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It isn’t enough to honor God outwardly—God desires to be honored inwardly in our hearts. The Lord says, "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, BUT their hearts are far from me"—Isaiah 29:13 If you’re tired of living to please yourself—Maybe it’s time to start living to honor and glorify the Lord, find out the 5…
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Paul’s greatest passion for believers above all else was for their spiritual growth. He loved seeing believers developing into mature believers. He was passionate in his preaching, teaching, and writing—but his concern for the spiritual growth of every believer is seen in the way “Paul Prayed” for them.…
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“When I die I shall then have my greatest grief and my greatest joy—my greatest grief that I have done so little for Jesus, and my greatest joy that Jesus has done so much for me.” —William Grimshaw Grimshaw pastored in England in the mid 1700s, Grimshaw could not forget the debt he owed to the grace of God.…
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Jesus promised a glorious future reward for those who faithfully follow and serve Jesus. When the Lord appears, He will pour out lavishly on believers, eternal blessings that’s vastly are way beyond what we could ever imagine. HERE'S THE PROMISE: "Things which eye has NOT seen and ear has NOT heard, and which have NOT entered the heart of man, ALL …
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What Makes God Smile?—Have you ever wondered about that? —Maybe you never thought about God smiling—We’ll, God created laughter, happiness and smiling—God is always happy. As we continue in the series, Remember, there is coming a glorious future reward for those who faithfully follow and serve Jesus. When the Lord appears—He will pour out lavishly …
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We are in a series. We’re looking at God’s REWARDS that He’s storing up in Heaven for you. Every Christian should be laying up treasure in Heaven. The passage is Luke 19:11-27. The parable Jesus told his followers is a wake up call. Because not only will unbelievers face a day of reckoning—every believer will also face a day of reckoning, actually …
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Jesus said— "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, BUT lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven..." -Matthew 6:19–20 Three important questions How long will rewards last? Will every believer receive a reward? Is is possible to lose rewards?…
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"At death we put the signature on our life’s portrait. The paint dries. The portrait’s done. Ready or not" -Randy Alcorn You cross the finish line at death, then we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil—2 Cor 5:10. Did you know, God actuall…
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If you have your Bibles please turn to Revelation 21— we’ll be looking at Verses 1-8—Here’s a look at your future—the title this morning is—“A New Heaven and A New Earth.” Heaven is a real place—and you’re heading there—Jesus told His disciples— He was going to prepare a place for them—Jesus has your mansion ready and waiting for YOUR arrival—John …
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Millions of believers before us successfully ran their earthly race. They are waiting for you in Heaven. Your name is recorded in heaven. You are a citizen of heaven. Your inheritance waits for you in heaven. Your reward waits for your arrival. Everything you value most, is waiting for your arrival in heaven, heaven is your home.…
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The Age of Exploration began in the early 15th century people began exploring the world crossing the seas to find new trade routes. Who doesn’t enjoy reading about the early explorers like Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus. What was the greatest discovery ever made? Most people say the greatest discovery was fire and the wheel In 1922 another dis…
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The most precious gift on earth is the gift of forgiveness. It doesn’t matter what sin or how many you stacked up over a lifetime, God freely offers to forgive. What is Forgiveness—forgiveness is a “release” or a “dismissal” of something. When Jesus forgives—He releases us from our sins—AND God the Father, dismisses all charges against us. God says…
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There’s 66 books in the Bible, but there is only one Book that promises a special blessing for those who read it. God says "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near"—Revelation 1:3. Revelation is God’s final Word to the church. I know it’s…
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We’re in a series in the book of Revelation—This letter to the church is God’s final Word to us. What’s encouraging is this, once you know that God has a plan and nothing can stop it, will give you great faith, especially in light of all the evil that's exploding today, terrorism, crime, violence, school shootings, the rapid moral decline, substanc…
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Our purpose for learning about Bible prophecy can be interesting, exciting, as well as scary. God is the one who has given glimpses into the end of the age, Why, to encourage believers who are in the tribulation. As we see the world spin deeper into sin and chaos—God has shown us His cards, He’s giving us a peek to assure us that He has the winning…
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After the church is raptured, it will be the first time in history that there will not be a believer on the earth. God will give the world what they asked for, a powerful Antichrist leader who will unify the world under his rule. He will be a counterfeit who appears at first to be everything people thought they wanted. He will bring peace and prosp…
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As you know, the Bible speaks of God, as being our fortress, our place of Refuge. Psalm 46:1 reminds us, God is a very present help in trouble. But what most don’t understand is this: You have to be in the area that God designated, in order to be under, His protection. Psalm 91:1–2 "He who dwells in the shelter (a hiding place) of the Most High wil…
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Before you gave your life to Jesus, Satan used everything in his arsenal to keep you from from Him. Now that you’re a Christian, Satan knows you are eternally God’s. You have God’s DNA, and Satan can’t take you to where he’s going, but will try to cripple your walk, make you ineffective, Joyless.저자 Dr. Greg Crocker
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Revelation 11— in the passage this morning, Heaven is aglow with excitement, Jesus will exercise His right to take back the this planet and establish His Kingdom on earth— But before that happens—the church will be raptured. Revelation 3:10 I will keep YOU FROM the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth…
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Today only a small percentage of churches teach prophecy. Prophecy is a major part of God’s message to our generation. In the New Testament, Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees and Sadducees, because they were ignorant of prophecy. Matthew 16:2–3 Jesus told the religious leaders, “…You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot int…
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You are VERY important to God, He purchased you with His blood. You are His. You are God’s property and God created you and set you in this time in history at the close of the "church age" to be His witness. "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." -Ephesians 2…
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That OT believer Job, in the midst of massive trials, said, "The tents of robbers are at peace, and those who provoke God are secure.…Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power?" The psalmists frequently asked God, why do you tolerate godless men? Those who will be killed during the tribulation will also cry out, to God, with a…
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When we come to Revelation 9— unbelievers will be caught in the crossfire during the tribulation— they will experience the wrath of God from heaven, and the wrath of man on earth— and the wrath of Satan from under the earth— why? Why is God allowing this? He’s waking up the lost— God is giving them an opportunity— to repent of their sins— just like…
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