Les Clairvoyants, c’est le podcast mensuel de Geekzone entièrement dédié au MCU, le Marvel Cinematic Universe. Toutes les news sur les films Marvel Studios, les séries télé ABC et Netflix, le tout parsemé de theorycrafting rigolo, de recommandations de lecture et de musique. Préparé et animé par Faskil, Foxmonsieur et Arkeon.
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Welcome! My name is Max Levy and here we explore the depths of consciousness, manifestation, wellness, spirituality and more. Join a special soul family on a mission to raise the vibration of this incredible planet as we transition into the 5D
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Join your host, professional intuitive Alexander Kriech, for your bi-weekly dose of metaphysical magic, with a generous helping of sass and real talk.
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Welcome to Carolyn Clairvoyant's Cosmic Vibrations - an interactive podcast delving into the soul's journey and what influences our path of discovery. Great discussions, inspirational guests, interesting tid bits and much more. Join me as we journey through exploring this life and our own very soul's journey.
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HOTTEST NEWS PREDICTIONS- Psychic News by Clairvoyant House "Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters
Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova
Clairvoyant House "Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova" are famous with their Ebooks and Paperback books with Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : ▪ Missing persons, Kidnappings, Murders , Mysteries ; ▪Political predictions; ▪Elections in USA, Great Britain, The European Union and more.. ▪Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about Celebrities, Billionaires, Politicians, Bankers ▪MH370 and more… More than 100 Ebooks and Paperback books published in Amazon :http://w ...
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Les Clairvoyants #106 : le Leader, ou quand Samuel Sterns attrape la grosse tête
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1:10:34Épisode 106 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon se lamentent sur le Brave New World de Captain America, en profitent pour tirer le portrait du Leader, se réjouissent sur le retour de Daredevil, sans oublier les dernières news en provenance du MCU... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #106 : le Leader, ou quand Samuel Sterns attrape la grosse tête avec sa vraie mis…
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Épisode 105 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon attaquent la nouvelle année avec un focus sur Red Hulk, qu'on découvrira bientôt dans le prochain film Captain America, film sur lequel ils s'attardent d'ailleurs à faire quelques prévisions de dernière minute, sans oublier les news en provenance de Marvel Studios... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #105 : RED ROSS…
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Send us a text In this episode, we dive in to some current events that may be effecting the collective consciousness and how we can use practical tools to regain clarity and get back on track in our most optimal timelines. We discuss how we can reconnect with our abundance and realign with the New Earth and 5th density consciousness.…
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Les Clairvoyants #104 : 🎶 It Was Agatha All Along 🎶
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1:01:34Épisode 104 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon débriefent Agatha All Along, accompagné d'un focus détaillé sur Agatha Harkness, sans oublier un tour complet des annonces Marvel Studios de ces deux derniers mois... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #104 : 🎶 It Was Agatha All Along 🎶 avec sa vraie mise en page sur Geekzone. Pensez à vos rétines.…
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Les Clairvoyants #103 : Wolverine, le ronchon increvable
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1:08:28Épisode 103 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon débriefent Deadpool & Wolverine, avec un focus sur l'ami Logan, sans oublier un tour complet des annonces Marvel Studios de ces deux derniers mois, dont le surprenant retour de RDJ... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #103 : Wolverine, le ronchon increvable avec sa vraie mise en page sur Geekzone. Pensez à vos rétin…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss how surrender is the way out of suffering
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Raise Your Vibration - Your Only Competition is Yourself
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12:56Send us a text In this episode, we dive into the internal dance between your egoic construct and awareness. Understand this competition within yourself will better help you to control and increase your vibration.
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss we it's not only OK to struggle, but necessary in one's path to awakening and experiencing a higher level of consciousness.
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Les Clairvoyants #102 : Cassandra Nova, la « jumelle » maléfique du Professeur X
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51:40Épisode 102 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon livrent leurs dernières prévisions pour Deadpool & Wolverine, font le focus sur la "big bad" du film, Cassandra Nova, sans oublier bien entendu de faire un petit tour du côté des dernières news en provenance du MCU... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #102 : Cassandra Nova, la « jumelle » maléfique du Professeur X a…
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Send us a text In this episode, we talk about how we are programmed to believe we need gain or achieve something externally to feel true fulfillment, abundance, peace and love.
