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Coffee Break English is a podcast which will help you learn English in regular 15-minute episodes, perfect for your coffee break! Find out more about Coffee Break English at . Coffee Break English can help you improve your English with short lessons - the perfect time to enjoy a cup of coffee while learning. The course is presented in slow English which is easy to understand. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word, it’s more import ...
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English Made Simple #1 podcast for professionals, international students & other awesome non-English speakers planning to live, work or study overseas. Tune in every week to hear from your lovely host Milena who shares her wisdom (as she likes to call it :)) and crazy stories about what life in Australia is really like for a non-English speaker. Milena is an online English coach and is passionate about simplifying English learning for learners who struggle to make conversation. She breaks it ...
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Yojana Miraya Oscco and Renzo Aroni Sulca

Kuskalla: Juntos-Together is a tri-lingual podcast (Quechua-Spanish-English) brought to you by Kuskalla Abya Yala, a diasporic community organization dedicated to preserving and promoting Andean worldviews and Indigenous languages, such as Quechua, the most spoken Indigenous language in the Americas, with about 8 to 10 million speakers, some living in the diaspora. Your hosts, Yojana Miraya Oscco (@OsccoMiraya) and Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzoaronis) are Quechua scholars-activists who bring aca ...
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DJ Leo Fernandes

DJ Leo Fernandes

Leo Fernandes (born June 6, 1980 in Sao Paulo Brazil,) From an early age in Brazil Leo Fernandes had a connection with the drums & beats. His fist contact with music was at his father's TV production company, as a child he was always behind the scene but always dreamed of coming to the states. When he finished school 2003 he obtained a visa that would allowed him to come to New York. There his fist weekend in the Big Apple his friends took him to the Legendary ROXY night club. Peter Rauhofer ...
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From 0 - 2 - 100MEAL, ToC, PM&E, M&E, RPP, RBM, PMC, wonderful abbreviations for different approaches used in project management, especially in international cooperation. Different to the refrain „Means to an end“ they are more, especially when you combine them with a certain attitude and the explicit expression of assumptions. You will listen to discussions, exchanges and interviews, which have the objective to show, that projects don´t only happen in international cooperation or in work si ...
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New podcast webloQuieres ms de la vida ests buscando respuestas Snate te ensear cmo encontrarlas en tu interior Este libro cambi mi vida y creme tambin cambiar la tuya Una obra maestra de empoderamiento MEL ROBBINSautor de El poder de lossegundosLa Psicologa holstica proporciona un enfoque revolucionario para la sanacin personal que usa el empoderamiento del yo y genera un cambio definitivo hacia la paz interiorComo psicloga clnica la Dra Nicole LePera a menudo se senta frustrada por las lim ...
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show series
Struggling to set and follow your 2025 goals? In this episode of the English Made Simple Show, Milena shares the easiest goal-setting exercise using the SMARTER method. Learn how to set goals you’ll actually achieve, get inspired by real examples, and grab your free Goal-setting guide! Visit the site to grab your free guide> https://www.englishmade…
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In this episode, we speak with Indigenous scholars Dr. Sardana Nikolaeva and Dr. Masha Kardashevskaya about their essays on Indigenous research methodologies. They discuss the significance of Indigenous-led research, its challenges, and the insights it offers within different geopolitical contexts. The conversation also touches on the importance of…
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Reflect on 2024 with me in this special episode of the English Made Simple Show! I share my highlights, including moving into a new home and attending a Yamandu Costa concert, while encouraging you to think about your own wins and lessons from the year. Let’s leave behind what held us back and step into 2025 with purpose and positivity. Tune in for…
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Allinllachu masiykuna! Para cerrar este año 2024, compartimos un episodio especial con Máxima Acuña, una mujer andina que ha liderado la resistencia contra la minera Yanacocha en Cajamarca, en el norte del Perú. A pesar de las amenazas, Máxima ha defendido su tierra y su comunidad, convirtiéndose en un símbolo de lucha por la justicia social y ambi…
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Welcome to this bonus episode of Coffee Break English! Today, we're learning some examples of phrasal verbs in the time it takes to have a coffee! In this episode, Nick talks to Anabel about what is important to him during the festive period. He uses a lot of examples of phrasal verbs and Nick and Anabel will go through each phrasal verb and explai…
