Die beiden Comedians Thomas "Schmiddi" Schmidt und Thomas "Spitzi" Spitzer sinnieren über aktuelle Geschehnisse innerhalb und außerhalb der Comedy-Welt. NEUE FOLGE IMMER MONTAGS UM 6 UHR.
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Le 26 Décembre dernier, la team Golden Moustache s’est rendue au Barbès Comedy Club, la nouvelle maison du stand-up à Paris. On a pu y entendre Paul Séré, Laura Domenge, Noman Hosni, Redouanne Harjane, Shirley Souagnon, Tania Dutel, Adrien Arnoux, Sophie Marie Larrouy, Ahmed Sparrow et Dédo ! Pour te faire vivre le spectacle comme si tu étais dans la salle, on a tout enregistré en binaural ! Anis t’explique en quoi ça consiste en début de chaque épisode, mais tu vas voir, c’est c ...
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A comedy podcast from 2 of Ireland's "best friends." Each episode is a collection of jokes, characters, silly voices/sound effects and songs, usually recorded in Ger Staunton's apartment whenever Martin decides to turn up. It's not like any other podcast. Have a gander.
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Sound Mix: Benjamin Grimmeisen0:35 Shoutout von Costa2:50 Neuer Podcast für Schmiddi?7:40 Comedy Green Merch10:15 Comedy Green Feedback26:00 Neue Podcasts 30:55 Schmiddis Mental Health34:30 Zu sich selbst finden 48:45 Spitzis schwere Zeiten 1:01:37 Schmiddis Entwicklung 1:04:28 Corona 1:07:00 Twitch & Patreon1:24:49 Gegenseitiger Support1:28:40 Sho…
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Recorded in isolation, Martin has a breakdown while trying to network, Ger promotes his fudge factory and Roy Keane and Garlic are having an affair.저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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Everybody has a podcast and they go on and on about their patreon. In this canary episode there's an Air Staunton announcement, Martin sings a song about the other podcasts and there's a performance from a 10 inch black mamba저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In this Canary episode Martin has landed a job reading celebrity audiobooks, Ger plays his violin again and there's an ad for Lilt during the podcast저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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It's Castlebar Vs Dublin this week on Canary as Martin and Ger find out once and for all which place is better. Ger has a new job working the phone sex lines and the ghost of Bernard Manning pays tribute to David Bowie저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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This week's edition of Canary is completely topical as Martin analyses Russell Brand's analysis of Cardi B, Broccoli Hangover has trouble getting to Kilkenny and we have an exclusive listen to Ger Staunton's verse on the song WAP that hasn't been released yet저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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This week on canary Ger auditions to be the sexy priest in Fleabag, Martin hears sounds from the chimney and Casual Jack has an update on his dating profile. Have a gander.저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In this episode Ger interviews Blindboy on his serious podcast, Martin networks at a house party and Ger's girlfriend from the the north of England gets an unexpected visitor. Do have a gander저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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After a long time apart Martin and Ger are finally back together in Ger's apartment to record again. We learn that Ger was the first person to do a drive in comedy gig during lockdown, Martin's racist neighbour gives her take on the coronavirus and Ger's been unfaithful to the podcast.저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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The longest episode in Canary history. With the lads in self isolation this episode is a video special brought to you directly from their homes. Expect jokes, sketches and house visits/video calls from all your favourite characters.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCzEdcGo5V8저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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Tania a remarqué plein de choses et a un avis sur tout, ou pas. Il y a aussi eu cette histoire avec fétichiste des pieds et puis son souhait pour DiCaprio, mais ça n'a rien à voir ensemble. Enfin presque rien. Cet épisode a été enregistré en binaural au Barbès Comedy Club ! Alors prends un bon casque et marre toi bien.…
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Ahmed Sparrow vient d'une famille nombreuse, et il a besoin de se confier à ce sujet. Lorsqu'on est issu d'une famille de 12 enfants, 21 neveux et nièces il se passe parfois des phénomènes pas hyper logiques. Comment réagir lorsqu'on te vole ton téléphone ou ta voiture ? Comment se comporter avec le voleur ? Dans cet épisode tu apprendras …
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Dans ce nouvel épisode, Dédo nous raconte son enfance : sa vie avec ses grands-parents, comment il a été conçu. Pour se démarquer des autres humoristes de plus en plus nombreux, Dédo ruse et sort sa guitare. Lorsqu'on lui demande s'il est content d'être humoriste, il répond qu'il aurait voulu être le Toto des blagues. Dédo ne porte pas e…
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Quand arrive le mois de décembre, Paul ressent une énorme tristesse : Johnny est mort à cette période et il n'arrive pas à passer à autre chose. Il nous relate ses peurs : perdre sa petite fille dans un magasin et qu'elle soit recueillie par Nordahl Lelandais par exemple. Cet épisode a été enregistré en binaural au Barbès Comedy Club ! A…
