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Podcast ini tentang aku, kamu, dia dan kita. Tentang berbagi agar menjadi lebih baik dan bermakna. Agar hidup menjadi manusia seutuhnya yang manfaatnya mendunia, dan bukan hanya sekadar hidup. Semoga memberi makna atas setiap kata yg terdengar. Semoga berkesan di hati pendengar ☺
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In de nieuwe podcastserie 'Van Oranje: van Willem tot Amalia' nemen presentator Kevin Goes en koningshuisverslaggever Jeroen Schmale luisteraars mee door de geschiedenis van de Oranje-dynastie aan de hand van bepalende figuren. Het tweede seizoen gaat over de stadhouders: van Maurits tot Willem Batavus en alles daar tussenin.
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Winner of The Grassroots Production of the Year Award #AudibleAPA20192020 British Podcast Awards Nominee - Best Sex & Relationships Podcast-Amplifying the voices of Muslim women Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Am 2. September 2004 brennt die Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek in Weimar. Mehr als 50.000 unschätzbar wertvolle Bücher verbrennen, mehr als doppelt so viele werden zum Teil schwer beschädigt. Der 5-teilige Storytelling-Podcast erzählt die Geschichte des Brandes aus der Perspektive der engagierten Menschen, die die Bibliothek gerettet haben.
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Programa dedicado a los pueblos Originarios de América: Música, entrevistas a personajes de la cultura originaria, tradiciones, la Pachamama, mitos, leyendas, ... Con la acertada conducción de la Licenciada Amalia Vargas y la colaboración de radio Túpac (Argentina). Todos los viernes a las: 10h00 (hora de Perú, Ecuador, Panamá y Colombia) 11h00 (hora de Bolivia y Chile) 12h00 (hora de Argentina) 16h00 (Europa / invierno) 17h00 (Europa / verano VIA MALKI Radio -
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show series
Je hebt weleens dat de verkeerde man op de verkeerde positie terecht komt. Dat kon je ook wel stellen bij stadhouder Willem V. De goede man had helemaal geen verstand van regeren en wilde eigenlijk helemaal geen stadhouder zijn. Gelukkig voor hem waren de Fransen toch al bezig om ons land over te nemen. Dit alles hoor je in aflevering 4 van seizoen…
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De erfenis lijdt in menigeen familie tot grote problemen, maar stel je nou eens voor dat er meer dan 30 titels te verdelen zijn, waaronder de belangrijkste van De Nederlanden op dat moment? Dat was de situatie toen stadhouder Willem III kinderloos overleed. Hoe dat opgelost werd, hoor je in deze aflevering van Van Oranje met koningshuisverslaggever…
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Als een jaar de boeken in gaat als Rampjaar, dan zullen er vast nauwelijks lichtpuntjes te vinden zijn. Maar de familie Van Oranje zal toch net iets anders terugkijken op het jaar 1672 dan vele andere Nederlanders. Hoe dat zit, hoor je in deze aflevering van Van Oranje. Presentator Kevin Goes en koningshuisverslaggever Jeroen Schmale van het AD loo…
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Willem van Oranje is dood, leve de Prins van Oranje! Maar wie volgt hem op? Jeroen Schmale van het AD en presentator Kevin Goes dachten dat de tijd tussen Willem van Oranje en Koning Willem I gemakkelijk in één aflevering te vangen was, maar dat bleek onbegonnen werk. Dus geen bonusaflevering, maar een extra seizoen Van Oranje, over de stadhouders.…
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De stap van Willem van Oranje naar Koning Willem I bleek toch iets groter dan één extra aflevering. Daarom keren koningshuisverslaggever Jeroen Schmale en presentator Kevin Goes in het eerste kwartaal van 2023 terug met een nieuw seizoen van de podcast 'Van Oranje - van Willem tot Amalia'. Met stadhouders, allerlei Willems, een rampjaar, moeilijke …
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Een losbandige dronkenlap, zo zou Willem van Oranje te boek staan als deze podcast Spaanstalig in plaats van Nederlandstalig was. Maar wij houden het voor de luisterbaarheid bij het Nederlands en vertellen in deze vierde aflevering over de Vader des Vaderlands over zijn huwelijken, zijn kinderen en de manier waarop hij met deze vier (!) vrouwen omg…
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Bij een spannende true crime reeks, was dit de aflevering geweest waarin alles duidelijk werd. Maar dit is een geschiedenispodcast, dus weten we eigenlijk al wat er gebeurd is, wie dat op zijn geweten heeft en hoe dat allemaal afliep. Willem van Oranje werd vermoord door Balthasar Gerards. Maar de aanloop naar die moord, de fouten die gemaakt zijn …
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Nu hebben we Instagram, Twitter, Facebook (en Donald Trump z'n eigen medium), maar ook Willem van Oranje maakte in zijn tijd al gebruik van een geraffineerd pr-apparaat. Daarmee wakkerde hij de opstand in de Nederlanden tegen de Spaanse overheersing aan. Officieel om de Nederlanden te bevrijden van de Spaanse tirannen, die plunderend, moordend en v…
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De inkt van het testament van René van Chalon is nog niet opgedroogd als hij sneuvelt op een Frans slagveld. En wat blijkt: hij laat al zijn bezittingen na aan zijn neefje, die vanaf dat moment prins is: prins Willem van Oranje-Nassau heet. Met de gevolgen van die nalatenschap trappen we deze podcastserie af. Presentator Kevin Goes en koningshuisve…
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Over Willem-Alexander, Máxima, Amalia en Beatrix horen en lezen we zo ongeveer dagelijks. Maar de Oranje-dynastie herbergt zo veel interessante verhalen. Koningshuisverslaggever Jeroen Schmale en presentator Kevin Goes loodsen je in de serie Van Oranje: Van Willem tot Amalia langs tien bepalende figuren uit de koninklijke familie van Nederland. Te …
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Asalamualaikum and welcome to the Amaliah Surah Kahf playlist. Here you will find a series of recitations by Muslim women from around the world in an attempt to document, archive and celebrate the legacy of Muslim women reciting. We also hope this playlist encourages you to read and recite Surah Kahf on Fridays as the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said th…
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Asalamualaikum and welcome to the Amaliah Surah Kahf playlist. Here you will find a series of recitations by Muslim women from around the world in an attempt to document, archive and celebrate the legacy of Muslim women reciting. We also hope this playlist encourages you to read and recite Surah Kahf on Fridays as the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said th…
