meditation for many years. I ended up studying with him online and in person, and I have learned a trem…
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Thoughts on Sounds - Ep145 In this episode I discuss the relationship between music, health, and athletic performance. Some of my ideas and experiences are pretty orbital so fasten your cosmic seatbelt, or whatever, and then enjoy some tunes. I made a playlist on Spotify of my of my most recent played tracks. These probably all fall in the category…
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** THIS IS PART 2 OF THIS EPISODE ** More with Dr. Courtney Conley. We Continue our discussion about all things feet including toe spacers, cycling shoes, and how to help me with my hallux limitus. Isn’t Latin great? Dr Courtney is endlessly passionate about the human foot and I am grateful she took the time to come and nerd out with me on this top…
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The Fractal of the Feet with Dr Courtney Conley - Part 1 - Ep143 This conversation with Dr Courtney takes place in my fit studio. We speak about all things feet including toe spacers, cycling shoes, and how to help me with my hallux limitus. Isn’t Latin great? Dr Courtney is endlessly passionate about the human foot and I am grateful she took the t…
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SBT RDX - Ep142 In this walking pod I offer some lessons I learned during the 2024 SBT GRVL race. I competed on the Black course and suffered epic cramps with about 35KM to go in the race, something I have never experienced in over 35 years of bike racing. I discuss some hypothetical explanations for this outcome and also share thoughts on the race…
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Michael O'Brien We Are Kintsugi - Part 2 - Ep141 This is Part 2. This episode is a discussion with cyclist Michael Obrien, who had a transformational life experience in 2001 when he was hit by an SUV while riding his bike. We speak about the Japanese form of pottery known as Kintsugi, in which a broken bowl or vessel is repaired, and the glue is la…
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Michael O'brien We Are Kintsugi - Part 1 - Ep140 This episode is a discussion with cyclist Michael Obrien, who had a transformational life experience in 2001 when he was hit by an SUV while riding his bike. We speak about the Japanese form of pottery known as Kintsugi, in which a broken bowl or vessel is repaired, and the glue is layered in gold le…
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Movement is a River - Ep 139 During this walking podcast I discuss the idea that all movement is like a river. I offer that we must direct and cultivate the qualities of the river of our movement with a specific intent, or this river will be wild, untamed, and end up in the wrong place. I offer this analogy to help people understand that their dail…
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Saddle Forward! - Episode 138 This walking podcast is a commentary on two different perspectives about forward saddle positions that have been floating around in the intersphere. They got me thinking so I figured I would drop some thoughts on this topic. The first discussion is around an article Dan Empfield posted on his website slow twitch dot co…
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Three Attributes of Cyclists - Ep 137 In this night time walking adventure I speak about the three characteristics a cyclist must have in order to express their highest potential as an athlete. The episode is inspired by conversations with Jonathan Vaughters about what it takes to be good. His list included 1) Marathoner 2) F1 Driver. He has a vide…
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Forest Walking in Japan - Episode 136 In this discussion I speak to my audience of somanauts about impressions Japan has left on me and how these concepts can help us in our practice of sport and life. Wandering through the forest, I discuss cleaning your room, respect for other humans and reverence for nature. As always, I hope you find this discu…
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Locavore - Episode 135 Today’s conversation is with Craig Taber from Locavore Delivery. Locavore works with the highest quality farms across the front range of Colorado to deliver meat to your doorstep. We speak about the relationship between scale and environmental impact in an economically driven market, the convenience of Amazon, and the boundar…
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The Cold is my Teacher - Ep134 Grandpa Pearce is here to tell you a walking story again. The story is about cold. Cold can teach you a lot about yourself. It is an opportunity to work with the breath and to have an alternative means of generating a focused state. It also brings about an experience of equanimity following the event. Do you work with…
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Go For A Walk - Ep132 This episode of Cycling in Alignment is about the most fundamental pattern of human movement: Walking. Old school cycling would command that riders stay off their feet but I would offer that this is an old ideal that should be lit on fire and kicked off a cliff. Walking is an absolutely essential aspect of the human experience…
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GOATA: Ricky Stanzi - Ep131 This conversation is with GOATA Movement coach Ricky Stanzi. In our discussion, we unpack the philosophy of GOATA movement, what it is and the origin of this philosophy. GOATA stands for Greatest Of All Time Athletes. It is a movement education system that is based on movement principles observed in young children, triba…
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Shop Local and Organic / Birdwatching for Cyclists – Ep130 One more solo walking podcast in which I tell you a story, grandpa Pearce is here to tell you about the way things used to be. The point I am making specifically is about how modern training has become dictated by head units and power zones, and why this is problematic. Riders assume that t…
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Forging, hardening, quenching, sharpening – Ep129 This episode is a discussion of how the creation and construction of a Japanese samurai sword, or katana, is an excellent analogy for training in cycling. I break down these concepts in parallel so we can have a better understanding of how cycling training is performed in the proper sequence, and I …
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How to Pedal a Bike V3.0 - Ep128 In this pod, I discuss the importance of proper and correct form again. I get a lot of questions on this topic, so thought I'd revisit it. SEATED: Like you are on a flat pedal. Push early in power phase. Do not pull up. Axial extension of the spine. Feel shoulders depressed and retracted. Vertical movement of diaphr…
