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Relaxing White Noise

Relaxing White Noise, LLC

Welcome to Relaxing White Noise, the podcast featuring white noise and nature sounds to help you sleep, study or soothe a baby. We make relaxing sounds to improve your life and are excited to share them with you. Join the hundred million people who have already enjoyed our white noise soundscapes which include rain sounds, ocean waves, white noise for babies, fan sounds, spaceships, Tibetan bowls, waterfalls and rain with thunder. Whether you're trying to study for a test, focus at work, fal ...
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Relaxing White Noise es el sitio web #1 para encontrar ruido blanco y sonidos de la naturaleza que te ayuden a dormir, estudiar o dormir a un bebé. Tenemos más de cien mil millones de reproducciones en YouTube y otras plataformas y hoy estamos muy emocionados de compartir nuestro material a través del podcast Sonidos para relajarse. El ruido blanco es un sonido de fondo constante que puede ayudar a bloquear las distracciones y dormir más profundamente. Por ejemplo, si te cuesta dormirte por ...
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Welcome to ”The Rest Is Rest,” a nature sounds podcast dedicated to helping you find serenity and relaxation in the midst of life’s daily challenges. My name is Pete, and for the past decade, I’ve been meticulously recording and curating a collection of nature’s most soothing sounds from around the globe. Each episode is a carefully crafted journey, designed to transport you to a world of tranquility. From the gentle lapping of ocean waves and the rhythmic patter of raindrops to the melodic ...
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White Noise Relax Zone

White Noise Relax Zone

Welcome to White Noise Relax Zone, this podcast is featuring calm white noise, water sounds, nature sounds, thunderstorms, or something calming and soothing like ocean waves for sleeping and relaxation. If you are looking to meditate and want to relax and calm your mind then you’ve come to the right place. Our episodes are intended to assist you to obtain a good night's sleep, soothe baby, meditation, or the ideal background noise while studying.
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show series
Thunderstorms can create such a soothing ambience. Pair that with the relaxing ringing of Tibetan bowls and you will have a combination that can surely ease the tensions of your day. Try playing these thunderstorm sounds and Tibetan bowls at night if you struggle to sleep. It can help block out distracting sounds and can even ease your mind as you …
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Nestle into tranquility as the gentle patter of rain and crackling fireplace cast a warm cabin glow. Let this soothing ambiance envelop you as stress melts away. Whether alone or with a loved one, curl up and escape into a good book or savor quiet moments. Find peace in the cozy night's embrace. Good Night.…
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जंगल में बारिश होती है, जो आपको सोने, पढ़ाई करने या ध्यान केंद्रित करने में मदद करने के लिए सुखदायी व्हाइट नॉइज़ पैदा करती है। यह कुदरती ध्वनि बाहरी शोर को रोकते हुए मन को शांत करता है ताकि आप अपने ख़ामोश लम्हों का आनंद लें सकें। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और बीच में कोई वि…
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Regen fällt auf ein mittelalterliches Schloss, Blitze durchzucken die Wolken. Es herrscht ein Gefühl des Friedens. Diese Regen- und Donnergeräusche können Ihnen beim Entspannen, Schlafen, Lernen oder Konzentrieren helfen. Weißes Rauschen im Hintergrund hilft, Ablenkungen auszublenden! Relaxing White Noise möchte Ihnen zu einem guten Schlaf verhelfe…
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Dziecko płacze lub niezbyt dobrze sypia? Włącz ten kojący biały szum, aby pomóc mu szybko się uspokoić. Biały szum przypomina dźwięki dochodzące do dziecka w brzuchu mamy, co ma działanie uspokajające. Tłumi także zakłócenia akustyczne, aby pomóc dziecku zasnąć. Biały szum dla malutkich dzieci to skuteczny sposób na uspokojenie płaczącego maluszka …
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Reis naar de ruimte aan boord van een ruimteschip dat nieuwe zonnestelsels verkent. De rustgevende witte ruis zorgt voor een perfecte omgeving om je af te sluiten voor de buitenwereld en je geest te kalmeren. Bij Relaxing White Noise is het ons doel om je een goede nachtrust te geven. Deze aflevering duurt acht uur zonder reclame tussendoor, dus je…
