Serving Nonprofits by Chany Reon Ockert Consulting 공개
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Reflections on Generosity

Serving Nonprofits by Chany Reon Ockert Consulting, LLC, CFRE

Kick off your week with a 5-minute reflection on generosity to ground yourself as you go about your fund development tasks. Each reflection includes a question to ponder throughout the week to aid your work.
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"...the potentially world-changing and life-giving power that may be present in or working through the goodness of the donors' hearts and souls; if only someone would acknowledge it, call it forth, and nurture it!" This week, I am reading a quote from Growing Givers’ Hearts: Treating Fundraising as Ministry by Thomas Jeavons and Rebekah Burch Basin…
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“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.” JK Rowling This week, I’m reading various quotes to reflect on how generosity covers our failures. Reflection question: Are we letting failure harden or shame us? Or, are we lettin…
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"...All that happens, happens right: you will find it so if you observe narrowly..." This week, I am reading a quote from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, written around 171 AD. Reflection questions: When you have failed in your work recently, how are observing narrowly for the right things that came out of it? Are you seeking perfection or goodness…
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..."And then with a cry from his soul despairing,He bowed him down to the earth and wept.But a voice cried aloud from the driving rain;“Arise, old man, and plant again!” This week, I’m reading a poem, Disappointed, written by Paul Laurence Dunbar, published in 1913. Reflection question: Is there an area of your work where you have been disappointme…
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"...Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by the covering, Cast them away as ugly, or heavy, or hard. Remove the covering and you will find beneath it a living splendor, Woven of love, by wisdom, with power..." This week, I’m reading a poem written by Greville MacDonald to his father George MacDonald in 1930. Reflection question: W…
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"...To think and to will without doing, when there is opportunity, is like a flame enclosed in a vessel and goes out; also like seed cast upon the sand, which fails to grow, and so perishes with its power of germination. But to think and will and from that to do is like a flame that gives heat and light all around, or like a seed in the ground that…
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"...The first and the simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity..." This week, I’m reading a quote from On the Sublime and Beautiful by Edmund Burke, published in 1756. Reflection questions: What is your personality like: do you prefer the new and novel or the familiar and dependable? What do you think your donor base needs …
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"...Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity..." This week, I am reading quotes from Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu from his various works. Reflection questions: Are you watering your fundraising appeals with worry and desperation? Or, are you watering them with kindness and optimism? During a busy fundraising season, how are you embrac…
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"...Consistent with social learning theory, individuals tend to carry beliefs about money and money skills learned in childhood into their adult lives..." This week, I’m reading selected quotes from Money Beliefs and Financial Behaviors by Bradley Klontz, Sonya Britt, and Jennifer Mentzer, published in 2011. Reflection Questions: Have you spent tim…
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"...The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himse…
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"...Acknowledging that one does not know is a humble kind of ignorance, one that is, in fact, filled often with the joy of discovery and wonder at what is discovered..." This week, I’m reading a quote from Imposed Ignorance and Humble Ignorance - Two Worldviews by Paul Heltne, published in 2008. Reflection Questions: Are we building structures and …
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"...real generosity requires requires learning something different, something that may not feel natural for many people. It often requires real personal change. A better understanding of how generosity works can aid that learning and change..." This week, I’m reading a quote from The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. 201…
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"...The brain is stirred. The emotions may be provoked, desires clarified, the imagination stretched...." This week, I’m reading a quote from The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. 2014 edition. Reflection questions: Will you choose a cause other than your own where you can meet with their staff or volunteers to listen wi…
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"...You have heard people say, “Love your neighbors and hate your enemies.” But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you..." This week, I am reading the words of Jesus and His approach to opponents from Matthew 5 and 6. Reflection questions: If you were to give your fundraising appeal to an opponent to read, how would t…
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"...Ninthly, that meekness is invincible, where it is genuine, and sincere without hypocrisy. For, what can the most insolent do to you, if you stedfastly persist in kindness to him, and, upon occasion, mildly admonish and instruct him thus, at the very time he is attempting to do you an injury?.." This week, I am reading a quote from Meditations b…
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"...many of our disappointments and much of our happiness arise from our forming false notions of things and persons. We strangely impose upon ourselves; we create a fairy land of happiness..." This week, I am reading from Abigail Adams’ letter to Hannah Lincoln, written in 1761. Reflection questions: Where are you experiencing disappointments with…
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"No one can have a happy life if he looks only to himself, turning everything to his own advantage. If you want to live for yourself, you must live for another..." This week, I am reading from Seneca’s Moral Letters, published in 65 AD. Reflection questions: How do we view a donation? Is it simply money for our organization’s advantage? Or, do we v…
