As principais notícias do mundo da políticas.
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🎙 Gesprekken met boeiende mensen uit de bierwereld, neem mee een duik in de wondere wereld van het bier. 📍 Nederlandstalige podcast over bier sinds 2020 📍 Interviews en français sous le nom 'Studio Bière' 📍 Achter de schermen van Billie's Craft Beer Fest in 'Billie's pop-up podcast'
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Ingin pintar berbahasa Mandarin dan Taiyu? Ingin lancar dalam komunikasi? Simak Belajar Mandarin & Taiyu!
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suka-suka saya
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Podcast ini merupakan wahana siswa-siswi di SMK Negeri 7 Samarinda dalam menyampaikan cerita, pengalaman dan opini mereka yang di pandu oleh Bapak Zulkifli dan Indra Raya. Kontak:
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Selamat malam
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Have you ever found yourself in a group of people discussing how great last night’s episode of whatever the new hit show was? Did you have any clue what they were talking about? Had you seen it? My name’s Zac and my answer is always “NO!” When it comes to the best series everyone is talking about, I’m always comically late to the party. Join me as I change that by binging some of the most iconic series in recent memory. Whether I’m reacting for the first time to some of the biggest shows eve ...
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O podcast “Bela Questão” é um espaço de reflexão e crescimento pessoal, dedicado a explorar os enigmas da inteligência emocional, desenvolvimento pessoal, liderança e estilo de vida. Aqui encontras belas questões - perguntas que alargam perspetivas, desafiam paradigmas e nutrem conhecimento, através do humor, ciência e entusiasmo. Este podcast partilha conversas leves, divertidas e informativas sobre a mente humana, contando com especialistas ou pessoas que transformaram as suas vidas e nos ...
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Belajar bersama. Bersama belajar Islam dari sumbernya.
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Um podcast de psicologia e mais um pouco.
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Belajar Jadi Baik, Karena Baik Itu Asyik. Support this podcast:
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Learn Russian and Belarusian languages in a natural and joyful way. Get to know captivating things about our culture, traditions. Watch videos on our youtube channel with quizes and educational materials!В добрый путь! Добрай дарогi!
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Saling belajar, saling mendengar.
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Sista Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Triggerwarnung unangemessener Content!
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Sebuah obrolan untuk berbagi sudut pandang dari mereka yang tidak berhenti belajar 🌿
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Belajar lagi dengan Berbagi ! Podcast positif untuk kamu yang ingin produktif.
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Materi-materi pembelajaran di sekolah dasar yang dapat dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran
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Belajar Kehidupan adalah podcast tentang pembahasan pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam hidup saya mengenai kehidupan yang sifatnya adalah kepada diri sendiri, sesama makhluk hidup, dan Tuhan.
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Cerdas FM adalah siaran podcast yang dibuat team Jurnalistik SMPN 12 Kota Bogor untuk menginformasikan kegiatan seputar Dhubel dan berbincang santai tentang berbagai topik, mulai dari pendidikan hingga musik.
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Satu-satunye potkes yang ngasi tau soal budaya Betawi! Dipersembahkan oleh Irvina Lioni alias Mpok Pina.
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Podcast ini diambil dari beberapa sumber, kami hanya mengumpulkan file audio dan teksnya. Beberapa audio dilengkapi dengan link untuk mengunduh teks dalam bentuk pdf atau word. Selamat belajar!
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Let's talk about life, experience and need to share thought. Tiap peristiwa kehidupan sangat disayangkan jika tidak dimaknai dengan senyuman. Semoga kita selalu bisa BELAJAR SENYUM dari apapun yang kita jalani. Punya cerita? Send story: IG @belajar.senyum
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Selamat datang di Podcast PPI Belanda! Warna-warni suara anak bangsa! Ditemani oleh host dan narasumber dengan berbagai macam latar belakang, kami mengangkat berbagai macam tema dan isu hangat mulai dari yang serius hingga yang santai. Simak obrolan kami dan jangan lupa stay safe and stay healthy!
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Learn for better future. Podcast yang isinya dokumentasi hasil belajar. Mulai dari tentang kerjaan sampai dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.