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Un temporale sopra il castello di Windsor, in Inghilterra. Mentre di addormenti, immaginati all’interno della residenza reale mentre ascolti il rumore rilassante della pioggia. Questi suoni di tempesta sono rilassanti e costanti, senza tuoni. Goditi una serata senza stress e un’intera notte di sonno! Relaxing White Noise è il miglior posto online d…
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S'abonner à des podcasts gratuits - pour un coût de 0,99 Cents (U.S.) par mois. Merci d'avoir écouté! ⁠⁠ Chez Relaxing White Noise, notre but est de vous aider à passer une bonne nuit de sommeil. Cet épisode dure huit heures et n’est interrompu par aucune publicité, de façon à ce que vous puissiez l’utiliser…
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Acest sunet de avion creează o ambianță liniștitoare, ceea ce este perfect pentru a vă ajuta să vă concentrați în timp ce studiați, citiți sau scrieți. Sunetul alb este, de asemenea, util pentru a acoperi distragerile, astfel încât este mai ușor să adormiți. Acesta este un instrument excelent pentru a obține o noapte bună de somn! La Relaxing White…
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Imagine sitting on the banks of this lazy river, the relaxing raindrops dripping onto the water from the canopy overhead as the river slowly progresses downstream. There is something super relaxing about the sound of rain falling onto water. Use this natural white noise to sleep and relax if you are stressed out after a long day. The consistent pit…
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We're throwing it back to the '90s with this white noise mix tape! Grab your headphones, pop a cassette tape into your Sony Walkman and hit play. That's some old school analog white noise, perfect for sleep. The '90s are back! Cassette tapes always produced such a fly sound when listening to music on them, now imagine an 8-hour white noise track pl…
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Captured from a picturesque headland overlooking Muir Beach, this episode features the profound sounds of the Pacific Ocean. The hypnotic crashing of waves against rocky outcrops at high tide forms a meditative soundscape. Experience the soothing yet potent symphony of these distant waves, perfect for relaxation or deep sleep. Allow the timeless po…
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Rain falls upon the forest canopy and trickles onto the mossy ground below. A gentle stream meanders through the ferns. You've found the perfect place to relax! Imagine sitting on that log as you listen to the water sounds and falling rain. Let go of stress and take some deep breaths. Feels pretty good, right? Let the raining sounds help you study,…
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At 40,000 feet cruising altitude, surrender to the gentle hum of jet engines and soft cabin ambience. Let the familiar sounds of air travel lull you into relaxation as we soar through the night sky. Glimpse the golden sunset and earth's curvature from your window seat before drifting off to dream peacefully. When you awake, you'll feel refreshed an…
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Waterfalls - Nature's best sleep white noise! The consistent sound of water falling creates a relaxing white noise perfect for sleep and relaxation. The powerful roar of thousands of gallons of water cascading over the rocky ledge can help block out background distractions that keep you up at night and create a soothing environment that is sure to …
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बारिश और घनघोर गड़गड़ाहट की ध्वनि खलल डालने वाली आवाज को रोकती है और सुखदायी मूड बनाती है। नींद, पढ़ाई, ध्यान या आराम के लिए, यह व्हाइट नॉइज़ बारिश और गरज के साथ जादू करेगी। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और बीच में कोई विज्ञापन नहीं है, इसलिए आप इस ध्वनि की मदद से पूरी रात भरप…
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Deszcz bębni o blaszany dach, generując kojący dźwięk, który idealnie wspomaga sen, naukę, koncentrację lub relaks. Naszym celem w Relaxing White Noise jest pomóc Ci uzyskać dobrą jakość snu. Nagranie trwa osiem godzin bez żadnych reklam w trakcie, dzięki czemu możesz wykorzystać je jako dźwięk do snu na całą noc. Słuchając naszego białego szumu z …