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La vie de Shirley est pleine de problèmes, sa taille, les contrôles de police et la peur qu'elle procure aux gens sans le vouloir. Mais elle a décidé de s'en foutre. Cet épisode a été enregistré en binaural au Barbès Comedy Club ! Alors prends un bon casque et marre toi bien.저자 RTL Originals, Anis Rhali
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"L'homme qui descend de la montagne en feu pour apporter le savoir" : c'est la signification du nom de famille de Lenny M'bunga.Dans cet épisode il se dit comme grand guide des migrants, leur apporte son soutien, sans oublier de toujours garder ses papiers d'identité sur lui. Cet épisode a été enregistré en binaural au Barbès Comedy Club ! A…
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Redouanne sort sa guitare et se pose de grandes questions en chanson. Certainement le premier d'une longue série d'albums qui dénoncent sur les petits éléments du quotidien qui font bien plaisir. Cet épisode a été enregistré en binaural au Barbès Comedy Club ! Alors prends un bon casque et marre toi bien.…
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On se retrouve parfois à écouter des conversations que l'on était pas censé entendre à la base. Par exemples des moments un peu gênants mais généralement bourrés de vérité. Noman nous parle de ses moments de sexe, notamment sa première fois, qu'il n'est visiblement pas prêt d'oublier.Cet épisode a été enregistré en binaural au Barb…
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Comment se comporter lorsque ton corps à plus de 30 ans? Dans ce nouvel épisode Laura casse les rêves de petites filles, les idées reçues sur les féministes. Cet épisode a été enregistré en binaural au Barbès Comedy Club ! Alors prends un bon casque et marre toi bien.저자 RTL Originals, Anis Rhali
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Dans cet épisode, Adrien nous explique son parcours, de son enfance jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Sa voix d'homme qui ne correspond pas à son physique, les solutions plus ou moins légales qu'il a mis en place pour contrer ça, son premier job. Il aborde aussi la pédophilie, la différence entre les films pornographiques et les films traditionnels. Pens…
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Le 26 Décembre dernier, la team Golden Moustache s'est rendue au Barbès Comedy Club, la nouvelle maison du stand-up à Paris. On a pu y entendre Paul Séré, Laura Domenge, Noman Hosni, Redouanne Harjane, Shirley Souagnon, Tania Dutel, Adrien Arnoux, Sophie Marie Larrouy, Ahmed Sparrow et Dédo ! Pour te faire vivre le spectacle comme si tu éta…
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In the first canary podcast of the year Batman is on the hunt for an evil man, exclusive audio of Michael D. Higgins on the Tommy Tiernan Show and Ger Staunton goes on First Dates again. Do have a gander저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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It's another Christmas Canary! Martin's racist neighbour has a festive message, Ger sorts out a Garlic sauce fueled Christmas dinner and Camp Gary has presents for the lads저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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Martin and Ger are full of hot whiskey confidence! Martin reviews the Ray D'Arcy Show stand up competition, Ger does one of his very serious interviews and we have an exclusive trailer for the new Batman film저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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The show opens with a classic episode of Blind Date, there's a sponsored ad taken out by Billy Burns and Martin and Ger do their Billy Connolly impressions.저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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It's the return of Ger's Funhouse and he has paint all over his fingers, Casual Jack updates his Tinder profile and Martin recorded Ger when he went to visit his new garlic sauce obsessed girlfriend. Like, share and why not tell a friend저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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This week Martin has some money making ideas for the financially struggling RTE, Roy Keane comes over to get some sugar and there's a clip of Ger Staunton's hometown gig in Castlebar저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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It's a Halloween special! Ger hosts his own nostalgia-based sports podcast Up To Italia 90, Casual Jack has some Halloween costume ideas and Martin can't find the right opening song!