A podcast on dating, anxiety, and doing the work to heal with @Sabrina.zohar (https://www.instagram.com/sabrina.zohar) . Instagram- @thesabrinazoharshow (https://www.instagram.com/thesabrinazoharshow) TikTok- @sabrina.zohar (https://www.tiktok.com/@sabrina.zohar)
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Niets is wat het lijkt in de economie. De realiteit verrast altijd. Marike Stellinga en Maarten Schinkel gidsen je elke week langs dubbelzinnige cijfers en de economische krachten die ons leven beïnvloeden, en helpen je onderscheid te maken tussen waan en werkelijkheid. Marike Stellinga is econoom en journalist. Ze werkte zes jaar als politiek verslaggever voor NRC en schrijft nu over politieke economie, sociaal-economisch beleid en klimaatbeleid, onder andere in de column ‘Zo simpel is het ...
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Dossiers of loathsome figures possessed by nationalist brainrot.
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Grant Cohn is the publisher of 49ers On SI. He has covered the 49ers since 2011. Along with Co-Host Ryan G. Hensley. Check in every day for the latest 49ers news, analysis and opinions.
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Kabbalah, Zohar Study, Spiritual Growth. Connecting people to knowledge, wisdom and to each other. Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-tree-of-life-study-live Support our efforts to provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations
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Welcome to Zombie Book Club! We're a Podcast that's also a book club! We talk about Zombie / Apocalyptic horror novels, TV and movies.
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Team Zombie: an intrepid group of adventurers who delve into the narrative world of the Zombie Apocalypse. With an emphasis on THE WALKING DEAD and FEAR THE WALKING DEAD, "Zombpocalypse Now" will also cover books, comics, video games, movies, and television shows wrapped in zombification and the supernatural. Anything's on the table, so be sure to listen as we pick our braaiiinnnnsssss.....
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Zombie apocalypse survivor Harper finds a radio station and starts broadcasting her experiences during the zombie apocalypse as well as tips for how to survive and rules on how to help others survive. The solar powered radio station has many amenities but the find of a notebook with Robert’s Rules of Chaos which contains not only tips on how to run the station, but also many tips and ideas on how to survive as a community instead of a lone survivor. Dj Clueless, aka Harper, shares these rule ...
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Solo: A Zombie Apocalypse is a scripted serial audio drama consisting of full sound effects and voice actors. We are not professionals but friends who love audio dramas and fun. The story takes places after the zombie apocalypse and our friends here are trying to find answers and stay alive at the same time. There any many adventures and interesting people as they travel across the land. These three survivors have nothing in common but learn to depend oneach other in order to survive. John i ...
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Zombies Ate My Podcast is a podcast focused on all things zombies! Each episode Ryan and Lou break down the zombie news, discuss zombie movies both old and new, and spoil the living dead out of The Walking Dead.
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The first and only Zombicide podcast. Whether you're a newbie looking to pick up your first Zombicide game or a veteran wading through waves of the undead in various settings, we've got you covered. Tune in as each episode will provide an in-depth review for either a Zombicide game or big box expansion. We cover modern, fantasy, sci-fi, western, superhero, and more. Join us as we gear up, level up, and roll the dice and take down the hordes of the undead! Zombicide Fans is an unofficial podc ...
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Two Crippled Zombies is a Horror Movie Podcast starring Johnny B Ghoul and Misfit Mike. For each episode you will get a full rating and review of the horror movie that is picked. The show discusses the entire plot and along the way some trivia, and lighthearted criticism thrown in. We also take pride with not veering away from the topic at hand or going off on tangents. Overall, when it comes down to it this show is all about laughing and having fun at the same time showing that its professi ...
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Not creative or happy but we do our best to eat your brains through your love.
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The Dead America Series can be found in full on this channel. The Texas zombie virus is quickly spreading throughout the nation. As the infected become fast moving flesh eaters, survivors across the country band together to battle against the onslaught of the undead. Dead America touches on all aspects of the zombie outbreak, from the origins in Texas, to the military response in the Carolinas and the Heartland, to civilians in various regions of the country dealing with threats both living ...
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I talk about video games but mostly this is for an AUDIO BOOK series! So far I am doing “ghosts of the Shadow Market”
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Dispatch from the Zombie Apocalypse provides a space to reckon with our demons, call out our enemies, and work together to build a better society. DZA is 100% fact-based and firmly grounded in the reality-based community; it rejects "post-truth" politics and holds everyone to account. Each episode contains suggested antidotes, as the purpose of this show is social change, not simply intellectual discourse. *DZA's host is Dr. Jason Scorse, who holds a PhD in Environmental Economics with a min ...
