John Wayne Comunale is a bizarro fiction writer and band leader of johnwayneisdead. Join him as he recounts his insane but real life adventures
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Vær med i jagten på John Waynes filmografi! Lyt med, når far og søn-værterne ser Waynes film, mens de hylder og undersøger alle aspekter af historierne, indtil de når hele vejen rundt omkring hans gæsteoptrædener, merchandises, musik og naturligvis hans sidste film.
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The John Wayne Gritcast is a fresh perspective on a classic icon and the Americana he still inspires.
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Tune in to discover the life behind a serial killer. Cover art photo provided by Joel Filipe on Unsplash:
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I love to share new and old music, always have. As a dj, I like to take listeners and partiers on a journey. I have been collecting house, techno, edm and bass music since 1998. Bought 1st decks in 04. _ _ I hope you like dirtysexxyfunky house, techno and bass!!!! _ _ Cheers, John _ _ _
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On this episode I talk about getting to see Hellraiser in the theater and cross the streams as I smoke out of my Freddy Krueger bong. Also, my experience getting to see the Indecline exhibit at Recycled Propaganda here in Las Vegas. Get a sneak peek into the Patreon with some of my conversation with horror writer, Daemon Manx. Plus, all new What Yo…
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I’m back from my first trip of the year, and it was jam packed. I talk new songs, new videos, new . . . other content, and my time in San Antonio with Kris Jett and Nick P. PLUS, some of my PATREON conversation with author/musician J.C. Moore. Don’t forget to subscribe to the YOUTUBE channel! johnwayneisdead Patreon…
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On this episode of the podcast, I get ready to start traveling for the year and talk about my preparation, but not just packing and organizing things. There’s a bit of mental preparation that has to happen as well, so I talk about what I’ve been doing to help with this. There are new segments of WHAT YOU READIN’ FOR? and MOM’S MOVIE CORNER. Also, a…
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This week I talk about my travel coming up as well as announce the soft launch of a NEW exciting project, but you'll have to listen to find out. Mom's Movie Corner and What You Readin' For segments continue on! Plus, motivation and mindset for the new year. Don’t forget the pod is on video now as well, so subscribe to the YouTube channel. johnwayne…
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I’m back! After a much needed break, I’m happy to say the show is back and better than ever. Not only has the format been revamped, the podcast will also be available to watch on our YOUTUBE channel. Be sure to give it a follow and watch along every week. This ep also features a segment from my interview with author/comedian RJ Benetti. Listen to t…
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Så er det tid til, at far og søn anmelder den pro-amerikanske krigsfilm, "Stillehavets helte" fra 1944, mens de bygger baser og veje til militæret. Begge er de enige om, at dette er 100% den John Wayne, som vi alle sammen kender - og vi er i godt selskab med Susan Hayward og Paul Fix. Hallo, giv os en anmeldelse! Find out more at https://p-jagt-eft…
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I’m back with updates as I wait to get the video portion up and running. This week I talk about the last three shows I did, ans I’ve included a recent reading I did here in Las Vegas.저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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This is a different kind of episode in which I talk about a recent crisis of confidence and hope I went through, what I’ve taken away from it, and what I know needs to happen next.저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Episode 321 - Museum Mumblings and The Road Ready Rush
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58:02This week, I’m prepping to hit the road for a month! Plus, I recap my show at The Punk Rock Museum AND the latest market we vended. PLUS, a portion of my chat with author, Bridgett Nelson. Check out my Patreon for the entire conversation. johnwayneisdead Patreon저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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This week, I talk about defining success for yourself and maintaining your perspective by perhaps altering it a bit. Also, my recap of Creep It Real and all the dust fit to be busted. PLUS, part of my talk with author Chris Miller from this weeks Patreon show. Subscribe for the whole conversation and all back episodes. johnwayne…
