A modular synth podcast dedicated to exploring sounds with on the spot real time patching with host Tom Davis. An exploratory and sometimes educational show that shows the immediate satisfaction of creating patches with a modular synthesizer.
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Ambient, Electronic, Soundscape, lofi, tape, DIY. Website: https://fouchymodular.com
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Happy 303 day!! Tom puts together a "small" acid techno system to jam out to in celebration of everything 303.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates another mini system, this time using the Xaoc Devices Belgrad filter as an Oscillator and running it through various waveshaping and effects! WOW!저자 tom davis
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Tom creates a VERY complex oscillator and dives a little deeper with the Fala Versio firmware while also exploring the 4MS tapographic delay on the Meta Module.저자 tom davis
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Tom uses the Noise Engineering Incus Iteritas Alia firmware to create some hard hitting techno jams.저자 tom davis
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Tom puts together a Mutable Instruments (and clone) themed case.저자 tom davis
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Tom pairs the Make Noise Morphagene with the 4ms Meta Module to create evolving tape loop jams.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates a powerful multi fx engine using vector mixers and alot of cpu.저자 tom davis
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Tom gets some new modules, and finds out whether love can bloom on the battlefield... shout out to Dan Green of 4MS company who's name I spaced on in this episode and shout out to Podular Modcast who hosted the interview. check it out!저자 tom davis
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Tom goes over the system he used for his previous live performances.저자 tom davis
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Tom talks about past and future live performances. Also, more Coil references... be sure to check out these artists instagrams as well as any bandcamp/music releases they have. Thank you Zach @energy_runner on instagram again for the opportunity to play at Neptune Room. Follow Patrick on @modularonthemall on instagram as well as @pobnrg and listen …
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Tom creates a live setup to make industrial noise and spooky drones. He succeeds!저자 tom davis
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Tom creates a small wavetable synth system to jam along with.저자 tom davis
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Tom jams on the O-Coast and friends.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates a generative/additive system.저자 tom davis
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Tom makes a 4 module system using the Michigan Synthworks SY0.5 and Industrial Music Electronics Kermit MK3 as the only voices and creates an improv jam/track.저자 tom davis
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Tom gets some new modules and dives into generative sequencing and complex modulation.저자 tom davis
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Tom attempts to create his own comb filter out of many other filters. Mischief ensues....저자 tom davis
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Tom creates an evolving soundscape using the Make Noise Strega and friends!저자 tom davis
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Tom creates some spacious synth melodies and percussion in this weeks episode.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates some big sounds with his large case and multiple voices.저자 tom davis
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Tom gets noisy with a whole bunch of distortion and other audio destruction effects. Instagrams mentioned in the episode: DC Modular Society - https://www.instagram.com/dcmodularsociety/ Modular On The Mall - https://www.instagram.com/modularonthemall/?hl=en The Neptune Room - https://www.instagram.com/neptuneroomdc/?hl=en…
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Episode 67:Queen Of The Patched, Starring Alia (and Featuring Patrick OBrien)
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1:11:21Tom has special guest Patric OBrien of Noise Energy and POBenergy on to do some guest patching, show off some alia modules, and give a sneak peak at an upcoming module by Noise Engineering. check out the new module at https://noiseengineering.us/ check out Patrick on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pobnrg/ bandcamp: https://pobenergy.bandcamp.…
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That's right Morty, get into the patch of acid. Tom celebrates (late) March 3rd, aka 303 day with another episode of improvised acid techno. Tom also explores the Lacrima Versio firmware from Noise Engineering.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates a small system dedicated to granular synthesis.저자 tom davis
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Tom patches together a little jam session, then dives into some experimental sequencing.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates a minimal system with anything but minimal sounds.저자 tom davis
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I cannot patch you I can't even patch myself The Make Noise music neasel makes a return, along with some friends!저자 tom davis
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Tom creates a fun little drum machine that does anything but make conventional drum sounds.저자 tom davis
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Tom recreates Absynth using his modular system. No not pretentious goth liquor, Absynth the music software!저자 tom davis
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Episode 59: My Piston Honda Don't Want None Unless You Got Wavetables Hon!
