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Betacritic er en dansk film- og seriepodcast der genforener Rikke Collin og Jacob Ege Hinchely. Sammen giver de jer en underholdende og informativ podcast hvor de hylder og spidder de største og vigtigste film og serier. Betacritic er en del af Arkaden, og udkommer hver anden fredag. Er det den podcast, vi fortjener? Nej, men det er den podcast, vi får!
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Igreja Presbiteriana Betânia

Ouça aqui as mensagens dos cultos e breves reflexões e compartilhe. Nos assista 'ao vivo' em nosso canal do YouTube e nos siga nas redes sociais para ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece em nossa Igreja. Vamos espalhar as Boas-Novas do evangelho de Cristo! @igrejabetaniasf Jesus está VIVO! Contato: +55 (21) 99694-7755 Endereço: Av. Rui Barbosa, 679 - São Francisco, Niterói - RJ; 24360-440.
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Samiec Beta

Samiec Beta

Mateusz Płocha i Szymon Żurawski wyruszają na poszukiwania prawdziwej męskości. Przedzierając się przez dżunglę pnączy z testosteronu starają się odnaleźć siebie, a przy okazji trochę się pośmiać. Słuchasz na Spotify? Pamiętaj o zaobserwowaniu i kliknięcia w dzwoneczek. Macie ciekawe screeny albo historie? Prześlijcie je na Jesteś osobą słuchająca i chciałabyś nas wesprzeć? Zapraszamy na nasz Patronite, gdzie znajdziesz próg specjalnie dla siebie: https://patronit ...
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Igreja Betânia

Bem vindos ao Betacast! o podcast da Igreja Betânia de São Leopoldo, RS. nosso conteúdo é retirado do nosso canal do youtube, venha ver! ✝️O que somos? Somos uma Igreja diferente e descomplicada! 📌Qual nosso objetivo? Temos como objetivo levar as pessoas a conhecerem e serem como Jesus! 📖No que acreditamos? Acreditamos que a bíblia é a palavra de Deus! 📍Onde estamos? Av. Imperatriz Leopoldina, 2262 - São José, São Leopoldo - RS 🕵 Siga nossas redes sociais! Perfil do Instagram: ...
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Wisconsin Public Radio

"BETA" comes from producer/host Doug Gordon. BETA is a polyphonic mosh pit where high culture and low culture collide, taking an immersive, innovative, playful and provocative approach to exploring arts, culture and technology.
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Welcome to Betatalks the podcast, in which we talk with friends from the development community. We chat not only about technology, but what drives them, inspires them and makes them unique. Rick (Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft) and Oscar (CTO at Virtual Vaults), invite developers, makers, Open Source maintainers and other amazing people from the .NET and Azure development community. Looking for more content? Have a look at our Betatalks video's.
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"Nathan is brilliant at making the complicated simple..." Amber Rudd (Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change 2015-16) BetaTalk is an award winning podcast for Local Authorities, Social Housing Groups, Think Tanks, Government, Journalists, Consultants, Developers, Gas, Oil and Heat Pump engineers and the general public. It is hosted by Nathan Gambling who's family have been involved with heat pump technologies for nearly half a century. "Nathan is one of the UK's clean heat leaders, ...
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I was once labeled the shy, quiet, introverted kid — a label that became my identity and dictated my life. But in 2019, I made a decision to break free from my comfort zone and start creating the life I truly wanted. That’s when 'The Betar Project Podcast' was born. My mission is simple: to push myself toward becoming the best version of who I can be by engaging with the highest-performing men in the world. And I’m bringing you along for the ride. Through raw, unfiltered conversations, we’ll ...
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Thal Pals: The Alpha Beta Revolution Podcast is intended for patients, caregivers, providers, and the greater community of people who are impacted by thalassemia. Each episode strives to provide listeners with critical education, the latest scientific updates, and voices from the thalassemia community. Learn more about thalassemia by visiting Join an inclusive community and build connections with other hemolytic anemia allies by following @AllyVoicesRising on Instagra ...
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Life in Beta: A Type 1 Diabetes Podcast

Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre

Failed infusion sets? Continuous glucose monitor screaming at you in the middle of the night? Then you’ll find this show super-relatable. It’s by people with type 1, for people with type 1, and we talk about it how it is - like every day is a science experiment! Each episode we share personal stories, tips and tricks, the latest news, and talk about how to manage type 1... so that it doesn’t manage you!
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Podcast Betakopoites ini lebih obrolan santai bersama teman2 pencinta Liverpool garis kenyal. kami bercerita tentan tim kesayangan kami LFC baik dari sisi permainan dalam lapangan. gosip transfer, dan beta punya juga ngobrol seputar kegiatan2 regional baik dalam kepengurusan BIGREDS atau teman2 yang memiliki fans base didaerah tersendiri. Podcast ini podcast nya Tim LFC garis kenyaal :D
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The betamigos podcast

DJ sets and occasional remixes/mash-ups from Oxford (UK) based, DJ and producer betamigos (bee-ta-me-goes). Spanning the last 15+ years and mixing house, electro, breakbeats, dubstep, EDM and more.
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The global banking system as we know is changing, so will you be ready for it? From transformations in how we save, spend and invest, futurists Mark Pesce & Andrew Davis explore the rise of the ‘Neobank’ on this new series… BETABANK!
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Iz Betanije

Radio Ognjišče

"Najstrašnejša revščina je osamljenost in občutek, da te nihče nima rad." Besede svetnice matere Terezije so našle odmev tudi v rubriki, ki trikrat na teden prinaša raznolike vsebine: od obravnavanja pasti sodobnega načina življenja, izzivov zakonskega življenja in vzgoje, do duhovnih spodbud in vsebin za starejše. Naš namen je, da bi iz Betanije (hiše stiske) odšli spodbujeni in vsaj malo manj obteženi.
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show series
This week on "BETA," ...Master of horror, Clay McLeod Chapman joins us to discuss his latest novel, “Wake Up and Open Your Eyes.”And musician Paul de Jong talks to us about his captivating found sound music.Also, MacArthur Genius Karen Russell sits down with us to talk her about her incredible novel, “The Antidote,”…
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Propozycje współpracy: Zapraszamy do wsparcia na: ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Możesz nam postawić kawę na:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Nasza grupa „Samiec Beka" (memy, komentarze itd.): *** IG Samca Beta: …
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In this episode, evolutionary biologist Douglas Emlen joins Fred Lawrence in a conversation about his research on extreme animal weapons— from the horns of a rhinoceros beetle to elk antlers. He discusses his family's scientific legacy, his early reluctance to follow in their footsteps, and how his childhood experiences in Kenya influenced his path…
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If JC Dubeau is known it’s somewhat as a dark horse. Search for JC online and you won’t find any trip reports or beta spraying, but as a soloist with a selfie stick he has surprisingly good photos on IG for someone who likes to keep a low profile. JC is also an older athlete who doesn’t train or project yet he will likely send yours if you let him.…
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Join NinaMaria and Dr. Kuo in conversation with guests Dr. Priya Chandrakumaran and Dr. Hayoung Roh, hematology residents, as they share their journeys and passion for hematology. They discuss their motivations, the importance of patient-centered care, and experiences with thalassemia patients. Their insights highlight the value of mentorship and p…
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Tune in this week to dive deep into the world of diabetes tech with us! We've got a confirmed release date for Omnipod 5 and some exciting news for Tandem T-Slim users. But it's not all tech talk; we're announcing the results of last week's suck or wipe poll – a light-hearted look at the peculiar habits we develop as part of our Type 1 journey. Whe…