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Les Clairvoyants #101 : Deadpool, le mercenaire qui va sauver le MCU
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1:03:27Épisode 101 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon préparent le terrain pour la sortie du très attendu Deadpool & Wolverine, avec un focus sur le célèbre mercenaire à la grande gueule, sans oublier bien entendu un petit tour du côté des dernières actus en provenance du Marvel Cinematic Universe... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #101 : Deadpool, le mercenaire qui …
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Les Clairvoyants : l’émission spéciale des 10 ans est disponible en podcast et en vidéo
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2:24:35Pendant 2h30, Fask, Fox et Arkeon reviennent ensemble sur la genèse du podcast, partagent quelques anecdotes de tournage, sans oublier bien entendu de répondre aux quelques questions posées par les membres de notre communauté. Et on en profite aussi pour faire le bilan de 15 ans de MCU ! Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants : l’émission spéciale des 10 an…
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On vous l'avait teasé dans le dernier épisode du podcast, la fine équipe des Clairvoyants (Foxmonsieur, Arkeon et votre humble serviteur) sera en direct sur Twitch ce vendredi 15 mars, dès 20h. Au programme, euh... Aucune idée ! On n'a absolument rien préparé. 🤪 Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants fêtent la 100e en direct sur Twitch avec sa vraie mise en…
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Les Clairvoyants #100 : Kingpin, l’imposition du Fisk
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1:04:10Épisode 100 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon font le focus sur Wilson Fisk, le redoutable Kingpin qui règne sur Hell's Kitchen, débriefent la saison 2 de What If et la mini-série Echo, sans oublier bien sûr un tour par les news toutes fraîches du Marvel Cinematic Universe... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #100 : Kingpin, l’imposition du Fisk avec sa vraie m…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss a hidden belief that is deeply ingrained in the collective.저자 Max
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Send us a text In this episode, we do a bit of a catch up, and talk about the collective energy of the new year.
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Épisode 99 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon débriefent la fin de la saison 2 de Loki et le film The Marvels, spéculent sur leurs implications pour la suite du MCU, sans oublier le petit tour des dernières news estampilées Marvel Studios, et un focus sur Uatu... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #99 : Uatu voit tout ! avec sa vraie mise en page sur Geekzone. Pe…
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Ebook : 2024 Election in USA - Psychic predictions : Joe Biden, Donald Trump & POTUS 2024 candidates
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10:41New Ebook : US Presidential Election 2024 - Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for Joe Biden, Donald Trump and each candidate for POTUS 2024 - Who will be poisoned, who will killed, Who will be the next US President 2024, Upcoming coups, scandals... - where? World Predictions for: Russia, Israel and ChinaAuthor: Clairvoyant Dimitrinka StaikovaPublishe…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss the concept of how we existed before learning language, and therefore existed before thought. This means that we are NOT our thoughts. They are just accumulation of labels and attachment. What we actually are are presence, unconditional love, joy, gratitude and peace.…
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Observing Resistance To Learn About our Highest Selves
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12:32Send us a text In this episode, we discuss how we can observe a thing or relationship in our lives that is causing resistance. By observing it, we can learn the lesson that it is trying to teach us, for resistance exists to teach and expose shadow aspects of ourselves that is holding us back from our highest light.…
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Send us a text It's so amazing to be back. In this episode, we discuss the karmic warehouse, what it is, and how to gain access. We then discuss how to find you Karmic Keys that unlock doors and allow you to release dense energies creating a lighter, higher vibrational baseline.