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Film critic Alan “AJ” French and long-time friend Spooky Ryan discuss their Pantheon for the greatest in horror and thriller films. Bela Lugosi Is Undead is a production of Music by ChristianBodhi from Pixabay.
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Belajar simple bahasa Jepang Budaya Jepang Update Indonesia Membahas topik lain selain belajar bahasa jepang
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Mari belajar bersama-sama
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Belajar Bicara, sesuai namanya, merupakan sebuah podcast untuk memulai bicara dengan banyak topik. Di sini, saya hanya mencoba terbuka dengan kalian. Semoga diterima :)
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Podcast Bela Negara semua hal terkait dunia pendidikan Kampus Bela Negara bisa kamu dengerin disini. Salam Bela Negara
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Podcast ini berisi materi pembelajaran untuk kelas 4 buku tema 6 Cita-Cita. Belajar membosankan? dengarkan saja podcast ini, karna belajar itu seru loh! selamat mendengarkan setiap episodenya. semangattt
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Podcast ini dapat diakses oleh semua orang yang membutuhkan, terutama siswa Sekolah Dasar yang membutuhkan tambahan materi belajar dengan cara asyik ala Kak Annisa. Happy Listening ;))
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Berisikan kajian dari para ustadz pejuang dakwah Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin
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Diskusi yang (harapannya) berfaedah oleh dan untuk yang tertanam & terobsesi oleh Gen-PMM (posting, main, makan). Mencoba mengulas topik yang disambungkan dengan pengalaman hidup orang lain melalui #gunjinganberdaedah, disadari maupun tidak. Cover art photo provided by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash:
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Ngobrol2 soal custom dan restorasi motor custom biar yang awam jadi paham, yang sudah paham ajarin saya hahaha...
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Podcast ini dibuat oleh Anjas Dwi Cahyo untuk belajar tidak medok secara progresif dengan metode bermonolog random tanpa edit. Bisa disapa di atau Instragram @anjasdwicahyo
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This is Béla Guttmann's Curse, a football podcast by supporters and for supporters. We like to consider ourselves as 'beggars of good football' as Eduardo Galeano suggests in "Soccer in Sun and Shadow". Not only will we be bringing you updates on how the leagues across the world are going, but we also will be sharing things about the beautiful game that interest us, such as histories of clubs, politics and football, transfer rumours, and everything in between.
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القارئ رشيد بلعالية - رواية حفص عن عاصم - Rachid Belalya - Rewayat Hafs A'n Assem |
موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم
المصحف الكامل للقارئ من موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم Mp3 Quran Rachid Belalya - Rewayat Hafs A'n Assem
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Kursus online full conversation Support this podcast:
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Podcast ini berisi materi pembelajaran untuk SD. Selamat mendengarkan, ikuti setiap episodenya yaa! Semangat belajar! :)
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2 timotius 3:16-17 (16) Segala tulisan yang diilhamkan Allah memang bermanfaat untuk mengajar, untuk menyatakan kesalahan, untuk memperbaiki kelakuan dan untuk mendidik orang dalam kebenaran. (17) Dengan demikian tiap-tiap manusia kepunyaan Allah diperlengkapi untuk setiap perbuatan baik. Ulangan 7:19 (19) Itulah yang harus ada di sampingnya dan haruslah ia membacanya seumur hidupnya untuk belajar takut akan TUHAN, Allahnya, dengan berpegang pada segala isi hukum dan ketetapan ini untuk dila ...
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Most of this podcast is about life @nurannisafauziyah Support this podcast:
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Hai, learning partner.. Bersama Izza Hasyim, kita akan bersama belajar mengenai hal-hal penting yang mungkin luput dari perhatian kita, termasuk proses belajar itu sendiri. Kita bisa belajar dari buku, sekolah formal atau informal, melalui beragam media pembelajaran baru yang muncul di era digital ini.
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Levens belangrijk is een podcast in drie afleveringen over de gezondheidszorg van de toekomst, naar het gelijknamige boek van Geert Wellens. Hij is ervan overtuigd dat er een belangrijke verschuiving op til is in de gezondheidszorg, en dat de coronacrisis hiervoor een hefboom kan zijn: het moet anders, eigentijdser, positiever, technologisch vernieuwend, financieel haalbaar en toegankelijk. Jan Hautekiet gaat in gesprek met Geert Wellens en telkens een andere vooraanstaand expert uit de gezo ...
