我地幾個人混合左華人同加拿大人的背景,走埋一齊傾吓嘢食、父母、兒時尷尬回憶、友情、前路等等。 We are people with a mix of Chinese and Canadian background, talking about anything from food, parents expectations, embarrassing childhood memories, friendship to life choices. https://www.instagram.com/coffeebubbleteapodcast/
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Host: Samson - How do you do Lunar New Year? The meals? The dos and don'ts? Join us as we welcome the year of rabbit! 在加拿大點慶祝新年呢?一齊來傾吓啦!저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Colin - What is your phone to you and what apps do you have? 手機對你嚟講係乜嘢,你部機有乜野apps呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Join us to discuss new year resolutions and how we might make them meaningful.新年願望有用嗎?有乜辦法大啲機會實現呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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What kind of dessert would you compare your 2022? Was it more like a durian or Tiramisu? 你嘅2022過成點呢?如果以一種甜品來形容這一年,會係似榴槤定係Tiramisu呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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From 'Winter Solace dinner', to Chinese New Years, which day do you celebrate? And what is your favourite way to get together? 由冬至到新年,大家慶祝邊啲日子呢?你鐘意點樣慶祝呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Joyce - For some, Christmas is a family tradition, and for others it is just another holiday. How will you spend your time? 聖誕係重要節日,定只係年尾一個假期呢?你地會點樣渡過呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Let's share funny winter stories to keep ourselves warm! 愈來愈冬了,不如講下冬天趣事,一起寒中作樂!저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - Like it or not, people get an impression of us by what we wear. But how much attention should we pay to how we dress? 鐘意唔鐘意都好,我地點著衫會影響人地點睇自己。咁,應該放幾多心機去諗著乜衫好呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Aisle seat, turbulence, delays, transit...what are some of your memorable flight experience? 訂位、氣流、延誤、轉機...你有沒有乘搭飛機的難忘經驗呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - November is getting cold. Join us to hear an update from Joyce, and stay warm everyone! 來聽聽Joyce搬到Quebec的生活,還有,十一月冷得很快,記得保暖呀!저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - What is your first language? And how did that change once you when you got into school? What is the place of your mother tongue to you know? 在加拿大土生土長的華人是如何在中文環境長大呢?而進入運用英語的校學時的他們面對什麼的沖擊呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - How was your Chinese school experience? How did it affect your Chinese speaking and understanding of the culture? 齊來聽聽幾位在加拿大長大的華人學習中文的經歷저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Joyce - Stationery store Wonder Pens owner Liz and Jon join another chat about their upbringing as local raised/born immigrants.文具舖夫妻檔Liz和Jon再次上場,一起傾傾華人在多倫多長大的經驗。저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Join our chat with 10+ years local stationary business Wonder Pens and explore what compelled their transition from stable careers to entrepreneurship. 聽聽在downtown創業10+年的文具舖Wonder Pens老闆傾傾佢地點解放下穩定工作踏上創業的路!저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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When was the last time you cleaned out your room/desk? How does it feel to keep or throw away something? 你上次執屋執房係幾時呢?在選擇留着還是丟棄的時候,感受是如何呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Tiff - How do you take care of yourself when you fall sick? 食粥、戒口、睇醫生,病左點好?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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What is your role in your family? The perfect, the strong or the 'unremarkable' one? Would you wish otherwise? Come join us on this topic from this recent disney hit! 你在家中嘅角色係乜呢?最叻、最醒、定係「平平無奇」嗰個呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Ice-cream on a shopping mall floor, a noisy neighbour and a sobbing co-worker, what would you do? 跌咗落商場地下嘅雪糕、嘈吵嘅鄰居同埋在抽泣的同事,你會點做呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - What was money to you growing up and what did you spend it on? 成長中,錢對你來說係乜嘢,而你又係點洗錢呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Tiff - Holding the door, raising your hand to thank a fellow driver, pouring tea for an older relative...are these courtesy, manner or just a habit? 幫人hold住門、揮手同另一架車道謝、幫長輩添茶...係禮貌係習慣還是係有品?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - Growing up, how much attention do you put into maintain your hair? Come listen to us talk about how our hair was a part of growing up. 由細到大,你用幾多時間攪好個頭呢?原來頭髮在成長中有著一個重要嘅位置。저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Joyce - Happiness is something that most of us seek and strive toward, but how do we make sense of or define our happiness? Is it from our hard-earned experiences or was it taught to us? Our hosts discuss famous quotes about happiness to explore what it means to us. 快樂係乜?大家都想活得開心,但係對我地來說快樂係乜嘢呢?係經驗定係其他人來為我地定義呢?…