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Vroege Vogels neemt je mee op een tijdreis door de natuur. Wat hoor je als je rondloopt in de ijstijd als er mammoeten en leeuwen rondstruinen? Hoe klinkt een middeleeuws bos waar de laatste elanden en beren hun best doen de mens te overleven die steeds meer ruimte inneemt? Klimaat en landschap veranderen voortduren en dieren komen en gaan. Welke natuurgeluiden zijn de afgelopen 100.000 jaar verdwenen en welke zijn ons land rijker geworden? Van steppe tot stad, van mammoet tot halsbandparkie ...
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Horror is queen in the Zombie Grrlz podcast universe! For more than a decade, the Grrlz (and some awesome guyz) have assembled to talk about all the things in the genre that make our spines tingle. Subscribe/Follow for something new at least once a week from our slate of woman-led shows.
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Als je ooit denkt: ben ik de enige die...? Dan is dit je veilige plek op het internet waar zelfs je goorste gewoontes en je meest neurotische trekjes welkom zijn. Want als er iets is waar vriendinnen Bianca Schrijver (31) en Titia Hoogendoorn (35) achter zijn gekomen nu ze de dertig zijn gepasseerd is dat ze nog steeds niks onder controle hebben. Ze hebben nog steeds irrationele angsten om in de gevangenis te komen, worden regelmatig overvallen door een kwetsbaarheidskater na een avondje soc ...
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Welkom bij 'De zaal gaat zo open', dé podcast voor bioscoopliefhebbers die nét dat beetje extra willen voordat de film begint! Terwijl je nog in de lobby staat met een bak popcorn in de hand, geven wij je in een paar minuten alles wat je wilt weten over de film die je zo gaat zien. Geen spoilers, wel de leukste weetjes, fun facts over de cast &crew en een toffe prijsvraag om je scherp te houden. Waarom wachten tot de film begint om in de sfeer te komen? Wij zorgen ervoor dat je al vanaf de e ...
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Gesprekken over muziek, mystiek, zen en poëzie door radiomaker en zangeres Marlous Lazal. Jouw bescheiden donatie wordt zeer op prijs gesteld. Dat kan via https://petje.af/zenenzo Dankjewel.
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In Nederland rust een groot taboe op geld. Maar hoe komt dat eigenlijk? Iedereen wil toch voldoende geld hebben om geen geldzorgen te kennen en een droomleven te leiden? In “Zo word je steenrijk!” maakt host Dennis Mulder van Vrijheid Vastgoed geld bespreekbaar en begrijpelijk. Bekende en minder bekende Nederlanders praten open over geld, passie(f) inkomen, financiële vrijheid, diverse beleggingen, mindset en geluk. Martijn ontdekt wat volgens zijn gasten de beste investeringen en grootste g ...
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Just amazing time to connect with the rest of the world on various topic and random unscripted conversation for listener entertainment. Always up for co hosting!
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Podcast ini membincangkan perihal-perihal bisnes, kerjaya, dan juga kewangan dalam industri hartanah di Malaysia.
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ZombieWurld.com presents your daily dose of zombie. Zombies are not all bad, and being a zombie is not always a bad thing. Besides people always running from you and trying to shoot you in the head, being a zombie can be a life changing event.
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The Zwemer Center’s The Truth about Muslims Podcast equips listeners to think critically about media, Muslims, and the mission of God. Since 9/11, people are asking “What is really going on in the Muslim world?” “Is the media giving us the whole picture?” “Do we have reason to fear?” As Christians, “How should we respond?” Join hosts, Trevor Castor and Howard Ki in exploring what God is doing in Muslim ministry.
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Zombies livin life watching movies
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De Geweldloze Podcast gaat over opvoeden en alle uitdagingen die daarbij komen kijken, belicht vanuit het gedachtegoed van Verbindend Gezag & Geweldloos Verzet. Deze Podcast is voor iedereen die al werkt vanuit Verbindend Gezag & Geweldloos Verzet maar ook voor alle ouders, opvoeders, professionele opvoeders en leerkrachten die hier nog nooit van gehoord hebben, maar wel geïnspireerd willen worden vanuit dit gedachtegoed. In iedere aflevering bespreken we een thema wat we koppelen aan Verbin ...