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Far og søn-værterne kæmper om olierettighederne mod den grådige amerikanske oliebranche, mens de ser "In Old Oklahoma" fra 1943 (nok bedre kendt som "War of the Wildcats", eller "Kampen om olien" på dansk). Vi er i godt selskab med John Wayne, Martha Scott, Albert Dekker og Gabby Hayes. Hallo! Giv os en anmeldelse! Find out more at https://p-jagt-e…
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This week, fires to the left of me, more fire to the right, here I am . . . surrounded by FIRE! Also, I recap my awesome time vending at October Village, and talk about the spill I took into what I thought was a door. PLUS, a portion of my chat with artist/performer/singer, Dana Marie King. Check out Patreon for our full conversation. johnwayneisde…
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Episode 318 - Crossing Borders Into the Canadian FRINGE w/ Dana Marie King
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1:16:50This week, I’m joined in studio by my excellent friend artist/tattooer/performer, Dana Marie King. She’s on the road and stops off in Vegas to talk about her performance at Fringe Festival in Winnipeg, Canada, crossing the border, and losing your passport. For more with Dana, sign up for my Patreon for an entire episode dedicated just to her. johnw…
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Så er Steen og Teddy tilbage for at snakke om den romantiske western-komedie, "A Lady Takes A Chance", fra 1943, som fik den danske titel "En nat med en cowboy". John Wayne og Jean Arthur slår pjalterne sammen under den forsigtige instruktion af William A. Seiter. God fornøjelse derude! Hallo! Giv os gerne en anmeldelse! Find out more at https://p-…
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Episode 317 - Porn Stars, Parties, and a Day in the Life. Almost.
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56:13This week, I went to a crazy party in the afternoon that bled into a crazier party that went on all night. Also, I attempt to break down a day-to-day for someone like me, but realize halfway through, it’s darn near impossible. PLUS, a clip from my conversation with author, Patrick C. Harrison III. Join my Partreon to hear our full chat. ALSO, this …
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The second edition of my novel, Electric City’s Neon Infection, was just released, and this episode contains an exclusive reading from the book by yours truly. PLUS, hear part of my conversation with Blood Bound Books Co-Founder, Joe Spagnola. Check out our entire chat over on my Patreon. johnwayneisdead Patreon…
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This week I’ve returned from the Third Coast from whence I was raised, Houston, Texas. Houston Horror Film Festival kicked all the ass, and I tell you all about it in this episode. PLUS, I get a new glass tip for joints that I’m very excited about. johnwayneisdead PATREON저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Episode 314 - From the Mist Like Behemoth - My Recap Of Midsummer Scream
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59:37Holy balls! I just left Midsummer Scream in Long Beach, CA. I swung by the house for one day to restock and record an episode before I hit the road again in a few hours. The con was awesome and bananas, and I tell you all about it. PLUS, a bit of my conversation with author, Mike Ennenbach from the Patreon podcast. johnwayneisdead Patreon johnwayne…
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This week, I catch everyone up on the last few shows and give some insight into why the business is extremely hard to gauge most of the time. PLUS, GA$$ MONEY Magazine Issue #2 is out NOW, and my PATREON has a shiny new refresh. johnwayneisdead Patreon GA$$ MONEY Magazine Issue #2…
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Episode 312 - Frightmare, Fire, and Electric Brain Boogaloo
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50:27This week, I’ve been busy putting together the new issue of my magazine, GA$$ MONEY, and I talk about a lot of what goes in to the process. Also, I recap my week including getting to see Dita VonTease perform, and it was spectacular. All this and another acid story! Join the Patreon for exclusive content and extras! johnwayneisdead Patreon johnwayn…
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Holy Moly! It’s been a time since I’ve done a show, and what a time I’ve had. This week, the always delightful Scarlett joins me to recap three shows AND my recent reading and performance at Avant Pop Bookstore. ALSO, my new book, Toured To Death, is back in stock in the JWID shop. Avant Pop Bookstore Toured To Death VIP Package…
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On this episode I recap the local markets I did here in Vegas, get ready to hit the road again, AND announce the release of my NEW book, Toured To Death, coming 5/6/2024. johnwayneisdead Patreon저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Steen og Teddy tager til Paris for at kæmpe imod den nazistiske invasionsstyrke! Sammen med Joan Crawford, John Wayne og Philip Dorn.