저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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We're back! All the usual nonsense that you expect as Michael D. Higgins has a solution to climate change, Martin has a hard time trying to see the Joker movie and Ger has his own guided meditation tape. Do very much have a bloody good gander저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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Canary's back! After a long break Martin and Ger catch up on their time at the Edinburgh festival, Ger does a bit from his show, Martin networks his way around the Electric Picnic festival and Camp Gary rings Ger's Takeaway저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In this Canary podcast Martin and Ger show off their Michael Caine impressions, Ger gets confronted by a man with one testicle and Ger's Funhouse returns once again저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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Tarts, tarts, tarts and tarts. Ger Staunton gets another phone call from his American manager Billy, Martin gets into the acting business and we hear some of Ger's new stand up show저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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It's the big 75th episode! The show is opened by Michael D. Higgins, Ger and Martin are not happy that Reviewables is back. Ger's American manager calls in and Camp Gary pays tribute to Freddie Starr저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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It's the debut of Ger's Funhouse on canary this week, as Ger takes ihis friends on an adventure around his gaf. Martin tries to promote his own brand of fizzy pop and the racist neighbour has few words about todays society저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In this canary podcast there are a lot of jokes Martin has one for Ger but will it be delivered camp enough. Martin's racist neighbour has been around the world and Ger has been doing some parkour저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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Martin and Ger arrive via horseback, Ger questions Martin over the cancelled live show and his relationship with David O'Doherty. There's a new segment tested out and a return from Camp Gary and Ger's takeaway저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In this edition of the podcast Martin and Ger promote the upcoming live version of Canary in Whelans on March 20th. Tickets still available. Also Martin does his Chris Eubank impression and Ger goes on Ireland's Got Talenthttp://www.whelanslive.com/index.php/canary-in-a-comedy-goldmine-live/저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In this edition of Canary Ger Staunton tries to get more popular on the internet, Martin has a song about his time in Ashbourne, Ger opens up his own chipper and there's a joke about Liam Neeson저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In the first canary of 2019 Ger doesn't want to get out of bed, Martin brings back his ghost hunting show where he gets a letter from the ghost of Cilla Black and there's an exclusive interview with #DWTS star Fred Cooke저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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Christmas Podcast! Camp Gary is on the roof, there's Viennetta for Christmas dinner with garlic sauce and Ger Staunton's arse has opened up and shown him the way저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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This week the ghost of Cilla Black appears on Most Haunted, Ger Staunton appears on Gogglebox and Martin sings a song about swimwear저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In this edition Martin appears on This Is Your Life or so he thinks, Ger Staunton introduces his son from his first marriage and we meet Cuddles the talking Bear저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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In this Halloween special Ger Staunton introduces us to his Demon friend, Martin gets a scary phone call and Michael D. celebrates his election victory in song저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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This week we have a very very very special announcement, Camp Gary makes another appearance introducing some new people into Ireland and Ger Staunton bangs one out저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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This week Ger Staunton and I play in some excerpts from our Edinburgh solo shows. We also conjure up the spirit of Bernard Manning and there's an appearance from Jack who only wears casual jackets저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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New Canary Podcast! Recorded during the second week of the Edinburgh fringe in front of a live audience. Once again Ger Staunton provides some sound effects and Martin Angolo goes to Michael D's presidential campaign dinner저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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New Canary Podcast! Recorded in front of an audience at the Edinburgh Fringe this special extended edition of the show sees Ger Staunton list some of the shows at the fringe, Martin networks and pitches some one-man shows and it's the return of Camp Gary!저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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New Canary Podcast! Ger Staunton as in the Comedian goes through what women are wearing this summer season and we learn about the evils of advertising as the show is sponsored by tasty tasty Lilt저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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We're up to 10,000 listens and climbing. Thanks to everyone who listens and either enjoys or is baffled by the show. This week Ger Staunton 'acts' and Michael D. Higgins tells us about the Love Island he was deserted on저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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New Canary Podcast! It's the Netflix debut of Ger Staunton as he appears on an episode of Queer Eye, there's also an exclusive interview with Eamon Dunphy and a phone call from a woman obsessed with garlic sauce저자 Canary in a Comedy Goldmine
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