This is not my music. This is such an uplifting track by **Thomas Anderson**, that can be heard on Demoscene music shows. Thomas also gave his track to the 'Internet Archive', and it can be downloaded from there also. I think this track is so uplifting, and wanted to share it with you. :-) This version is a better copy than held at the archive, and I have made it available for download should you like a copy. or: (Just an mp3 file here. No virus etc,) This is how Thomas describes his track: "Originally written on the guitar, which for me explains the simple chord progression. It actually has a set of lyrics, and this started out as an attempt to record some sort of backing track. Then I added the electric piano and the acoustic guitar solos just for fun, and took it from there. It's a song about wanting to be somewhere else, where you don't have to close your eyes do get complete and utter darkness, and where the stars burn like distant campfires". ------------------------------------------------ If you have an Android device you can download (free) ReLive which has many demoscene shows available. ----------------------------------------------- Image 'Paulette Dubost pose pour Simca' by: Robert Doisneau (1912-1994). Possibly my fav image so far...…