Anime, video games, pop culture, honestly whatever we want
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Obrolan seputar Anime, Manga, dan Tokusatsu dari sudut pandang kacamata kami.
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La maîtrise du métier de l'information
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Megane Podcast is an "I decide when I post" podcast that tackles anything the author find fancy, but it will mostly cater to tech, anime and anime events.
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Episode 15: The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation(MDZS)
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2:42:20To start off the Meganeko Bookclub we will be discussing one of my favorite books, The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation or Mo Dao Zu Shi by MXTX!! Spoilers for Vol. 1 incoming so read ahead if you want~. Send in any questions to our email [email protected]
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Back from an impromptu hiatus(I'm so so sorry), we are BACK with a very silly episode! Zero Escape is a series Karen and Alexa enjoy so so much but we wanted to come back and talk about it in a laid(haha) back manner. Spoilers ahead so beware! As always reach out to us via email: [email protected]…
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Pa bliye ke an 2017 e an 2019, Ayiti te depanse 4 milia dola e 4,7 milia dola nan Enpòtasyon.
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5:382 bagay ki enpòtan anpil : 1) Se OTONOMI-W 2 ) Kòb lakay ou pap fè wonn pòt. Li la pou moun lakay twouve Kredi bon mache pou yo regle zafè yo, kreye biznis e fè devlòpman lokal yo. E si "succursale" yon Bank vi n enstale lakayou, se sèlman 20 pou san benefis ke li fè ki ka kite lakayou jan sa fèt aux États-Unis. Kounyè -a an nou pale de Kredi bon m…
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Chak ETA ap genyen 45 milion dola ki disponib pou Envèstisman. Nan ki sa chak Eta pral envesti ?
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5:41En l'an II. Chak ETA ap genyen 45 milion dola ki disponib pou Envèstisman. Nan ki sa chak Eta pral envesti ? a) Yo chak ka mete 12 milion dola pou yon 2èm simantri; b)Yo chak ka mete 2 milion dola pou yon usine sukrièr nan Nò. Menm bagay la nan Plato Santral; c) Yo chak ka envesti anpil milion (men menm nonb de milion) nan konstruksyon port, aéropo…
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Haïti, un pays où des néo-colons internes comme externes, des kleptocrates corrompus et corrupteurs, font la loi
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3:58Un pays de mercantilo-bourgeois monopoleurs venus d'ailleurs en général, le considérant comme une simple terre d'opportunités, un pays de mercantilo-beaux-parleurs et de mercantilo-parlementaires, chefs mafieux notoires, chefs de gangs patentés, bref un mélange voire un ramassis de gibiers de potence. Un pays de cooptation des voyous et de collusio…
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We're back from hiatus to talk about Mamoru Hosoda's latest film, Belle! There will be full on spoilers for the movie so listen at your discretion. We're so happy to be back and hopefully we can have more fun conversations~ Reach out to us on twitter and instagram @meganekopod or email us [email protected]…
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Episode 12: Year End Recap(Animal Crossing and Stuff)
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1:19:25For our last episode of the year we are just going back and talking about all the stuff that was of note for us! Between our personal lives, media we consumed, and just the random tangents we tend to go on, we are truly grateful to have y'all listening to us♡ We also even got our first email! Speaking of emails, reach out to us! And we will see you…
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This week we are joined by new permanent cohost, Aaron as we talk about Satoshi Kon's film, Paprika! as always let us know any thoughts in our social media :> Lexi Twitch: Aaron's instagram: @coniferndez
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Today for our not so spooky Halloween episode we talk ab an anime classique...Evangelion! Cool opening but wacky ass show. Content warning for talks of mental illness and suicide because it's eva Twitter: @meganekopod Email: [email protected] Lexi's twitch:
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Psycho social psycho éducation est une émission diffusée tous les jours samedi à compter de 7h :00 pm sur la chaine youtube depuis Haïti, présentée par Ronald MURAT et camera, montage sont assurés par Frantz CINEUS, Mise en ligne par Frantz CINEUS.
