Podcast by Branches OC
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3/16/2025 "You can forget about yourself, because He refuses to forget about you"
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24:29Jesus then said, "I am the resurrection and the life! Everyone who has faith in me will live, even if they die. And everyone who lives because of confidence in me will never really die. Do you believe this?" - Jesus (John 11:25, 26)저자 Branches OC
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3/2/2025 The Sacrifice of LOVE by Branches OC저자 Branches OC
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The Parable of the Prodigal Son is Jesus' profound story of a wayward son who squanders his inheritance but returns to find unexpected grace. Through the father's lavish welcome, Jesus reveals God's radical forgiveness and the shocking invitation for both the lost and the self-righteous to join the redemption feast.…
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God is love, all other characteristics of God flow from the infinite spring of love that is God's very nature. 1 John 4:7-21저자 Branches OC
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2/9/2025 God's Peace: Reconciling the World (Ephesians 2:13-18)
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41:11When you really think about it, the "Church" is amazing. It's made up of a group of people that would never had gathered together if it weren't for the grace of God. In Ephesians 2, we see how Jesus has torn down the walls that divide us by going to the cross, taking the penalty for our sins, and destroying the hostility that divides humanity, thus…
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Jesus and His Spirit led messianic mission ushers in the fulfillment of Jubilee and God's favor where restoration, liberation and mercy triumph over retribution.저자 Branches OC
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This is the Story of God revealing his name and his character to Moses and how we are invited into a personal relationship with a personal God who has a name... Yahweh.저자 Branches OC
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”God is like Jesus. God has always been like Jesus. There has never been a time when God was not like Jesus." - Brian Zahnd저자 Branches OC
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"John’s account of the crucifixion reads like a birth story. Jesus has his clothes removed (19:23) and asks for pain relief. Surrounded by women, he exclaims, “Woman, here is your son” and “Here is your mother” (vv. 26–27), at which point his mother takes the young man he addressed home. After Jesus’ triumphant cry of “It is finished,” blood and wa…
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Where are you feeling weak, vulnerable and unlikely today? Could this be the very space where "God wants to meet and transform you? God's method of divine revelation, from the beginning, seems to most often come from unlikely people in unlikely places. The outsider, marginalized, foreigner, second born, poor, oppressed and broken are the ones highl…
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The unique revelation of Jesus is both radically inclusive, and radically unique. Jesus expands the visible boundaries of God's grace, and brings us to see our heavenly father as Abba.저자 Branches OC
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When God first called Abraham to start a nation, He was always going to bless, protect, and provide for them as there King in heaven. Soon, his people wanted and earthly king like the other nations so God granted them Saul, then David, and Israel had their earthy kings though not perfect. Isaiah promises (Isaiah 9:6-7) His people that once again th…
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By God's Grace and direction, Carlos Montoya began his ministry in 1998 by penetrating, befriending, and meeting the needs of the drug gang members. He would then invite them to his church and present the message of Jesus Christ to them. Slowly, the men saw the need to change their lifestyle and a desire to be free from their addiction (drugs or al…
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God's heart is deeply invested in caring for the poor. As followers of Jesus, we embody this priority by standing with those in need and building a new kind of family together.저자 Branches OC
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This Sunday morning, Steph Rose continues our series: "Be Salt & Light".저자 Branches OC
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When Jesus said there is more joy in giving than receiving, he turned our vision of living the good life on its head. The paradox of generosity is that money and happiness are related, but not the way we typically think. Not surprisingly, it seems that history has proven Jesus to be absolutely right!…
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To be a follower of Jesus Christ means that we are also "sent" out declaring the good news. Luke 10 gives us a comprehensive look at how we fit into God's mission. We see that the very nature of God is on mission and we are invited to join Him.저자 Branches OC
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We are called to be salt, light and instruments of peace but "Being Missional" is not what we do... it's who we are in Christ!저자 Branches OC
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10/6/2024 "Over the Circumstances" - Philippians Series #11
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48:15What does contentment look like when everything falls apart? What is the promise of God regarding our circumstances? What is the secret of contentment that Paul had to learn?저자 Branches OC
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(9-29-2024) Executive pastor at Branches, Kim Duran, shares with us her powerful testimony.저자 Branches OC
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9/22/2024 Living Above the Fray, Philippians 4:4-7 - Philippians Series #10
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32:52Life can be overwhelming and wreaking all kinds of havoc in a variety of ways. It's helpful to expect these challenges as part of life on earth and learn ways to cope with them through prayer. In Philippians 4:4-7, we see how prayer brings the relief we need along with protection for our hearts and minds. Through prayer, God grants us His peace whe…
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9/15/2024 "Citizens of Heaven" - Philippians Series #9
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51:57As followers of Jesus and citizens of a nation-state, we're often living a dual allegiance to the kingdom of God and to the United States. But the values of the kingdom of God as were embodied in Jesus (last will be first and first will be last, love & pray for your enemy, money is the root of all evil, etc.) often come in sharp contrast to the val…
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Branches Sunday Morning Message: Shaped By The Gospel | Philippians 3:1-11If anyone could brag about their own righteous living, the Apostle Paul certainty could. Yet, after his life was impacted by the gospel, he counted his sterling record as "rubbish" compared to knowing Jesus and His righteousness. This passage in Philippians 3 points us to con…
