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Podcast o práci, ktorú by ti mama zakázala a o profesiách, čo znejú ako vymyslené – od lovca bleskov po manažéra kačacej pohody. Netradičné povolania, pri ktorých si povieš: Toto fakt niekto robí?!
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Kariérní křižovatky

Lucie Nestrašilová & Veronika Preti

Jsme dvě kamarádky, dvě mámy a dvě volnonohé pracovnice, tzv. Kariérní křižoMatky, které spolu neustále řeší věci kolem práce, klientů, techniky a jiných pracovních procesů. A jelikož jsme zjistily, že podobně "opuštěných" freelencarů, kteří tápou a nemají kde čerpat inspiraci stejně jako my, je kolem nás spousta, rozhodly jsme, že jim dáme tímto podcastem naději a hlavně motivaci, že na to nejsou sami. A že někdy k tomu, aby se vše dalo do pohybu, stačí jen říct věci nahlas.
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Hallo lieber Hörer, dieser Podcast dreht sich rund um das Thema „frei getraut“ von einem Freien Redner, Karim. In der ersten Folge geht es um meine Person und meinen Weg zur Freien Trauung. Wir sprechen mit Fotografen, anderen Hochzeitsdienstleistern, Brautpaaren, Eheleuten und bringen in diesem Podcast den Leuten nahe, was der Unterschied zu einer „normalen“ Trauung ist
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Karis Worship 케이리스 청년 워십은 매주 토요일 저녁 5:30-7:30에 찬양과 예배 사역으로 O.C. 지역 청년들의 영적 회복을 꿈꿉니다. ✝️ Karisworship.org
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Découvre mon nouveau podcast "Impacter le monde " Un podcast dédié à ceux qui souhaitent laisser une empreinte positive sur notre planète. Chaque épisode est une invitation à explorer les histoires inspirantes de personnes qui change le monde à leur manière. Karine Champagne, avec sa voix chaleureuse et son approche empathique, vous guide à travers des conversations captivantes avec des invités exceptionnels. Ce podcast offre une dose d'inspiration et des leçons pratiques pour ceux qui aspir ...
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Love & Life is your place for conversations grounded in psych research, psychotherapy, and Biblical truth to help you THRIVE in love and life! Join psychologist Karin Anderson Abrell, Ph.D. and pastor and psychotherapist Elliott Anderson, M.A., as they focus on relationships and how to flourish therein with a holistic approach to emotional and psychological well-being, recognizing we only thrive when we nourish each of these key domains—Mind, Body, and Spirit. Together they bring over 60 yea ...
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Whether it be her solo or guest episode, Stand-Up Comedian and Host Ellen Karis brings her sweet and salty personality to her podcast which is entertaining, informative and a riot to listen to. On her own, Ellen talks about what is happening in her career, personal life, current events and pop culture and does not hold back. Guest interviews run the gamut from Entertainers, Health and Wellness Experts to CEO’s and is free flowing and anti-cancel culture. Like a chocolate covered pretzel, Ell ...
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If you work in online fraud prevention, chances are you've caught the "bug". The bug that makes you passionate about identifying & preventing cybercriminals from getting away with stealing from your company, or your client's companies. Most people who have made cyber-fraud their career have the perfect balance of analytical and social skills, a strong sense of justice and the curiosity that will drive you to go down every path of information until you "crack the case". Just like sociology is ...
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Kariyer Sohbetleri

Kesişen Yollar Derneği

Kariyer Sohbetleri ile Dünya'da ve Türkiye’de alanlarında önde gelen firmalarda & üniversitelerde çalışan veya doktorasına devam eden, kariyerleriyle fark yaratan profesyonelleri YouTube üzerinden gerçekleştirdiğimiz canlı yayınlar ile gençlerle bir araya getiriyoruz.
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The term 'Narcissism' has been used increasingly to describe someone who is 'difficult' or 'unpleasant' - who treats other people badly. Narcissism is however a very real condition. Those who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder are very low in empathy and therefore particularly bad at maintaining long term personal relationships. As a consequence, those who work with couples who are separating are much more likely to encounter this particular pattern of behaviour during the work th ...
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Rozhovory se ženami o jejich kariérní cestě, překážkách, spokojenosti a ladění práce s rodinou. Lucie Václavková je kariérová poradkyně a vypravěčka kariérních příběhů. Pomáhá ženám udržet a rozvíjet kariéru, ať už se rozhodnou pečovat o rodinu, jít do zaměstnání nebo podnikat.
