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Being a parent is both a great joy and at the same time stressful and overwhelming, especially if you are rising your child in a different culture and context than yours. In one moment, we feel that everything is so smooth, and the next that we are failing. But we want to assure you that being parent is not being perfect, there is no perfection in parenting, but being a good enough parenting. If you want to strive and better understand yourself as a parent and your child, this podcast series ...
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Dee Mills podcast is more than just talking. We learn, laugh and debate almost every episode. Always bringing on new guests with something to offer the listeners. This podcast is great to just sit back, plug in, and give a listen to while doing your day to day stuff. No conversation is off limits on Dee Mills Podcast so stop by, find an episode that interests you .. and give it a listen ! 🚨
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Our stories have the power to bring us closer together, if only we will listen. Emmy Award-winning journalist and entrepreneur, Linda Lorelle, guides guests through insightful, intimate conversations that reveal our common humanity. This show is not about politics; it is about finding a way to reclaim civility in the context of the contentious times in which we live, by sharing our personal and professional stories, in hopes that others might find a glimpse of themselves.
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalqadeena waxaan kaga hadalnay sida loo daboolayo baahida shucuureed iyo bulshadeed oo ay leeyihiin caruurta autism ka iyo ADHD-ga leh. Waxaan kaloo ka hadalnay sida loo taageerayo si ay u maareeyaan nolol maalmeedkooda. Ogow in caruurta leh autism ama ADHD aysan isku wada mid aheeyn. Heesta horudhaca…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Waxaan xalqadaan idinku haynaa wareeysi xiiso leh. Waxaan wareeysanay Zeynab oo ah cilmi nafsi ka shaqeeysa Xarunta caruura baahida gaarka leh - Autism Somali Center ee ku taal Garowe. Dhageystayaasheena waxaan ka codsaneeynaa haddii ay jiraan dad jecel ineey cilmigooda ama si kale ku caawin kara nala …
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Fasaxeena kuleelaha kadib waxaan idiin soo gudbineynaa taxano ku saabsan xaaladaha ama dabeecadaha neurodiverse ka ah. Waa maxay, maxaa sababa, sideen ku ogaan karaa inuu ilmaheeyga leeyahay. Intaasba waa su'aalo aan ka wada hadleyno. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh Maslax Mideeye. Waa …
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalqadaan waa Live Podcast oo aan la sameeynay waalidiinta Borlänge, Sweden. Xalqadaan waxaan kaga hadalnay sidaan u xoojin leheen isku xirnaanta qoyska. Waxaan ka hadalnay lix qeybood oo naga caawineyso isku xirnaanta qoyska: 1. In aaladaha teknoloojiga iyo shaashaada aan ka fogaano kuna badalno waxya…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Waxaan maanta idiin haynaa xalqad xiiso leh oo aan ku wareeysanay Sadia Abubakar Ibrahim oo ah clinical psychologist. Iyadoo nooga warameysa waa maxay koriinka caruurta aan caadiga ahayn, maxaa keena, sideena waalidka ku garan karaa ama ula tacaali karaa. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalqadeena maanta waxaan kaga hadleynaa sidee ayuu ahaa Ramadankeena, maxaa inoo suurta galay qorshihii aan sameeynay? Sideen usii socod siinaa wax qabadkii aan sameeynay? Waxaan kaloo idinla wadaageynaa sida ay reerka usii socod siin lahaayeen, camalada wanaagsan ay sameeyeen. Heesta horudhaca iyo dha…
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As a child, I counted the days until my next birthday. Most of us did, tired of hearing “you’re not old enough to do that.” Then we hit a certain age, and all we want to do is roll back the clock. Pursue youth at all costs. Why is that? Who decided that young is good and old is bad? Why have we internalized it to our own detriment? And how do we re…
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As American school children, we learned it by heart, and recited it every day. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America..." But how often did we then, and do we now, think about the meaning behind the words? " nation. Under God. Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Indivisible What does it mean to be indivis…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Waxaan xalaqadeenaan kaga hadleynaa siduu qoysku isugu diyaarin lahaa bisha Ramadan ee barakeysa. Sideen isugu dheeli tirnaa howlaheena adduunka iyo inaan Alle u dhawaano. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh Maslax Mideeye. Waa heesta Hiil loogu wado naafada. Maslax Youtube kiisa ka dhageey…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Kusoo dhawaada xalqad cusub oo ka hadleysa sidaan caruurteena qalbigooda ugu abuuri leheen, uguna xasilin leheen iimaanka. Waxaanu ka wada hadleynaa su'aalo ah: Waa maxay sababta aan ugu baahan nahay inaan caruurteena qalbigooda ku abuurna kuna xasilino iimaanka? Goorma ayaan bilaabeynaa? Miyaan u baah…