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"...In which class are you? Are you easing the load Of overtaxed lifters, who toil down the road? Or are you a leaner, who lets others share Your portion of labor, and worry and care?" This week, I’m reading a poem, The Two Kinds of People by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, published in 1896. Reflection questions: Is there a new fund development professional …
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"...Suppose someone standing by a clear, sweet spring were to curse it: it just keeps right on bringing drinkable water bubbling up to the surface. Even if he throws mud or dung in it, before long the spring disperses the dirt and washes it out, leaving no stain..." This week, I am reading quotes from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, written around …
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"...pride is to be feared even when we do right actions, lest those things which are done in a praiseworthy manner be spoiled by the desire for praise itself." I sought wisdom from Augustine. First, from Augustine’s book, On the Happy Life, published in 386 AD. And, then from his letter 118, written in 410 AD. Reflection questions: How often are we…
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"...On the psychological level, precommitment could induce a preference for avoiding inconsistency, leading people to act in line with their past or committed behaviour. Our study provides behavioural and neural evidence that supports the link between generosity and happiness..." This week, I’m reading quotes from A neural link between generosity a…
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"...Kind hearts are the gardens, Kind thoughts are the roots, Kind words are the flowers, Kind deeds are the fruits...." This week, I’m reading a quote, often attributed to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, published in 1873. Reflection questions: In our fundraising materials, are we guard them from weeds of hatred and strife? Related, do we seek to fill…
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The Drafter of Many Appeals ends the article with ... "But the fact is that motives of pure reason to explain voluntary action are usually difficult of discovery, and not in charitable spheres only..." This week I am reading "The Ethics of giving: The Ratio of Generosity to Income" by "a Drafter of Many Appeals" from the Hospital Magazine, publishe…
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"...[Generosity] removes a weight, a burden, a nagging fear. It sets one free to appreciate and enjoy what one has, rather than being burdened with the wish that one had more or worry about losing it. This kind of personal transformation shores up the personal security grounded in believing that, whatever the future holds, one will always have enou…
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"...Guilt appeals in the field of persuasion are quite common. However, the effectiveness of these messages is sometimes ambivalent. It is widely acknowledged that guilt leads people to engage into prosocial behaviors, but the effects of guilt can also be counter-productive...." This week, I am reading a quote from Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu and A…
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"...Though they have been going through much trouble and hard times, they have mixed their wonderful joy with their deep poverty, and the result has been an overflow of giving to others..." This week, I’m reading from 2 Corinthians by Saint Paul. Reflection questions: Is there a volunteer or Board member you have deemed too poor to give the opportu…
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"....Once we have learned to love the rich for who they are rather than what they have; and once we believe that we have something of great value to give them, then we will have no trouble at all in asking someone for a large sum of money...." This week, I’m reading a quote from The Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen, originally presented …
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"But sometimes our concern for the poor may carry with it a prejudice against the rich." This week, I’m reading a quote from The Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen, originally presented in 1992. Reflection questions: Am I falling into either extreme of begging or entitlement? With our donors, how am I prioritizing the relationship over the…
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"...The waves beside them danced; but they [daffodils] Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed—and gazed—but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought:..." I'm reading two reflections on nature, abundance, and generosity: On Benefits by Seneca published in 59 AD and I Wandered …
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"...Those of us who ask for money need to look carefully at ourselves. The question is not how to get money. Rather, the question is about our relationship with money. We will never be able to ask for money if we do not know how we ourselves relate to money...." This week, I’m reading a quote from The Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen, or…
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"...People have such a need for friendship and for community that fund-raising has to be community-building...." This week, I’m reading a quote from The Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen, originally presented in 1992. Reflection Questions: How does this perspective of communion, belonging, and friendship affect you in your work? Thinking …
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"...One glance most kind That fell like sunshine where it went— Then you may count that day well spent..." I would like to share a poem from George Eliot, Count That Day Lost, published in 1887, and a quote from Aristotle which he wrote around 350 BC. Reflection question: Will you join me and challenge yourself to donate generously this year? To re…
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"...Both generous and ungenerous people live lives that are less than ideal. But the generous possess an insight usually missing among the less generous. They know that they already have enough, and that clinging to what they have or clamoring for more will not bring about greater happiness. So they share some of their time, money, and care with ot…
