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Hier präsentieren wir Euch unsere Beträge zum Nachhören. Nackt und unzensiert. Ihr wollt auch beim Radio arbeiten? Ihr wollt über unsere Musik mitentscheiden? Oder journalistische Erfahrungen machen? Alle Infos dazu findet ihr auf unserer Homepage! > HOMEPAGE: > INSTAGRAM: > FACEBOOK: CampusFM - Das Uni-Radio für Duisburg und Essen.
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Das Campusmagazin

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Aktuelle Informationen, Hintergrundberichte, Reportagen und Kurzinterviews zu bildungspolitischen Fragen im In- und Ausland. Das Themenspektrum reicht von Erziehung, Kindergarten, Schule und Studium bis zu Ausbildung, Weiterbildung und Beruf.
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Campus & Karriere


Das Bildungsmagazin „Campus & Karriere“ begleitet die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Schulen und Hochschulen, in der Bildungsforschung und der Berufswelt mit Reportagen, Analysen und Interviews.
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Auf dieser Seite findest Du Sendungen und Beiträge aus der Rubrik "Campus & Hochschule". Studierende aus NRW berichten über Neuigkeiten an ihrer Universität, stellen interessante Studiengänge vor und geben Tipps rund ums Studium. Die Beiträge in unserer Mediathek werden u.a. von den Campusradios sowie den TV-Lehrredaktionen an Unis und Fachhochschulen in NRW produziert.
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Campus Drive

Dragon Podcasts

Welcome to Campus Drive, Your One-Way Street to All Things HCC! Join Matt Jackson, manager of Dragon Podcasts, as he highlights special guests, college happenings, and dynamic programs at Howard Community College.
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Curious Campus

Curious Campus

Curious Campus aims to demystify research conducted at the University of Toronto. As a research institution brimming with ideas from various academic fields, knowledge is just waiting to be shared. Rest assured, you’ll learn something new!
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Campus Club

Radio Campus Orléans 88.3 FM

Campus Club est une émission de Radio Campus Orléans 88.3 FM. Retrouvez toutes les informations autour de ce programme à l'adresse suivante :
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The Campus Technology Insider podcast explores current trends and issues impacting technology leaders in higher education. Listen in as Executive Editor Rhea Kelly chats with ed tech experts and practitioners about their work, ideas and experiences.
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Campus Beat

CFRC Podcast Network

Welcome to the Campus Beat podcast hosted by Dinah Jansen. In this series, we highlight campus news stories and enjoy conversations with Queen's University community members to discuss news, issues, events, services and initiatives that are of interest to Queen's students, faculty staff and alumni.
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Campus Killings

AbJack Entertainment

Campus Killings is a Bi-Weekly true crime podcast that debuts on September 17, 2022, and releases new episodes every other Saturday. Campus Killings is hosted by Dr. Meghan Sacks and Dr. Amy Shlosberg (Women & Crime, and Direct Appeal podcasts). In each episode, Meghan and Amy dive into some of the most shocking and tragic murders to happen on school grounds, and provide their analysis as both Educators and trained Criminologists. They discuss what went wrong, and what could have been done d ...
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River Valley Campus Teachings

River Valley Church, OR

Welcome to River Valley Church, Oregon's Podcast! We are a multi-campus church located in Southern Oregon. Subscribe here to keep up with our weekend campus teachings from Downtown, Grants Pass (DT), Murphy (MR), Redwood (RW), Rogue River (RR) and Sunny Valley (SV).
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College holds a mythic place in American culture—hailed as the best four years of your life and revered as a beacon of integrity and excellence. But behind the polished campus tours and glossy brochures lies a far more complicated reality. Each episode of Campus Files uncovers a new story, exploring everything from rigged admissions to sports scandals, free speech, and hazing. Consider this your unofficial campus tour. Do you have tips or story ideas? Send us an email at campusfilespod@gmail ...
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A higher education podcast focused on the transformation of the higher ed landscape. Speaking with college and university leaders, this podcast talks about the trends, ideas and opportunities that are shaping the future of higher education, and provides best practices and advice that leaders can apply to their own institutions.
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Jede Woche findest du hier im Podcast der Move Church die neueste Predigt aus unseren Gottesdiensten am Campus Wiesbaden. Wenn du mehr über uns als Move Church erfahren möchtest, geh einfach auf unsere Webseite oder schau auf unseren Social Media Kanälen vorbei.
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Gateway Mackenzie Campus (Audio)

Gateway Mackenzie Campus

Welcome to the podcast for the Mackenzie Campus of Gateway Baptist Church, where you can catch up on Sunday messages any day of the week. We’re a community that’s leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus, meeting across six campuses in South-East Queensland, Australia and online. If you’d like to connect with us beyond this podcast, you can find us at
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Campus Chronicles