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Host: Samson - 成長中,有冇邊個故事角色對你有影響、啟發呢?Growing up, which fictional characters influenced or inspired you?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Tiff - What food did you grow up with? Do you cook? Let's talk about how our culture is ingrained in our food habits! 你成長有乜嘢食物呢?你會唔會自己煮飯?我地一齊傾下食物同文化嘅關係啦!저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - What is it like to be born in HK, spend 7 years in South African, then moved to Toronto and settle down? 今集我地同喺香港出世、南非讀中小學、然後來多倫多讀大學並落腳的Patrick傾下他的成長經歷。저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - What is life like with/without a car in Toronto? Are there things you missed when you did not have a car? 在多倫多有車冇車的生活係點嘅呢?有冇時候懷念冇車的生活呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Colin - Some food reminds us of noises in a school yard, texture of flour in our palms, or the voice of someone we miss. What food brings up memories for you? 有d嘢食令我地諗起校園嘅聲音、麵粉嘅觸感、或者係掛念的人的聲線。有乜嘢食會牽起你的回憶呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Joyce - New beginnings. Are you, or were ready for them? Many people move home, or even country over the summer, and it can be very stressful. How do we handle the stress? 面對人生中的新開始,你有好好準備過嗎?暑假係好多人搬家或移民的季節,當中的過程可以形成很多壓力。大家可以點面對呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Tiff - What are your plans for Summer? Join us to talk about water sports and other ideas for things to do! 夏日炎炎做乜好,原來加拿大有好多水上活動等緊大家玩!저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Samson - Thanks everyone for supporting us. It is already episode 13! In this episode we introduce ourselves a bit more, and share what has been happening with us. 多謝大家的支持,原來已經第十三集!今集我地會介紹吓我地自己,同埋我地近排有乜嘢攪。저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Colin - What were some memories you remember in the neighbourhood that you grew up in? What and why were they so memorable? How about in the neighbourhood that you live now? On this week’s episode, we talk about the unique and interesting places in the places that we most cherish and enjoy and hope to encourage you to go out and explore! 記唔記得…
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Host: Joyce-In this episode, we take a deeper dive into some of our travel experiences, especially those adventures we chose to do on our own instead of with our parents. Perhaps you'll glean some advice on how to choose a travel buddy carefully, and hear about the joy and pleasure of exploring places all by yourself. 荷蘭、日本、香港、九龍,兩個騎呢旅伴的故事、兩個返香港的故事…
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Host: Samson - By the end of the episode, some of us decided it is not too late to start learning. We hope you will be encouraged too! 希望聽住呢一集,你會有衝動去學一些後悔以前冇學到嘅嘢啦!저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Tiff - What does birthday mean to you? Do you celebrate birthdays? On this week podcast, we are chatting about what we do on our birthdays. 你會慶祝生日的嗎? 生日對你來說又是甚麼呢?這週的podcast讓我們來聊聊我們都是怎麼慶祝生日的。저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Colin - 我地兩個CBC+兩個知d唔知d嘅人傾下民間風族/迷信 What are some Asian Superstitions that you have heard of growing up or remember? Do you even know what they mean or if you do, what was the purpose and where do they originate from? Do you believe or not believe in superstitions? On this week’s podcast, we chat and take a guess at what these superstitions ha…
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Host: Joyce - 加拿大暑假有乜好做?一齊來傾下!Summer is coming! What do your thoughts of summer conjure up for you? Lazy summer days, road trips with family and friends, weeks of summer camp trying different activities? Let’s take a trip down memory lane and share about the summer memories that have lasted beyond the summer it actually happened. Maybe you will be …
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Host: Samson - 邊度係「家」呢?你嘅家係有d乜野人、東西、味道呢?去到一個新嘅地方,點樣可以令自己有家的感覺呢?What makes a place home? If you are going to a new place, how are you going to make that place home?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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5.Chinese Medicine: Mystery/ family tradition? 中醫:神秘/家族傳統?
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나중에 재생
Host: Tiff - 你家裡廚房的某一角,有沒有存放著一堆你看似認識但又好像不太清楚該怎麼食用的中藥材嗎? 一起來聽聽我們新一代對中藥材/中醫的看法吧!You might know what is “dong gu” (east-mushroom), but what about the mysterious power of other herbs along that aisle in Asian supermarkets? Join our exploration into the topic of Chinese medicine that seems to be both mysterious and familiar.…
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Host: Colin - Do you put much thought into the friendships or company you kept around when you were younger? Now that you are older, are you more selective or picky with the people you decide to hang around? How do you determine this? 你細個嘅時候係點樣揀朋友?而定又點揀呢?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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3.Turning Red: Handling emotions in a family 熊抱青春記:家庭如何處理情感
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나중에 재생
Host: Joyce - We use the story of Mei and Ming from "Turning Red" as a jumping off point to talk about growing up in Chinese-Canadian families, how emotions were handled (or weren’t), and the relationships we wish(ed) to have with our parents. Tune in to listen to this deep dive into cross-cultural family dynamics! 我們以電影《熊抱青春記》中「美」和「明」的故事為出發點,談論在加拿…
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Host: Samson Mask fishing? Face guessing? Selective make-up? Over-smiling? We propose a more neutral definition to begin our discussion: A person purposely or inadvertently giving people a wrong impression of their outlook when wearing a mask 帶口罩扮有型?自我形像?下半面唔化妝?笑到隻眼都睇得出?今集我地傾下戴住口罩點影響我地嘅行為。저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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Host: Tiffany 你還記得你在青春期時所發生的一點一滴嗎? Do you remember what happened to you during your adolescence? 在熊抱青春記裡,透過小主角美美和自己的小熊貓所經歷的一些衝突,提醒我們在青春期所擁有和經歷過至死不渝的友情,發生的尷尬小事情和父母對我們不離不棄的親情。第一集就讓我們分享一下我們在青春期所發生的的小故事吧。 In the movie Turning Red, through the conflicts that Mei Mei and her giant red panda experienced, we are reminded of the friendships, the embarrassin…
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Who are we, and why are we doing this podcast?저자 Coffee Bubble Tea
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