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Tak banyak yang mau meluangkan waktu untuk belajar siroh. Padahal, banyak yang hobi nonton netflix, baca novel, atau sekedar scrolling medsos.. ingin sekali jadi pribadi yang lebih baik, tapi abai belajar dari kisah-kisah kaum terbaik (menurut Rasulullah) terdahulu.. padahal cara Allah mengajarkan Tauhid adalah dengan kisah-kisah.. dengan begitu iman kaum terdahulu sangat kuat, sama seperti bilal yang rela ditimpa batu besar di dada, di tengah teriknya padang pasir.. karena apa?? Karena iman ...
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This is not your typical language-learning podcast. Follow the journey of Kristen (a Bule) as she tries to learn Bahasa Indonesia taught by her friend, Cindy, a self proclaimed Bahasa Indonesia expert. Questions? Feedback? Send them all to! Find us on instagram @bulebelajarbahasa & our personal instagrams: @sindienjela (Cindy) @kristenutomo (Kristen)
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Podcast ini mengajak aa dan teteh untuk belajar bersama di rumah aja.
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Ahmed Belal is a name that resonates with those in Saskatoon and Estevan. A well-respected family physician and assistant professor of Family Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, Ahmed is a driven individual committed to positively impacting the world. His passion for helping others and extensive experience in various hospitals have made him an important figure in the medical field.
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Tragic events unfold in the heart of Europe. In 2020, an epidemic and elections in Belarus resulted in numerous casualties. In 2021, the fight with lukashenko’s regime continued, leading to more repressions against Belarusians. In 2022, russia’s war in Ukraine escalated. Our podcast sheds light on what goes unnoticed in the spotlight of mainstream news. Created for the human rights NGO “Our House” it is powered by technical support from Belarus FM. If you have an amazing idea for a podcast b ...
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Arquivamento de inquérito sobre cartões de vacina de Bolsonaro repercutiu mal entre apoiadores
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8:44Bela Megale apurou o clima entre os apoiadores do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro após o Procurador-Geral da República pedir o arquivamento do inquérito sobre fraude com cartões de vacina. Ouça!
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去世 = 過世 meninggal dunia, mati, pergi ke alam baka 他父母已去世很久了 Orang tuanya sudah lama meninggal dunia. 他父母= 他的父母Orang tuanya = orang tua dia sudah meninggal 已經往生
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Vídeo exibido por Moraes durante julgamento reflete a gravidade dos ataques de 8 de janeiro
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10:37Bela Megale comenta vídeo exibido por Alexandre de Moraes durante julgamento, que revela a gravidade dos ataques de 8 de janeiro, refutando a ideia de que os atos foram triviais. Ela critica a narrativa que minimiza os acontecimentos. Ouça.
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Julgamento de denúncia da trama golpista teve recado para Eduardo Bolsonaro?
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7:43Bela Megale traz bastidores sobre a análise na Primeira Turma do STF da denúncia contra Jair Bolsonaro e outras sete pessoas por tramar um golpe de Estado no país. "A avaliação dos advogados e do entorno do Bolsonaro é que o tom de todo o julgamento foi respeitoso e até com certa tranquilidade, mas teve uma fala do ministro Moraes que foi vista com…
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A previsão de Gonet sobre as denúncias das joias e vacina envolvendo Bolsonaro
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7:58O procurador-geral da República, Paulo Gonet, tem evitado dar um prazo definitivo sobre suas manifestações referente às investigações das joias e do cartão de vacina envolvendo Jair Bolsonaro. O PGR, no entanto, garante que “neste ano” terá um posicionamento conclusivo sobre os dois casos.
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過不去 Tidak bisa lewat 未過 走廊放滿東西,我過不去 Koridor penuh dengan barang, saya tidak bisa lewat Jalan terputus karena longsor, mobil tidak bisa lewat 路因為坍方斷了,車子過不去 崩崁
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Como Bolsonaro reagiu à decisão de Eduardo sobre permanecer nos EUA?
