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代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。 节目地址: 欢迎在 ⁠⁠ 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 - Made with love by RSSHub(
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Beyond Code, czyli rozmowy pierdololo 😉 Ola Kunysz rozmawia z ludźmi z IT o rzeczach kompletnie niezwiązanych z wytwarzaniem oprogramowania. Ola jest w branży od kilkunastu lat. Poznała wiele ciekawych osób, które zaprasza do rozmowy na różne tematy. To seria podcastów bez scenariusza, podczas których możesz zainspirować się tym, co ludzie z IT robią po godzinach. Zdrowie, hobby, sen, dieta, czy relacje to tylko niektóre tematy, które się tutaj pojawią.
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Welcome to Beyond the Code, the podcast where we dive into the legal, regulatory, and ethical issues surrounding emerging technologies. Each week, we bring you in-depth conversations with industry experts, discussing the latest advancements in technology and their implications on society and the legal system. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, we'll be exploring all the hot topics in the field. Your host, Yitzy Hammer, a lawyer and tech enthusiast (, is joined ...
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The official podcast by Pearle Nwaezeigwe on all things tech policy. Dive in behind the scenes of your favorite tech products and platforms. Discussions each week on emerging policy issues around data, privacy, bias etc. Interviews with leading techies, non-techies, policy experts speaking about their products and journey in this field. There will be laughs in between and inspiring quotes at the end to promote social wellbeing in this digital age. You dont want to miss out on this tech revol ...
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Welcome to Leading Beyond The Code, the premier podcast brought to you by Cadre Connect, where we go beyond the surface of technology and explore the transformative power of leadership. Hosted by Ben Malloy, this show delivers captivating interviews with top tech leaders, delving into the fascinating realms of technology, leadership, data, code, and the latest tech developments. Join us as we unravel the secrets behind successful tech leadership and gain valuable insights from industry pione ...
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show series
In this episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy Hammer sits down with Ari Redbord, the Global Head of Policy at TRM Labs, to discuss the intersection of cryptocurrency and national security. Ari shares his journey from a federal prosecutor focusing on local crime and national security cases to his current role at TRM Labs. They delve into the complexitie…
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In this enlightening episode of "Beyond the Code," Yitzy hosts Tal Mimran, a professor of international law and a pioneer in the field of military legal advisory. Together, they delve into the complex world of artificial intelligence in military operations, focusing on the IDF's use of AI and its implications under international law. Join us as we …
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Justin Wales is Head of Legal For The Americas at He is also something of an OG in the crypto legal world and recently published his first and greatest work yet: "The Crypto Legal Handbook" - an excellent guide for anyone curious about the intricate world of crypto regulations in the US. Wheather your a nube or an OG, this book has some…
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Bree:「你好!我已经听你们的节目很久了,能否讨论一下中外工作的不同感受呢?Randy好像有在国内工作的经历吧?Geekplus在美国,能分享一下你们对中美工作环境优劣的看法吗?对于像“从中国转到美国工作”或“在美国工作多年后决定回国”这样的人生重大决策,你们重视哪些因素?在做这类决定时,怎样才能避免后悔呢?谢谢!」 00:00 读听众来信 02:00 WLB(Work-Life Balance) 的不同 04:15 职场社交的不同 09:15 美国上班一些具体细节但有趣的问题 20:51 对比中美工作环境的优劣,综合来说 24:09 美国也卷 26:34 人生重大决策如何避免后悔 42:31 二代移民身份认同问题 本集由 Zolplay 佐玩 ( …
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Alon is a legit crypto OG investor - having made over 30 crypto-centric investments through multiple funds. He is also an ape...his Bored Ape Yacht Club alter-ego (BAYC #5011) is called Punk Apestrong and is a perfect example of the IP creativity spawned by NFTs and the BAYC in particular. Love to see it! Make sure to follow him on X, LinkedIn and …
