Tyrkiet 공개
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Ukraine - History in the Making is a series of conversations with me and various guests aiming to improve our understanding of the war in Ukraine and with the ambition of improving our ability to understand and fight the global struggle for freedom. My name is Emil Juhler-Nøttrup, I am 27 years old and I come from Copenhagen, Denmark. I have always been politically active and currently I’m doing a Master’s degree in Political Science. Besides that I went to Ukraine in February 2024. My perso ...
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show series
In this episode Olena Dudko presents the story of Ukraine in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars and up until the Valuev Circular of 1863. With the Valuev Circular the use of Ukrainian language was practically banned within the Russian Empire, which at that time also included Ukraine. The law was passed because Russia felt threatened by the rise o…
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In the 6th episode of the History Series we talk about what happened between the Pereislav Treaty of 1654 and the Congress of Vienna in 1815. The story about Ukraine in the end of the 17th century, during the 18th century and all the way up until the Napoleonic Wars, which is where we end, really is the story about how different empires fought for …
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In this week’s episode we arrive at a very important point in the history of Ukraine: The formation and evolution of the Cossack State - a story that Yevheniia Fedotova takes us through. We talk about the role of different Cossack leaders such as Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Ivan Mazepa. The episode covers a period in which Ukraine underwent many …
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On Friday February 16 this year, while I was in Ukraine, I spoke with the soldier, Sergey Vishnevsky. Sergey has been a part of the Ukrainian army since 2014 when he first fought in the east. The conversation is very short, but sometimes clarity and not time is what is needed to get across the most important messages. Enjoy the episode and Slava Uk…
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From 1361 and more than two centuries onwards Ukraine was under Polish-Lithuanian influence. Back then the power of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth spanned all the way from the Baltic Sea above Lithuania to the Black Sea beneath Ukraine. In the episode we talk about the period and about how this influence on Ukra…
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Den 26. marts slog Ukraine Island 2-1 i den afgørende kvalifikationskamp om at komme til EM til sommer. Det er en kæmpe ting for Ukraine og ukrainerne, at deres landshold nu har muligheden for at repræsentere nationen ved sommerens EM. I den anledning tog jeg en snak med min gode og enormt fodboldkyndige ven, Lasse Krarup Jørgensen, om Ukraines hol…
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Søndag den 31. marts var tyrkerne til stemmeurnerne, da der skulle afholdes lokalvalg. I den anledning har jeg talt med min gode ven, Furkan Kadir Yavuz, som ved en helt del om tyrkisk politik. Det korte resumé er, at Erdogan er gået tilbage, og at oppositionen er gået frem, hvilket er rigtig godt nyt - også for Ukraine. I afsnittet kan du høre Fur…
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In the third episode of Ukraine - History in the making Emil presents the story of the Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus and the subsequent Mongolian rule over Ukrainian lands. Emil is joined by Yevheniia who talks about the general perception and perhaps lack of knowledge among Ukrainians concerning this period. If there is one thing that stands out i…
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In the second episode of Ukraine - History in the making Elizabeth Pulvas presents the story of Kyivan Rus, the ancestral state of modern Ukraine. Join us as we unveil the ever interesting story of Kyivan Rus. This period really stands out in the ongoing information war about Ukrainian history. Through manipulation, proganda and lies Russia tries t…
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On march 4 I spoke with Yevheniia Fedotova for the first episode of a Ukraine history series called "Ukraine: History in the making", that I'm doing with her, Olena Dudko and Elizabeth Pulvas where we, over the next four months present the history of Ukraine. Our aim is to reach as many people as possible, because we think that by spreading knowled…
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I dag, 16 februar, gik Aleksej Navalnyj bort - myrdet af de russiske rædselsregime. Det skete samtidig med, at vi begyndte vores tur tilbage mod Danmark. I denne epsiode taler vi om vores tur til Ukraine, og Jens gennemgår Navalnyjs politiske virke. Afslutningsvis reflekterer vi over, hvor det stiller Rusland fremadrettet. Lyt med og bliv klogere. …