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Le chef gang du G9 Barbecue a stoppé 5 voleurs, des tirent nourris entre La police et les gangs G9 dans la zone Lasaline
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13:06Le chef gang du G9 Barbecue a stoppé 5 voleurs, des tirent nourris entre La police et les gangs G9 dans la zone Lasaline
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Le groupe Enposib ou l’apologie des chansons à valeur lyricale merdique
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4:06Kyrielle de consommateurs de chansons issues de la HMI se plaignent depuis toujours de la tendance fâcheuse des paroliers à écrire n’importe quoi pour mettre dans les chansons pourvu que la mélodie soit OK.
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Lexi struggles to keep the podcast alive bc she's one AWKWARD HUMAN who can't keep anything alive by herself..... LMAO, Hey I (Lexi) talk about one piece and in a poor way try to describe everything I've watched so far in the series! *Karen come back* ;A; If you have an anime you want us to talk about or questions or literally anything at all reach…
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Episode 8: Ace Attorney Part 3 - The Great Ace Attorney
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2:17:28Finishing off this three parter with DGS 2, and trying to keep it a reasonable length this time! Reach out to us on twitter or email as always~
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Back with MORE Ace Attorney and surprise! it's going to actually be a 3 parter~ This time we start off with Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright and then spend the majority of the pod actually, and finally, diving into what we've been meaning to talk about: The Great Ace Attorney. But only the first game in the collection because we ran out of time o…
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Today we got an extra special guest, Alexa! We WERE going to talk about The Great Ace Attorney but we ended up talking Ace Attorney in general so this is going to be part 1 of Ace Attorney discussion. SPOILERS AHEAD!!
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Back again with our recap/rewatch/revisit segment we watched the REST of Vampire Knight and it uhh sure was something! Vampire Knight originally aired in 2008 and since then it has been 13 years, has it aged well? Nope! But please listen to our thoughts on this mess of a show so many people have nostalgia for, including us. If you have an anime you…
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This week we discuss episodes 1-3(4ish) of Vampire Knight! A show we loved as teens but as adults? Who knows...this is part 1 of our Vampire Knight recap rewatch revisit segment. Follow us on social media or email us! Ask us questions we would love to hear back from y'all! Twitter: @meganekopod Email: [email protected] Lexi's Twitch: twitch…
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Joined this week by very special guest Aaron! We received a very nice email and discuss our favorite and not so favorite live action adaptations as well as high school oops! Reach out to us on Twitter @meganekopod or send us an email at [email protected] Lexi on twitch Aaron on twitch…
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We look through the new seasonal anime chart that we will probably not actually watch! there is a surprise guest we cut out, and Lexi is tired but it's ok! Karen is a blabbermouth :) Below is our sns and also the chart we looked at for this episode. Please send us emails with questions please. I am begging. e…
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Our first episode! Introduction to us, our top 5 anime and characters (please be koind to us) Tell us your thoughts! email: [email protected] twitter: @meganekopod twitch:
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Episode comeback setelah 2 bulan ngilang 😂 Mohon maaf lahir batin 🙏🏽
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List judul yang menarik untuk diikuti di season Spring 2021
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Sesuai judul :D
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Betapa spesialnya Naruto bagi Duo Megane.
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Beberapa organisasi yang cukup merepotkan di anime. Bahkan ada yang belum terungkap hingga kini.
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Akhirnya! Log Horizon Season 3 setelah bertahun-tahun menanti! Dan berbagai judul keren lain yang kembali lanjut.
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WINTER IS COMING! Gempuran berbagai judul menarik yang akan menemani kita mulai Januari mendatang. Duo Megane berbagi beberapa yang patut dinanti!
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Kalau di lagu Tua-tua Keladi, makin tua semakin menjadi. Di Anime banyak karakter yang Tua-tua Kelahi, makin tua semakin jago!
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#0213 Karakter Anime yang Layak Dibenci! Mari Marah-Marah!