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What is driving the recent conflict on college campuses? One obvious factor is reaction to the Israel-Hamas War. But my guest this week isn’t sure it’s quite that simple.  As CEO of the non-profit, BridgeUSA, 25 year-old Manu Meel is in constant contact with students on more than 70 campuses across the country. The organization helps facilitate con…
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The eyes of the world are trained on Israel and Gaza like no time in recent memory. The horror of October 7th ignited a firestorm that will reverberate for generations to come. Yet, in the midst of unfathomable pain borne by families on both sides of the Israel Hamas War, there is an ongoing search for pieces of peace. Jewish and Arab Israelis work…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Waxaan xalqadan xiisaha leh idinkugu soo gudbineynaa wareysi aan la yeelanay Dr. Faadumo Mohamud Mohamed aragtida caruurta ay bulshada ka qabto iyo saameynta ay ku yeelaneyso tarbiyada iyo tacliintaba. Dr. Faadumo waxeey xanaanad ka furtay magaalada Muqdisho taasoo ula jeedadeeda tahay in lasoo saaro f…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Waxaan xalqadaan ku wareeysan Ubah Adan oo ah waalid, macalin iyo maamule iskuul. Ubah waxeey si fiican u kala dhigdhigeysaa dowrka uu macalinku ka cayaaro ilmaha ama ardeyga mustaqbalkiisa, waxbarashadiisa, iyo habdhaqankiisa. Iyo weliba muhiimada ay leedahay cilaaqada ka dhaxeeysa waalidka iyo macali…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Kusoo dhawaada xalqadan oo aan kaga hadleyno sideey ahayd sedexdii sano ee lasoo dhaafay, maxeeynu baranay, iska baranayna, sidee buu noqon mustqabalka Ladnaan podcast? Wixii ra'yi ama talo nala soo wadaaga: waxaad kaloo nagala socon kartaan Instagramkeena: @LADNAAN_PODCAST Hee…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Qof walba wuu jecel yahay inuu helo farxad iyo ladnaan. Laakiin sida uu qofka uu raadiyo weey kala gedisan tahay. Haddaba qeybtan waxeey ku saabsan tahay sida aan ku heli leheen ladnaanta nolosha. Iyadoo uu qofku u baahan yahay inuu naftiisa qiimeeyo doorarka nolosha ee saaran. Waxaan kaloo hadleynaa s…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Su’aal aan anaga isweydiiney waalid badana ay is weydiinayaan ayaa ah sideey caruurteeba u sameeysan karaan saaxiib wanaagsan. Saaxiibada muhiim ayeey u tahay caruurta, waxayna ka bartaan dad la dhaqanka, waxeeyna nooga baahan yihiin inaan hagno. Waxaan isku dayeynaa inaan xalqadan kaga hadalno da’da k…
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It’s been inspiring to see our friends in the LGBTQ+ community celebrate and be celebrated during Pride Month. Though, I must say I long for the day when we don’t need a specific month to acknowledge the humanity of those who are marginalized. No matter who we love, what our race, how we pray or how we identify, we matter. We are human. We belong. …
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I can hear my dad saying it now: “I have to laugh to keep from crying.” As a little girl, I didn’t quite get it. But now I do. And it’s safe to say, these days, that’s how most of us feel. Up is down. Fake is real. Fact is fiction. The world has gone mad. And we’re all choosing sides — scared to death of what this chaos means for our future. So. Ho…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalqadeena maanta waxeey ka hadleysaa sidaan xusuus wan wanaagsan ula sameeyn lahayn caruurteena, iyo muhiimada ay leedahay xusuusta wan wanaagsan in la isla sameeyo. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh Maslax Mideeye. Waa heesta Hiil loogu wado naafada. Maslax Youtube kiisa ka dhageeyso, h…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalaqadeenaan waxaan wareeysi la yeelanay qoraaga buuga Daryeel Bulsho. Waa buug xambaarsan aqoon guud iyo wacyi galin ku saabsan caafimaadka maanka, anagoo ku xuseyna bisha May oo ah bisha caafimaadka maanka. Abdukadir wuxuu xalqadani noogu sheegayaa talaabooyin ka hortrag ama ka daba tag xagga caafim…
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“We cannot coexist if we cannot talk to each other — it’s that simple.” And that complicated. Yet the leaders of BridgeUSA are determined to meet the challenge. This 7 year-old non-profit is “building a student movement to bring the country together”, led by a dynamic CEO and return guest to Our Voices Matter, Manu Meel. Lessons Learned When we fir…
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Talking with Jordan Seaberry is like wrapping up in a warm blanket on a frigid, winter night. You still feel the cold, but the softness enveloping you takes the edge off. Our chaotic world churns constantly, spewing more mayhem, but somehow, we still have hope. Jordan and others of his generation give me the sense that ultimately, we’ll be ok. What…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalqadeenaan waxaan uga hadleynaa sidaan u kobcin lahayn qoyskeena bisha ramadanka. Waxaanu isku deyi doonaa inaanu ka hadalno wixii talo ama khibrad inoo shaqaysay ama mid aanu ku fakarnay ah inaad idinla wadaagno. Waxaanu ka hadleynaa siduu qoysku isugu diyaarin lahaa bisha ramadan si wadajir ah, wax…