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Weint Ihr Baby und nichts scheint zu helfen? Weißes Rauschen kann ein wirksames Mittel zur Beruhigung Ihres Kindes sein. Nach wenigen Minuten sollte sich Ihr Baby beruhigt haben und sogar eingeschlafen sein, so dass Sie beide die nötige Ruhe bekommen. Weißes Rauschen für Babys ist eine wirksame Methode, um einen weinenden Säugling zu beruhigen und …
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Als je moeite hebt om in slaap te vallen, luister dan naar deze rustgevende regenbui. Het geluid van de regen helpt om afleidingen tegen te gaan en voor een ontspannen sfeer te zorgen. Word 's ochtends uitgerust wakker! Bij Relaxing White Noise is het ons doel om je een goede nachtrust te geven. Deze aflevering duurt acht uur zonder reclame tussend…
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Partez aux confins de l’espace et vers de nouveaux systèmes solaires à bord de ce vaisseau spatial. En faisant taire les sons du monde extérieur, ce bruit blanc apaisant crée une atmosphère idéale pour vous détendre et relâcher la pression. Chez Relaxing White Noise, notre but est de vous aider à passer une bonne nuit de sommeil. Cet épisode dure h…
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Prenditi un momento per te e riscopri un senso di pace naturale. Queste rilassanti campane tibetane, insieme al rumore della pioggia e dei tuoni, creano un ambiente di calma e quiete. Il rumore bianco della natura, accompagnato da una musica rilassante, crea un ambiente perfetto per dormire, studiare, concentrarsi, rilassarsi, meditare o fare yoga.…
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For a baby that's crying, colicky and won't sleep, try playing this washing machine sound to help soothe your infant. The steady white noise resembles sounds heard in the womb and many babies find the ambience calming. Millions of parents use our baby white noise sounds every month. While playing white noise for babies, it’s important to keep tabs …
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Imagine being enveloped by the lush tranquility of a dense forest, where cascading waters at Cascate di Riva in Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy, compose a harmonious symphony of soothing notes. In this immersive auditory experience, embark on a journey to a peaceful oasis, where the waterfall's rush blends seamlessly with melodic calls of local wildlife…
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Fall asleep to the gentle sounds of rain. The soothing rainstorm creates a natural white noise that blocks out distracting sounds, helping ensure a night of great sleep. The sound of light rain on a deck is so relaxing! Stay sleeping all night long with this 8-hour sleep sound. Here are some great products to help you sleep! Relaxing White Noise re…
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Experience deep tranquility with the soothing sounds of rain falling on a large yurt in the wilderness of Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland. This ASMR recording captures the immersive quality of a heavy downpour gently pattering against the canvas, enveloping you in the center of nature’s calming storm. Let the rhythmic raindrops lull you into profound re…
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The sound of a fan and ocean waves are two popular sounds, so why not combine them? It may not make sense to bring your fan to the beach, so we brought this calming combination to you with this 8-hour ambience. Ocean sounds are a natural white noise that are perfect for relaxation, while fan noise can help block out background sounds while you try …
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कई माता-पिता इस बच्चे की नींद की ध्वनि का उपयोग रोते हुए शिशु को जल्दी शांत करने के लिए करते हैं। जब कोई बच्चा उधम मचाता है, बेचैन होता है या ठीक से सो नहीं पाता है, तो उसे शांत करने में मदद करने के लिए इस सुखदायी व्हाइट नॉइज़ को बजाएं। शिशु व्हाइट नॉइज़ रोते हुए बच्चे को बहलाने और आपके नवजात को सुकून से सुलाने का असरदार तरीका है। व्हाइट नॉइज़ शिशु …
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Die Regengeräusche des Waldes sorgen für ein sanftes weißes Rauschen, das Sie beim Schlafen, Lernen, bei der Konzentration und der Entspannung unterstützt. Der Regen hilft beim Einschlafen und sorgt dafür, dass Sie die ganze Nacht tief schlafen, da er ablenkende Geräusche überdeckt. Genießen Sie die friedlichen Klänge der Natur! Relaxing White Nois…
