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Mateusz Płocha i Szymon Żurawski wyruszają na poszukiwania prawdziwej męskości. Przedzierając się przez dżunglę pnączy z testosteronu starają się odnaleźć siebie, a przy okazji trochę się pośmiać. Słuchasz na Spotify? Pamiętaj o zaobserwowaniu i kliknięcia w dzwoneczek. Macie ciekawe screeny albo historie? Prześlijcie je na Jesteś osobą słuchająca i chciałabyś nas wesprzeć? Zapraszamy na nasz Patronite, gdzie znajdziesz próg specjalnie dla siebie: https://patronit ...
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Igreja Betânia

Bem vindos ao Betacast! o podcast da Igreja Betânia de São Leopoldo, RS. nosso conteúdo é retirado do nosso canal do youtube, venha ver! ✝️O que somos? Somos uma Igreja diferente e descomplicada! 📌Qual nosso objetivo? Temos como objetivo levar as pessoas a conhecerem e serem como Jesus! 📖No que acreditamos? Acreditamos que a bíblia é a palavra de Deus! 📍Onde estamos? Av. Imperatriz Leopoldina, 2262 - São José, São Leopoldo - RS 🕵 Siga nossas redes sociais! Perfil do Instagram: ...
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Igreja Presbiteriana Betânia

Ouça aqui as mensagens dos cultos e breves reflexões e compartilhe. Nos assista 'ao vivo' em nosso canal do YouTube e nos siga nas redes sociais para ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece em nossa Igreja. Vamos espalhar as Boas-Novas do evangelho de Cristo! @igrejabetaniasf Jesus está VIVO! Contato: +55 (21) 99694-7755 Endereço: Av. Rui Barbosa, 679 - São Francisco, Niterói - RJ; 24360-440.
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Wisconsin Public Radio

"BETA" comes from producer/host Doug Gordon. BETA is a polyphonic mosh pit where high culture and low culture collide, taking an immersive, innovative, playful and provocative approach to exploring arts, culture and technology.
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Welcome to Betatalks the podcast, in which we talk with friends from the development community. We chat not only about technology, but what drives them, inspires them and makes them unique. Rick (Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft) and Oscar (CTO at Virtual Vaults), invite developers, makers, Open Source maintainers and other amazing people from the .NET and Azure development community. Looking for more content? Have a look at our Betatalks video's.
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I was once labeled the shy, quiet, introverted kid — a label that became my identity and dictated my life. But in 2019, I made a decision to break free from my comfort zone and start creating the life I truly wanted. That’s when 'The Betar Project Podcast' was born. My mission is simple: to push myself toward becoming the best version of who I can be by engaging with the highest-performing men in the world. And I’m bringing you along for the ride. Through raw, unfiltered conversations, we’ll ...
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"Nathan is brilliant at making the complicated simple..." Amber Rudd (Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change 2015-16) BetaTalk is an award winning podcast for Local Authorities, Social Housing Groups, Think Tanks, Government, Journalists, Consultants, Developers, Gas, Oil and Heat Pump engineers and the general public. It is hosted by Nathan Gambling who's family have been involved with heat pump technologies for nearly half a century. "Nathan is one of the UK's clean heat leaders, ...
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Some podcasts don’t have a home… Some just aimlessly wander thru the open waters, searching for a place to be heard and consumed. We at the Reynard Podcast Network have deep sympathy for those pods, so we created a temporary home for them. Who knows… If they’re loved and cherished enough, maybe they’ll one day find their forever home on their very own feed.
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Failed infusion sets? Continuous glucose monitor screaming at you in the middle of the night? Then you’ll find this show super-relatable. It’s by people with type 1, for people with type 1, and we talk about it how it is - like every day is a science experiment! Each episode we share personal stories, tips and tricks, the latest news, and talk about how to manage type 1... so that it doesn’t manage you!
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Podcast Betakopoites ini lebih obrolan santai bersama teman2 pencinta Liverpool garis kenyal. kami bercerita tentan tim kesayangan kami LFC baik dari sisi permainan dalam lapangan. gosip transfer, dan beta punya juga ngobrol seputar kegiatan2 regional baik dalam kepengurusan BIGREDS atau teman2 yang memiliki fans base didaerah tersendiri. Podcast ini podcast nya Tim LFC garis kenyaal :D
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The betamigos podcast

DJ sets and occasional remixes/mash-ups from Oxford (UK) based, DJ and producer betamigos (bee-ta-me-goes). Spanning the last 15+ years and mixing house, electro, breakbeats, dubstep, EDM and more.
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The global banking system as we know is changing, so will you be ready for it? From transformations in how we save, spend and invest, futurists Mark Pesce & Andrew Davis explore the rise of the ‘Neobank’ on this new series… BETABANK!
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Iz Betanije