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This week the lovely Scarlett joins me as we discuss my recent cancellations, mental health, and knowing when to take a break. I’m very sorry to have canceled some amazing shows, but it was for the best, and I’ll be back at full power in May with new shit from the same asshole. - dates/books/music/merch johnwayneisdead Patreon…
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Far og søn-værterne giver en tørn for den amerikanske krigsindsats og viser befolkningen, hvordan man skal opføre sig i en krigstid! Tag med til minerne i Pittsburgh sammen med John Wayne, Randolph Scott og Marlene Dietrich i den tredje og sidste film i Dietrich/Wayne-samarbejdet. Året er 1942, den danske titel er "Sort guld", og John Wayne er mere…
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Episode 308 - johnwayneisdead Vegas Style w/ Kris Jett
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56:13I’m back from another stint on the road and am joined by my good friend and drummer of johnwayneisdead, Kris Jett. We chat about the new record, tour dates, and our new drum czar, Dom. johnwayneisdead Patreon저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Far og søn-værterne melder sig til De Flyvende Tigre for at bekæmpe axis-magterne! Med John Wayne i rollen som den hårdkogte pilot, Captain Jim Gordon. Giv os en anmeldelse på iTunes, Podimo, Spotify eller hvor du ellers lytter til podcasts. Skriv til os via mail på [email protected]. Meld dig ind i vores facebook-gruppe: "På jagt efter... J…
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This week, I prep fro another road trip while musing on what may have ruined seafood for me for life. Also, I release a track from the NEW johnwayneisdead album on Patreon. johnwayneisdead Patreon johnwayneisdead.com저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Just back from Creep I.E. Con in Ontario California, and it was a blast and a half! PLUS, I chat with my good friend, wrestler/tv host Hack along with a room full of weirdos. johnwayneisdead Patreon johnwayneisdead.com저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Episode 305 - Recap of Days of the Dead Atlanta 2024 - First Show of the Year
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49:13I’ve officially begun traveling for the new year with my first stop in Atlanta for Days of the Dead. This was a return to where it all started as Atlanta was the first show I vended at by myself several years ago, and I got to see so many amazing people this year, I almost couldn’t contain myself. johnwayneisdead Patreon…
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This week I’m preparing to start a new year of travel and talk about the prep I’m doing across all aspects by using what I’ve learned from my past mistakes. johnwayneisdead Patreon johnwayneisdead Substack저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Episode 303 - Please Pull Over, My Barf-Bag Is Already Full
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1:04:18This week has been packed with exciting goings-on here, and I tell you all about it in the episode. New art, new books, a new record, and a ton of new tour dates are discussed as wells as a fun tour story from a few years back in honor of ‘The Road’ itself. PLUS, Kris Jett joins me to talk to our producer and very good friend, Mars Hall. Check out …
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This week, we’re rollin’ on with the new format as I continue to update you all on where I’ve been and where I’m going. I’ll be peppering in some funnier drinking stories along the way. ALSO, I chat about the NEW forthcoming johnwayneisdead record with my drummer and friend, Kris Jett. Check out my PATREON for more interviews - https://www.patreon.…
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Episode 301 - The Road Behind AND The Road Ahead
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1:15:17I’m back after an end of the year break and am stoked to be here! This week, I talk about the road, things to come, my new release, and catch you all up on what’s been going on while giving a glimpse of things to come as well. ALSO, A preview of my conversation with horror author, Joseph Pesavento. Check out the whole interview over on Patreon http…
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Steen og Teddy rejser til Sacramento, mens der er guldfeber sidst i 1800-tallet. Alt for at se og anmelde 1942's "In Old California" AKA "De dømtes by". Giv os en anmeldelse på iTunes, Podimo, Spotify eller hvor du ellers lytter til podcasts. Skriv til os via mail på [email protected]. Meld dig ind i vores facebook-gruppe: "På jagt efter... …
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Check out the Patreon HERE Visit for all your john wayne needs!저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Episode 299 - Most Excellent Time with Pat Chase and Kris Jett
