This is where we share what God is speaking about in our community!
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Equipping, empowering and releasing people into their kingdom destiny.
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God’s desire is that we would all have abundant life. Ashlynn, Madison, Sara and Jill have each walked their own journey of ups and downs and have realized that abundant life comes only when we surrender our hearts fully to Jesus. No matter what season you are in or struggle you face, you can arise to a life that is worth living.
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We have been invited to a battle, but our weapons are not at all like those of this world! Join us as we unpack together, how God empowers us to bring Hope to this dying world! (Ephesians 4:1-7 - March 2, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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We have been invited to a battle, but our weapons are not at all like those of this world! Join us as we unpack together, how God empowers us to bring Hope to this dying world! (Ephesians 4:1-7 - March 2, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Jesus came to make us one! But for some reason, we thought that would be a walk in the park… So we're always caught by surprise when the enemy pushes back! Join us as we learn to fight back together! (Ephesians 3:13 - February 16, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Jesus came to make us one! But for some reason, we thought that would be a walk in the park… So we're always caught by surprise when the enemy pushes back! Join us as we learn to fight back together! (Ephesians 3:13 - February 16, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Friends, God has a plan! And we are it! Us...together! Christ in US together - the Hope of Glory for the entire world! (Ephesians 3:1-13 - February 9, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Friends, God has a plan! And we are it! Us...together! Christ in US together - the Hope of Glory for the entire world! (Ephesians 3:1-13 - February 9, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Arise to Life is back!!! After a year long, somewhat unintentional break, we are back to doing what we love!! The last year has included the highest of highs and some really low lows for the Arise girls and on today’s episode we share the good, the bad, and everything in between! We can’t wait for you to hear what we have been up to and what God ha…
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Jesus forgave us, redeemed us, ensured our adoption as sons and daughters of God, so that we might be one! Join us as we explore that one-ness that both reveals God to the world, but invites the world to enter in and know Him together too! (Ephesians -2:11-22 - February 2, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Jesus forgave us, redeemed us, ensured our adoption as sons and daughters of God, so that we might be one! Join us as we explore that one-ness that both reveals God to the world, but invites the world to enter in and know Him together too! (Ephesians -2:11-22 - February 2, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Hope wars against fear. It's not passive. Rather when we resist worry, anxiety and terror, we are fighting against the prince of this world and enter into a war to that's has been raging since the Garden! Ephesians 2:1-10 - January 26, 2025저자 ARISE:Life
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Hope wars against fear. It's not passive. Rather when we resist worry, anxiety and terror, we are fighting against the prince of this world and enter into a war to that's has been raging since the Garden! Ephesians 2:1-10 - January 26, 2025저자 ARISE:Life
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Jesus has not just called us to hope, but is in fact our Hope in a world full of fear and despair! But what does that mean? And how do we walk in Hope today? (Ephesians 1:15-23 - January 19, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Jesus has not just called us to hope, but is in fact our Hope in a world full of fear and despair! But what does that mean? And how do we walk in Hope today? (Ephesians 1:15-23 - January 19, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Hope wars against a world of fear and lack! Join us as we dive into the Gospel in Ephesians and discover a source of hope that will not run dry! (Ephesians 1:1-14 - January 12, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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Hope wars against a world of fear and lack! Join us as we dive into the Gospel in Ephesians and discover a source of hope that will not run dry! (Ephesians 1:1-14 - January 12, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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This is not a time for fear or for feebly fighting back, but rather this is a season for VIOLENT HOPE! (Ephesians 4 - January 5, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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This is not a time for fear or for feebly fighting back, but rather this is a season for VIOLENT HOPE! (Ephesians 4 - January 5, 2025)저자 ARISE:Life
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It is NOT good to be alone, and yet loneliness is at the core of the human condition. But God did not leave us be, but rather when we hide from others and from Him, He continually seeks us out to give us His answer to the cry of our heart! Join us as we unwrap this last present of the Christmas season together! (Isaiah 61 - December 29, 2024)…
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It is NOT good to be alone, and yet loneliness is at the core of the human condition. But God did not leave us be, but rather when we hide from others and from Him, He continually seeks us out to give us His answer to the cry of our heart! Join us as we unwrap this last present of the Christmas season together! (Isaiah 61 - December 29, 2024)…
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We do not have a God who is immune or separated from our suffering but one who from the very beginning entered into our pain and paid the ultimate price to not just lead us out of hell, but rather fill it with Himself and redeem all things! (Isaiah 50 & 53 - December 22, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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We do not have a God who is immune or separated from our suffering but one who from the very beginning entered into our pain and paid the ultimate price to not just lead us out of hell, but rather fill it with Himself and redeem all things! (Isaiah 50 & 53 - December 22, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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God is NOT okay with the injustice that is in this world! He does NOT sit idly by. No...He does not simply send us, or even empower us to bring justice, but rather, He came to establish it Himself! (Isaiah 42 & 49 - December 15, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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God is NOT okay with the injustice that is in this world! He does NOT sit idly by. No...He does not simply send us, or even empower us to bring justice, but rather, He came to establish it Himself! (Isaiah 42 & 49 - December 15, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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Our God does not sit idly by while we suffer. He doesn't watch from the side lines, but rather he jumps into the game! (Isaiah 8:5-9:7 - December 8, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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Our God does not sit idly by while we suffer. He doesn't watch from the side lines, but rather he jumps into the game! (Isaiah 8:5-9:7 - December 8, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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One of the Harvests that God desires is Justice in a world full of