Radio Ognjišče

"Najstrašnejša revščina je osamljenost in občutek, da te nihče nima rad." Besede svetnice matere Terezije so našle odmev tudi v rubriki, ki trikrat na teden prinaša raznolike vsebine: od obravnavanja pasti sodobnega načina življenja, izzivov zakonskega življenja in vzgoje, do duhovnih spodbud in vsebin za starejše. Naš namen je, da bi iz Betanije (hiše stiske) odšli spodbujeni in vsaj malo manj obteženi.
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Thal Pals: The Alpha Beta Revolution Podcast is intended for patients, caregivers, providers, and the greater community of people who are impacted by thalassemia. Each episode strives to provide listeners with critical education, the latest scientific updates, and voices from the thalassemia community. Learn more about thalassemia by visiting Join an inclusive community and build connections with other hemolytic anemia allies by following @AllyVoicesRising on Instagra ...
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show series
Nasza koleżanka wraca, by stoczyć nierówną walkę z faktami. Kto wyjdzie z niej zwycięsko? Kim jest Krzysztof Stanowski? Co się dzieję z Palikotem? Tego wszystko dowiemy się razem z Martą. *** Zapraszamy do wsparcia na:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Możesz nam postawić kawę na:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Nasza grupa „Samiec Beka" …
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Pedro Guerra-Zúñiga has a fighting spirit — a spirit that especially likes to laugh. Growing up, Pedro expected to get cancer, at some point, probably in his 60s. Fate has a funny disposition, though, so when he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Pedro decided to respond on his terms: with humor and a goal of making Team Canada. After all, yo…
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Translator Call of Duty ha sido un fenómeno de ventas desde su cuarto juego cuando comenzaron con la serie Modern Warfare y desde hace más de 10 años que la serie es constantemente el juego más vendido en los Estados Unidos, pero debido a una reciente demanda se revelaron datos oficiales donde indican que la serie va a la baja entrega tras entrega …
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Hey there, welcome back to Life in Beta! We’ve missed you, and we’re kicking off 2025 with some exciting updates and stories. In this special episode, we're diving into the latest advancements in diabetes treatment—imagine beta cells that might not need immunosuppressants and an algorithm that could make insulin bolusing a thing of the past! We als…
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The Phi Beta Kappa Book Awards are presented annually to three outstanding scholarly books published in the United States. The 2024 winners are Gregg Hecimovich for his book The Life and Times of Hannah Crafts: The True Story of The Bondwoman's Narrative; Jeremy Eichler for his book Time's Echo: The Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Music of…
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Send us a text Nathan talks with Katrina from Energy Systems Catapult and Trysten Lee from Open Energy Monitor about a key question surrounding the Electrification of Heat (EoH) trial: why did the heat pumps perform so poorly? The trial, involving aprox. 740 heat pumps, showed an average Seasonal Performance Factor (SPF) of just 2.81 for air source…
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Throwing haymakers from the opening bell... What do you do after you poop your pants... First time seeing boobs in the wild... Going out with someone because you want to get laid... Fantasies about the end of the world... Defining relationships suck... Does getting your salad tossed change your life... Going back, would you do it... Matt's hot take…
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Você tem se sentido mais cansado? Tem áreas da vida em que sente que precisa de um descanso? É possível que, mesmo após o recesso, você ainda sinta algum cansaço. E esse cansaço pode estar se estendendo para outras áreas. Talvez você esteja cansado do seu relacionamento, da sua carreira, ou talvez até mesmo da igreja ou da vida que você tem levado.…
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Este domingo 26 de enero, nuestro pastor David E. Ramos citó Isaías 51, 9-16:El pasaje de Isaías 51,9-16 muestra un llamado de Dios a Israel, que se encuentra abatido y sin voluntad de escuchar. A pesar de su sufrimiento, Dios les llama a escuchar y despertar. En medio de su desesperación, Israel clama a Dios que actúe, recordándole su poder en el …
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In this episode, Oscar Mairs shares his remarkable journey of overcoming bullying and physical challenges to become a successful powerlifter and entrepreneur. He discusses the importance of maintaining privacy in a social media-driven world and highlights the dangers of seeking validation online. Oscar delves into how he used strength training and …
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El viernes 24 de enero, nuestro pastor David E. Ramos estuvo compartiendo la Palabra en el Tabernáculo Bíblico Bautista El Rosario, La Paz, donde citó Génesis 4,1-5. A través de este pasaje, la Palabra enseñó sobre el principio de las primicias y cómo Dios se agrada cuando le damos lo primero y lo mejor.En Génesis 4,1-5, aprendimos sobre las primic…
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“This is worth the pain of attempting to figure out how to do it. But attempting to figure out how to do it required us to basically rethink everything about that traditional outsourcing model.” SRTX founder and CEO Katherine Homuth explains how attempting to solve one problem with tights led her company to attempt solving for all problems related …
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Charlie Brooker sits down with us to discuss two of his incredible TV creations – the mind-bending “Black Mirror” and the hilarious documentarian Philomena Cunk. Kyle Chayka tells us how algorithms and social media are flattening our culture in his book “Filterworld.” Author Peter Ames Carlin talks about the trail-blazing band from Athens, Georgia …