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本期由我们的固定嘉宾勾股和另外两个电台《二分电台》、《捕蛇者说》的四位主播录了一期特别的大串台节目,从衣食住行等各个方面聊了聊新加坡。其中 AB、xintao、勾股三位生活在新加坡深耕多年,另外一位 Laike9m 居住在美国加州湾区,所以部分内容也和美国加州做了一些对比。 00:25 自我介绍 03:00 天气开场 06:57 新加坡简单轻松的感觉 11:36 新加坡和加州基础教育 21:56 新加坡和加州政府网站和公共服务 32:59 新加坡和加州的饮食 47:04 新加坡的家长式政府:HDB、民族大融合 57:06 新加坡的生活成本 1:06:00 新加坡的工作机会 1:11:45 美国和加州的看病区别 1:18:51 新加坡的休闲娱乐生活 1:35:55 新加坡对健康的重视 1:44…
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本集由 Zolplay 佐玩 ( 赞助播出。 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址: 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜索「代码之外」都能找到我们。 欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 也欢迎在爱发电 赞助我们。 --- 本集原本有视频版,结果录完发现只录了音频,太可惜了。😂 00:32 近期线下活动的体会 03:…
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Teresa is a Panamanian lawyer and co-founder of the Panamanian law practice, Pacífica Legal. She is also a mother of 2 and an avid horse rider 🐎. In this episode, Teresa and I discussed her journey into crypto law and why Panama has become a popular jurisdiction for companies with crypto products. Our episode airs shortly after Panama was officiall…
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Freeman Lewin is a New York-based [ex]-attorney and entrepreneur, with a specialization in blockchain and crypto-assets. He has founded (in the past 12-months alone) several technology start-ups and is passionate about building tools to solve big complex problems. He is the best kind of entrepreneur in the sense that he is building to find a soluti…
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Join us on Beyond the Code as we welcome Zada Haj, a visionary entrepreneur who defied odds to forge her own path in the tech world. From humble beginnings in Kfar Yasif village to co-founding the DANA Accelerator and Future Holders, empowering women in desert tech, Zada's journey is a testament to resilience and innovation. Discover how she overca…
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本集由 Zolplay 佐玩 ( 赞助播出。 Zen:「三位主播你们好,我有三个问题想问问你们 1. 之前 GeekPlux 和 Randy 分享过在Cambly学习英语的经历,我想知道,在Cambly学到有用的知识需要达到怎样的英语水平程度。 2. 想听听勾股是怎么学习英语的 3. 我也有在写一些”开源“项目,但往往都是不了了之,充满热情写一半就放弃了。想问问三位是怎么看待这件事情的。」 01:04 Randy 和 GeekPlux 在 Cambly 学英语的经验 07:40 勾股学英语的经验 18:36 “半途而废”的开源 本期主播:Randy、GeekPlux 听众来信常驻嘉宾:勾股 相关链接 - Cambly -…
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Episode Summary: In this captivating episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy welcomes Ariel Givner, a trailblazing attorney in the cryptocurrency sphere and the legal mind behind Givner Law PLC. Arielle shares her unconventional journey from stock trading to founding her own law practice, diving deep into the worlds of cryptocurrency, NFTs, and the legal…
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Hernan Arber is the CEO of Soundwork, Founder of Arber Tech, and Host of the Web3 Creators Podcast. He is an experienced Software team leader and strategic advisor specializing in web3, NFTs, and blockchain technologies.In this episode, we talk about the vibrant tech and web3 ecosystem in Israel, building [and getting burned] in the blockchain indu…
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本集由 Zolplay 佐玩 ( 赞助播出。 小A:「个人经历:10年毕业,11年加入一家移动互联网公司,前面几年做开发,成长很快,能独当一面,后面几年转管理,不再hands on,期间公司上市,授予的股票高峰期变现能有1kw. 后面的故事:35岁失业,gap了半年,期间想过继续大厂卷、重拾技术做独立开发者(或者找个remote)、润,比较迷茫,幻得幻失。想问问:类似这种经历的同学,都有哪些现实的出路」 01:00 为什么 35 岁是一个程序员的门槛 08:41 找到你真正想要做的事情 14:48 找一位 life coach 17:00 如何维持自己的核心竞争力 22:43 很多焦虑来源于对自己不够了解 26:12 心智的成长 28:10 经验的积累 31:10 如…
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本集由 Zolplay 佐玩 ( 赞助播出。 来自 Des: 「你好,主播,现在有一种趋势就是用ai写页面,写应用,有些甚至不需要接触代码,只要输入prompt就能输出页面,或者不用从头到尾自己写。我现在在准备自己的毕业论文需要写python,但是之前只学过js,所以代码都是自己写需求,然后让gpt或者claude输出代码,因为项目比较简单,现在进行得还比较顺利,如果这种方法也能用在大型项目,那前端的需求是不是会少很多,或者以后就不会有专门的前端岗位了」 --- 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜…
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After more than 3 months of military reserve duty, with no opportunity or headspace to focus on BTC (I didn't plan for Bitcoin and Beyond The Code to have the same ticker, but you have to admit, it's kinda cool)! For the first comeback episode, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Columbia University's Dr. Max Li - a brilliant electrical eng…
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本集由 Zolplay 佐玩 ( 赞助播出。 「想请问一下目前工作995,感觉没有自己的时间,应该如何调整?没有跳槽是因为一是我没有上过大学,再加上现阶段失业的人多,岗位减少,自身竞争力不太行,二是在我目前的水平别的公司可能开不出目前的薪水。谢谢。」 --- 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜索「代码之外 Beyond Code」都能找到我们。 如果你也有什么想分享给我们或问题,欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 也欢迎在爱发电 a…
