Programmet Om Ingenting er en månedlig podcast af Oliver Enné og Tobias Enné (og til tider Tobias Kippenberger), som taler med mennesker, der er sjovere end dem selv.
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Hva skjer når en komiker og en dønn seriøs utenrikskorrespondent konfronterer hverandres tanker og ideer? I denne podkasten kaster Zahid Ali og Fredrik Græsvik seg over aktuelle temaer. Ingenting er for grusomt eller uviktig å snakke om. Duoen løfter usminket pubprat inn i studio, og deler raust av sine tanker om alt, fra de små ting til store verdensproblemer. Det som er helt sikkert, er at Fredrik og Zahid ikke løser noen verdens ting. "Fredrik & Zahid løser ingenting" er produsert av Baue ...
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Espacio dedicado a la música jonda flamenca y las novedades creativas del jazz.
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In Goed Ingelichte Kring, een knipoog naar de radioklassieker Welingelichte Kringen, zet PowNed een panel van vijf prominenten aan tafel om in gesprek te gaan over de actualiteit en de luisteraar deelgenoot te maken van hun bijeenkomst. De panelleden zijn allen personen met bewezen expertise, die op hun vakgebied een bijzondere prestatie hebben geleverd.
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Dr Charlie Andrews, a GP from Bath and PCSG Committee Member, explores a range of gastroenterology topics from a GPs perspective. The focus of the series covers when to suspect, how to diagnose, when to refer and how to support your patients.
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I Ingenjörspodden från Sveriges Ingenjörer guidar förbundsjurist Jenny Rosenbaum dig genom fackliga begrepp och situationer. Inbjudna gäster berättar om sina erfarenheter inom olika områden och svarar på frågor som rör dina rättigheter och skyldigheter på jobbet.
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Ohne Prototypen geht nichts in Serie. Unser Podcast ist Ihr Werkzeug, mit dem Sie Ihre Karriere in allen Phasen entwickeln - vom Studium bis zum Chefsessel. Egal, ob Sie Ingenieurin, Mechatroniker oder Wissenschaftlerin sind: Prototyp begleitet Sie. Einmal im Monat sprechen die Redakteurinnen und Redakteure von und VDI nachrichten mit prominenten Frauen und Männern aus Wirtschaft, Forschung und Bildung. Graue Theorie gibt's bei uns nicht. Stattdessen teilen Prototypen ihre Erfah ...
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Brought to you by Jurassic Outpost, the InGeneral Podcast is dedicated to Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, and everything else Jurassic! We’re devoted to bringing you the latest news and content for the franchise, and drive fun discussion and discovery.
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Die Hosts des VDI-Podcasts, Sarah Janczura und Marco Dadomo, erklären Hintergründe zu Techniktrends und geben euch einen Einblick hinter die Technikkulissen: Denn Technik muss nicht schwer sein! Ob Innovationen in der Energiebranche, der Medizintechnik oder Automobilindustrie, wir stellen euch eine breite Palette an Themen und Gästen vor und geben der Technik-Community eine Stimme. Wann? Immer donnerstags, alle zwei Wochen. Weitere Infos gibt es auf
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Welcome to The Summit. Your host is Father Kyle Ingels, Vicar General and Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Each week he will talk with people from all walks of life who are making important contributions to our diocese, the Catholic Church and society as whole.
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Alt du trenger å vite om vin. Med Thomas Giertsen og DNs vinjournalist Merete Bø. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Druckwelle – zur Additiven Fertigung in Kooperation mit VDI nachrichten
Ohne dritte Dimension ist alles flach. Additive Fertigung ist der Trend in der Produktion und Industrie. Bei Druckwelle holen wir führende Köpfe der Additiven Fertigung vors Mikrofon, die Ihnen 3D-Druck plastisch erklären. Die Experten erläutern neue Drucktechnologien und Materialien. Sie bewerten Entwicklungen und geben Praxis-Tipps. VDI-nachrichten-Redakteur Stefan Asche beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit der Trend-Technologie. Als Ihr Host präsentiert er immer donnerstags, alle 14 Tage, ein ...