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Anal sex... Matt is passive aggressive... Doug needs some throat lube... Long clips... Jerkin' off in the middle of the podcast... Doug is a fucking idiot... Ring size... Matt's story "I, Thief" is part of his book Anger, Theft, Murder, and other Niceties" available on Amazon along with his other books…
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#129 - PRZEGLĄD G*WNA Po raz kolejny nurkujemy w odmętach naszych notatek. I wyciągamy rzeczy brązowe. Uczy nas to, że należy mieć system do zbierania danych, które mogą przydać nam się w przyszłości. Chodź, zabiorę cię na Gównolandię, na cuchnący, zalewowy ląd. Zaryzykuj, choć tu może zginiesz. Ucieknijmy razem szybko stąd. *** Pośmiane? Zapraszam…
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Send us a text Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery systems are discussed with Nathan's guests Duncan and Barry Sharp. Regular listeners will know Barry from previous episodes of BetaTalk and is one of Nathan's favourite heat pump engineers based in Scotland. Duncan is Barry's dad and has been specialising in MVHR systems since around 2010. The dis…
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Você tem se sentido mais cansado? Tem áreas da vida em que sente que precisa de um descanso? É possível que, mesmo após o recesso, você ainda sinta algum cansaço. E esse cansaço pode estar se estendendo para outras áreas. Talvez você esteja cansado do seu relacionamento, da sua carreira, ou talvez até mesmo da igreja ou da vida que você tem levado.…
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Roger Strong made his catch king crab fishing so he could ski and climb the rest of the year. His life was forged by sea and steel, commercial fishing hardening him for both alpinism and captainship. As he says, it was some of the best and worst times. But to continue the metaphor, the metallurgy of life also requires tempering, annealing, and heal…
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In the 100th episode of Betatalks the Podcast, Rick and Oscar celebrate the milestone with guest Rendle, a software development consultant at RendleLabs and member of the parody band The Line Breakers. Rendle shares the band’s journey from a comedy quiz round to performing tech-themed cover songs at conferences. He highlights his efforts to bring h…
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Translator Está semana finalmente hablaremos a fondo de Dragon Quest III HD-2D y para ello tenemos de invitados de vuelta a Andy @An_TheCucco y @RionYun para responder ¿es realmente está nueva entrega de Dragon Quest III un Remake o es algo más? En las clásicas secciones tenemos: Opening: Squid Game S2 Random: Revelación Switch 2 Preguntas. Los inv…
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El 19 de enero, nuestro pastor David E. Ramos citó Isaías 43, 14-21, donde nos convoca a mirar hacia adelante con esperanza. El profeta nos recuerda que, aunque la vida parezca desmoronarse, Dios tiene el poder de hacer algo nuevo y transformar nuestras circunstancias. Su mano sigue extendida para salvarnos. Israel temía la desestabilización por pa…
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 ”It does make me increasingly nervous that one of them really wants to move to Mars and the other one has a legit bunker. Like, what are they preparing for?” Social media expert Amber Mac joins to discuss why two of the world’s richest men, collectively responsible for over 3 billion monthly users, are so quick to blame everyone else for the probl…
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Vi hade en radiogudstjänst senast i december 2022, och nu var det dags igen, nämligen den 19 januari 2025. Radiogudstjänsten är en gudstjänst som är noggrant planerad och där tidsramen är 53-54 minuter. Gudstjänsten sändes i Yle Vega samma dag kl. 13.03 och kan sedan också höras via YLE Arenan efteråt. Här kan du lyssna: Betanias radiogudstjänst Lä…
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Will Doug win the game... Matt is disgusting and lucky to have a wife... Doug segment shames Matt... Matt is old... Doug is a hypocrite... The boys honor the passing of a legend...multiple times... Idiom corrections... Distrust of the legal system... Coincidences... All this as Matt and Doug take the witness stand and promise to tell the truth, the…
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Nie wierzyliśmy, że to się wydarzy. A jednak. Byliśmy na premierze filmu "P*tin" autorstwa Patryka Vegi. Zapraszamy na podróż w szaleństwo. Gościnnie: Marek Baranowski i Artur Wyrzykowski. *** Zapraszamy do wsparcia na:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Możesz nam postawić kawę na:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Nasza grupa „Samiec Beka"…
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Does drytooling have a grading problem? Katie McKinstry Stylos is one of top drytoolers in the world, specializing in big roofs. In 2023, Katie sent A Line Above The Sky, becoming the fourth woman to climb D15. This past summer, she returned to project Parallel World (D16/D15+/other?), and she has some questions. While Tomorrow's World is somewhat …
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E aí? Voltou do recesso? Descansado? Pronto pra 2025? E como você estava se sentindo no fim do ano? Cansado? Exausto?É possível que mesmo após o recesso, você ainda acuse algum cansaço. E esse cansaço pode estar estendendo para outras áreas. Talvez você está cansado do seu relacionamento, ou da sua carreira, talvez até mesmo da igreja ou da vida qu…
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Translator Está semana nos acompaña un nuevo invitado @Yadomon para platicar de esos juegos que pareciera que tienen un publico muy pequeño y especifico o simplemente no han sido descubiertos por el gran público pero que tienen el potencial para hacerlo. En las clásicas secciones tenemos: Opening: The Magic Girl and the Evil Liutenant used to be Ar…
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