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7:18Bela Megale traz bastidores sobre o novo fato político envolvendo a família Bolsonaro, com Eduardo, que pediu licença da Câmara dos Deputados e está nos Estados Unidos. "Quando o deputado estava relatando essa conversa com o pai, ele chorou, disse que o Jair Bolsonaro não queria que ele ficasse nos Estados Unidos, mas que no fim o ex-presidente aca…
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'Harry Potter' Prisoner of Azkaban Ch 12 The Patronus | Chapter Revisit
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33:32We continue our reread of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with Chapter 12: The Patronus. A lot of time passing through updates about whether or not Harry is getting his Firebolt back in time for Quidditch and many reminders that QUIDDITCH IS LIFE! More importantly, if anything could be more important than quidditch, Harry and Ron are still…
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#74 interview met Léon Rodenburg (Bierbrouwerij De Magistraat)
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1:25:03We trekken opnieuw de grens over naar Nederland voor eenboeiend gesprek met Léon Rodenburg, brouwer en mede-eigenaar van de bierbouwerij De Magistraat. We hebben het over de brouwerij en zijn bieren maar ook over de overwinning van Léon in het NK biersommelier. #belachelijklekker #demagistraat Belachelijk Lekker Bierpodcast…
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Líder do PL afirma que fala de Gayer sobre Gleisi, Lindbergh e Alcolumbre foi 'infeliz'
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9:53Sóstenes Cavalcante deu a declaração à comentarista Bela Megale. Em 'Conversa de Bastidor', ela ainda conta que o líder do PL defendeu o direito de que todos que se sentiram ofendidos procurarem o Conselho de Ética da Câmara e a Justiça.
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過去 sudah berlalu 過去 menuju ke…., sudah berlalu, masa lalu 事情已經過去了 Masalah sudah berlalu 他最了解他的過去 過往 Dia paling tahu akan masa lalunya. 他的過去很坎坷 tak-kha̍p Masa lalunya sangat sengsara /penuh dengan penderitaan. 充滿了 penuh dengan 很痛苦 sangat sengsara
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Indicação ao STM com participação de Janja vem irritando ministros
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6:35Bela Megale analisa o cenário de críticas em torno da primeira-dama Janja após sua atuação na indicação da advogada Verônica Abdalla Sterman para compor o Superior Tribunal Militar. Ouça agora!
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'Breaking Bad' S1 E7 A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal | TV Reaction
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26:23Season 1 Episode 7: A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal Remember like a year ago when I started my FIRST time ever watching Breaking Bad??? Well... when I starting digging back in I realized I had actually finished watching season 1 and just hadn't recorded all the episodes for the podcast! I thought a fun way to jump back into Breaking Bad would be to shar…
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Braga Netto vai mirar atuação de Moraes em defesa sobre denúncia por tentativa de golpe
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6:09Bela Megale apurou que a defesa do general deve questionar a atuação do magistrado na delação premiada do ex-ajudante de ordens de Jair Bolsonaro, Mauro Cid. Ouça e saiba mais detalhes.
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過去 menuju ke…., sudah berlalu, masa lalu 他已經過去了 Dia sudah pergi/menuju ke sana =他已經往生了
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'Harry Potter' Prisoner of Azkaban Ch 11 The Firebolt | Chapter Revisit
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39:08I was super excited to jump back into Harry Potter on the podcast! I know it's been a little while but we left off 10 chapters into The Prisoner of Azkaban - so, today we're picking up with chapter 11: The Firebolt! This one is not the most eventful chapter to welcome us back to the series, but there is a TON of foreshadowing throughout, delivered …
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#73 interview met Steven Broekx en Geert Vandormael (brouwerij De Hophemel)
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1:32:32De hoofdstad van de smaak, Hasselt, heeft er naast de Hasseltse speculoos en jenever nog een topper bijgekregen: de bieren van brouwerij De Hophemel. We zijn al langer fan van hun bieren en sinds we ze enkele jaren geleden interviewden, is er veel veranderd. Zo openden ze hun eigen brouwerij met taproom/café. Geert en Steven vertellen hun verhaal v…
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PL tem nova estratégia para tentar anistia do 8 de janeiro
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6:54Bela Megale traz bastidores da nova tentativa do PL, partido de Jair Bolsonaro, de anistiar os golpistas envolvidos no 8 de janeiro.