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Słuchacze uwielbiają nasze odgłosy deszczu i dźwięki wentylatora, a razem brzmią jeszcze lepiej! To połączenie dźwięków deszczu i wentylatora tworzy potężny biały szum, idealny do tłumienia głośnych hałasów, co zapobiega rozpraszaniu uwagi. Lepsza nauka lub sen! Relaxing White Noise to wybór numer jeden dla osób szukających białego szumu i dźwięków…
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Witte ruis is ideaal voor baby's, omdat het ze helpt snel te kalmeren. Wanneer je baby huilt of niet goed slaapt, wieg de baby dan in slaap met dit rustgevende geluid! Witte ruis voor baby's is een effectieve manier om een huilende baby te kalmeren en je pasgeboren baby in slaap te wiegen. Witte ruis lijkt op geluiden die de baby in de baarmoeder h…
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Se hai difficoltà a addormentarti, prova ad ascoltare questo temporale rilassante. Il rumore della pioggia aiuta a bloccare le distrazioni creando un ambiente rilassante. E risvegliati ben riposato al mattino! Relaxing White Noise è il miglior posto online dove trovare rumore bianco e suoni della natura per aiutarti a dormire, studiare o calmare un…
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La pluie tombe tandis que le tonnerre gronde doucement. Pour certains, il s’agit du bruit blanc idéal pour dormir. Le son de la pluie couvre naturellement les bruits indésirables et vous apporte la tranquillité nécessaire pour trouver le sommeil et dormir toute la nuit sans interruption. Le tonnerre qui gronde au loin ajoute un touche réconfortante…
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Imagine hopping on board your own private luxury jet late at night off on a trip around the world. As the flight takes off, the sun goes down, leaving you an amazing view of the night sky as you leave the city behind. The soothing sounds of the airplane engines hum all night long, creating a sleep white noise that makes your eyes fall heavy. The ca…
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mmerse yourself in the tranquil symphony of crashing ocean waves with our Sleep Sounds Podcast. This episode transports you to the Island of Vatersay in the Outer Hebrides, where the mighty Atlantic meets timeless Scottish shores. As we recorded, a colony of seals basked nearby on the rocks. Each wave's powerful yet calming rhythm encapsulates the …
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It's a stormy night out on the water — big waves gently rock your boat as rain pours down overhead. Thunder is echoing over the vast ocean. Your boat is built to handle storms like this, so you lay down in your comfy bunk inside the cabin to wait out the storm. There is something soothing about the sound of rain for sleeping combined with ocean wav…
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Enter the tranquil embrace of 'Starry Night White Noise'—a soothing soundscape inspired by star-filled skies, blending calming white noise with restorative Delta 432Hz Binaural Beats. Designed to mimic the comforting sounds of the womb, our white noise promotes deeper slumber for infants and is scientifically proven to enhance relaxation and improv…
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It's the middle of the night out in the desert. With no light pollution in the area, you look up and see the full moon, twinkling stars, and a meteor shower! Just like the Perseid Meteor Showers happening right now, this view is also absolutely stunning! Pair that with the soothing sounds of white noise and you have yourself a great ambience to hel…
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एक्वेरियम के पानी की सुकूनभरी ध्वनि का आनंद लें। गहरी व्हाइट नॉइज़ पढ़ने, काम करने, सोने या दिन भर की थकान मिटाने के लिए सुकून भरा वातावरण प्रदान करती है। पानी की यह ध्वनि हेडफोन में सबसे अच्छी लगती है। अपने घर में एक्वेरियम की खुशियां लाएं। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और बी…
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Twoje dziecko płacze, ma kolkę i nie może spać? Włącz dźwięk pralki, aby je uspokoić. Równomierny biały szum naśladuje dźwięki słyszane przez dziecko w brzuchu mamy, co działa uspokajająco na wiele małych dzieci. Miliony rodziców korzystają z naszych białych szumów każdego miesiąca! Biały szum dla malutkich dzieci to skuteczny sposób na uspokojenie…
