There are questions that everyone asks. How did we get here? What is the purpose of life? How in the world is Wolverine so old!? Jake Hollingsworth and Eli Spencer attempt to answer such important questions, and many more. If you love the X-Men (Or think you would), then join them on their journey to entertain you and explain to you some of the most iconic characters, story arcs, and movies of all time. (Description by Eli Hollingsworth)
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Jake and Eli FINALLY record again after one of our notorious delays. My (Eli) bad guys. This episode is shorter, but hey, you’re gonna hit that play button anyway okay, bud?
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ITS OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Join Jake and Eli as they answer Nikos’ weird but intriguing questions and as they discuss the 3rd season of the 90s X-Men Cartoons. Leave us a good review or Wolverine will chop your fingers off
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Jake and Eli unite once more to review the X-Men Animated Series’ second season. Before that, they have some news on The Super Bowl Multiverse of Madness trailer drop. Also, WE ARE ALMOST AT 1,000 LISTENS! So please be good little boys and girls and click that play button so Uncle Jake and Uncle Eli can acquire their hard earned $15.…
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Jake and Eli kick off their third season with a banger. Corny Dad Jokes, NFL Playoffs, and a review of the best X-Men Series in the world. What more can you ask for? (Btw please leave us a good review or rating on whatever podcast app you use. We’re not getting desperate, but PLEASE. or don’t we don’t care. Actually we do care. So leave a good revi…
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Today Jake and Eli answer more RWYRQTHNTDWXBWC and review Fox’s final attempt at developing a decent X-Men movie; 2019’s X-Men: Dark Phoenix, to celebrate their last episode of season 2!
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This week we transition from R.Q.T.H.N.T.D.W.X.B.W.C.?. to Random Would You Rather Questions That Have Nothing To Do With X-Men But Who Cares? After that topic, Jake and Eli delve into a movie that has no idea what the word continuity means; X-Men: Apocalypse.
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Today Jake and Eli take a stroll down memory lane as they revisit everyone’s favorite main topic: Random Questions That Have Nothing To Do With X-Men But Who Cares? Then they review 2014’s X-Men: Days of Future Past. Will it live up to the hype? Will it actually make it as Jake and Eli’s highest graded movie? Do they ever want to see it again? Will…
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone! Jake and Eli kick off the first day of 2022 with their favorite memories from 2021 and review Fox’s second attempt at revealing Logan’s backstory; 2013’s The Wolverine.
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*this was recorded 12/18/2021 Jake reluctantly watches and reviews 2011’s X-men: First Class. The 5th movie in Fox’s moribund attempt to adapt the classic 60’s X-men story.
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Finally, we review the long awaited movie that critics hate. How will Jake and Eli rate 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine?
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Jake and Eli return in this festive fall week to review 2006’s X-Men: The Last Stand. Will it earn its title as the ending of the first trilogy? Will it be a total bomb? Will the Juggernaut meme ever die????
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Jake and Eli unite to review the second X-Men movie: 2003’s X2 (aka X-Men United) [aka Wolverine and Friends 2: Wolverine and Friends United]. And RQTHNTDWXBWC (Random Questions That Have Nothing To Do With X-Men But Who Cares) Is BACK. How will this movie fair against our thorough review? Will it be an A or an F? a B or a D? Possibly a C?…….…
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Jake and Eli share their thoughts on the Shang-Chi movie and review the first X-Men movie: 2000’s X-Men
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X-Men Genesis Finale: Deadpool with Eli Hollingsworth
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1:25:30To finish off our season of X-Men characters, we’ve asked Eli Hollingsworth to join us on this episode (more like he forced us to do this episode) about Deadpool. Eli’s goal: Cause Jake and me to rethink our opinion of Deadpool being useless. Our goal: To absolutely slaughter this sorry excuse for a character and potentially ruin our relationship w…
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Jake and Eli are finally able to do random questions that have nothing to do with X-men but who cares? in time to review the last official X-Man of this season; Mr. Sinister
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Things are winding down as Jake and Eli review the 3rd to last character of this season; Mistique. They also talk about the recently released trailer for the Wolverine video game only available for PS5. Too bad for you X-box people.