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去除dihilangkan 去除dihilangkan Bercak kopi dibaju putihnya sulit dihilangkan. 他白衣服上的咖啡印很難去除 痕HUN 不好洗 去 pergi kata kerja 去除 melenyapkan khì-tî =除掉 melenyapkan, menghapus, menghilangkan ; atau pasif dilenyapkan, dihapus, dihilangkan, dicabut Jabatannya dicabut, karena terbukti melakukan korupsi. 他的頭銜被除掉了(拔掉),因為(證明)他貪汙 hâm-thâu 歪哥 他的名字已被去除掉,提名被取消 Namanya…
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Alto Comando do Exército queria que Mauro Cid deixasse de ser braço-direito de Bolsonaro
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8:26Bela Megale traz bastidores do Alto Comando do Exército durante o mandato de Jair Bolsonaro, que dizem ter alertado o então ajudante de ordens do ex-presidente Bolsonaro, Mauro Cid, de que deveria deixar o posto.
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'Breaking Bad' S1 E6 Crazy Handful of Nothin' | TV Reaction
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26:16Season 1 Episode 6: Crazy Handful of Nothin' Remember like a year ago when I started my FIRST time ever watching Breaking Bad??? Well... when I starting digging back in I realized I had actually finished watching season 1 and just hadn't recorded all the episodes for the podcast! I thought a fun way to jump back into Breaking Bad would be to share …
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Jabatannya dicabut, karena terbukti melakukan korupsi. 他的頭銜被除掉了(拔掉),因為(證明)他貪汙 hâm-thâu 歪哥 去除 melenyapkan khì-tî =除掉 melenyapkan, menghapus, menghilangkan ; atau pasif dilenyapkan, dihapus, dihilangkan, dicabut
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112º O Poder do Humor na Inteligência Emocional, com Mónica Vale de Gato, comediante
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51:18Este é um episódio para quem gostava de não se levar tão a sério e perder tanto tempo com coisas pequenas. É para quem gostaria de lidar de outra forma com a dor, com a frustração, o medo e a insegurança. A nossa convidada, Mónica Vale de Gato, tem uma história de vida que nos prende a atenção: sabe o que é a dor, mas também sabe o que é o humor. N…
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Season 2 Episode 5: Smite This episode of Sons of Anarchy is called “Smite” and it follows Clay vs. Zobelle and illustrates just how in over his head Clay is in the chess match. Zobelle has Otto jumped in prison (he loses an eye), he turns in evidence on the club blowing up Darby's meth lab in Charming, he blackmails Hale, sets up a street fight, a…
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Nova investida de Jair Bolsonaro contra o ministro Alexandre de Moraes
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7:45Jair Bolsonaro está de olho na missão da Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH), acionada por bolsonaristas sobre supostas violações de direitos humanos e liberdades de expressão, sob o discurso de que o Judiciário estaria impondo censura. Bela Megale traz os bastidores.
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去除 melenyapkan khì-tî =除掉 melenyapkan, menghapus, menghilangkan ; atau pasif dilenyapkan, dihapus, dihilangkan, dicabut 他的名字已被去除掉,提名被取消 Namanya sudah dihapus, nominasi telah dibatalkan.
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Hugo Motta faz gesto junto a ministros do STF após polêmica sobre 8 de janeiro
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10:30Depois da repercussão negativa de entrevista concedida por Hugo Motta negando o caráter golpista do 8 de janeiro, o presidente da Câmara viu que tinha que fazer um gesto junto aos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Bela Megale traz bastidores.