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Send us a text Ever wondered how heat pump systems differ between the UK and the US? In this episode, Nathan chats with Shreyas Sudhakar, a leading heat pump installer and educator from California, to explore the contrasting approaches. Nathan, who has fond memories of his time in America, and his apprenticeship on a US airbase in the UK, emphasise…
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Death of a legend... Doug's internet woes continue... Should we just call this a whore cast... How our wives improved us... The delay in our show just allows more time to fill our hearts... Is the movie as good as advertised, or just over-rated... Whores...whores everywhere... All that and more as we put on our cowboy hat and see if we're...…
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Na Bíblia, o oposto de alegria não é tristeza, mas ansiedade. A dificuldade de lidar com nossos pensamentos pode nos atrapalhar a conseguir ter a alegria que Jesus nos promete. Existe uma solução muito fácil para isso, e, nesta mensagem, vamos aprender como nos alegrar em Jesus e como isso muda toda a nossa perspectiva de vida.…
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Escuela de Predicadores - Diplomado en Vida, Apostolado y Escritos de Pablo (Clase 5)El Movimiento de Jesús en el Siglo I• Para el año 49 d.C., el movimiento de Jesús ya tenía diversas corrientes de pensamiento.• Desde el principio, no existió una única manera de entender a Jesús; esto se reflejó en los evangelios escritos posteriormente.El Concili…
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Send us a text Damon Blackmore is a massive favourite among other competent heat pump installation engineers. He uses social media to help other heating engineers become interested in heat pump systems and has some of the highest performing heat pumps in the country. Unfortunately, the voices of good engineers are being drowned out by the comms pie…
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In this episode, we talk with Panu, a Microsoft MVP and CTO at Adafy Oy. He shares his passion for technology and his hands-on role balancing coding, Azure tasks, and team engagement. We discuss Microsoft's latest AI developments, comparing Semantic Kernel and AI Extensions, and the challenges of integrating AI models. Panu also reflects on the evo…
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“It feels like my inclusion was optional, and that is a scary message to be told. ‘We were doing you a favour by letting you in the room.’” AccessNow founder and CEO Maayan Ziv has been working in the accessibility space for over a decade—long enough to know that progress is slow and takes a fight. With DEIA currently being blamed for “everything f…
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Gálatas 6,17 – Los estigmas de Jesús en nosotros.IntroducciónEl apóstol Pablo, al finalizar su carta a los Gálatas, hace una declaración profunda y personal:"Por lo demás, que nadie me cause más problemas, porque yo llevo en mi cuerpo las cicatrices de Jesús." (Gálatas 6:17)Esta afirmación no es doctrinal, sino una convicción profunda sobre su mini…
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Kan en film uden dialog stadig skabe stærke følelser?Jacob Ege Hinchely og Rikke Collin dykker ned i tre vidt forskellige film – fra en gyser om en morderisk legetøjsabe til en ordløs animationsfilm og et biografisk drama om Bob Dylan. Derudover analyserer de det nyeste afsnit af Severance i den åbne serieklub og deler deres anbefalinger.The Monkey…
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Gálatas: Aspectos introductorios – Una carta desde el corazón y el celo de Pablo por el evangelio que recibióTe compartimos la Palabra de Dios que nuestro pastor, David E. Ramos, impartió en la primera reunión general de Renuevos 2025.
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O ser humano é atraído por grandes eventos; eles chamam a atenção, reúnem pessoas de todos os tipos e fazem com que todos fiquem focados em um propósito específico.Às vezes, esse propósito é o prazer de ouvir sua banda favorita tocar, outras vezes é a torcida pela vitória do seu time do coração ou o lançamento daquele filme tão esperado.Mas, se voc…
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The solo podcasts are back. 00:00 Introduction and New Beginnings 00:41 Commitment to Solo Episodes 01:51 Transitioning to Full-Time Business 03:00 Balancing Family and Business 04:15 Financial Challenges and Strategies 07:52 Reflecting on Success and Growth 15:42 Delegation and Time Management 19:40 Handling Fear and Uncertainty 22:16 Future Plans…