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本集由 Zolplay 佐玩 ( 赞助播出。 来自「得物安煅」的来信: 「我现在每天下班后给自己划了一些目标,比如写 App 和学英语,或者有时看点书;但是我发现我经常会写代码写到上头,而学英语和看书经常被遗忘,有时意识到了就是停不下来,不能说切就切,以至于其他两项基本没进展。两位会有这种情况吗,我觉得可能是规划不够好,执行力不够,不知道两位是怎么看待的,平时如果有多个目标要完成是怎样去做的呢?」 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜索「代码之外 Beyond Code」都能找到我们。 如果你也有什…
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本集由佐玩 ( 赞助播出。 这一集是特别集,我们来聊聊进击的巨人。我们作为普通观众的主观角度来回顾和评价这部动画,并非专业解析,难免对剧情的理解和大家会有所出入,欢迎在评论区留言和我们互动。 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜索「代码之外 Beyond Code」都能找到我们。 如果你也有什么想分享给我们或问题,欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 也欢迎在爱发电 赞助我们。…
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本集由 Zolplay 佐玩 ( 赞助播出。 --- 本期播客是参与 #2023技术播客节 共创共建的一期内容。12月4日至8日,每天围绕一个主题,带来8~11期的内容,更多详情也可关注官网,或者微信公众号、即刻、X搜索「2023技术播客节」,欢迎大家多多关注,一键多连! 「您好,我是一名非本科背景的女性程序员,目前已在后端工作近四年,最近两年是以远程工作的形式进行的。 在我目前的工作环境中,女性员工大约只占10%。在建立人际关系这方面,我一直感到比较困扰。我发现与同事们在兴趣方面有着很大的差异。他们喜欢的游戏我完全不了解,而我热爱的文学和英语播客也没法成为共同话题,这让我觉得很难建立真正的友谊。我不确定是因为我的文科背景、性别差异,还是远程…
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In this episode, Ben sits down with Douglas Cullen, the Chief Technology Officer at AbEx, a cutting-edge player in the crypto trading space. In this insightful conversation, Douglas shares his journey within the financial services industry and his pivotal role as a CTO. Discover the reasons behind Douglas's transition from global enterprise compani…
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In this episode, Ben sits down with Jack Watts, Head of Product Development @ base. They unravel essential topics shaping the future of work. Discover the strategic nuances of architecture planning versus impulsive pivots, striking the delicate balance between empathy and productivity in the workplace, and how AI is reshaping junior positions. Jack…
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In this episode, Ben sits down with Michael Sanders, Co-Founder & Chief Storyteller at Horizon, a pioneering force in web3 game development. Michael shares insights into Horizon's groundbreaking work, discussing the benefits and challenges of integrating web3 features into games. Discover innovative solutions to complex issues, including the upcomi…
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感谢 zolplay 佐玩 ( 对本节目的赞助。 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址: 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜索「代码之外 Beyond Code」都能找到我们。 如果你也有什么想分享给我们或问题,欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 0:00:41 往期节目回顾 0:07:22 辞职后的变化 0:21:03 人和人之间的连接 0:28:04 寻找 mentor …
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On this episode of Leading Beyond the Code! Ben sits down with Gary Blunden, the visionary founder of Blundens. Ben and Gary delve deep into the world of Digital Twins and their incredible potential, with a particular focus on how Artificial Intelligence is revolutionising the landscape for small businesses. Gary shares his insights on the remarkab…
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I've known Hillel for years and have been eager to bring him on as a BTC guest. As a strong advocate for tech generally, his perspective on what the future holds for emerging technology sectors is crucial. As always, his perspective was fresh and insightful. In this episode, we discussed the tech of the future and what's in store for us. Dubbed Isr…
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Dr. Oliver Scherenberg is an IP attorney with over 15 years of experience in licensing and monetization. In addition to his legal practice, he is the founder of web3lex, a search engine for web3 rules and laws, powered by web3 lawyers from all over the world. In this episode, we discussed web3lex, as well as [what else] - crypto, AI, IP and more.…
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When I decided to expand my legal practice into blockchain regulatory compliance, one of the most valuable resources available was Jacob Robinson's blockchain legal podcast, the Law of Code. Now on its 115th episode, Jacob's podcast has featured anyone and everyone in the blockchain legal and regulatory space, including SEC Commissioner, Hester Pie…
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