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Welcome to the Lo & Zo Show! Abundant mind, abundant life.
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Boardgamer desde 2009. Instagrammer e podcaster desde 2017. Host do ZombieCastBG desde 2020. https://lnk.bio/qGMP
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Raf heeft een vraag voor zijn vader: waarom wilde hij een kind? Samen met podcastmaker Kenneth Berth duikt Raf in de jaren '70 en '80 om het dubbelleven van zijn vader te ontwarren. Het is een tijd waarin veel mannen verstandshuwelijken aangingen om hun seksualiteit te verbergen. In deze podcast hoor je de zoektocht van Raf naar de identiteit van zijn vader. Een identiteit die mee is gevormd door een maatschappij die worstelt met homoseksualiteit.
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Welcome to the Zombi podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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In 1969, the Zombies had a huge hit single, despite having broken up two years earlier. To meet the unexpected demand, one promoter did the only sensible thing: Hire four kids from Texas to tour America pretending to be a defunct British psych-rock band.
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A transmissão oficial da sobrevivência
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Just chatting about stuff and maybe spilling some tea on the way. Cover art photo provided by Margarita Terekhova on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ritaterekhova
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Review the portion of the week with Eitan Yardeni.
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De todo un poco
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zombie deer
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Nature, Adventures, Love, Resilience, Goals, Family, Relationship, lifestyle, food, fashion, acting, religion... Just fun!
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Programa del mundo geek donde los zombies son la combinacion de un todo. Autor: HobbiesZombies/
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Noticias relacionadas con la tecnología en general, pero más orientada a PC y Hardware
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Sports, Tech, Beer, Stuff
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VPRO Zomergasten voor op je koptelefoon. Lukt het je niet om een hele avond voor de tv te zitten? Of wil je delen uit het gesprek nog eens rustig terugluisteren tijdens het werk, in de auto of in de trein? Dat treft! Want hier vind je de interviews uit Zomergasten bíjna in z’n geheel terug. Alleen de fragmenten hebben we eruit geknipt, want die kan je bij een podcast toch niet zien. Wel leggen we even uit wat je mist aan beeld, zodat je van het gesprek niks hoeft te missen.
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Broadcasts from the Heart of the Zombie Apocalypse
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In deze aflevering van De zaal gaat zo open! neem ik je mee in de wereld van de actiethriller Flight Risk. Met regie van Mel Gibson en een cast vol bekende namen zoals Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Dockery en Topher Grace, heeft deze film alles in huis voor een spannende rit door de wildernis van Alaska. Ontdek interessante weetjes over de film, de regis…
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Je kan geen yogalesje meer boeken of de juf begint direct breathe in, breathe out te roepen als er ook maar één persoon zegt geen Nederlands te kunnen. En bij Titia’s VVE-vergadering stelden twee verontwaardigde expats dat het not inclusive was dat er geen tolk bij zat. Expats: ze drijven de prijzen van onze huizen en cappuccino’s op met al hun bel…
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Vijf van de tien rijkste mensen ter wereld waren aanwezig bij Donald Trumps inauguratie als Amerikaans president. Tech-miljardairs doneerden miljoenen voor zijn campagne en X-eigenaar Elon Musk is zelfs adviseur van Trumps kabinet. Hoe moeten we deze ontwikkelingen zien? Zijn de Verenigde Staten, zoals Joe Biden in zijn afscheidsspeech suggereerde,…
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Hoe Zet Je Miljoenen Om Op Je 23e? - Michel Mousa
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Vandaag bij Zo Word Je Steenrijk Michel Mousa. In deze podcast blikken we samen met Michel terug op het afgelopen jaar en bespreken we hoe hij zijn omzet wist te verviervoudigen. Michel deelt zijn inzichten rondom persoonlijke groei, investeren in coaching, en zijn ambitie om door te groeien naar €500.000 omzet per maand. Daarnaast deelt Michel zij…
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Deze aflevering gaat over de Aankondiging, de brief. De Aankondiging is een éénzijdige aktie van Geweldloos Verzet. De opvoeders schrijven samen een brief voor het kind of de jongere. De volgorde van de brief is vrij overzichtelijk. Je start met het groene mandje: met alle fijne, positieve gedragingen van het kind of fijne eigenschappen. Daarna bes…
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The Coaches Meeting: One Big Free Agent the 49ers Should Sign
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Grant Cohn and The Coach discuss one big free agent the San Francisco 49ers should sign, plus much more. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy저자 Grant Cohn
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AIPAC Zombies explores figures in American culture who have been possessed by Zionist brainrot. When he's not rewriting Tupac lyrics or sucking up to Peter Thiel, techbro Garry Tan is hanging out with the likes of Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation, coming up with ways to roll back civil rights in America. Garry welcomed 2025 by announcing he…
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저자 Tim Mullins
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This week we dig into the nostalgia of Summer of '84 released in 2018. We discuss the retro suburban vibes and dissect the undertones of adolescent investigation. Join us as we get into talking about this killer Canadian movie.저자 dharvey3084
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The Cohn Zohn: Are the 49ers Smart to Wait for Robert Saleh?