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Real talk about the struggles of nurses, physicians, and allied clinicians on the frontlines of care. Health executives, clinicians, and industry experts share how they are leading through current challenges, shortage and burnout. Discussing innovative solutions and best practices. Brought to you by Ingenovis Health ACT program.
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Inget Speciellt
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Because waste is a crime.
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Podcast by Ingenium Schools
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Vi pratar om böcker som vi måste ha läst Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Korte meditatie om te Leren meer te gaan leven vanuit jouw hart, vanuit je intuïtie.
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Podcast by Allt & Inget
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Podcast by Elias & Hanna
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Tecnología Informática y retroinformática. Hoy hablamos de relojes y calculadoras digitales
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el ingeniero y sus habilidades
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Speciaal voor de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 2021 gaat Ruud de Wild elke dag in gesprek met een lijsttrekker. Samen praten ze over politiek én muziek, met een schilderij als resultaat.
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This podcast will help you to recharge, energise and relax through Yoga Nidra, yogic sleep. Just set aside 23 minutes for yourself, roll out your Yoga mat and enjoy!
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Recopilamos historias de proyectos irracionales. Ideas fuera de lo convencional, con poca probabilidad de éxito o que creías que eran imposibles.
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Podcast de tecnología y retroinformatica Telegram @ingenieriainversa Donaciones a
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Ekstra Bladets politiske podcast med journalisterne Brian Weichardt, James Kristoffer Miles og Emma Buus.
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The story of technological progress is one of drama and intrigue, sudden insight and plain hard work. Let’s explore technology’s spectacular failures and many magnificent success stories. This content is in service of Houston Public Media’s education mission and is sponsored by the University of Houston. It is not a product of our news team.
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Ingenial Break es un podcast de tecnología impulsado por Ingenia, realizado por ingenials. Un contenido original con una temática diversa, dinámica, que busca promover y compartir conocimiento. Somos una empresa tecnológica que diseña soluciones estratégicas para escalar negocios, transformar la realidad y crear un aporte positivo en la vida de las personas. Ser un ingenial es formar parte de una tribu que comparte la pasión por la resolución de problemas.
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Un espacio para dar a conocer el papel transformador de la ingeniería y sus protagonistas.
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Listen in on my experience & advice from building multiple businesses in the health & fitness space from startup to exit. Besides being a serial entrepreneur I am a passionate family man and love to exercise.
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Hur ser världen ut för två studerande Stockholmare 2015? Åsikter, kritik och humor i en salig blandning; allting och ingenting.
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Mitt liv som ingenjör utforskar verksamma ingenjörers karriärer för att du som lyssnare ska få tips och inspiration till din egen karriär!
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Podcast by Ingen Hybris
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En podcast om alle de ting Christian Laursen og Benjamin Bøllehuus går og undrer sig over. Hvordan kommunikerer delfiner, hvorfor bliver mennesker deprimerede, og hvordan opstår et sort hul? Til det kan vi kun sige: ingen anelse!
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The trusted source for indie authors and/or publishers who aspire to be — or already are — changemakers. Your podcast hosts are Boni and John Wagner-Stafford of Ingenium Books. Publishing bi-weekly. Learn more at
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Taking a 365 Days Publish Challenge
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UPDATE: If you are looking for The Cancer Chronicles you've found them! Jenni's taking us on yet another ride of her life- her unexpected journey with rectal cancer. Go BTS into my creative life/career as I regain my integrity and create a system that aligns with my values and supports an abundant, healthy lifestyle. It’s taken me decades to find my way back to me. The journey has been messy, out of control and all of the things I feared. I fear them no more. Take these stories as your own. ...
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Everyone working in online retail knows that it’s vital to develop an elite email marketing plan. But that doesn’t just happen on its own. How do you create a killer email list from scratch? How do you build a foolproof email marketing strategy? What are the secret email growth hacks that could be doubling your revenue right now? Welcome to the Email Einstein Podcast by Flowium, the show where top-notch eCom geniuses, entrepreneurial brains, seasoned marketing masterminds and email prodigies ...