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Learn how to handle customer complaints like a pro in this episode. Whether you work in customer service or just want to improve your communication skills, you’ll pick up practical tips and phrases to handle tough situations with confidence. Tune in for helpful advice on how to handle customer complaints. Enjoy!Download your free gift here to help …
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In this episode, I share a personal story of dealing with bad customer service during a major project. From poor communication to feeling like ‘just a transaction,’ I dive into the frustrations of being a customer when service falls short. Have you ever experienced bad customer service? Enjoy today's episode! Download your free gift here to help yo…
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In this episode, we dive into customer service and call center communication, focusing on how to navigate different accents, including Northern and Southern US accents. Plus, we share a fun audio clip from Gabe and Goyo’s '¡No Te Rindas! Intermediate English' podcast, where they role-play a call center scenario and teach us how to use the NATO Phon…
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In this episode, we look at the pros and cons of AI teachers vs Human teachers... have a listen then tell me inside the Comments, which one do you prefer? Enjoy :) ---- Download your free gift here to help you with spelling: How to Spell Your Name in English with Confidence ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Also, check out my YouTube Chan…
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En este episodio, damos la bienvenida a Yesenia Montes Ñaupa (@yesenia.montess), quechua-hablante ayacuchana, psicóloga de profesión y escritora de cuentos en quechua para niños y niñas. Yesenia nos guía por el mundo de la niñez a través de su iniciativa Puriq Cartonera (@puriqcartonera), una editorial que publica libros en quechua desde el 2021, q…
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In this episode, we explore how you can use AI virtual assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa to practice English in your everyday conversations. Learn practical tips on how to ask questions, improve your listening skills, and even have fun while interacting with AI - all from the convenience of your phone. Enjoy :)---- Download your fre…
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In this episode, we explore how the latest AI technology from Samsung can enhance your English learning experience. Plus, I’ll share a personal story on how AI is shaking things up in the way we work. Tune in and let’s embrace the future of language learning together! Enjoy :) Download your free gift here to help you with spelling: How to Spell You…
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En este episodio, Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzoaronis) entrevista a dos jóvenes cineastas kichwas ecuatorianos, quienes cuentan su trayectoria artística como cineastas indígenas y lo que implica hacer cine indígena en un contexto de represión cultural contra los pueblos indígenas y originarias. Joshi Espinoza es director de cine de la comunidad de Otav…
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In this episode, we explore how the Olympic Games can be the perfect icebreaker for starting conversations. Learn fun and engaging ways to chat about your favourite sports, share interesting facts, and connect with others. Enjoy! :) Download your free gift here to help you with spelling: How to Spell Your Name in English with Confidence ⁠www.englis…
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Hey amigos y amigas! Today, I'm sharing how different it is to drive in Australia compared to Europe, the US, or the rest of the world! Enjoy! :) Download your free gift here to help you with spelling: How to Spell Your Name in English with Confidence Also, check out my YouTube Channel here:…
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PERROS Y PROMOS: MEMORIA, VIOLENCIA Y AFECTO EN EL PERÚ POSCONFLICTO (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2023) es la historia de diez soldados del Ejército peruano que lucharon contra la insurgencia de Sendero Luminoso (1980-1992). Estos soldados eran principalmente reclutas de origen andino, muchos quechua hablantes, pero no de Ayacucho, al menos has…
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Hey amigos y amigas! Join me on a hilarious and educational journey as I share my experience of renting a car in New Zealand. Learn useful English phrases and expressions while enjoying my funny rent-a-car anecdotes. If you're travelling soon, this episode is for you. Enjoy! :)Download your free gift here to help you with spelling:How to Spell Your…
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Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio del podcast Kuskalla. En esta ocasión les traemos una conversación de nuestro host Renzo Aroni Sulca con la socióloga boliviana y activista de ascendencia aymara Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui durante su visita reciente al campus de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, en Lima, donde dio una conferencia sobre las m…
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In this episode of The English Made Simple Show, we embark on a journey to the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand's South Island. I'll introduce you to some Maori words, starting with Aotearoa, the Maori name for New Zealand. Join me as we explore the stunning scenery and learn why every corner of the South Island is perfect for a selfie. Enjoy…