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In this episode I announce that I'm going to take a break from doing weekly episodes and explain the reason. Besides that I use the occasion to share some reflections I´ve done concerning our attitude towards to Ukraine. The reflections are: 1. Where is our sense of urgency? 2. We need to get over the perpetual convenient excuses for not helping Uk…
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Tirsdag den 9. marts talte jeg med Jens Alstrup, bestyrelsesformand i foreningen Frihed for Ukraine, som han også er medstifter af. Jens er med afstand den, af alle jeg har talt med, der har brugt mest tid på, og bruger mest tid på, at hjælpe Ukraine. Det vigtigste er nok hans mere end 10 ture til Ukraine, enten for at rapportere eller for at aflev…
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Lørdag den 16. december talte jeg igen med Nicolai Toxværd, der tidligere har været EU-, forsvars- og udenrigsordfører i Konservativ Ungdom. I dag er han Sergentelev på Løjtnantsuddannelsen ved HSGS. Vi taler mest om det historiske topmøde i Det Europæiske Råd tidligere i december. Derudover taler vi om udviklingen i krigen mellem Israel og Hamas f…
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Fredag den 8. december talte jeg med Christian Egander Skov. Christian er forfatter til bogen "Borgerlig Krise" fra 2022, redaktør ved Årsskriftet Critique og samtidig konsulent og programleder for Medborgerskab og samfundspolitik i Tænketanken Prospekt for blot at nævne nogle få af hans titler. Jeg har glædet mig ekstraordinært meget til at udgive…
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On December 7 I spoke with Serhii Kostrikov from Ukraine who lives in Copenhagen. I met Serhii through his wife Anastasia, whom I spoke with back in September. Serhii and Anastasia are both active in the Copenhaged based organisation "Ukrainian Dialogues". I encourage everyone to follow their work in Facebook, Instagram and X. At a resent event in …
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On Sunday the 26th of November I spoke with Olena Dudko. We talk about why history in general is important and about why Ukrainian history is, particularly, important as Ukraine is fighting an existential war for the survival of Ukraine as an independent free and sovereign nation. The conversation works as a kind of prologue to a longer “Ukrainian …
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Mandag den 13. november talte jeg for anden gang med Niels Jespersen, chefredaktør for Netavisen Pio. Vi taler om krigen i Ukraine og om Ukraines politiske krig med fokus på udsigten til fortsat og øget militær støtte. Det taler vi om i lyset af krigen mellem Hamas og Israel, der siden 7. oktober har betydet, at mindre fokus har været til overs for…
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This week is a special episode about our change of name from "Conversations about Eastern Europe" to "Ukraine and Beyond". We´re changing the name because "Ukraine and Beyond" is more fitting than the current to describe the conversation series. In the episode i outline the reasons for the change, talk about the connection between the Israel-Palest…
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On Wednesday 11 October I spoke with Oleksandr Kraiev. Oleksandr is the director of the North American Programme at the Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism" and a future PhD fellow at Visegrad Insight. We talk about the latest news in Ukraine, the tragedies that have struck Ukrainian civilians, about our assessments concerning development in US…
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Tirsdag den 10. oktober, tre dage efter terrorangrebet på Israel, talte jeg med Katrine Evelyn Jensen, forbundsformand i Danmark Socialdemokratiske Ungdom. Vi taler om, hvorfor vi bakker Israel op, om hvordan vores verdenssyn med tiden har ændret sig, og så taler vi om, hvor tragisk det er, at der i Danmark er steder, hvor det at være jøde eller ud…
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Tirsdag den 10. oktober talte jeg med Nicolai Toxværd, der tidligere har været EU-, forsvars- og udenrigsordfører i Konservativ Ungdom. I dag er han Sergentelev på Løjtnantsuddannelsen ved HSGS. Vi taler om den aktuelle situation i Israel og Palæstina, om situationen i Mellemøsten bredere set og om, hvad der skal til fra de "vestlige" befolkningers…
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Onsdag den 4. oktober talte jeg med Maria Pryds, kandidat til Europa-Parlamentsvalget 2024. Først taler vi om Marias overvejelser om at stille op, om hvordan processen mod at blive kandidat har været, og om hvor hun er i sin kampagne. Efter det taler vi om, hvordan de østeuropæiske lande bedst muligt kan blive integreret i den frie demokratiske eur…