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A place where I practice my language skills. Do you want to join me in studying? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantosagrado/ Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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show series
Tu peux directement me texter tes commentaires! Aujourd'hui, je reçois Marie-Josée Simard. stratège en développement des gestionnaires et coach en gestion du stress, elle partage avec nous son expertise et ses expériences dans le domaine de la santé. Entre récits personnels et outils concrets, elle partage, en autre, cinq astuces puissantes pour ré…
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Korona veľa zmenila. Ja budem robiť čokoľvek iné, len toto nie a korona toho veľa zmenila. Vstupné veľa ľudí odrádza a 90% ľudí nevie, čo to obnáša. Pri hraní by sa mi už zišla barová stolička. ZAPO odporúča: Ako tringelt som dostal diamond pass na Arsenal Londýn https://open.spotify.com/episode/4o6VqJmigRxRBXVydgGRoN?si=918cf0f153d7434e Všetky ZAP…
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“How long will I be in trauma recovery?” Whether we’re in therapy or working on our issues through self help books and podcasts, we often wonder, will I EVER truly heal from this wound? Elliott and I wanted to address this important concern—especially because Elliott recently received this exact question from a listener. Shortly thereafter, he stum…
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Fraudology is presented by Persona. In this episode of Fraudology Podcast, Karisse Hendrick dives into the latest developments in online fraud and consumer protection. She discusses a groundbreaking proposal by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to extend consumer protections to cryptocurrency transactions, potentially aligning crypto …
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Tu peux directement me texter tes commentaires! Diagnostiquée du syndrome d'Asperger en 2018, Marie-Josée nous ouvre les portes de sa perception du monde et des "super pouvoirs" qu'elle a découverts au-delà de son autisme. Elle exprime comment elle a appris à naviguer entre son moi intérieur et l'image qu'elle projette, tout en utilisant ses compét…
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Fraudology is presented by Persona. In the latest episode of the Fraudology Podcast features an enlightening conversation between Karisse Hendrick and Jason Costain, founder of Javlock consultancy and a seasoned fraud prevention expert. Jason takes listeners on a journey through the transformation of the UK banking industry's approach to authorized…
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Tänane lugu viib meid Berliini ja selle vabameelsesse ööellu. 2012. aasta mais sureb ühe baari pimeruumis salapärastel asjaoludiel noormees. Kes selle taga on ja kuidas politsei kurjategija üles leiab, sellest kuulete uues osas. Head kuulamist! Siin saab mulle motivatsioonisüsti anda: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kurjategijajakaristus?fbclid=PAAabG…
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Tu peux directement me texter tes commentaires! Pour faire un don https://sosmissdolittle.com/contribuer-a-la-cause/ Dans cet épisode, plonge dans l’histoire incroyable de Jennifer Tremblay, fondatrice de SOS Miss Dolittle, un refuge qui redonne espoir aux animaux sauvages en détresse. Découvre comment elle a métamorphosé une grange en sanctuaire e…
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V Spišskej máme požičovňu oblohy a máme akcie, kde z vrtulníka vyskakuje 25 ľudí Ak sa chceš stať tandem pilotom, musíš mať za sebou 700 zoskokov a vieme sa zoskokom trafiť na bod o priemere 20 centovej mince. ZAPO odporúča: BAZÁRIK PIKO ft. Hello Klaudi https://open.spotify.com/episode/7gQnOLOPKrBUgW684FNoI5?si=y0iUaL2FQsqr-gTWtz6E9g Všetky ZAPOpo…
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A new year brings a fresh start—a chance to make changes and set goals! We wanted to kick off 2025 by talking about the importance of reflection in the midst of making resolutions and intentions for the new year. To do so, we’re answering a listener’s question. Question: So, I make horrible choices in men apparently, and I have finally met somebody…
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Fraudology is presented by Persona. In the first solo episode of 2025, Fraudology Podcast host Karisse Hendrick delivers a comprehensive overview of the fraud landscape, offering listeners a roadmap for the challenges that lie ahead. Hendrick shares insights from her collaboration with fraud experts Frank McKenna and Mary Ann Miller on their annual…
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Fraudology is presented by Persona. This episode of the Fraudology Podcast episode features a riveting discussion between host Karisse Hendrick and returning guest Chen Zamir on the unexpected potential of large language models (LLMs) in fraud detection. Chen details his recent experiment using Claude AI to analyze transaction data, which yielded s…