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People often ask where and how I find guests for Our Voices Matter. The short answer is, when I run across a story I think will resonate with our audience, I jump on it. For this episode, I didn’t have to look very far. Literally across my desk. No Subject Off Limits Jodi Rabitoy is my Executive Assistant at Linda Lorelle Media. As you might imagin…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalaqadeenaan waa xalqad ay dhageystayaal badan naga codsadeen inaan wax ka sheegno. Mawduuca maanta aan soo qaadaneyno waa Burn-out. Waxaanu xalqadaan kaga hadleynaa calaamadaha lagu garto, marxaladaha kala duwan iyo waxaad ka qaban karto. Haddaba waxaan dhageystayaasheena xusuusineynaa in markaan cal…
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“When your story is being told, make sure you are the one holding the pen.” It’s one of Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton’s favorite quotes. And one that has particular resonance in 2023 as powerful, political forces are literally trying to erase parts of American history. Black history. But Mouton is holding the pen. Multi-Genre Literary Artist A self-descr…
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The message comes from Millennial recording artist, Kam Franklin, and her band, The Suffers. Kam, the Houston band’s lead singer, lives her life leading with love — and the truth, even when it isn’t pretty. I became a Kam super fan after sitting down with her for the podcast in November of 2020. Her talent, intellect and empathy toward others on fu…
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When you were 18, what were you concerned about? If you’re of a certain age, my guess is that the demise of our planet and Artificial Intelligence taking over weren’t at the top of your list. But for today’s youth, those are real concerns. And it impacts how they think about and prepare for the future. In Part 2 of our series, Across the Generation…
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It’s no secret that sometimes we just don’t “get” each other. There’s a disconnect between the generations. That in itself certainly isn’t new. But what seems, or at least feels different, is the fragility of the systems on which we depend — and the urgency of figuring out how to save ourselves…from ourselves… So that a livable world with a thrivin…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Waa sidee dareenka waalidka caruurta yaryar haysta? Ma waxaad dareemeysaa farxad iyo reyn reyn, mise stress? maxaad sameeysaa si aad uga baxdo mar marka qaarkii stress-ka waalidnimada keenta? Haddaba xalqadan waxaan kuugu haynaa talooyin. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh Maslax Mideeye. …
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Since we first introduced you to Sipple and its co-founder, Danny Frounfelkner, the Houston-based company has hit next level status. At least from my humble perspective as a customer. Like many of you, I am participating in Dry January, which necessitated a recent shopping trip to my favorite non-alcoholic bottle shop. The place was packed. First t…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Sanad wanaagsan ayaan idin leenahay dhageystayaasheena meel walbo oo aad joogtaan. Anagoo weli ku guda jirna caruurta da'dooda u dhaxeeysa 1-6 jir waxaan xalqadan idinkugu haynaa dhibaatooyin ay waalidiinta adduunka dhan ay isla wadaagaan oo ah sideen uga badbaadinaa caruurteena shaashada iyo aaladaha …
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I love candles. Especially during the Christmas holidays, which makes this the perfect time to revisit my conversation with The Candle Queen. Ianthe Mauro is fluent in the language of candles. Whatever the shape or scent, candles are a perfect metaphor for what Ianthe is all about — bringing light and love to our troubled world. Sound familiar? It’…
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Growing up, she was simply my second cousin, Yvonne. Someone I looked forward to seeing on my summer visits to Nashville, Tennessee, my mother’s hometown. Little did I know she was also a pioneer — a badass Black woman who refused to let the barriers of the day keep her down. No matter the obstacle, Yvonne “Y.Y.” Clark, started by asking herself: “…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Taxanaheenaan sedexaad wuxuu ka hadlayaa Marxalada Horumarka Koriinka Caruurta jirta 4-5 sano jir waxaan kaga hadleynaa sidaan u xoojin leheen dareenka caruurta iyo shucuurtooda. Waxaan kusoo qaadaneynaa talooyin iyo tusaalooyin waxtar leh. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh Maslax Mideeye…