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1:21:27This week is special episode featuring in studio guests Las Vegas comedian, Pat Chase, and johnwayneisdead drummer, Kris Jett. We have an awesome time chatting comedy, music, and dedication to your craft.저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Steen og Teddy tager til Alaska for at se til deres guldmine, men i mellemtiden bliver de overrumplet af korrupte politikere og andre bad guys i en lille mineby. Oh well... i det mindste får de selskab af Marlene Dietrich! Giv os en anmeldelse på iTunes, Podimo, Spotify eller hvor du ellers lytter til podcasts. Skriv til os via mail på johnwaynepod…
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I’m heading to LA this weekend, so I decided to re-tell an oldie about the first time I ever went there and the tattoo I came home with to remember it by. PLUS, a sneak-peek of my conversation with cosplayer/haunt actress Justine. Call the Corey Hotline 24/7 832-930-1347저자 John Waye Lied To You
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Episode 297 - Surprise Visit From A Foreign Cousin. And Also, RAVE.
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1:03:50This week, my long, lost, Eastern-European cousin makes a surprise visit to Vegas and the podcast to talk about his own writing endeavors as well as his favorite hobbies. Call the Corey Hotline with questions or comments 24/7 832-930-1347저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Baton down the hatches for October Village, because it was FLOODED with people! What a time, but now I have some time off to rest up for the next one. Leave a message on the Corey Hotline with questions or comments at 832-930-1347저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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I’ve been on the road for over a month, but now I’m back to tell the whole tale before I start all over again. Five conventions, six weeks, killer time.저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Steen og Teddy vender tilbage for at snakke om Cecil B. Demilles "Orkanens høst" fra 1942. Men det er ikke nemt, når de også skal flygte fra en kæmpe blæksprutte under havets overflade! Flygt for livet! Giv os en anmeldelse på iTunes, Podimo, Spotify eller hvor du ellers lytter til podcasts. Skriv til os via mail på [email protected]. Find o…
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This week I talk about a visit to the museum as a kid that left a distinct impression on me, and is why I draw to this day. Call the Corey Hotline 24/7 to leave a message for the show 832-930-1347저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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In this very special episode we recorded LIVE with S.C. Mendes and Joe Spagnola from Blood Bound Books at Mad Monster Party in Glendale Arizona 2023, and boy is it a silly one. Much fun was had as we’re joined by special surprise guests and end up learning just a little bit more about life. Call the Corey Hotline to leave a message for the show 24/…
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It’s hot in Glendale, but you know that, so instead I’ll tell you all about the most excellent time I had vending at another successful Mad Monster Party. Call the Corey Hotline anytime 832-930-1347저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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This week the lovely Scarlett returns to chat about traveling, making adjustments, and striking a balance when it comes to being on the road again. Call the Corey Hotline to weigh in at 832-930-1347저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Far og søn-værterne deltager endnu en gang i Mardi Gras, mens de ser "Lady For A Night" fra 1942 med John Wayne i en ubetydelig birolle. Giv os en anmeldelse på iTunes, Podimo, Spotify eller hvor du ellers lytter til podcasts. Skriv til os via mail på [email protected]. Find out more at This podcas…
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The Austin show was canceled, so I’m home for the weekend. This week I tell a tale of my short-lived stint as a trivia host. Call the Corey Hotline to weigh in 832-930-1347저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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Episode 289 - Weed Snobs and Hip Hop Toys w/ Lee Parker
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1:06:45On this special episode I have my amazing friend, artist, sculptor, and toy maker, Lee Parker, joining me in the Neon Palace of Sin to talk bootlegs, custom and licensed figures, and our mutual pal, Gary. Call the Corey Hotline at 832-930-1347 to chime in on the bevy of topics we rip through.저자 John Wayne Lied To You
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