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Občas se lehce usmíváme nad mladými lidmi, kteří se ve 30 pokládají za staré. My už tenhle věk máme dávno za sebou, ale na druhou stranu jsou naše vize to, co nás udržuje v kondici, co nás udržuje v pozoru a nezastavit. A o čem jsme si v tomto díle povídaly? O tom, že největším soupeřem jsme si samy sobě, že věk je sice jen číslo a že jeden život n…
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Send us a text It is generally assumed that most Narcissists are male - which of course is wrong. Narcissistic Personality disorder is a condition which is not gender specific and can apply in the same way to both men and women. This podcast is intended for those men who believe themselves to have become the 'victim' of the female closet narcissist…
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Send us a text Season 2 of Klarity begins! In this kick off episode, Karin explores the first of the shaping forces on your inner "root system": peaks and valleys in your own lived experience to this moment. Our perceptions and relationship to what you identify as highs and lows in your life illuminate lenses and stories for how you see yourself, o…
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Tu peux directement me texter tes commentaires! Le podcast plonge dans le Belvaspata, un langage angélique qui transforme notre énergie personnelle. Micheline Tremblay partage son expérience, les niveaux d'énergie, et propose une méditation pour apporter calme et alignement. Méditation que tu peux aussi télécharger ici Ce que tu découvriras dans ce…
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The holidays can be rough. Family dynamics can be complicated and messy. On today's special Christmas Eve episode we dive into a question Elliott received from a listener about how to deal with difficult family dynamics after a divorce that involves kids. We hope today's episode will give you a sense of support and encouragement during this holiday…
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Paljud teist ootavad lugusid Eestist, siin ta on. Räägin 2020. aastal aset leidnud tragöödiast Lihula ligiduses, Tuudis. Head kuulamist! Siin saab mulle motivatsioonisüsti anda: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kurjategijajakaristus?fbclid=PAAabGL1LUeNVJ6uAlp-wz-8ehUzS6lpw70F3lyWb86dtM3q2HPDvOG9qWDvc_aem_AQ0Hqi-4f5_zI_1RoXQmSi44vbSx2VeH8hUJc7ZkO3OlNqD6…
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Tu peux directement me texter tes commentaires! Sarah Leblanc, naturopathe passionnée, nous invite à repenser notre approche de la santé et du bien-être. Elle partage son histoire personnelle et nous guide à travers les subtilités de la santé holistique. Sarah nous pousse à écouter attentivement notre corps et notre esprit, pour identifier les caus…
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Christmas time is here! We’re supposed to feel merry and bright! But, what if we don’t feel joyful at all? What if we’re pretty darn miserable? Maybe you’re grieving—it’s the first Christmas since your father passed away. Maybe you’re lonely—you’re staring down yet another round of holiday parties without a plus 1. Maybe you’re worried—your kid’s h…
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Kukláči spacifikovali okrem nás aj mestských policajtov. Vo výkone trestu máš priemerný plat 90€ mesačne a práca v kuchyni je najlepšia. Vo väzení máš na výber aj vegetariánske jedlá. Najhorší dozorcovia sú tí noví, ktorí sa snažia stavať si kariéru. Jeden väzeň mal za noc pohlavný styk s 30 ľuďmi, teda polovicou oddielu a následne ho pre to museli…
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Fraudology is presented by Persona. Fraudology's year-end episode delivers a treasure trove of insights as Karisse Hendrick interviews Sardine CEO Soups Ranjan about the latest fraud prevention techniques and industry trends. Ranjan unveils Sardine's game-changing card-to-identity matching tool, a breakthrough in fraud detection that can identify c…
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Another current event weaves its way into our series on masculinity . . . This week I heard Newsweek’s Batya Ungar-Sargon’s take on the Daniel Penny prosecution. She viewed it in a way I hadn’t considered. She framed the prosecution itself as an attack on masculinity. I wanted to hear Elliott’s thoughts as a pastor, husband, and father. Has our soc…
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Tu peux directement me texter tes commentaires! 🎧 Bienvenue dans ce podcast amoureux unique avec Fred et Karine ! 🎙️ Après 21 ans d’amour, nous décidons de prendre un nouveau départ avec notre pickup et la nouvelle “Sky” pour explorer un mode de vie simple et en voyage. Découvrez comment nous allions travail, couple et passion dans cette aventure i…
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