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Schweben Sie zum weißen Rauschen eines Flugzeugs in den Schlaf. Das tiefe Summen der Triebwerke sorgt für sanfte Schlafgeräusche und hilft dabei, Ablenkungen in der Nacht auszublenden. Süße Träume und eine gute Reise! Relaxing White Noise möchte Ihnen zu einem guten Schlaf verhelfen. Diese Folge dauert acht Stunden und enthält zwischendurch keine W…
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Questo audio di una nave nello spazio profondo crea un ambiente di quiete. Riproducilo per far scomparire il mondo esterno e aiutarti a studiare meglio, mantenere la concentrazione al lavoro, fare un riposino o dormire tutta la notte. Relaxing White Noise è il miglior posto online dove trovare rumore bianco e suoni della natura per aiutarti a dormi…
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Het is examentijd op school en je moet je concentreren. Er zijn stapels huiswerk, wiskundeproblemen om op te lossen en er komen veel toetsen aan. Al dat schoolwerk kan soms stress veroorzaken. Met deze witte ruis kun je afleiding tegengaan om je te concentreren. Bij Relaxing White Noise is het ons doel om je een goede nachtrust te geven. Deze aflev…
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Acest zgomot de ploaie liniștitor este un excelent antistres. Lăsați anxietatea să dispară și simțiți un sentiment de pace în timp ce ascultați picăturile de ploaie care cad. Utilizați acest sunet de furtună ca un aparate de sunete albe, blocând distragerile pentru a crea un sentiment de calm. Ideal pentru a ajuta la ameliorarea stresului, la somn …
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Nombreux sont les bébés qui apprécient le bruit blanc, car il les aide à se calmer rapidement. Lorsque votre bébé pleure ou ne fait pas ses nuits, bercez-le au rythme de ce son apaisant. Bruit blanc pour bébés est une manière efficace de calmer les pleurs d’un nouveau-né et de le bercer pour qu’il s’endorme. Le bruit blanc diffusé ressemble aux son…
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Hairdryers produce such a distinct white noise that many people find soothing. However, it’s not exactly energy efficient or practical to have your hair dryer blowing all night. Instead, try playing this hair dryer white noise for sleeping. Let the hum of the hair dryer cover up background distractions that can keep you up at night. This hair dryer…
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Dive into the serene evening of Ko Yao Noi in Thailand, captured from a luxury treehouse retreat. As the night unfolds, the melody of distant waves and the chorus of crickets and cicadas blend seamlessly, complemented by the rhythmic swirl of the ceiling fan, creating an almost ASMR-like atmosphere. This harmonious tapestry of nature's whispers and…
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An epic storm has arrived, bringing with it heavy rain and thunderstorm sounds for sleeping. Thunder and rain white noise are some of nature's best sounds to help you relax. Mixed with crashing waves on a rocky shore, this rain sound with thunder is ideal for helping you drift off to sleep or concentrate for an upcoming exam. Kick back, relax, or h…
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Transport yourself to a tranquil evening in the Southern French Countryside, where the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in golden and purple hues. After a day's journey, let the countryside's evening charm unwind your thoughts as the trees dance to the rhythm of the wind, their leaves rustling and whispering a soothing lullaby. Birds en…
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Your long anticipated vacation, starting in an overnight train car, has finally arrived! Rain begins pouring as the train takes off, bringing with it a peaceful white noise for sleeping. You curl up under the warm covers and peer out the window as the train crosses the country throughout the night. The soft sounds of the train clacking along the tr…
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बहुत से लोगों को सोने के लिए गरज वाली ध्वनि सुनने में मज़ा आता है। पोखरों में बारिश की बौछारों की ध्वनि दूर की गड़गड़ाहट के साथ मिलकर शांति से भरपूर व्हाइट नॉइज़ पैदा करती है। सोने, पढ़ने या आराम करने के लिए गरज के साथ बारिश की ध्वनि आज़माएं। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और ब…
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