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Imaynallam, allinllachu hermanos y hermanas. Bienvenidos a Kuskalla podcast. En esta oportunidad estamos en Andahuaylas, Apurímac en la casa del Tayta Lurdio Flores, más conocido como el Picaflor de Umamarca. También nos acompaña su hijo Liberato Kani y Lu Ramos, estudiante de Antropología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Tayta Lurdi…
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Nos encontramos en la comunidad campesina de Zurite, ubicado en la provincia de Anta, Cusco. En esta oportunidad conversamos con Tomás Ruiz López, quien es comunero activo de Zurite y director del colegio Cnel. Francisco Bolognesi de Ccolccabamba, Ancahuasi. Nos cuenta la historia de la comunidad de Zurite en el tiempo de los hacendados y las llama…
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Hey amigos, in today's episode I try to convince you to learn how to spell your name confidently and clearly. Every time and in every possible situation. In today's episode you also learn a few phrasal verbs such as: dive into, come in handy and jot down. Enjoy today's episode!Download your free gift here:How to Spell Your Name in English with Conf…
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Esta entrevista es realizada en el centro poblado de Huancabamba, provincia de Andahuaylas, Apurímac. La comunidad de Huancabamba es caracterizada por su organización comunal y su presencia activa en las últimas protestas nacionales e incluso muchos comuneros se desplazaron hasta la ciudad de Lima para reclamar sus derechos políticos. Llegué a la c…
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In today's episode we are going to learn how to spell our name in English using the Phonetic Alphabet. Doing this the right way will make you sound like a confident English speaker. Enjoy today's show!Download your free gift here: How to Spell Your Name in English with Confidence, check out my YouTub…
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Desde el Centro Poblado de Pampacancha que pertenece al distrito de Ocongate, provincia de Quispicanchi, Cusco, Flor Karina Yupa Quispe, una niña de 10 años, nos va a contar su historia y un cuento. También nos canta una canción en quechua. Flor Karina a diario camina más de 35 minutos para llegar a su colegio y en las tardes tiene que ayudar a sus…
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¡Allinllachu! Hello everyone! Welcome to the Kuskalla Podcast; our second season will take you on a journey to Andean communities! You will be listening to different experiences of community members and activists, including youth, women, and elderly people, who will be sharing their life experiences and political struggles in their own community an…
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In this episode, we're delving into more train-related idioms that native English speakers love to use. Whether you're at work, chilling with friends, or just hanging out, these expressions add some fun flair to your conversations. Join me as we break down phrases like "a train of thought" and "off the rails," and practice saying them together! Enj…
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I would like to do so many things, but I don’t have the time. How often have we heard or said this sentence? Do we really not have the time? Or are we mainly telling ourselves that we don’t? And what would happen if we decided to change this? Time is an important aspect of this episode, but not the only one. We will take a look back on 1,5 years of…
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Desde la ciudad andina de Ayacucho, Perú, el joven músico y cantante de rap en quechua Wari Willka (@wariwillka) nos cuenta sobre el contenido temático de dos de sus canciones musicales, “Fiestapaq” y “Tusuriy”, producido por el productor ayacuchano KAYFEX (@kayfex). También relata la importancia de los saberes, prácticas y rituales andinos, como l…
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Hey amigos, let's learn some train related idioms (expressions). Listen till the end as you'll get to practice these expressions with the 'Repeat After Me segment.' Enjoy today's episode!Also, check out my YouTube Channel :)*** Learn English with AI:***LINK TO THE S…
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Today's episode is about my recent train experience travelling around Australia on Christmas Eve and New Year's Day. Happy New Year to you all and enjoy today's episode. :)Also, check out my YouTube Channel :)*** Learn English with AI:***LINK TO THE SURVEY: englishm…
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Tal vez conoces la serie “Die Sendung mit der Maus“ – una serie de televisión alemana – o la canción del Barrio Sésamo / La Plaza Sésamo “Wer, wie, was, wieso, weshalb, warum“ (quién, cómo, qué, por qué) con Lucas. O tal vez un niño te siguió haciendo una pregunta a través de otra, sin parar. Como por ejemplo: “Por qué llueve?” …. “Por qué hay nube…
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Imagine traveling into the future with grammar-savvy cyborgs making English lessons a breeze! Well, maybe not, but it's food for thought. Remember, when 2024 arrives, let's hit the ground running with energy and enthusiasm. And if you find yourself stuck, just shake it off and have a good laugh.Thank you, amigos, for your incredible support. Your b…