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Season 1 Episode 5: Gray Matter Remember like a year ago when I started my FIRST time ever watching Breaking Bad??? Well... when I starting digging back in I realized I had actually finished watching season 1 and just hadn't recorded all the episodes for the podcast! I thought a fun way to jump back into Breaking Bad would be to share with you my t…
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Sebelumnya kita telah mempelajari kalimat 你去哪裡啦? Kau pergi ke mana? Kali ini bentuk kalimat pertanyaannya juga bisa seperti ini 問句結構與可以是這樣: 他去哪裡啦? Ke mana dia pergi? Kalau tidak salah, dia pergi ke kantor polisi. 如果沒錯,他去警察局 阿妮已經去菜場了Ani sudah pergi ke pasar. 老闆還沒去公司 Bos belum pergi ke kantor 阿妮已經去台灣了Ani sudah pergi ke Taiwan. 只去一下子 pergi sebentar sa…
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Season 2 Episode 4: Eureka This episode of Sons of Anarchy is called “Eureka” and it follows SAMCRO as they make their first gun run for the IRA under cover of a blood drive rally. Bobby's bike malfunctions, taking Tig out on the highway - who is then abducted by bounty hunters. Jax and Clay are at each others throats the whole episode about whethe…
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111º A Essência do Amor na Inteligência Emocional, com José Azantos, autor do livro O Médico que Fala da Alma
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1:28:20Será possível ter inteligência emocional sem vivermos a essência do nosso Amor? Mas o que é o Amor e como está relacionado com as nossas emoções? Neste episódio envolvente, vais poder escutar uma conversa rica em referências científicas, em histórias e casos reais de falta de regulação emocional. O convidado especial é o José Azantos, autor do livr…
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#72 interview met Werner Callebaut (Bierolade) - Leen Van Camp & Joppe Vandezande (Elles Chocolates)
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49:31Zet je schrap voor een smakelijke aflevering. Niet vanuit een brouwerij maar van bij een chocolaterie. Ideaal voor een food-beerpairing! Aan tafel hebben we 3 gasten met aan de ene zijde een man met een passie voor zowel bier als voor chocolade, Werner Callebaut. Hij is de man achter Bierolade. Aan de andere zijde 2 jonge chocolatiers van nauwelijk…
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去 pergi kata kerja Sebagai kata kerja 你去哪裡啦? Kau pergi ke mana? 我去了超市 Saya telah pergi ke supermarket/ pasar swalayan 你去買什麼? Kau membeli apa? ( Kau pergi ke supermarket membeli apa?) 沒買東西只是逛逛而已 Tidak beli apa-apa hanya lihat-lihat saja. 逛逛 看看 jalan-jalan, lihat-lihat 我(ㄨㄛˇ)去(ㄑㄩˋ)看(ㄎㄢˋ)電(ㄉㄧㄢˋ)影(ㄧㄥˇ) saya pergi menonton film.…
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'How I Met Your Father' Is it as Good as How I Met Your Mother? | Mini Binge
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51:54Hi and welcome to Belated Binge - the podcast that doesn’t take itself or the show too seriously. I'm Zac, here to let you relive your favorite series that I nearly missed out on! Like How I Met Your Father - which is maybe your favorite??? - It's at least a sequel to How I Met Your Mother, which might be your real favorite so you watched this hopi…
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Perbedaannya sedikit sekali 相差很少 Usia mereka berbeda sedikit sekali. 他們的年齡差不多
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Hi and welcome to belated binge - the podcast that doesn’t take itself or the show too seriously. My names Zac and I’m your host, here to let you relive your favorite series that I nearly missed out on! Like How I Met your mother. A show I watched for awhile in real time - stopped sometime along the way - and just finally watched start to finish 10…
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AGU estuda entrar como ação contra Nikolas Ferreira, Gustavo Gayer e Flávio Bolsonaro
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나중에 재생
6:52Bela Megale traz os bastidores da política e conta que, em meio à crise de desinformação em relação ao Pix, a Advocacia-Geral da União estuda entrar com ação contra os deputados Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) e Gustavo Gayer (PL-GO) e senador Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ),
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Tidak berbeda banyak 差不多 = 沒差 Harga mangga dan anggur tidak berbeda banyak. 芒果和葡萄的價錢差不多 (沒差)
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'É a terceira vez que Bolsonaro tenta reaver o passaporte'
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6:31No 'Conversa de Bastidor', Bela Megale comenta a polêmica sobre convite ao ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro para ir a posse de Donald Trump. É o terceiro pedido de Bolsonaro ao STF para reaver o passaporte e cumprir alguma agenda internacional com uma liderança fora do Brasil.