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9/1/2024 "I Have No One Else Like Him" - Philippians Series #7
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26:59True Relational Community draws us into deeper, committed relationships in which we take genuine interest in the welfare of others and strive towards unity and the full expression of the body of Christ.저자 Branches OC
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God is out source of light and love! We are called to abide in Him so that we can shine His light and love on those living in darkness.저자 Branches OC
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8/18/2024 "Behold the Lion... I Saw a Lamb" - Philippians Series #5
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39:36The Christ Hymn in Philippians 2 gives us a unique picture of the nature and character of God displayed through Jesus. What is God Like? He is like Jesus. What is Jesus like? For this we explore Philippians 2 and the cross to guide us.저자 Branches OC
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8/11/2024 Have the same mindset as Jesus - Philippians Series #4
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23:54"Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant" Philippians 2:5-7, 22 ASV"So then, my beloved, even as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, w…
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8/4/2024 The Joy of Imprisoned Paul the Apostle - Philippians Series #3
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34:15It's amazing the level of joy the Apostle Paul display's considering he was writing this letter from prison. He saw his chains not as a nuisance, rather an opportunity to serve others with the good news. He knew who he was and where was ultimately going. This identify in Christ serves as a path for us as we face difficult challenges in our life.…
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7/28/2024 The Reality of Dissonance - Philippians Series
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36:34As we dive deeper into the Philippians Series, worship Pastor Ryan Maroney teaches us about the Reality of Dissonance. Dissonant notes are musical notes that are played simultaneously and create a combination that sounds unpleasant or harsh. The reality of suffering and tragedy is written all over the Bible and even in our own lives. How can we mak…
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7/21/2024 The New Way Of Seeing - Introducing The Book Of Philippians
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34:41Ryan introduces a new series titled: The New Way of Seeing - Introducing the Book of Philippians, Paul's letter written from prison. Acts 16:16저자 Branches OC
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Throughout scripture, God's people are described as sheep under His care. Psalm 23 reminds us that Jesus, as our shepherd; cares, comforts, and calls us into an intimate relationship with Him and one another.저자 Branches OC
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6/30/2024 Faith And Sensibility Grieving Through Believing
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27:39The "rain falls on the good and the bad." Everyone in this life will endure some kind of suffering, grief, loss and death, which can create emotional crisis. How do we manage our emotions, keep the faith and overcome our tribulations?저자 Branches OC
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6/23/2024 Love God, Love People: Intentional Community, Life after Loss, and Loving like Jesus
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44:54As a community, we mourn the tragic loss of our Lead Pastor, Boogie Rose. Boog's wife, Stephany and five of Boog's closest friends share on the impact Boog had on all of those around him. Boogie pressed upon the importance of Jesus centered community, intentional living, and a fever pursuit of knowing Jesus and living like He did. Join the Branches…
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6/2/2024 Hiking The Camino De Santiago by Branches OC저자 Branches OC
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"So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone" - Ephesians 2:19-20저자 Branches OC
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Mark 2:5 “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”저자 Branches OC
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John 15:5“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."저자 Branches OC
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Words Can Build Or Tear Down. There is a reason we have a library of words that either built us up or tore us down. Our words have the superpower of either bringing life or death.저자 Branches OC
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Works are not something added as extra to faith - they go together. The real contrast is not faith vs. works. One cannot exist without the other. Faith without action is a faith that hasn’t yet been activated.저자 Branches OC
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James 1:9-10 NLT “ Believers who are poor have something to boast about, for God has honored them. And those who are rich should boast that God has humbled them.”저자 Branches OC
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The brother of James had words for the suffering of the early church. It doesn't take the pain away, but these words are a gift to us today.저자 Branches OC
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As followers of Jesus we realize we are not righteous people called to correct the unrighteous. We are people who know His love for Us and are compelled to invite others to this freedom. Make sure you stay in you lane.저자 Branches OC
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2/4/2024 "When we discover who Jesus is, all bets are off"
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21:31Pete fills in this Sunday morning to expand on the beauty of the gospel.저자 Branches OC
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The Bible is a library and not a book. For that reason, we can allow the Word to more easily transform us when we have understanding and a plan on how to approach it.저자 Branches OC
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Jesus gives many descriptions of what it looks like to be 'successful.' Spoiler Alert: It probably isn't what you think it is.저자 Branches OC
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The truth is that Jesus left. But, He promised He wouldn't leave us alone like orphans. Let's look at what that means.저자 Branches OC
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Does this mean I have to go on more service or mission trips? No. This discipline is a lifestyle of seeing a need and filling a need.저자 Branches OC
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You can submit from a place of weakness. That’s giving up. You submit like Jesus, from a place of strength. We choose to treat others as more valuable than ourselves. Phil 2:3-8저자 Branches OC
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Simplicity is meant to set us free. It takes time, but there is reward immediately.저자 Branches OC
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Confession is a spiritual discipline that has gone off the rails over the years. Why should we do it and what does it look like?저자 Branches OC
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