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Do you know when to use how much and how many in English? In this final episode of The Coffee Break English Show, Josie and Maurizio talk about when to use how much and how many as well as looking at a few examples. ➡️ Click here to access the blog article and worksheet that accompany this lesson ⬅️ Hosted on Acast. See for more i…
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Exploring the airport continues today! In this episode, discover additional phrases to enhance your airport vocabulary. Enjoy the learning journey! :)Also, check out my YouTube Channel :)*** Learn English with AI:***LINK TO THE SURVEY:**…
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Do you know how to say the words Tuesday and Thursday correctly in English? In this episode of The Coffee Break English Show, Josie and Mark chat about how to pronounce Tuesday and Thursday - and use these sounds in other words. By the end of this episode you will be more confident in pronouncing the 'tu' and 'thu' sounds in English! ➡️ Click here …
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In this new episode of The Coffee Break English Show, Mark and Josie chat about when to use ‘a’ and ‘the’ to talk about general and specific things. By the end of this episode you will feel confident using definite and indefinite articles. ➡️ Click here to access the blog article and worksheet that accompany this lesson ⬅️ Hosted on Acast. See acas…
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Do you know when to use prepositions 'in', 'on', and 'at' in English? In this episode of The Coffee Break English Show, Josie and Maurizio talk about the rules for when to use these prepositions when we talk about time, and they give examples to help you understand. ➡️ Click here to access the blog article and worksheet that accompany this lesson ⬅…
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Do you know when to correctly use "is it?" at the end of a an English phrase? In this episode of The Coffee Break English Show we talk about the rules for how to use question tags such as "is it?". Then we also give some examples to practise! ➡️ Click here to access the blog article and worksheet that accompany this lesson ⬅️ Hosted on Acast. See a…
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We are now halfway through The Coffee Break English Show series! In this episode we talk about when to use the words ‘like’ and ‘as’ and provide some useful examples to help you remember them. By the end of this episode you will know and exactly when to use 'like' and 'as'. ➡️ Click here to access the blog article and worksheet that accompany this …
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Have you ever gotten lost in the airport? Well, you're in luck! In today's episode you will learn new phrases to help you navigate the airport with confidence. Enjoy :)Also, check out my YouTube Channel :)*** Learn English with AI:***LINK TO THE SURVEY: englishmades…
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Welcome to another episode of The Coffee Break English Show! In this episode we are learning about vowel sounds and focus particularly on the pronunciation of 'eat' and 'it'. ➡️ Click here to access the blog article and worksheet that accompany this lesson ⬅️ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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En este episodio, Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzo.aroni) conversa con Jorge "Koki" Solier Córdova, compositor y productor musical del Rock Andino, “Atuq Sisa” (El zorro que florece), una banda de rock fusión de Ayacucho. Desde esta ciudad musical, bajo el sol andino y cielo azul, Koki cuenta la historia de la banda y la cosmovisión andina que da sustento…
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Welcome to the next episode of The Coffee Break English Show! In this episode we talk about the words 'travel', 'trip' and 'journey' and explain when and how to use them. ➡️ Click here to access the blog article and worksheet that accompany this lesson ⬅️ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Konflikte schon einmal als etwas Positives und Konstruktives gesehen? Könnten Konflikte wirklich zu einem positiven Sinneswandel und neuen, friedlichen Umgangsweisen miteinander führen? Welche Rolle spielt ein möglicher Gesichtsverlust in Momenten, falls ein Konflikt angesprochen wird? Bevorzugen wir, Spannungen auszuhalten und abzuwarten? Inwiefer…
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Welcome back to episode two of The Coffee Break English Show! In this episode Mark and Josie explain the rules for when to use the present simple and the present continuous tenses in English. By the end of this episode you will be able to tell the difference between I work and I am working in English. ➡️ Click here to access the blog article and wo…
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Welcome to the very first episode of the Coffee Break English Show! In this episode, we talk about when to use do and make while looking at some rules and expressions. Prefer to watch these lessons? You can do exactly that for free on Coffee Break TV, and download the episodes to your device so you can access them on the go. Or, you can head to our…
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