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Querido estudiante de ingeniería 2.0... Es un podcast por y para estudiantes de ingeniería, sobre los asuntos, problemas, traumas e inquietudes sobre la vida estudiantil. Sígueme en twitter @SiesChema Paypal:
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Vi är två tolvåriga tjejer som pratar om Allt och ingenting, livet dagens samhälle och massa skratt. Hoppas ni gillar vår podd😀
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THOUGHTS and DREAMS from a DADPRENUER! Support this podcast:
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Alt og ingenting- en podcast av og for ungdom! Med Marte Krekling Mathiesen og ulike gjester tas ulike temaer opp for diskusjon.
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Två präster pratar om kyrka, tro, samhälle, populärkultur och kanske lite politik. Med Pontus Bäckström och Ludvig Lindelöf.
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Nik Ingersoll is a self-made serial entrepreneur, award-winning designer and Forbes Under 30 inductee; exploring the eclectic and eccentric mind. Ingersoll is also well known as Co-Founder & CMO of Barnana, a DEMO Launchpad Alumni of Silicon Valley and Combat Sports Practitioner.
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Episode: 1342 The Wright Brothers' fight for priority over Langley. Today, an attempt to rewrite history.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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Folge 201 - Der Einfluss des Wetters auf Großveranstaltungen: Zwischen Planung und Risiko
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35:42Wie Meteorologen Festivals sichern können Wie verlässlich sind Wetterprognosen für Festivals und Outdoor-Events? Darüber sprechen Sarah Janczura und Marco Dadomo mit Meteorologe Malte Neuper. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt in der Radarmeteorologie, besonders bei Gewittern. Er berät zahlreiche Großveranstaltungen und teilt spannende Einblicke in Wetteranaly…
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In Goed Ingelichte Kring, zet PowNed een panel van vijf prominenten aan tafel om in gesprek te gaan over de actualiteit. De panelleden zijn allen personen met bewezen expertise, die op hun vakgebied een bijzondere prestatie hebben geleverd.
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Episode: 1341 A view of physiology in 1872 -- not that long ago. Today, let's look at medicine when my grandfather was young.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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The Summit - Episode 24 - Guests Deacon Rob Rysavy and Javier Cervantes
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27:45This week listen in as Fr. Kyle discusses the new Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe that will be established at Divine Redeemer Church on July 1st with Deacon Rob Rysavy and Javier Cervantes. Additionally, they will discuss how the parish of Divine Redeemer and the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be combining into one entity. Read Bishop Golka's…
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Episode: 1340 Animals and emotion: figuring out what is obvious. Today, let's talk to animals.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 2437 Cooking With Fire In the Colonial Period and Now. Today, fire in the kitchen.저자 Dr. Andy Boyd
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„Wir werden den ganzen Tag damit beschallt, in Vermeidung und Feindbildern zu denken und uns in Betroffenheit zu suhlen. Das muss sich ändern“, fordert der Berater und Buchautor Ben Schulz einen Führungsstil, der motiviert und nicht demoralisiert. Wesentliche Bausteine für gute Führung seien eine solide Vertrauensbasis sowie soziale und kommunikati…
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Folge 200 - Energiewende braucht Kommunikation. Wie Eva-Maria Grommes auf TikTok Wissenschaft erklärt
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27:15Jubiläumsfolge - So kann Wissenschaftskommunikation mit Social Media gelingen Wie können Forschende die Akzeptanz der Energiewende stärken? Und welche Rolle spielt Wissenschaftskommunikation dabei? Darüber sprechen die Hosts Marco Dadomo und Sarah Janczura mit Dr. Eva-Maria Grommes. Sie forscht an der TH Köln zu nachhaltigen Energietechnologien und…
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Zahid legger ut om hvordan folk har sex med dyr. Fredrik trenger debrief etter å ha vært på VM i skreifiske i Lofoten