Urban Podcasts

Unwind from a long day of academia with Brooke and the Campus Chronicles team, your trusted companions in your student journey. From inspirational stories, profound insights and practical advice that will fuel your success both in and out of the classroom, Campus Chronicles is your reliable friend and mentor, ready to enlighten and inspire you. Each week we immerse you in heartening conversations that will deepen your understanding of student life and equip you with invaluable knowledge. Cam ...
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Campus Resilience & Security is dedicated to sharing insights, strategies, and resources on how to create safer, more resilient campus environments. Whether you’re a campus leader, security professional or are responsible for business continuity and resilience, this website and our companion newsletter will deliver practical solutions and emerging trends to help you do your job better and more effectively.
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Listen along to the crew of the Campus Comics Cast for recommendations each month as we review the pre-orders coming from top publishers. Then stick around for discussions on comics news, reviews, what we have been reading, trivia, CLZ shake, and more. The Campus Comics Cast is the flagship podcast of the Burg Comics podcast network.
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Campus Talk

Campus Coach

Le podcast de l’entraînement en course à pied, propulsé par - Chaque mois, retrouve l’audio des Campus Talk diffusés sur notre chaîne YouTube avec Nico et Tristan (aka Running-Addict et IronUman). On y parle entraînement course à pied, philosophie d’entraînement, motivation, retour d’expérience... Un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer si tu es passionné de course à pied ! Découvrez nos plans d’entraînement 100% individualisés sur
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Campus 10178

ESMT Berlin

Can we explain the workings of the business world with more than marketing blah blah blah? Campus 10178 is Germany’s #1 podcast on the business research behind business practice. Brought to you each month by business school ESMT Berlin, the 45-minute show brings together top scholars, executives, and policymakers to discuss today’s hottest topics in leadership, innovation, and analytics. Campus 10178 – Where education meets business.
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Tomball Campus Podcast

Grace Church of Humble | Tomball Campus

Grace Church is a spirit-filled, spirit-led, multi-site community of believers. Our passion is people. Specifically, our passion is to connect people to the hope that is found in the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Every week at grace, we focus on gathering, connecting, and serving. As a result, we see the hope of Christ flooding into people’s lives. Listen in as Campus Pastor Mike Acosta and other ministers deliver Biblical messages that apply to our everyday lives. For more informatio ...
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Campus Bread

Brianna Ruelas

Campus Bread is a podcast for college women to feel “less alone” and more connected as they grow in faith and friendship. Through motivational messages and real-life college conversations, you’ll be fed with the “good stuff” as you draw nearer to the perfecter of your faith. Join Host, Brianna Ruelas and get equipped with an audacious faith as you share your light, and make an impact in the world!
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Gateway Mackenzie Campus (Video)

Gateway Baptist Church

Welcome to the podcast for the Mackenzie Campus of Gateway Baptist Church, where you can catch up on Sunday messages any day of the week. We’re a community that’s leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus, meeting across six campuses in South-East Queensland, Australia and online. If you’d like to connect with us beyond this podcast, you can find us at
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Gateway City Campus

Gateway Baptist Church

Welcome to the podcast for the City Campus of Gateway Baptist Church, where you can catch up on Sunday messages any day of the week. We’re a community that’s leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus, meeting across six campuses in South-East Queensland, Australia and online. If you’d like to connect with us beyond this podcast, you can find us at
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Thanks for joining us! We pray that you’ll be inspired to love Jesus more and commit your life to Him after hearing these sermons. We are leading people to follow Jesus together. Join us on a Sunday at one of our locations in Trumbull County, Ohio. Rock of Grace is led by Lead Pastor Jordan Biel. Find a campus near you on
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Trois dimanches par mois, de 19 à 20 h en FM et en podcast, Récréation Sonore est LE rendez-vous de la création sonore sur Radio Campus Paris. Documentaire, portrait, fiction, musique expérimentale… : l'émission alterne diffusion d'œuvres et cartes blanches aux auteurs. Cette année, Récréation Sonore est produite, en alternance, par Ella Bellone, François Bordonneau et Muriel KS.
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Campus 2 Canton


The team brings you a network of podcasts that covers every aspect of football. From College Fantasy Football to betting/DFS, dynasty fantasy football, and even recruiting, tune in every day of the week for your daily football fix. For additional content, check out our YouTube page as well.
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Mit seinen rund 10'000 Studierenden, 3500 Mitarbeitenden, über 120 studentischen Initiativen und vielen Events zu wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und sozialen Fragestellungen ist der Campus der Universität St.Gallen (HSG) ein lebendiger Ort. Es sind die kreativen und unternehmerischen Menschen, die diese einzigartige Campuskultur prägen. Im HSG Student Podcast spricht Syra mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten am HSG Campus. Cover Art: Anne Fritsch
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Campus by Times Higher Education