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Grant Cohn and Lowell Cohn discuss whether the San Francisco 49ers are smart to wait for Robert Saleh, plus much more. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy저자 Grant Cohn
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My Xmas Miracle And Thoughts On The US Healthcare System
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In this episode Jason discusses his recent medical emergency and successful surgery, and general thoughts on the US healthcare system. The DZA website is here.저자 Jason Scorse
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We return for our first episode of 2025, but before we look ahead, we take a look back at all the cool zombie content that we discussed in 2024. After that review, we switch into preview mode looking at upcoming TV shows, movies, and video games in the zombie genre. Should be a big year for zombies with 28 Years Later hitting theatres this summer, …
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The Best 49ers Show: Major Takeaways from the Playoffs so far
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Grant Cohn and Ryan G. Hensely discuss the San Francisco 49ers' major take aways from the playoffs so far, plus much more. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy저자 Grant Cohn
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On days when stress and confusion rule, and emotions boil and freeze alternately. When we feel like we've lost control and the world is collapsing before our eyes. How do we defend ourselves? How do we minimize the mental, health, and perhaps financial damage? The coming six weeks are called ShOVaVYM - acrostics of the names of the Parashot (readin…
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Would Vegans Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? with Special Guest Jo Salazar | Zombie Book Club ep79
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Send us a text Would vegans survive and even thrive in a zombie apocalypse? In this lively episode of the Zombie Book Club, we dive into this thought-provoking question with special guest Jo Salazar, author of the gripping novel The Dead Weight. Together, we explore the practicalities of vegan survival in a post-apocalyptic world, from foraging wil…
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As the situation in the Northwest begins to stabilize, the military sends a recon team towards Portland to investigate the potential damage their pre-invasion missiles may have caused. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/dead-america-zombie-audiobook-series/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out:…
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Harper and friends are trying to survive a cold weather snap without power. Violet resurfaces and tells Malcolm all about how Harper scared off the thieves and Harper can't quite believe it.저자 Jennifer J Bull and Will Hunter
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Next Up: Is the 49ers' Super Bowl Window Still Open?
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Grant Cohn and Los D. discuss whether the San Francisco 49ers' Super Bowl window is still open, plus much more. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy저자 Grant Cohn
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the sixth lesson on chronological bible storying of Mark 2 with Muslims.저자 Trevor Castor
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119: When to Walk Away: The Power of Boundaries and Self-Respect with Jillian Turecki
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Want to know if you should stay or walk away from a relationship? In this weeks episode, Sabrina Zohar welcomes relationship expert and author Jillian Turecki for a raw and honest conversation about love, relationships, and knowing when to stay or walk away. Jillian shares her personal journey through a difficult marriage and divorce, which ultimat…
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LaRocca's Corner: Do the Titans Want 49ers QB Brock Purdy?
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Grant Cohn and Tyler LaRocca discuss whether the Tennessee Titans want to trade for San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy, plus much more. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy저자 Grant Cohn
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In deze aflevering bespreek ik de horrorfilm Wolf Man. Wie zit er in de cast, wie regisseerde de film en welke inspiratie zit erachter? Ik deel ook wat persoonlijke tips als je na deze film nóg meer weerwolvenhorror wilt zien. 🎥 Pak een koptelefoon en luister mee – misschien ontdek je wel je volgende filmavondfavoriet! 🎧 Veel plezier!…
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Tijdens de feestdagen kwam Bianca erachter dat tradities blijkbaar kunnen veranderen en dat er nu langzaamaan wordt verwacht dat zij het stokje overneemt van haar ouders. Maar wat nou als je nog niet klaar bent om geen kind meer te zijn? En áls je dan blijkbaar nieuwe tradities moet gaan creëren, hoe doe je dat? Titia probeert naast het ontwijken v…
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What the hell was that??? I think I heard something! Join Two Crippled Zombies as they discuss musical chairs, porn, ghosts, and more while waiting for the hazmat team on the Last Shift.저자 dharvey3084
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De vraag die niemand durft te stellen: moeten de belastingen omhoog?