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"Donors, grantees, and beneficiaries need each other to bring something beautiful and life-giving to fruition. It is a collaboration borne of deep desire to find meaning, to be a blessing, to be part of something successful and consequential, and to heal the sorrows of life....” This week I am reading two quotes from Imagining Abundance. Fundraisin…
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"...May I be a guard for those who have no protector, A guide for those who journey on the road. For those who wish to go across the water, May I be a boat, a raft, a bridge..." This week, I am reading a reflection from Shantideva from the 8th century AD. Reflection Questions: Which metaphor most resonates with your work? Consider asking a donor wh…
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"...For with wisdom cometh patience, And with patience cometh rest..." This week, I am reading the poem The Hardest Time of All, by Sarah Doudney. Written in 1896. Reflection Questions: Will you reflect on your current fundraising or mission challenges and consider where perseverance, patience, wisdom, and rest can enter in? Will you take the time …
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"...She's somebody's mother, boys, you know, For all she's aged and poor and slow. "And I hope some fellow will lend a hand To help my mother, you understand,..." This week, I am reading the poem Somebody’s Mother by Mary Dow Brine. Written in 1878. Reflection questions: In thinking of your work, what is your somebody’s fill-in-the-blank? What brin…
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"...See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving. For in truth it is life that gives unto life—while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness...." This week, I am reading the poem On Giving by Kahil Gibran. Published in 1923. Reflection question: How are you rising together with the giver, whatever their m…
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"...Those who hoard their gifts, living with clenched fists, suffer the sadness of a pinched soul and a miserly existence. They never experience the extravagant blessings that come to those who live with open hands and giving hearts... This week, I am reading various quotes from Being Generous by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, published in 2009. Refle…
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"...I would say that other‐preservation is the first law of life. It is the first law of life precisely because we cannot preserve self without being concerned about preserving other selves..." In honor of the Reverend Martin Luther King Junior Day in the United States, I thought I would share two related quotes from him. Both of these quotes come …
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"...Remove gift and gratitude from human society, and what remains is not a community but a "lonely crowd," in the famous words of the sociologist David Riesman..." This week, I am reading various quotes from Being Generous by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, published in 2009. Reflection questions: Have you ever considered if some of the donors to your…
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As you know, this podcast focuses on the beautiful spaces of generosity. I will be taking a break until January 5. Instead of reading a quote this week, I encourage you to explore the roots of generosity within your own holiday traditions. As I reflect on St. Nicholas Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, Christkind, Kwanzaa, Three Kings Day and so many of the…
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"...One would give generous alms if you had the eyes to see the beauty of a cupped receiving hand..." This week, I am reading various quotes from the writings of Goethe who lived in present-day Germany from 1749 to 1832. Reflection questions: What are you carrying in your heart this week: generosity, abundance, or scarcity? When will you take time …
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"...our first moral criticisms are exercised upon the characters and conduct of other people; and we are all very forward to observe how each of these affects us..." This week, I’m reading a quote from The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith, published in 1759. Reflection question: In your network of influence, perhaps in your family or friend…
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"... just as those tools which are kept in use, and are daily touched by the hand, are never in danger of growing rusty, while those which are not brought before our eyes, and lie as if superfluous, not being required for common use, collect dirt by the mere lapse of time..." This week, I am reading a quote from On Benefits by Seneca the Younger, p…
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"... by complaining I shall not make myself deserve to receive more, but shall become unworthy of what I have received...." This week, I am reading a quote from On Benefits by Seneca the Younger, published in 59 AD. Reflection Questions: Have we noticed signs of self-esteem, greed or jealousy slipping into our thinking when we consider our donors o…
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"...the moral challenge of generosity can also push people to confront and overcome their emotional, existential fears about insufficiency, their psychological perceptions of scarcity as a mode of life that governs their world..." This week, I’m reading a quote from The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. 2014 edition. Ref…
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..." It is in itself an expression of gratitude to speak of one's self as overwhelmed by kindness." This week, I am reading a story and quote from On Benefits by Seneca the Younger, published in 59 AD. Reflection Question: No matter the donor or the donor’s motivation, how are you and I receiving gifts? What is the attitude of our hearts? To read t…
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"... You see how the mind even in the straitest circumstances finds the means of generosity." This week, I am reading a story and quote from On Benefits by Seneca the Younger, published in 59 AD. Reflection Questions: Consider the volunteers you interact with, how are you going beyond thanking them for their time and instead honoring the gift of th…
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"When conventional economic and marketing assumptions shape and undergird the work of charitable fundraising, whether for Christian organizations or others, potential donors will often be approached with the expectation that they will be more interested in having their names in the program or on a plaque or in receiving a premium or a tax break tha…
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