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Audio issues 'cause Doug won't pay for non dial-up internet... Probably a few janky edits... Podcasting on a weeknight... Matt and Doug get called out for being dicks... A bed that could have been good... Kevin Costner appears...or doesn't... A competition for who watches crappier filler... A podcast that sound like episode 5, not episode 255... Th…
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“Once you’ve cornered that beaver, look out. We are a vicious beast.” Rob and Douglas review the latest dispatches in Canada’s impending trade war with the United States, specifically how Canadian tech is responding. Did someone poke the beaver and unleash Canada’s quiet patriotism? A 3-2 overtime hockey win points to yes. The BetaKit Podcast is pr…
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In this episode, Danilo Creati, a professional boxer, shares his journey of self-discovery and growth through challenging life experiences, including moving to Australia. He discusses the impact of his ADHD during his childhood in Italy, his development as a boxer, and his views on society, spirituality, and fatherhood. Creati also delves into his …
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Send us a text Nathan chats to Adam Bell, Director of Policy at Stonehaven about: Ofgem and the recent findings from Citizens Advice The CfD (Contracts for Difference) consultation the report from the National Infrastructure Commission's - Electricity Distribution Networks: Creating capacity for the future Pylons MCS You can find Adam on Linkedin a…
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Alan Sepinwall joins us to discuss “Saul Goodman v. Jimmy McGill: The Complete Critical Companion to “Better Call Saul.”And Rachel Yoder on her surreal novel, “Nightbitch,” which is now a major motion picture starring Amy Adams.Also, singer/songwriter Kris Delmhorst discusses her latest album, “Ghosts in the Garden.”…
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Jacob ha estado 20 años fuera de su hogar, enfrentando dificultades y dependiendo de su astucia para sobrevivir. Al regresar, se enfrenta al temor de reencontrarse con Esaú, quien podría querer matarlo. En este contexto de miedo y vulnerabilidad, Jacob se encuentra solo en la noche junto al río Jaboc, un momento que simboliza su crisis existencial.…
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Propozycje współpracy: Zapraszamy do wsparcia na: ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Możesz nam postawić kawę na:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Nasza grupa „Samiec Beka" (memy, komentarze itd.): *** Nasze social media:Instagram Samca Beta: https://www.instagram.…
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El domingo 09 de febrero, nuestro pastor David E. Ramos citóGálatas3,1-9, enseñándonos cómo el mensaje de Pablo no se trata de religión,sino del evangelio. Tanto Jesús como Pablo no anunciaron dogmas religiosos,sino un mensaje de esperanza, transformación y vida. Pablo enseña que la salvación no depende de pertenecer a una nación ocumplir leyes rel…
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Lucas 13, 10-17. ¿Por qué alguien puede molestarse de que algo bueno haya pasado? Es algo irónico. Esta mujer anduvo encorvada por 18 años. ¿Cuántos años llevaba sin ver el rostro de quienes la rodeaban o sin observar su entorno? Pensemos en todas las actividades naturales que no se pueden realizar en el estado de esta mujer. Aunque su situación es…
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🎙️Neste episódio, exploramos o verdadeiro significado de prosperidade segundo o evangelho. Enquanto o mundo nos incentiva a buscar riqueza e status, Jesus nos chama a uma vida de integridade, generosidade e contentamento. Descubra como o sacrifício e a confiança em Deus podem nos levar a uma riqueza eterna que dinheiro nenhum pode comprar. 🕊️…
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A maioria das soluções para os problemas que temos na vida, são simples. Você poderia viver uma vida bem melhor, se resolvesse obedecer a Deusde forma irrestrita. O grande problema é que, a maioria das soluções que Deus apresenta paranós conflita com nosso orgulho. Esse sentimento que temos que “falsa proteção” da honra, de “o que vãopensar de nós”…
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