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What’s the role of an agent? How much do you make from publishing a book? What makes a bestseller? Should you self-publish? - Perhaps you have an idea, maybe you’ve written your whole book or maybe you just want to understand the publishing industry better. Our panellists demystify the publishing process, dispel myths and offer helpful advice to ge…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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*DISCLAIMER* This article was written before the COVID-19 pandemic and was read out as such. However, Amaliah and the author of this article do not encourage or condone the breaking of social distancing or any measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus. - Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn…
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@ayugisty kehilangan nyokap dan gue kehilangan bokap. Dari kehilangan ini ada beberapa penyesalan dan pelajaran-pelajaran penting yang bisa diambil. Terutama untuk teman-teman yang masih memiliki orangtua. Semoga kisah kita berdua bisa memberikan pelajaran baik dan juga kebermanfaatan. Pesan singkat kami "Manfaatkanlah waktu sebaik-baiknya ketika o…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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It's the last one...for now. - As Sara prepares to leave Amaliah on her last ever episode, the girls sit down together at the virtual roundtable one last time to reminisce on old episode subjects in the context of all that's happening in a vastly different world from when we first recorded. - Look forward to some chit-chat on lockdown mubarak, self…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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This week, Selina, Nafisa and Sara sit down for another 'Overrated/Underrated' session, and it works like this - the girls are challenged to each bring two subjects they'd like to unpack and debate as being either overrated or underrated and then leave it for our listeners to do the same! Even the most mundane of topics sometimes give way to often …
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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Hey everyone, Salaam, Welcome to Amaliah works from home. Selina, Nafisa and I have decided to stream our daily morning meetings where we check in with each other whilst social distancing, share reflections and try to keep up the morale during these uncertain times. - In this week's episode, we’re discussing how intentionality and sleeping are link…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah works from home! Selina, Nafisa and Sara stream their morning meetings where they check in with each other whilst social distancing, share reflections and try to keep up the morale during these uncertain times. - In this week's episode of #workingfromhomepodcast, we’re discussing why some don’t want to be called a f…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah works from home! Selina, Nafisa and Sara stream their morning meetings where they check in with each other whilst social distancing, share reflections and try to keep up the morale during these uncertain times. - In this week's episode of #workingfromhomepodcast, we discuss why burnout might be common but reading th…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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This week, Selina, Nafisa and Sara sit down for another 'Overrated/Underrated' session, and it works like this - the girls are challenged to each bring two subjects they'd like to unpack and debate as being either overrated or underrated and then leave it for our listeners to do the same! Even the most mundane of topics sometimes give way to often …
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah works from home! Selina, Nafisa and Sara stream their morning meetings where they check in with each other whilst social distancing, share reflections and try to keep up the morale during these uncertain times. - In this week's episode of #workingfromhomepodcast, Sara gives Nafisa a skin care consultation and the la…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology! - We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favourite pieces in a new way. - Thank you t…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah works from home! Selina, Nafisa and Sara stream their morning meetings where they check in with each other whilst social distancing, share reflections and try to keep up the morale during these uncertain times. - 6 months into the #workingfromhomepodcast, Nafisa, Selina and Sara make a bulletin for listeners to refl…
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This week, Sara, Selina and Nafisa sit down for another 'Overrated/Underrated' session, and it works like this - the girls are challenged to each bring two subjects they'd like to unpack and debate as being either overrated or underrated and then leave it for public scrutiny! Even the most mundane of topics sometimes give way to often layered and u…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah Anthology We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on into some of our most listened to tracks on the podcast. We present to you the Amaliah Anthology! - We're bringing articles to life with readings by the authors themselves, so that you can enjoy your favo…
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In this week's episode of #workingfromhomepodcast, Nafisa, Selina and Sara are discussing 'back to school', as hoards of kids return to education amidst the covid-19 crisis. As many parents and guardians experience conflicted feelings about returning their kids to school, a spotlight shines on the government's efforts to save big business rather th…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah works from home! Selina, Nafisa and Sara stream their morning meetings where they check in with each other whilst social distancing, share reflections and try to keep up the morale during these uncertain times. - In this week's episode of #workingfromhomepodcast, Nafisa, Selina and Sara are talking about how our bra…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah works from home! Selina, Nafisa and Sara stream their morning meetings where they check in with each other whilst social distancing, share reflections and try to keep up the morale during these uncertain times.-In this week's episode of #workingfromhomepodcast, Selina and Sara talk about unrequited self-love, decolo…
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Hey everyone, welcome to Amaliah works from home! Selina, Nafisa and Sara stream their morning meetings where they check in with each other whilst social distancing, share reflections and try to keep up the morale during these uncertain times.-In this week's episode of #workingfromhomepodcast, Selina and Sara talk about unrequited self-love, decolo…
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