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As I count my blessings this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the opportunity to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community that is deeply hurting. The recent Q Club killings in Colorado Springs are the latest example of the searing hate and violence gripping our nation. Hate toward those considered to be “the other” — simply for existing as who they are. T…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Taxanaheenaan labaad ee Marxalada Horumarka Koriinka Caruurta jirta 1-3 sano jir waxaan kaga hadleynaa sidaan u xoojin leheen dareenka caruurta iyo shucuurtooda. Waxaan kusoo qaadaneynaa talooyin iyo tusaalooyin waxtar leh. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh Maslax Mideeye. Waa heesta Hiil…
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He calls himself a recovering lawyer and politico turned culinary historian, food writer and professional speaker. Sprinkle in a healthy dose of faith and social justice activism and voilà — a Soul Food Scholar “dropping knowledge like hot biscuits!” Somehow, Adrian Miller has managed to fashion a successful career intersecting his multitude of tal…
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Why An Interracial Couple Emigrated From the U.S. What’s your definition of “Home”? Here’s one I found in a random Google search: “A home is a place of refuge. A person’s most personal belongings are kept in a home and it’s where a person feels safe and accepted. To create a home requires an emotional connection and sense of belonging, not physical…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Waxaan dhowr xalqadood oo soo socda kaga hadli doonaa Marxalada Horumarka Koriinka Caruurta jirta 1-5 sano jir. Qeybtaan ugu horeeysa waxaan kaga hadleynaa 1-3 jir iyo shanta marxalood ee ugu waaweyn. Ha moogaanin qeybta 2-aad oo aan sii wadi doono. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh Masla…
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This week's episode of Our Voices Matter Podcast explores the intersection of two topics making recent headlines: DEI in the workplace and Black women's hair. Diversity, equity and inclusion -- along with belonging and accessibility -- have remained at the forefront of corporate conversations in the last few years. Especially after the murder of Ge…
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This is one of my favorite episodes over the five seasons of OurVoices Matter — and it’s the one I turn to when I need a dose of hope. When my faith is being tested. When I want to wrap myself in a warm blanket and just feel good about being alive. There is so much chaos, anxiety and uncertainty in our world that it can be challenging to see the go…
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I was on vacation recently with a group of friends and, without a doubt, the best memories were created gathered around the table. There’s something magical about sharing food and conversation, sitting shoulder to shoulder. And no one understands that better than this week’s return guest, the founder of Neighbor’s Table. I first met and interviewed…
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The midterm elections are less than 30 days away. Before ballots are cast, some already cast doubt about the eventual outcome. Not to mention growing distrust of our institutions, our systems and our leaders. Yet, our guest this week remains hopeful about our future. Why? "Because as long as we have liberals and conservatives saying we need to make…
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My daughter and I walked into Texas' first, non-alcoholic bottle shop to look, learn and buy. We walked out having done all that, and feeling appreciative for an unexpected bonus -- a riveting conversation that created an instant bonding with the man behind the bottles. He shared a bit about his remarkable story, telling us how quitting alcohol sav…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalqadeena waxaan kaga hadleynaa sideen u jecleysiinaa caruurteena iskuulka. Caruur badan ayaa dhacda in isbuuc ama dhowr isbuuc kadib iskuulkii naca oo yiraahda ma rabo inaan iskuulka aado. Sababaha keentana weey badan tahay. Xalqadeenaan waxaan kaga hadleynaa xalalka uu waalidka sameeyn karo markeey …
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! How to prepare children for the school start. Xalqadeenaan waxaan siin doonaa waalidiinta talooyin ay ku dabaqi karaan una isticmaali karaan isku diyaarinta sanad dugsiyeedka. Heesta horudhaca iyo dhamaadkaba waxaan iskaleh Maslax Mideeye. Waa heesta Hiil loogu wado naafada. Maslax Youtube kiisa ka dha…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Haddaba xalqadeena waxaan mar labaad ku casumnay Luul oo aan horay kaga wareeysanay howsha ay qabtaan adeega bulshada ee Sweden. Xalqadeenaan waxaan ka hadleynaa oo ay Luulna nooga jawaabeysaa su'aalo ka yimid wareystayaasheena. Waxayna xalqadani qaas u anfaceysaa waalidiinta ku nool Sweden. Waalidiint…
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Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid! Xalqadaan Ladnaan podcast waa mid ka gedisan xalqadihii aad nooga barateen. Waa special episode oo aan ugu tala galnay inaan warbixin ka bixino mawqac ama Platform la yiraahdo Guur & Gayaan. Dhageyso oo nala wadaag ra'yigaaga. Wixii su'aalo ah noogu soo dir: Mawqaca Guur & Gaya…
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