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Training in the Rain and Running from Thanos - Ep127 This episode is about a client who has undergone significant life and health challenges. We have exchanged several emails about his situation and had very honest discussions regarding his choices and trajectory in the sport of cycling. He has given me permission to share his story with my audienc…
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Ideas to Restore Health - Ep126 This episode is a discussion about restoration of health when you are not feeling quite so perfect. Here, I reflect on my own state of health and strategies I have employed with myself and my athletes to spring back to full vital capacity. Understand that illness is usually a sign that you have done too much and are …
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Moon Walk - Ep125 Well here I am wandering around my neighborhood in the dark with a microphone like a crazy person. Or someone who has lot of thoughts. On this moon walk I take some time to answer a few comments and questions from my audience. Discussion points include the relativity of diet, errors in logic and dictation of intensity using RPE, h…
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Grant Thomas: Finding Center Through Primal Movement - Ep124 This episode of Cycling in Alignment is a conversation with natural movement practitioner Grant Thomas. We had an excellent conversation about his journey of integrating primal movement and animal flow in his movement practice. We also spoke quite a bit about the concept of finding center…
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Random Thoughts on Feet, Power and Racing - Ep123 Hello there, Space Monkeys. It’s been a minute since my last recording, things have been busy. But here we are kicking off the 2024 podcast season and here I am with some thoughts on various topics, including feet, wedging, power meters, RPE and racing tactics. You know, the usual stuff, except that…
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Nathan Haas: Destroying Hyperbole - Ep122 This conversation with Nathan Haas is one in which we attempt to slay the dragon of hyperbole in cycling. And talk about some other stuff. We cover all sorts of topics from Geraint Thomas’ drinking binger, to how to actually pronounce his name, to why watts are not watts. Which leads to some interesting att…
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Matt Appleman - The Difference Between Perception and Impact- - Ep 121 This episode is a discussion with frame builder and crankset manufacturer Matt Appleman. Matt’s story is that of someone who has brought a product to the world as a result of his own need for something in his own life, which has been a running theme on this show for a while. It …
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Ashleigh Frager: Unleash the Profound Strength of the Body - Ep 120 Today’s discussion is with Back to Basics CEO Ashely Frager. Ashleigh has experienced a deep healing journey which led her to create a company that is focused on household cleaning products that are non-toxic, including her own product that offers a unique cleaning solution. In our…
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Alyssa Sawyer: Commune with the Inner Voice - Ep118 This episode of Cycling in Alignment is with my Chek Professional colleague Alyssa Sawyer. Our conversation bounces around the concept of holding the tension of the opposites, and we discuss the polarity between the worship of science and the trust of intuition and experiential knowledge. Alyssa a…
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What is your Myth and what are the belief systems that comprise it? How do these mental constructs impact your relationship to sport and health? I discuss these topics in episode XX of Cycling in Alignment on my return from attending my final course at the Chek Institute, Integrated Movement Specialist level 5, where we studied these topics. #cheki…
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Part 2 - PETER DEFTY: THE INTUITIVE ATHLETE - Ep116 This is PART TWO of a two part conversation is with Peter Defty. Peter is the General Manager at Vespa Power Performance and a graduate of UC Davis with a degree in plant biology. Our conversation included a broad range of topics including: •The limited capacity of carbohydrate metabolism and the …
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PETER DEFTY: THE INTUITIVE ATHLETE - Ep115 This two part conversation is with Peter Defty. Peter is the General Manager at Vespa Power Performance and a graduate of UC Davis with a degree in plant biology. Our conversation included a broad range of topics including: •The limited capacity of carbohydrate metabolism and the virtually unlimited capaci…
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THINGS YOU MUST DO - Ep114 In this episode I offer my listeners a bit of a SBT GRVL redux, not because I think I’m cool but because hopefully it will be a useful perspective for my listeners. Then I tell you what to do. This is not normally how I relate to my audience, I don’t often consider that I should tell other people how to live their lives. …
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Derek Teel: Dial Your Health; Be Hard to Kill - Ep113 In this episode I have another conversation with Derek Teel of Dialed Health. We get deep into the philosophy of strength training and how it applies to cyclists. Derek and I had a great conversation on his pod and I felt there was more to expunge from this man’s mind movies so we stepped on the…
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Garry Kirk: Control the Light Environment - Ep112 This conversation is with bike fitting colleague Garry Kirk. We cover some elements of bike fitting, saddles, and relating to the client on a level which they are ready to receive. However, the meat and potatoes of the conversation is about Garry’s health, including his experience in 2020 with an an…
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Jeff Winkler - Why Virtual Cycling is Ruining the Sport - Ep111 A discussion about indoor cycling with former professional and coach Jeff Winkler, AKA “Why I think virtual cycling is ruining the sport”. My intent was to come out swinging with all the reasons I think virtual cycling is a bad choice, and then have Jeff rebut me. This more or less wor…
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Neill Stanbury: Asymmetry and Other Stuff - Ep110 This episode is a discussion with fellow Steve Hogg Certified bike fitter Neill Stanbury. Neill and I dig into various concepts and ideas about bike fitting in this discussion, including but not limited to asymmetry. Our discussion covers a broad range of bike fit topics, if you are a fitter or a cy…
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