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53:51Tom gets another new module, wavetable hijinks ensue.저자 tom davis
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Tom gets some new modules and dives deeper into physical modeling synthesis.저자 tom davis
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Episode 57: Pass The Ampla Sauce (We're Having Patched Potatoes)
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57:05Ooh, the patch sounds great This episode Tom dives into another small system he put together featuring the FutureSoundSystems TG2 generator and the Ampla Versio by NoiseEngineering. Other modules used in this episode: MakeNoiseMusic Strega and Maths Erica Synths Black Hole DSP 2 DPW Design AV-1 Synthstrom Deluge…
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Tom creates a small system to show you can get big results with a limited amount of modules.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates more glitchy fun with the Tip Top FSU and various samplers and utility modules.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates some tasty IDM/Dub jams on an experimental drum machine he put together.저자 tom davis
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Tom has fun making a ton of noise with various distortion/waveshaping/wavefolding modules. Be sure to check out https://www.modularonthemall.com/ for any updates on future performances and news!저자 tom davis
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This episode Tom explores the Tip Top Audio FSU distortion effects module, and gets lost in glitchy vibes. A big thanks to Corben Wilkens of the Brain Lemonade podcast for use of samples of his music from his project Marmalade Waves.저자 tom davis
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Additive synths and talks about live music in this episode. Tom showcases the wide range of sound from the Xaoc Devices Odessa.저자 tom davis
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In this episode Tom explores the many wonders of modular drone music.저자 tom davis
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Tom bids farewell to the production of two modules by Noise Engineering, the Basimilus Iteritas Alter and the Manis Iteritas. Tom also demonstrates his newest arrangement and the fun of esoteric sequencing and loads of modulation, as well as another Versio firmware (Melotus Versio)!저자 tom davis
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Tom creates the ultimate reverb....or ambient generator. A look into the new alt firmware for Mutable Instruments Warps that adds reverb, and Tom tests out the Desmodus Versio firmware by Noise Engineering.저자 tom davis
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Tom creates another mini system, this time based on wavetables!저자 tom davis
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Tom recreates a classic Korg synthesizer and takes it to the next level. Be sure to check out Brain Lemonade and The Rat's Nest Podcast! any comments, questions, grievances, leave feedback at Patchedpodcast@gmail.com저자 tom davis
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Tom takes some samples from his buddy Corben Wilkins' music project Marmalade Waves and audio from his podcast Brain Lemonade and turns them into something....not like either of those things! Be sure to check out Brain Lemonade and Marmalade Waves wherever you stream music/podcasts! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__copacaballa___/ https://www…
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Tom gets carried away with a patch kinda/sorta based off of his Modular On The Mall patch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__copacaballa___/ https://www.instagram.com/patchedpodcast/ Bandcamp: https://copacaballa.bandcamp.com/저자 tom davis
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Tom improves on his armchair techno skills modules used in the episode: Noise Engineering Manis Iteritas, Basimilus Iteritas Alter Blue Lantern Sir Mix Alot Mutable Instruments Beads Intellijel Rainmaker Malleko Varigate 4+ Mystic Circuits IDUM Michigan Synthworks SYO.5 Qubit Data Bender Make Noise Ocoast Bandcamp: https://copacaballa.bandcamp.com/…
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Tom makes all different styles of modular rhythms with a small system. modular on the mall: https://linktr.ee/modularonthemall저자 tom davis
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Tom recreates one of his favorite software instruments with even more expensive modules, will he transcend beyond the veil of his own consciousness? Or will he just make alot of noise with a box full of knobs and wires? Instagram: Patched!: https://www.instagram.com/patchedpodcast/ Copacaballa: https://www.instagram.com/__copacaballa___/ Bandcamp:h…
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When we patch, when we kiss.... Tom builds an absurd system using various modulation and a whole bunch of vca's and mixers. modules used in this episode: Make Noise 0-Coast Xaoc Devices Zadar Industrial Music Electronics Kermit MK3 Doepfer A-130-8 Octa Linear VCA Intellijel Rainmaker Low-Gain Electronics 4x4 matrix mixer Be sure to check out Modula…
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Tom builds a dual voice synthesizer out of modulation sources, also alot of fun with the Yester Versio firmware. modules used in this episode: Industrial Music Electronics Kermit MK3 Xaoc Devices Zadar Klavis Quadigy Noise Engineering Yester Versio After Later Audio Typhoon Make Noise Music OCoast and OCtrl Korg SQ1 bandcamp: https://copacaballa.ba…
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