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Les Clairvoyants #98 : Dar-Benn, l’Accuseur dernier Kree
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1:16:10Épisode 98 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon décortiquent les trois premiers épisodes de Loki saison 2, spéculent sur les trois prochains, sans oublier les news en droite ligne du MCU, et un focus sur Dar-Benn, l'antagoniste de The Marvels... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #98 : Dar-Benn, l’Accuseur dernier Kree avec sa vraie mise en page sur Geekzone. Pense…
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Yevgeny Prigozhin: Wagner Group chief - Is he still alive ? - Psychic reading by Dimitrinka Staikova
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2:43Yevgeny Prigozhin: Wagner Group chief - Is he still alive ? - Clairvoyant/Psychic reading August 24,2023 - by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka StaikovaClairvoyant House "Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova " - Europe, Bulgaria, VarnaVisit our E-book Store, Blogs and Websites:How to order a Clairvoyant reading :http://clairvoyantDi…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss what a starseed is, and traps to look out for as a starseed. If you've found this podcast and resonate with it, you are a starseed, there is no other way about it. There are some misconceptions about taking on this "identity" and today we discuss those.
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss a journaling exercise that can completely shift your vibration and frequency if practiced consistently. It involves the 9 pillars of abundance: health, emotions, mindset, wealth, relationships, passion, purpose, service and spirituality. Using these 9 pillars, you can create the greatest version of you and…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss the power of surrender and how it can help create a life full of love, abundance, joy and gratitude.
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Épisode 97 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon font le tour des quelques news en provenance du MCU, débriefent la série Secret Invasion sur Disney+, et décortiquent le trailer des Marvels... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #97 : l’invasion (bien trop) secrète avec sa vraie mise en page sur Geekzone. Pensez à vos rétines.…
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Send us a text In this episode, we do an intro into the 4 main elements; air, water, earth and fire. We talk about how they can be utilized to help us through our inner journeys and manifestations.
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss the power of tuning into the energy and vibration of our older selves and how that can help us in our current present moment. Normally, the external 3d circumstances that are causing us resistance and stress are short term problems. By tuning into the energy of our older selves, we're able to see these sho…
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Journal Exercise 1: Creating a new Mind Body and Energy
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15:14Send us a text In this episode, we start a new series where we discuss different journaling exercises to completely level up your life, vibration and manifestations. In this first entry, we talk about the old - new exercise. A short process to clear the old and bring in the new first thing in the morning to set yourself up for an amazing, soulful d…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss why resistance shows up when you are about to break through into a new vibrational state. We talk about how it's a powerful indicator that you're about to make a massive shift into more love, joy and abundance.저자 Max
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Raising Your Vibration - Becoming Aware Of Egoic Patterns
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18:29Send us a text In this episode, we discuss a powerful tool to help raise your vibration, becoming aware of you egoic patterns and thought forms. We discuss three different thought patters; the critic, the rusher and the judge. We discuss how to identify them, and a tool that can be used to start to strip away their power.…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss the hidden spiritual ego, what it is, how to catch it and how it's blocking your manifestations.
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss how by making a slight paradigm shift, you can completely change the trajectory of your purpose, or purposes. This paradigm shift has to do with understanding that if you prioritize THE purpose, raising your vibration, that everything else will fall in to place because you can now approach your purpose fro…
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Raising your Vibration: Becoming Conscious of What You Consume
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20:19Send us a text In this episode, we discuss a powerful tool to help raise your vibration, becoming conscious of what you consume. This entails becoming conscious on three of your bodies; the physical body, the mental body, and the energy body. When you are able to understand that your vibration and tendencies are just an accumulation of these three …
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss how you can use your energy body to level up your manifestations. We talk about the two different energy currents in our bodies, the current of liberation and current of manifestation, and how the current of manifestation is often glossed over when discussing the movement of energy.…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss how the world is changing. Previously it had been one dominated by the intellect and duality, however, it is now transitioning into a time where awareness, unity and vibration are becoming the new currency .
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Les Clairvoyants #96 : Adam Warlock, c’est dur dur d’être bébé
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1:02:51Épisode 96 : où Fask, Fox et Arkeon versent une larme en revisitant Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, embraient sur le tant attendu focus sur Adam Warlock, et bien entendu toutes les dernières news du MCU... Lisez plutôt Les Clairvoyants #96 : Adam Warlock, c’est dur dur d’être bébé avec sa vraie mise en page sur Geekzone. Pensez à vos rétines.…
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