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You know him as the helmet wearing master of magnetism and one of the X-Men’s greatest foes. If you haven’t guessed it by now then you need to get glasses because the title literally says his name. Anyway…Yes, Jake and I (Eli) are back again to review this notorious, but very famous, villain: Erik Lehnsherr aka Magneto. They also discuss which hist…
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This is by far our most random episode. Just wanna put that out there. They discuss The Shang-Chi movie, Spider-Man, Batman, more-questions-that-have-nothing-to-do-with-X-Men-but-who-cares, guilty pleasures, delayed childhood tv-shows, people who we look up to the most, Why we’re protesting COVID, If we could only say one word what it would be, why…
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Today, Eli and Jake review their last hero before they transition into the villains. Jake shares a pitch for his idea of what the X-Men video game should be like. Eli and Jake roast John Cena and discuss wether or not he’s trying too hard to be more like his fellow wrestler, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Eli also shares his dislike for Margot Robbie’s…
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Jake and Eli answer more random questions that have absolutely nothing to do with the X-Men and Jake explains the backstory of Elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock
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Jake and Eli are back after their 1 month delay to bring you their thoughts on Marvel Studios’ Black Widow, as well as what fast food restaurant they want shut down and finally, they review the time traveling mutant from the future, Cable
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Jake and Eli answer some very random questions about 3 wishes, favorite childhood toys, and wether Bach is better than Heavy Metal. Don’t worry, they’ll still discuss Bishop…eventually.
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In this purrfect episode Jake and Eli “creatively” come up with the idea to do 20 questions (again). And after that they discuss Sprite…or was it Ariel?…I thought it was Shadowcat… Sorry, cat got my tongue.
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X-Men Genesis: E13: Emma Frost with Eli Hollingsworth
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Can Eli and Jake guess which X-Men characters said those quotes? Also, What’s the story of Anna Marie aka Rogue?
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Jake and Eli reunite to talk about the German Kurt Wagner, but before that they test their X-Men knowledge with a Trivia game. WARNING: MAY INCLUDE MILD GLITCHING. IF YOU HAVE SENSITIVE EARS OR HATE GLITCHING, THEN BE AWARE.
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In this delayed episode, Jake and Eli take BrainFall’s Which X-Men Character Are You? Quiz and discuss everyone’s favorite Russian X-Man; Colossus
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On this stormy Saturday (pun intended), Jake and Eli unite once again to discuss Ms. Ororo Munroe and to also play twenty questions (Forgive us Eli Hollingsworth, we needed a main topic)
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Today Eli and Jake discuss the Gambit movie that we would’ve gotten (of it hadn’t been delayed so many times), they also talk about some MCU ideas and they discuss the one and only Gambit. “Da Name is Gambit, remember it!” -Gambit (description by Jake Hollingsworth this time)
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This Saturday, Jake and Eli share very very very late thoughts on Wolverine and also discuss Angel/Archangel...if they can figure out how to talk that is.
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Today, Eli Spencer and Eli Hollingsworth battle in the All Out 80s championship judged by Jake! Then, they cool down (Jake does quite literally) to talk about the X-Men’s comedic relief: Robert “Bobby” Drake aka Iceman. And, what in the world was Fox thinking when they put Bobby and Rogue together?! #GambitXRogue…
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Today Eli and Jake discuss what could’ve been our first solo Beast movie! What happened to this plan? Would it have been worth it? They also talk about The Incredibly Intelligent, Blue and hairy Henry “Hank” McCoy.
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In this episode Jake and Eli discuss Jean Gray aka Marvel Girl aka Phoenix aka Dark Phoenix and explain their top five least favorite heroes some of which are not bad, some that are disgraces, *cough Deadpool cough* and some that should be ERASED FROM EXISTENCE!
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Description? Listen to it and you’ll find out
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Cyclops is one of the most underused and underrated X-Men characters ever! Why is that? Well in this episode, Jake and Eli defend Scott Summers’ credibility and reveal their thoughts on Marvel’s WandaVision series.
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Professor Charles Xavier, the bald, wheelchair-bound founder of the X-Men we all know and love. But how much do we really know about this mental genius? Jake and Eli are back to break down the facts, knowledge, and history of this telepath.
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Wolverine. He’s short. He’s hairy. But he has a huge temper! This member of the X-Men has been around for a while, but he really hit his stride about twenty years ago and has basically become the face of the X-Men! Born in the 1800’s, he is a mutant with the ability to heal any and every wound, and this healing ability allows him to live longer too…
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