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#71 interview met Albert De Brabandere (brouwerij De Brabandere)
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1:12:39We trappen het seizoen van 2025 af met een brouwerij met een lange traditie. Albert De Brabandere leidt de famialiebrouwerij uit Bavikhove. Zoals in elke familiebrouwerij rol je er op jonge leeftijd geleidelijk aan in en doorloop je verschillende stappen binnen het bedrijf. Zo ook bij Albert De Brabandere. Luister naar zijn verhaal en dat van de br…
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Debate sobre a mudança das regras de aposentadoria dos militares causa alvoroço
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나중에 재생
6:53Bela Megale destaca o debate sobre as mudanças das regras de aposentadoria dos militares. A comentarista também pontua a entrada de Celso Sanchez Vilardi na equipe de defesa do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro, além da troca na Secretaria de Comunicação do governo federal. Nesta quinta-feira (9), um nome de longa data foi desligado da assessoria de imp…
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差額 Perbedaan Jumlah Perbedaan harga dua barang, selisih harga dua barang yang berbeda. Perbedaan jumlah orang dalam suatu kelompok. 補差額 menambah kekurangan uang karena perbedaan harga. Menutupi atau menambah sesuatu atas kekurangan. harga 價錢 價格
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Season 2 Episode 3: Fix This episode of Sons of Anarchy is called “Fix” and should be called - NOTHING IS FIXED! Clay and Gemma are unraveling which is driving Clay to make decisions out of anger and spite. Hes beating up her car, causing trouble at Cara Cara, and the wedge between him and Jax continues to be hammered in. All the while Zobel and hi…
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差錯 = 錯誤 Kesalahan (salah) 錯誤的選擇 Pilihan yang salah. 做這件事情要小心,不要有差錯 Melakukan hal ini harus berhati-hati, jangan sampai melakukan kesalahan. Hati-hati ya! 小心喔 !
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差別 ketidaksamaan = perbedaan (beda 不一樣) 有麼差別嗎? 看起來都一樣 Apa perbedaannya ? kelihatannya sama. Baju kita berwarna sama, perbedaannya pada model. 顏色 warna
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110º A Ciência das Emoções: Duas Teorias que Transformam a Tua Inteligência Emocional, com Paulo Moreira
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나중에 재생
59:23No episódio #110 do Bela Questão, mergulhamos na ciência das emoções com o especialista em Inteligência Emocional Paulo Moreira. Exploramos duas das teorias mais importantes sobre como as emoções se formam e como nos influenciam no dia a dia. Descobre como estas teorias podem ajudar-te a compreender melhor as tuas emoções, melhorar as tuas relações…
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差 kesenjangan = beda = buruk = kurang dari 差異 文化差異 kesenjangan budaya Perbedaan gaya hidup 生活型態差異 我們的意識形態差異很大 Ideologi kami/kita berbeda besar sekali.
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'Múcio diz que Braga Netto não é mais problema das Forças Armadas, e sim da Justiça'
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나중에 재생
10:24O ministro da Defesa, José Múcio, afirmou que a prisão do general Walter Braga Netto constrangeu as forças armadas, mas já era esperada pelos militares. O ministro discutiu a prisão com o presidente Lula, em reunião na casa do petista em São Paulo, onde o mandatário se recupera das cirurgias da semana passada. Bela Megale traz bastidores da convers…
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Foto de Gilmar Mendes tirada por golpistas aparece no relatório da PF: ‘Abuso completo’, diz ministro
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나중에 재생
8:22Bela Megale fala sobre a foto de Gilmar Mendes que aparece no relatório da PF sobre o plano golpista de militares que incluía a morte de Lula, Alckmin e Moraes. O ministro, monitorado no aeroporto quando a foto foi tirada, classificou a ação como um “abuso completo”.
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Bì 必(ㄅㄧˋ) harus wajib Bì dìng 必(ㄅㄧˋ)定(ㄉㄧㄥˋ) pasti 請(ㄑㄧㄥˇ)妳(ㄋㄧˇ)明(ㄇㄧㄥˊ)天(ㄊㄧㄢ)必(ㄅㄧˋ)定(ㄉㄧㄥˋ)要(ㄧㄠˋ)來(ㄌㄞˊ) ! qǐng nǐ míng tiān bì dìng yào lái Harap kamu besok pasti datang (Kamu diharapkan besok pasti datang)
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