Videos about the City of Prince George including municipal initiatives and human interest stories. This is our HD feed for tvs, iPads, and computers. We also provide a feed for mobile devices by searching "City of Prince George (Small Quicktime)".
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Videos about the City of Prince George including municipal initiatives and human interest stories. This is our mobile devices feed. We also provide a feed for tvs, iPads, and computers by searching "City of Prince George (HD)".
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The Prince George Fire and Rescue undergo regular training scenarios. In this video they deal with a hazmat response at the CN Centre and Kins.
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The Prince George Fire and Rescue undergo regular training scenarios. In this video they deal with a hazmat response at the CN Centre and Kins.
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Community Associations are volunteer organizations that deliver recreation programs and community development activities that strengthen communities within a specific geographic area.
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Community Associations are volunteer organizations that deliver recreation programs and community development activities that strengthen communities within a specific geographic area.
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his the fourth video in a series of updates of what's going on and what is to happen at the Prince George Boundary Road connector, the connector will establish a direct route between Highway 16 East and Highway 97 South.
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his the fourth video in a series of updates of what's going on and what is to happen at the Prince George Boundary Road connector, the connector will establish a direct route between Highway 16 East and Highway 97 South.
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The City of Prince George operates a Nuisance Mosquito Abatement program to reduce mosquito annoyance for residents of and visitors to the City. The immediate and most urgent responsibility of the program is to control nuisance mosquitoes at a level that is tolerable to visitors, residents and livestock, especially during the peak mosquito season i…
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The City of Prince George operates a Nuisance Mosquito Abatement program to reduce mosquito annoyance for residents of and visitors to the City. The immediate and most urgent responsibility of the program is to control nuisance mosquitoes at a level that is tolerable to visitors, residents and livestock, especially during the peak mosquito season i…
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In preparation of the 2011 World Baseball Challenge the City of Prince George has made a number of upgrades to the Rotary Park.
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In preparation of the 2011 World Baseball Challenge the City of Prince George has made a number of upgrades to the Rotary Park.
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