Campus by Times Higher Education

Advice, insights and solutions for the challenges facing higher education from academics, faculty and staff at institutions around the world. Hear teaching tips, writing pointers, discussions on the big issues, forecasts and first-hand experiences from university leaders.
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show series
Gary Booth turned a life-altering haemorrhagic stroke at 30 into a full-throttle mission with Checkered Flag Motorsports—a high-octane community where neurodiverse folks (stroke survivors, amputees, kids with autism) find purpose and joy. Picture ex-forces amputees tearing around the UK’s fastest tracks or an autistic kid thriving on racing’s rhyth…
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Die Psychologische Beratungsstelle des Studierendenwerks an der Universität Duisburg-Essen ist eine Anlaufstelle für alle Studierenden der Hochschulen in Duisburg, Essen und Mülheim an der Ruhr. Mit welchen Herausforderungen haben Studierende zu kämpfen? Wie hilft die Beratungsstelle? 'Ruhrporter' Marvin Paris hat dazu mit Harald Kaßen gesprochen. …
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In Part 2 of our WISDOM series, Pastor Jordan Biel shares about the tension between waiting on God and acts of obedience. Sometimes we wait on God to do His thing - to give us HIS strategy. Sometimes we need to "stop praying" and simply obey what He already spoke to us. Faith is often revealed in action. Dreams require disciplined diligence to beco…
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Join Jared Palmgren (@CFF_Jared) and Luke Probasco (@Probascoluke) as they discuss 10 coaching moves in the Group of 5 conferences that could have a big impact on your 2025 CFF leagues! Support this podcast at —저자 Campus2Canton
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Coming up in this special Queen’s Club Takeover of CFRC’s Campus Beat airwaves, we’re chatting with folks from the group Let’s Get Revved Up. The Let’s Get Revved Up club was formed in 2023 with the mission of raising funds and awareness for the Revved Up program. Revved Up is a not-for-profit organization at Queen’s that supports physical activity…
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Loved this Episode or Have a Question? Send Us a Text! Episode 10: In this episode of Campus Bread, host Brianna Ruelas encourages college women to reconnect with their dreams and aspirations. Drawing inspiration from Joshua 1:9, she discusses how fear can hinder our ability to dream and emphasizes the importance of creating space for possibility t…
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Hör dir hier die Predigt „ICH + jesus“ von Andreas Sommer aus der Predigtserie "Jesus + Nichts = Alles" aus unserem Gottesdienst am 09.03.2025 an.   ► Bleib up to Date. Mehr Infos zur Move Church findest du auf ⁠⁠ und unseren Social Media Kanälen.   ► Spenden. Du willst die Arbeit der Move Church finanziell unterstützen? Alle Infos…
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Mark 5:21-43 // Bill Gorman Experience two powerful miracles of healing and resurrection in Mark's Gospel. Discover how Jesus meets us in our fear and desperation, bringing hope and restoration. This sermon explores the story of Jairus' daughter and the woman with the issue of blood, highlighting the importance of faith and Jesus' unhurried presenc…
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"Pacaran sama dosen buat dapet nilai A? 🤔 Simak cerita seru dan kontroversial seputar hubungan antara mahasiswa dan dosen di episode kali ini! Apa benar cara ini bisa jadi tiket menuju nilai sempurna? Dengerin, dan tentukan pendapatmu sendiri! 🎙️ #Podcast #PacaranDosen #Kontroversial #Mahasiswa"Dengerin sekarang di spotify dan youtube instagram: @p…
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It’s hard to look in the mirror and see our faults and shortcomings. Yet to truly grow as a Christian, we need to humbly confess our sins, repent, and accept the love that God so freely gives. Don Pearson examines the response of the older brother in the second half of The Prodigal Son story to help us see what it takes to truly know the love of th…
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Life can bring a lot of challenges—whether it's dealing with hurt, finding peace in difficult moments, or looking for a deeper sense of purpose. In this series, we’ll reflect on the powerful words Jesus spoke from the cross and how they speak to the struggles we face today. These words offer us hope, direction, and the example we need to live with …
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He is the Bread of Life | March 9, 2025 He Is Week 1 Message by RC Ford [Stewarts Creek Campus Pastor] 📖📖 Follow along with today’s sermon — Sermon Points & Scripture References: • Sermon Takeaway = He is the Bread of Life • Scripture Reference = Exodus 16:4-7, John 3-14, John 6:35-40 • Sermon Point = The Bread of Life Sa…
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Pour le 8 mars, La Matinale de 19 heures, Semillas Latinas et On se lève et on se casse vous proposent une émission crossover pour aborder le thème de la santé dans une perspective féministe ! Quelles conséquences ont les erreurs et les absences de diagnostic ? Où en est la santé reproductive en 2025 ? Comment le néolibéralisme mondialisé impacte-t…
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In this episode of Campus Technology Insider Podcast Shorts, Rhea Kelly discusses the unveiling of Turnitin Clarity, a new AI-assisted writing tool for students, the launch of OpenAI's advanced AI model GPT-4.5, and IBM's strategic acquisition of DataStax to enhance its AI-driven data management capabilities. Stay tuned for more updates on educatio…