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Det er et lotterielement knyttet til lagring. I ukens episode får du flere tommelfingerregler. Ukens omtalte viner Tysk riesling: Geheimrat Riesling Spätlese trocken 2011 Spanske rødviner: P. A. Larsen Haro Rioja 2012 Lopez de Heredia Toscana: Castell'in Villa Mitt Toscana 2013 Castell'in Villa Chianti Classico Riserva 1971 Castell'in Villa Piemont…
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Episode: 2075 Rudolph Ackerman and his amazing chronicles of 19th-century art and technology. Today, architectural historian Margaret Culbertson tells us about a great chronicler of technology and art.저자 Margaret Culbertson
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The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2382: The Invention of the Paperboy
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3:50Episode: 2382 The Invention of the American Paperboy during the Great Depression. Today, the invention of the paperboy.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1339: The Good Soldier Svejk
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3:42Episode: 1339 The Good Soldier Svejk, a fine organizational model. Today, an old, but very sound, book on corporate management.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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In the third epoch of the Jurassic period, 108 days remain until the third trilogy brings Rebirth. Cretaceous Chaos is on the horizon, Survival is a long shot, and Park is destined for a return to the World. Music: Caleb Burnett Get your KIRBY PAINT AND TILE PLUS merch here: Podcast: https://www.jurassicoutpost…
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Episode: 1055 Reflections on roller skates, roller blades, and stability. Today, a strange parable of appearance and reality.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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저자 Comunicaciones Tian
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Episode: 1054 In Praise of Bats. Today, we meet some beleaguered animals that should be our friends.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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The Summit - Episode 23 - Guest Professor Lucas Pollice
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27:45This week our discussion is with Professor Lucas Pollice, our first return guest. Lent is the main topic of discussion, but Professor Pollice also shares updates on the Year of Hope, Bishop's Pastoral Letter and the Vatican II Parish Study that recently began. Year of Hope: Vatican II Parish Study: https://w…
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Episode: 1052 In which wasps teach us to make paper from wood. Today, wasps try to teach us to make paper.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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Det er et lotterielement knyttet til lagring. I ukens episode får du noen tommelfingerregler. Ukens omtalte viner Simpsons Gravel Castle Chardonnay 2023 Paradis Rosé Brut 2008 Elodie D. Collection Secréte Millésime 1995 Elodie D. Collection Secréte Millésime 1996 Abelé 1757 Champagne Brut 2008 Hutasse Millésime 2000 Champagne Palmer Collection Blan…
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Peter Sommer er musiker, sanger og sangskriver. Sidst han gæstede programmet, var det i selskab med Brian Holm. Men det er lang tid siden. I dette program taler han om at svømme langt i den lokale svømmehal, om at spille liveshows med solbriller på, om Leonard Cohen, om at lave chef’s kiss, når man taler med andre, om Peters dobbeltgænger Pilou Asb…
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The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2434: Physics of Metaphysics
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3:50Episode: 2434 Understanding the Relationship Between Physics and Metaphysics.저자 Dr. Andy Boyd
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Folge 101 - Technische Keramik, transparent und winzig
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24:12Forschende der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) drucken transparente keramische Mikrobauteile. Gruppenleiterin Johanna Sänger spricht in dieser Folge über potenzielle Anwendungsfelder und technische Herausforderungen. Konkret geht es um Hochleistungsphotonik in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen, um medizintechnische Anwendungen und u…
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Vår gjest har fryst ned både moren og bestefaren. Nå prepper Trygve Bauge for dommedag. Zahid leser opp koselig fanpost fra lytterne.