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On September 27 I spoke with Yevheniia Fedotova who is the Vice President of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. We last spoke May 1, so this time we talk about what we have done in the meantime, how the development in the war has been and about the movement of different political and diplomatic trajectories between May and now. Besides that,…
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Torsdag den 14. september talte jeg med Mathias Kring Niebuhr, kandidat til Europa-Parlamentsvalget 2024 for Socialdemokratiet. Vi taler om Mathias motivationer for at stille op, processen op til at blive kandidat og så selvfølgelig om Mathias´ ambitioner for Europa. Vi kommer bredt rundt, men taler først og fremmest om Ruslands fuldskalainvasion a…
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Fredag den 8. september talte jeg med Magnus Flensborg, kandidat til Europa-Parlamentsvalget 2024 for Socialistisk Folkeparti. Det er anden samtale i en række af samtaler med unge kandidater til EP-valget, hvor jeg indtil videre skal tale med i hvert fald en kandidat mere. I samtalen med Magnus går vi i dybden med, hvordan han blev kandidat, hvor h…
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On Wednesday 6 September, I spoke to Anastasia Krasnoshchoka who is the Co-Founder of Ukrainian Dialogues which is an NGO focusing on deepening social, political, scientific, and cultural ties between Denmark and Ukraine. However, Anastasia is first and foremost an artist and dancer with a big heart for Ukrainian culture. In the conversation we tal…
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Fredag den 1. september talte jeg med Jonas Pullich Knudsen, kandidat for Venstre til Europa-Parlamentsvalget 2024. Vi taler selvfølgelig om Jonas´ position ift. Ukraine, og så taler vi om Europas bredere sikkerhedspolitiske situation. Udover det når vi vidt omkring, hvad angår Jonas visioner i EP-parlamentet, såfremt han kommer ind, mens vi også i…
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On Thursday, August 24th (Ukraine's Independence Day), I spoke with Diana Trushova. We talk about the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the history of National Independence Day, the current state of the war and finally, we briefly share our expectations of what Ukraine will be on the other side of the war. Incidentally, this is not the first time Diana a…
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This is the second Slava Ukraini episode. This means, that as in the first one, it's not a conversation, but a monologue. In the first monologue in the beginning of May I shared my thoughts going into the Ukrainian counteroffensive. In this monologue I react to the course of actions between that time and today. What is the state of the counteroffen…
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On Saturday the 5th of August I spoke with Karina Golovko. Karina and her family are from an area of Eastern Ukraine that is under Russian occupation and has been since the start of the full scale war. Karina herself was in Kyiv when the full scale invasion happened. From there she fled to Scotland in the spring last year. Unfortunately, her family…
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Onsdag den 2. august talte jeg med Alexander Blavnsfeldt, landsformand for SF Ungdom. Vi taler om koranafbrændinger, venstrefløjen, Østeuropa, værdier, rammerne for politisk aktivisme og meget mere. Link til SF Ungdom på FB: https://www.facebook.com/sfungdom Link til SF Ungdom på IG: https://instagram.com/sf_ungdom?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==…
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On the 27th of July I spoke with Mariia Bublyk. Mariia is from Kyiv and has lived there throughout the war. We talk about life as an ordinary Ukrainian since the large-scale invasion, her job as an English teacher focusing on psychological traumas for her students and much more. Listen along and get smarter. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦…
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Lørdag den 16. juli talte jeg med Niels Jespersen, chefredaktør for Netavisen Pio og tidligere konstabel i Afghanistan. Vi taler om den internationale magtbalance med fokus på, hvorfor Ukraine er blevet et offer for Vestens mislykkedes krige i Mellemøsten. Lyt med og bliv klogere. Link til DR-klip med Niels: https://www.facebook.com/Debatten/videos…
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On the 10th of July I spoke with Olena Dudko from Ukraine. Olena has a major in International Law and is the International Officer at the organisation 'European Youth of Ukraine'. Besides that Olena has always been active in the struggle for a Ukrainian future with full integration into the EU and other Western institutions. We talk about the most …