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Megane and friends mengucapkan Selamat Hari Guru Nasional. Semoga sosok guru yang muncul di anime/manga, bisa menginspirasi.
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Musim panas telah usai dengan cukup seru. Apakah Musim Gugur juga menawarkan judul-judul yang menjanjikan? Kami bahas beberapa judul yang menarik untuk diikuti. Cover art designed by Freepik
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Dalam dunia anime selain fokus pada protagonis, sering juga adanya rival. Keberadaannya selain menambah bumbu cerita, juga sering menjadi faktor yang membuat protagonis berkembang. Ada rivalitas siapa saja kali ini?
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#0209 Lovable Villain! Mereka yang Tidak Bisa Kami Benci.
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58:08Banyak villain atau antagonis dalam anime yang bikin kita jengkel, marah, bahkan benci. Namun duo megane mengupas beberapa villain yang justru membuat mereka rispek, bahkan tak bisa membencinya. Cover art designed by
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Musim panas diisi judul-judul panas yang sudah dinanti kehadirannya. Ada adegan panasnya kah? Cover art Designed by pikisuperstar / Freepik
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Setelah vakum setengah tahun, akhirnya kami kembali mengudara. Apa saja kejadian selama tidak mengudara?
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Setelah pernah bahas karakter pengguna petir terkuat, episode kali ini duo megane bahas anime pengguna api terkuat. Siapa saja mereka? Ikuzo!
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#0205 Serupa Tapi Tidak Sama! Ada yang Kembar Tapi Bukan Pinang?!
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45:54Duo megane membahas karakter-karakter anime yang memiliki kemiripan, padahal dari mangaka dan judul yang berbeda. Siapa saja mereka?
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Yo, duo megane bahas karakter anime yang jago mengendalikan listrik, petir dan sejenisnya. Ada siapa saja?
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Merayakan Valentine Day, duo megane nge-list sepuluh pasangan paling uwu di anime. Ada yang ga terduga!
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Anime olahraga yang satu ini berhasil menghibur dan menemani akhir pekan kami. Lebih dari itu ada pengaruh yang lebih besar dari anime ini yang kami rasakan. Seperti apa magisnya? Simak episode kali ini.
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Jumpa lagi dengan duo megane. Kini memasuki season kedua, kami mengawalinya dengan memberikan penghargaan buat anime-anime yang telah tayang di tahun 2019. Ikuzo!
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Season fall sudah selesai, kini saatnya season winter. Ada anime apa saja yang menarik? Duo Megane kasih beberapa rekomendasi.
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Isekai...isekai..isekai...isekaaaaiiii.......Beberapa tahun belakangan sangat marak judul anime/manga bertema isekai. Emang apa sih isekai itu?
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Di penghujung tahun ini dan menyongsong tahun baru, duo megane mengungkapkan harapan mereka atas beberapa judul yang berhak mendapatkan season baru. Apa saja itu?
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Duo Megane mengadu beberapa karakter antagonis/villain. Hasilnya apakah cocok?
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Eps20 Mending Ga Usah Nantangin Karakter-karakter Ini! Mereka Overpower!
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1:04:40Merayakan episode ke-20, duo megane berbagi 20 karakter overpower yang mungkin belum terpikirkan sebelumnya!
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Eps19 Kamen Rider Ryuki dibohongi Kanzaki?! Ini Faktanya!
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27:34Di episode kali ini, duo megane membahas 13 fakta mengenai seri Kamen Rider Ryuki.Artwork designed by Meznin @deviant art.
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Eps18++ Jangan Nonton Anime-anime Ini Kalau Belum Cukup Umur! Nomor 6 Paling Sadis!
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35:35Berbagai genre anime mengantarkan kami pada satu kesimpulan. Anime bukan cuma buat anak-anak. Ini beberapa judul yang menurut kami tidak pantas ditonton anak-anak.
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Eps17 Ada Apa dengan Anime Season ini? Ada Dua Judul yang mirip!
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1:00:49Mereview perkembangan anime yang tayang di season fall kali ini.
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