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Dr Charlie Andrews talks to Dr John Leeds. John Leeds is a Consultant Pancreaticobiliary Physician and Endoscopist based at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle and an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer based in the Population Health Sciences Institute at Newcastle University. He is involved in research in pancreaticobiliary disorders including benign …
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Episode: 2696 Winged Words: The Homeric Epics as Oral Poetry. Today, classicist Casey Dué listens to the Homeric epics.저자 Casey Dué
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Episode: 1051 A Conservation Laboratory keeps vanishing arts alive. Today, we ask: Just what is a conservator conserving?저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1049 Hugh Miller: a fundamentalist radicalizes 19th century geology. Today, a 19th-century geologist struggles with the creation of the earth.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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In Goed Ingelichte Kring, zet PowNed een panel van vijf prominenten aan tafel om in gesprek te gaan over de actualiteit. De panelleden zijn allen personen met bewezen expertise, die op hun vakgebied een bijzondere prestatie hebben geleverd.
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The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1048: The Medieval Twentieth Century
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3:28Episode: 1048 Medieval machines in a 20th century hydraulics text. Today, two 20th-century thinkers look at the end of an era. One sees it. One does not.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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The Summit - Episode 22 - Fr. Kyle Answers Questions About Lent
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27:45This week is a little different from our usual format. Fr. Kyle answers frequently asked questions about Lent and the ways people observe Lent. App that Fr. Kyle mentions, Hallow:저자 TheSummitwithFatherKyleIngels
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Episode: 1047 In which I question the dubious practice of ghost-writing. Today, we ask, "Who writes our story?"저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2432: Engineering, Football, and a Good Prank
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3:50Episode: 2432 Engineering, Football, and What Makes a Good Prank. Today, engineering, football, and a good prank.저자 Dr. Andy Boyd
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Folge 199 - TRIQBRIQ - Innovatives und zirkuläres Bauen nach dem Baukastenprinzip
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32:01Heute tauchen wir in die Zukunft des Bauens ein – und zwar in eine Zukunft, die nachhaltig, zirkulär und voller innovativer Ansätze steckt. Was ist die Grundidee hinter TRIQBRIQ und wie kam es zur Entwicklung dieses Systems? Wie funktioniert das Mikromodulare System und warum ist diese Bauweise so innovativ? Über diese und weitere Fragen sprechen d…
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Zahid kan ikke fordra premierer, men sier ikke nei til en fest med pornografisk touch. Fredrik har besøkt det ovale kontor fem ganger og raser over Trumps oppførsel.
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Episode: 2841 Multiple Big Bangs and Multiple Universes; The Fantastical Multi-Reality of Multiverse. Today, we imagine the Big Bangs.저자 Haleh Ardebili
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Denne uken er det duket for Vinmonopolets marsslipp. Hør hvilke viner det er verd å kjempe om i slippet. Ukens omtalte viner: Musserende Rochet-Bocard Gusbourne Hvitt J. Haart Attack Riesling 2024 Bohrmann Meursault 2021 Salt Branco Pomenor Wittmann Morstein 2023 Wittmann Kirchspiel Riesling GG 2023 Pattes Loup 2020 Ganevat Rosé Turley rosé Thivin …
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Episode: 3238 Whitewash, as Metaphor and Practice. Today, whitewashing.저자 Karen Fang
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Episode: 1046 The mind of Faraday and the merging of science and religion. Today, a look inside the mind of a surprising scientist.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1045 A lesson in engineering design on the sports pages. Today, lessons in modern design from the sports pages.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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저자 Comunicaciones Tian
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In Goed Ingelichte Kring, zet PowNed een panel van vijf prominenten aan tafel om in gesprek te gaan over de actualiteit. De panelleden zijn allen personen met bewezen expertise, die op hun vakgebied een bijzondere prestatie hebben geleverd.
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Episode: 1338 The century-long retention of masts and sails on steamships. Today, we wonder about sails on steam-powered ships.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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Father Kyle has an interesting discussion with his guest, Deacon Cliff Donnelly, who directs prison ministry for the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Listen as they discuss how Deacon Cliff became involved in prison ministry and what it entails. For more information and how to help:…
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Episode: 1337 Frankenstein -- the monster of our obsessiveness. Today, we consider a favorite nightmare.저자 Dr. John Lienhard
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The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2429: The Birth of Betty Crocker
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3:50Episode: 2429 The Birth of Betty Crocker. Today, America's First Lady of Food.저자 Dr. Andy Boyd
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