What if Success isn't about chasing the right software package, or the newest shiny object to increase your income? What if Success is not about having the 'right' car or living in the 'right' neighborhood? What if Success is all about you - You overcoming challenges; You figuring out where You want to be and where You are headed in Your life? Want to make more money, have more fun, have better relationships? Let's learn how You can BE more You by Winning Your Innermind Game!
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It is important as a leader to understand the difference of putting fires out, or truly having, and sticking to, a plan. See what your style is and how that can hinder or help you. Stay tuned...
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We often tell people they have done a good job but have you told anyone lately that THEY ARE AMAZING? Hear what happened when I did. How can you, as a leader, use this to build your team? Stay tuned!
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Leadership Part 2 - Are you a fact finder or a visionary?
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15:03Are you a factual person, or a visionary/dreamer? It's not right or wrong to be either one, but understanding where you are, and where your people are, can work wonders for your ability to lead. Stay tuned!
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Remember when you were a kid and your young friend may have asked you "are you an innie or an outie?" You knew exactly what they were talking about. I find however that less people really understand the differences in people. Stay tuned to find out more!
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Do you believe everything you read or hear? Does it stop you from creating? Do you believe someone knows better than you? Listen in to find out how to overcome this and become a discoverer!
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We've all heard about our 'comfort zone' but is it such a bad thing? How do we learn to take risks? Stay tuned...
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We've all experienced rejection, hopefully many times. Yes, many times, because each time you get to learn some valuable lessons. How you look at rejection is important and how you can win by experiencing rejection is a key lesson here. Stay tuned!
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Sometimes we search for meaning in all the wrong places. I have been looking for "It" for the past 20 years. I kept trying to make it more, or quantify it, or anything but recognize it for what it was - My WHY! Stay tuned to learn about how I found it.
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Are you striving to be the best? The definition of exceptional is unique, unusual. How do you stand out? Here some ideas on what you can do to become exceptional. Stay tuned!
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Ever wonder why we are compelled to do things that are not good for us? Yes, there is a reason and there is a way to change. The solution is a pattern interrupt. Make a decision, and activate some steps to change.
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We learn about super heroes at an early age, but do they help us or hurt us? This show is about how when we wrap ourselves in these capes, it holds us back from the human experience. Stay tuned!
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Sometimes we work so hard to blend in that we don't even know ourselves anymore. Stand up and be unique, dare to be different!
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Are you dealing with people telling you 'No'? Do you give up? Or are you persistent?
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In her book, "If Life is a Game, These Are the Rules", Dr. Cherie Carter-Smith talks about the 10 Rules for Being Human. I think these are good reminders to us so I have revealed them here for your enjoyment!!
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Do you remember a great leader in your life? What was it that made them great in your eyes? Stay tuned to hear about one tip on how to be a great leader in the eyes of others!
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Who is the most important person for you to learn how to lead? You guessed it...Yourself! Stay tuned to learn about why this is so important.
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You have a heat seeking missile. Do you know what yours is pointed at? Do you understand why you attract good things, or bad things in your life? Stay tuned to find out, scientifically.
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What's the most powerful word in the English dictionary? How can you learn to use it so you become more powerful? Tune it to find out!
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What does it really take to change? Are you weighted down? What is it that weights you down? How do you rid yourself? Tune it to hear more about how you can help yourself.
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Do you choose to be common or uncommon? Do you want to stand out or fade into the wall paper? Tune in to hear about how to stand out.
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Do you consider yourself a person of Good Intention or of Good Character? Tune in to find out what makes a difference in how you deal with other people in your life.
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What makes a great leader? They make decisions. How are you at making decisions? Tune in to learn more about decisions.
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