injustice! Join us as we wrestle with what that means! (Exodus 32 - December 1, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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One of the Harvests that God desires is Justice in a world full of injustice! Join us as we wrestle with what that means! (Exodus 32 - December 1, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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If we are to see the Harvest that God promises us, first, we'll have a harvest that we don't want! So let us not grow weary in digging up the rocks and weeding around all that God is growing in us! (Genesis 4 - November 24, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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If we are to see the Harvest that God promises us, first, we'll have a harvest that we don't want! So let us not grow weary in digging up the rocks and weeding around all that God is growing in us! (Genesis 4 - November 24, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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We reap what we sow. But many times we don't know what to do with the harvest, when the harvest is anger. So we bury in the ground and it comes up later, multiplied! Join us we watch God challenge Elijah in his anger and despair and lead him out! (1 Kings 19 - November 18, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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We reap what we sow. But many times we don't know what to do with the harvest, when the harvest is anger. So we bury in the ground and it comes up later, multiplied! Join us we watch God challenge Elijah in his anger and despair and lead him out! (1 Kings 19 - November 18, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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With out Hope, we cannot dare to move forward and believe for a better future, but that leads to expectations that are constantly NOT coming to pass. So how do we navigate moving into the future when the present doesn't look like what we imagined it would? Join us as we walk alongside Elijah and see how God confronts and delivers him of his own dis…
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With out Hope, we cannot dare to move forward and believe for a better future, but that leads to expectations that are constantly NOT coming to pass. So how do we navigate moving into the future when the present doesn't look like what we imagined it would? Join us as we walk alongside Elijah and see how God confronts and delivers him of his own dis…
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As we follow God in obedience, He will regularly offend our understanding and our expectations! What we do next makes all the difference! Join us as we follow Elijah in walking this out! (1 Kings 17 - November 3, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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As we follow God in obedience, He will regularly offend our understanding and our expectations! What we do next makes all the difference! Join us as we follow Elijah in walking this out! (1 Kings 17 - November 3, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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If we are to be ready for harvest, we have to, in turn, know the seasons and understand what to do in each! Join us as we dig into the life of Elijah and wrestle with the challenges seasons bring! (1 Kings 17 - October 27, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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If we are to be ready for harvest, we have to, in turn, know the seasons and understand what to do in each! Join us as we dig into the life of Elijah and wrestle with the challenges seasons bring! (1 Kings 17 - October 27, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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God is gathering us to send us out! Join us as we celebrate His harvest in our lives! (John 7:38, 8:12, 9:1-5)저자 ARISE:Life
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God is gathering us to send us out! Join us as we celebrate His harvest in our lives! (John 7:38, 8:12, 9:1-5)저자 ARISE:Life
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The harvest God has prepared is incredible but what harvest will we experience? God's desire is to bless, and that none should perish, but in fact, we each get to choose! Join us as we look into all God has prepared for us in this season of harvest! (Matthew 9:35-10:1, Isaiah 6 - October 13, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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The harvest God has prepared is incredible but what harvest will we experience? God's desire is to bless, and that none should perish, but in fact, we each get to choose! Join us as we look into all God has prepared for us in this season of harvest! (Matthew 9:35-10:1, Isaiah 6 - October 13, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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Harvest is coming, but what kind of harvest will that be? Well, it depends on what soil kind of soil we have. Join us as prepare for this seasons harvest together today! (Mark 4:1-20, Romans 6 - October 6, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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Harvest is coming, but what kind of harvest will that be? Well, it depends on what soil kind of soil we have. Join us as prepare for this seasons harvest together today! (Mark 4:1-20, Romans 6 - October 6, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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As we enter Fall, the question is what will we be harvesting in this season, and how do we partner with God in all the areas where we've been sowing over this past year? (Galatians 5-6 - September 29, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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As we enter Fall, the question is what will we be harvesting in this season, and how do we partner with God in all the areas where we've been sowing over this past year? (Galatians 5-6 - September 29, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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When God sent His Son to die for us, it showed us what Love looks like! And that Love is something beyond ANYthing we could every think of "doing." But Love is Person! Join us as we dig into what it means to Love a dying world with Jesus! (1 Corinthians 13 & 1 John 4 - September 22, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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When God sent His Son to die for us, it showed us what Love looks like! And that Love is something beyond ANYthing we could every think of "doing." But Love is Person! Join us as we dig into what it means to Love a dying world with Jesus! (1 Corinthians 13 & 1 John 4 - September 22, 2024)저자 ARISE:Life
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None come to God, but that they are called! But God is NOT a respecter of persons. He came to seek and to save that which is lost, and sometimes it is the MOST lost person who God is going to save the MOST! Join us as we watch God do just that in Book of Acts! (Acts 9)저자 ARISE:Life
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None come to God, but that they are called! But God is NOT a respecter of persons. He came to seek and to save that which is lost, and sometimes it is the MOST lost person who God is going to save the MOST! Join us as we watch God do just that in Book of Acts! (Acts 9)저자 ARISE:Life
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When God calls us to do something often times, we struggle because He doesn't give us much information, just the first step. Join us as we watch Phillip in the Book of Acts step out and trust God, step by step, to bring the Kingdom to a broken world, and so learn how we can do the same! (Acts 8:25-40 - August 8, 2024)…
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