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On the 4th of July I spoke with Nataliia Zuieva, a language lover from Ukraine. She studies language, sometimes writes poetry and have a huge heart for Ukrainian culture. One of the main things she wanted to highlight was her thoughts about what is called The Executed Renaissance, which is something that Russia is trying to and have before comitted…
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On the 20th of June, I spoke with Ekaterine Tsimakuridze who works in the Georgian public sector. We´ve wanted to post a conversation about Georgia for a long time, so I´m thrilled to do it finally. Especially in light of everything that is happening there right now with regard to the struggle between freedom and democracy on one side and suppressi…
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¡Hola weones! 🇨🇱 Esta es una explicación sobre la guerra de Ucrania, en español 🤞 Lo hago porque sé que la guerra no recibe tanta atención en Latinoamérica y porque algunas de las personas que conocí, cuando estuve de intercambio el otoño pasado me lo han pedido. Espero que el español esté bien y que lo disfrutéis. Escuche y sea más inteligente!…
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Valgspecial med Furkan Kadir Yavuz II Forud for det tyrkiske valg søndag den 28. maj udgav Furkan og jeg en "valgopakt". Det gav mening som en special-episode i samtaleserien, fordi den politiske udvikling i Tyrkiet også er yderst relevant for Tyrkiets nabolande i Østeruopa. Søndag den 11. juni mødtes vi så igen for at lave en opfølgning på valget,…
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Tirsdag den 6. juni talte jeg med Julie Arnfred Bojesen, Direktør for det Ukrainsk-Danske Ungdomshus i Kyiv (Ukrainian-Danish Youth House in Kyiv). Vi taler om, hvad Julie og ungdomshuset laver, om hvorfor det civilsamfundsmæssige arbejde er vigtigt og om, hvorfor det i den umiddelbare eftertid efter Sovjetunionens fald var svært for Ukraine at opb…
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Torsdag den 25. maj talte jeg med Christian Holst Vigilius, formand for Konservativ Ungdom og tidligere formand for Konservative Studerende. Vi taler om mange af de ting, der ligger rundt om det, som i sidste ende, også afgør vores forhold til Østeuropa. Hvad er forsvarspolitikkens placering i det overordnede politiske klima? Hvad er vores forhold …
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Valgspecial med Furkan Kadir Yavuz Søndag den 28. maj afgørøes det, om Erdogan vinder endnu en præsidentperiode, eller om oppositionen formår at tage magten fra ham. Alt tyder på, at Erdogan vinder igen, men fordi Tyrkiet har så dybe politiske og historiske rødder til Østeuropa og fordi, jeg mødte Furkan, der gennem en længere årrække har beskæftig…
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Onsdag den 24. maj talte jeg Michael Aastrup Jensen, folketingsmedlem for Venstre siden 2005 og formand for Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn. Michael har tidligere været næstformand for nævnet, og fortæller i samtalen, at det der drev ham ind i politik, og hele tiden har drevet ham, er hans ønske om at gøre en forskel ude i verden. Der er altså ingen tvi…
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On the 1st of May I spoke with Yevheniia Fedotova, who is the Vice President of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. We speak about Ukraine, Russia, EU, the West and global politics. The conversation is not that structured and very long, but we both know a lot and have many things to say. The overarching theme is that of Western inactivism and…
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Tirsdag den 4. april talte jeg med Simon Dalsgaard. Simon læser Østerupastudier, har boet i Østerupa, har rejst i Østeuropa over flere omgange, arbejder i sit politiske virke med Østeruopa, og ved generelt bare ufatteligt meget om Rusland og de lande, der tidligere led under sovjetisk dominans. Vi taler om østeuropæisk kultur, politik og historie, …
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As time stand still before the offensive everyone talks about, I found it right to do my own prediction. My prediction differs from what you would normally hear in many ways. How? My focus is mainly on Western responsibility. Why? Because Western will to support Ukraine is the most changeable factor influencing the outcome of the war as of now. Sla…
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On the 14th of April I spoke with Dr. Marina Miron, who is a German military analytic from Kings College in London right now working with the defense study department. Her focus is on military strategy more broadly on a grand strategic level. We speak about aspects of the war such as modern informational warfare, history, Ukrainian defense will, de…
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