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Andrew unpacks the power of prayer. In Acts 2:42 it says the early Church devoted themselves to prayer, and we need to do the same. Join us on the podcast from Gateway City. If you need prayer, we're here for you. Reach out at ⁠ Baptist Church meets across six locations in South-East Qu…
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In celebration of Black History Month, we delve into the rich history and ongoing impact of Black excellence in higher education, with a special focus on community colleges. Join us as we sit down with Madison Otto, President of the Black Student Union, and Marcus Nicks, Assistant Director of the Silas Craft Collegians Program, to explore the pivot…
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Was macht ein gelernter Strassenbauer an der Universität St.Gallen? Auf den ersten Blick scheint dies eine Vermischung zweier völlig verschiedenen Welten zu sein. Doch Dominic zeigt, dass es tatsächlich möglich ist. Im Gespräch erzählt er von seiner beeindruckenden Geschichte, welche von Höhen und Tiefen geprägt ist. Beginnend mit einer schwierigen…
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On today’s episode of the Illumination by Modern Campus podcast, podcast host Shauna Cox was joined by Ailsa Craig to discuss the importance of diversifying credentials and the power of creating on and off ramps in education.저자 Modern Campus
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Complex problems cannot be solved if examined only through a narrow lens. Enter interdisciplinarity. It is now widely accepted that drawing on varied expertise and perspectives is the only way we can understand and tackle many of the most challenging issues we face, as individuals and as a species. So, there is a growing movement towards more cross…
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Welcome to episode 205 of the Campus Comics Cast as we lament the destruction of our digital world. But stick around for some information about JSApril, listener feedback, and then our thoughts on comics from the March 2025 pre-order catalogs.Timestamps:00:00:00 Opening Music00:00:25 Intro00:00:40 Skype is going away and other digital issues00:04:4…
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Everyone’s facing something; Things we’re battling but aren’t sure we can beat—goals we want to reach, habits we want to break, relationships we want to rescue. But significant victories don’t come easy. The sheer size of the fight in front of us can leave us anxious, overwhelmed, and exhausted. How do we keep from giving up? There was a warrior ki…
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In 2023, Joe Gow, the long-serving chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, began posting pornographic videos featuring him and his wife, revealing a double life the couple had long kept hidden. This revelation ultimately cost him his job. In this episode we visit Joe and his wife, Carmen Wilson, at their home to hear their side of the …
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In this episode, Professor Joseph Wong joins us in discussing his article, "The Politics of Universal Health Coverage," where he explores the influence of government systems on healthcare. We delve into Professor Wong's research on health policy, focusing on its effects on the majority of the population and then considering the challenges of provid…
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Introducing: Killer Communications AbJack Entertainment, the same network that brings you new episodes of Campus Killings every 2 weeks, has a brand new show launching March 1,2025. It's called Killer Communications, and it's hosted by Mike Morford. In each episode of Killer Communications, Mike discusses a true crime case where one of the clues is…
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March 2, 2025. Fr. Tyler's homily for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time. GospelLuke 6:39-45 Jesus told his disciples a parable, “Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother…
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What does it mean to be fully devoted to Jesus? The early church in Acts 2 demonstrated a deep commitment to the Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. This message by Susan Elsmore challenges us to cultivate the same ongoing, single-minded pursuit of God through His Word. With practical steps to pre-decide a time and place …
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Nous vous proposons de découvrir Rebecca, le premier documentaire d'un nouvel auteur, Antoine Messager Pasqualini qui a obtenu le prix des Petites ondes au festival Longueur d'ondes 2025 Rebecca est une anglaise qui, après une carrière d'hôtesse de l'air, s'est exilée avec ses deux enfants à Scrignac, un village du centre Bretagne . Fantasque , plu…
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Les nouveaux plans trail co-créés avec Mathieu Blanchard sont disponibles depuis quelques semaines sur ton application d'entraînement Campus. Mais comment ont-ils été construits ? Pourquoi cette approche ? Et surtout, comment t’aideront-ils à progresser en trail ? Dans cet épisode, Mathieu, Tristan et Niko lèvent le voile sur la philosophie et la m…
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Exploring the Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at ESMT Campus 10178 host Tammi L. Coles sits down with Angeliki Papachroni, senior lecturer and faculty lead of the Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship program at ESMT Berlin. Papachroni shares her journey into the world of strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship, revealing how her c…
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