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Er moet meer geld naar defensie. Secretaris-generaal van de NAVO Mark Rutte zei deze week te begrijpen dat er daardoor in veel landen minder kan worden uitgegeven aan sociale zekerheid, zorg en pensioenen. Maar is dat wel de enige optie? Kunnen we (ja, echt) niet de belastingen verhogen? In deze aflevering ontdekken Maarten en Marike dat de Nederla…
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AIPAC Zombies explores figures in American culture who have been possessed by Zionist brainrot. Sarah McBride is the first trans person in Congress. Unfortunately, she's also the first Zionist trans person in Congress: her campaign was funded by AIPAC money, and supported by the pro-Israel Biden dynasty in Delaware.…
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Ready to take a fresh path to self-discovery? Every Monday, Jemma brings you a new mantra, breaking it down to show you how you can apply it to your own life. Whether you’re facing a major transition or looking to evolve your everyday routine, Mantra is the podcast for you. Join Jemma every week for reflections, practical tips, and personal insight…
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Tibor Olgers: Het Gaat Niet Goed Met Mijn Bedrijf
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Vandaag bij Zo Word Je Steenrijk Tibor Olgers. In deze aflevering spreken we met Tibor over zijn visie op de Olympische Spelen en de maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen die hem bezig houden. Hij deelt de hoogte- en dieptepunten van 2024 en reflecteert op de lessen die hij daaruit heeft gehaald. Een groot deel van het gesprek draait om CODE49: waarom hi…
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The Cohn Zohn: Comparing 49ers QB Brock Purdy to Proven Playoff Losers
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Grant Cohn and Lowell Cohn compare San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy to proven playoff losers, plus much more. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy저자 Grant Cohn
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118: Why Do They Ghost? + How Long Should You Wait for Love to Grow? In The Trenches with Sabrina and Tech Guy
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Tired of getting ghosted? Unsure how to navigate your situationship without losing your mind? Welcome to the new bonus series, "In The Trenches," where Sabrina and guests break down real-life dating dilemmas and relationship dynamics in a lighter, community-driven format. This series is all about addressing your burning questions and helping you ma…
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The Best 49ers Show: Major Trends and Takeaways from Wild Card Weekend
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San Francisco 49ers content creators Grant Cohn and Ryan G. Hensley discuss major trends and takeaways from Wild Card weekend. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy저자 Grant Cohn
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In which we see which of our villains of the week dies this time, in Daryl Dixon: The Book of Carol's rush to clear the board for the next season. Want to help support the show? Check out our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/zombpocalypsenow
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The coming six weeks are called ShOVaVIM - acrostics of the names of the Parashot (reading portions of these six weeks). They carry great virtue for personal correction and for the correction of the whole, and especially, this year, the year 5785, in which history is rapidly changing before our eyes. Redemption is the result of consciousness, the s…
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"Dead Soil" with Special Guest Sylvester Barzey | Zombie Book Club Ep 78
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Send us a text In this episode of the Zombie Book Club, we are joined by acclaimed author Sylvester Barzey to discuss his latest novel, Dead Soil. Set against the backdrop of the transatlantic slave trade, Barzey's work masterfully intertwines pirate adventures with zombie horror, delving into themes of resilience, power dynamics, and historical in…
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With the battle in full swing, great risks are taken on both sides in an attempt to achieve victory. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/dead-america-zombie-audiobook-series/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy저자 DerekSlatonAuthor
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Dr. David Cashin delivered a series of lectures on chronological Bible Storying for Muslims during a CIU course. Here, Cashin presents the fifth lesson on chronological bible storying of Isaiah 53 with Muslims.저자 Trevor Castor
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117: How to Stop Holding Yourself Back and Become Your Future Self w/ Mimi Bouchard
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Discover how to transform your mindset and unlock personal growth in this empowering conversation with Sabrina and Mimi Bouchard. Mimi opens up about her journey from scarcity and self-doubt to self-love and abundance, sharing actionable tools and strategies to reprogram your mind and embrace a new self-image. Mimi explains how her app and activati…
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