HR is no longer just about managing people—it’s about shaping the future of work. Jens Baier, BCG’s HR transformation expert, discusses how AI and shifting employee expectations are forcing companies to rethink talent strategies. From re-recruiting to upskilling employees, HR must adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. Learn More: Jens Baier: BCG on People Strategy: Decoding Global Talent:…
Getting ready for a puberty talk to 5th grade boys, the CHANGES that happen in our bodies got me to thinking about the PURPOSE for those changes - what is God preparing our bodies for… Work Women Worship World Wonder/Wisdom Walk with me on this journey that looks at how creative God is at preparing us for the work that He has created for us to do (Ephesians 2:10) - but if we go through these life changes and never “spread our wings” and fly as the new creations in Christ, then we miss what God intended for us. Change indicates purpose. Don’t miss yours. T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Guest: Dr. David Cobbs, PhD, is a Clinical Neuropsychologist in Dallas, TX This is the second part of a meaningful and practical conversation with Dr. David Cobbs - he begins by sharing about the “mechanisms” that he’s put in place to draw closer to others and to God - some call these the “spiritual disciplines.” You need to put these practices in place not only to hold you accountable, but also so that you can look back and do some healthy self-evaluation so that you can do better moving forward! If you’re a “Type A” personality - meaning that you’re driven - it means that you have that personality that could be successful in your spiritual and family life too…if those things are your priority! You have to make the commitment to prioritize the important things…and then follow through with those commitments. If you haven’t been doing this in the past, NOW is the time to make the adjustment - and find people around you to help you and hold you accountable. Consistency is key. Also consider your Return on your Investment (ROI) - as you invest in others, seeds of connection and commitment are planted and you will reap the harvest of good relationships in the future. Single guys - start putting these disciplines in your life and you’ll attract a spouse who sees these things as valuable and meaningful. It is critical to surround yourself with good friends who “spur you on to love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24). Start with getting your relationship with God “right” first…then all your other relationships will be dramatically affected by this foundational relationship. T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Guest: Dr. David Cobbs, PhD, is a Clinical Neuropsychologist in Dallas, TX Loved hearing the story of David’s spiritual journey - how the power of POSITIVE peer pressure can help push you toward good things and keep you from bad things! David really started to grow in his spiritual life in high school - the younger you can get on the path of right living, the better off things will be in terms of living without regrets and disappointment! True friends share life together. It’s good to have good friends and far too many men do not have quality friends around them. Remember, a good definition of a friend is someone who shares the most truth with you. How do you develop meaningful relationships with others - David will tell you that you have to be intentional about spending time together - as Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “doing life together.” T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Guest: Robert Christian Guys, if this message is meaningful to you and you’d like to email Robert Christian directly, you can reach him at Words of wisdom and encouragement from Robert: You are qualified God is a good father God wants the best for you God will discipline you You are created to glorify Him You do that through obedience Resources for more encouragement: Man Alive by Patrick Morely Kingdom Man by Tony Evans The Resolution for Men by The Kendrick Brothers Abba's Child by Brennan Manning Happiness is a Serious Problem by Dennis Prager Knowing God by J.I. Packer Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Judges 3:31 reads, “After him was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed 600 of the Philistines with an ox goad, and he also saved Israel.” What is the life lesson we can take from the story of Shamgar: Shamgar used what he had. Shamgar used what he had exceedingly well. Shamgar used what he had for a purpose greater than himself. What do you have that you can use for the glory of God? And what is your purpose, because your purpose will determine your plans and preparation! T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Guys, consider these three areas of blessing that you can provide for those in need: Presence - the importance of the “ministry of presence” Prayer - pray for people in need, let them know that you prayed for them! Practical - don’t just ask what you can do, look for practical, common sense ways that you can help out! T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
I took this word from the title of a book by Puritan author John Owen - Spiritual-Mindedness . For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6 (For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.) Taking control of your thought-life - valuable life skill for everyone, everyday! 2 Corinthians 10:5 - take every thought captive to obey Christ So our thoughts are the best and surest way of showing us what we are in ourselves. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:1-2 The strength of the mind is wasted by fruitless thoughts. The first object, then, of our spiritual thoughts is to consider what God is saying in the daily circumstances of life. T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Guest: Kylen Perry , pastor at Watermark Church, Dallas, TX Every man is made, but are you reactive (responding to life’s situations) or proactive (learning, listening, seeking to grow and mature)? Discipleship is a proactive relationship where individuals share what they are learning in terms of their spiritual life with others. Resource recommendation: J.T. English - Deep Discipleship: How the Church Can Make Whole Disciples of Jesus There must be space for learning and gathering There has to be relationship and training in godliness What men have you “dignified the voice of” in your life - that you’ll listen to their wise counsel and they can speak hard truths into your life? We all need “truth tellers” in our lives - and we need to be open to receive truth from those people. Mark of maturity - you can learn to listen to truth…regardless of the person who delivers it or how it is delivered. Where can you find those “truth tellers” - those older men who can disciple you - they are part of the body of Christ, the church. One of the best things you can do as a young person - commit yourself to a cause greater than yourself! There is no greater cause than advancing the Kingdom of God and growing closer in your relationship with Christ. Isaiah 66:2 - But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word. God will not anoint any other version of you other than the one that He created and designed for you to be! T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Psalm 111 and Psalm 112 are parallel passages to make a point. Psalm 111 talks about how great our God is - and Psalm 112 talks about the greatness of man…whose God is great. Psalm 112 talks about what should be truly important in the life of a godly man - his family…and his “home life” - wealth and riches are in his house… What are the character qualities to help you produce this great home life? Gracious, merciful, and righteous Are you nice, kind? Generous Are you sacrificial - willing to do for others without return? Just Do you do the right thing…even if it costs you? Heart is firm - integrity Do you do the right thing even when no one is watching - or even when others ARE watching? T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
If I had to summarize Gladiator II, it would be the line from Proverbs 22:1 which tells us that a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches! The “good name” of Marcus Aurelius and Maximus is passed on to an inspires the life and efforts of Lucius - who sees how the pursuit of money and power ends up in corruption and deceit - and in the end it is worthless. Great question from this movie - what do you give “worth” to in your life - what do you worship? Many worship the gods of convenience and entertainment. I believe there is more to life - and I think that Gladiator II is not just an entertaining movie, but one that can make you think and wrestle with the great ideas and meaning of life…if you’ll let it! T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
As I reflect on things going on in my world, I’m thankful for a God who knows when to step in…and when to step back. And I’m thankful for my wife who balances our family and provides a wonderful counter perspective that helps me navigate better. T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
This is the description of David recorded in 1 Samuel 16:18: Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence, and the Lord is with him. Part 2 examines the first three qualities: Prudent in speech - do you use your words well, do you weigh them before you speak, do you consider how your words are being received by others? Man of good presence - how do people feel when you walk into a room - glad that you’re there, or not so much?! The Lord is with him - do you know that as a child of God, the Lord is with you and goes wherever you go, watches whatever you watch - is the Lord pleased to be in your presence? These are great character qualities to develop in your own life - as Thomas Watson reminds us, you can judge a flower by its buds, you can judge a man by his youth! T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
This is the description of David recorded in 1 Samuel 16:18: Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence, and the Lord is with him. Part 1 examines the first three qualities: Skillful in playing - David practiced, worked hard, didn’t quit when things were difficult… Man of valor - David was a man of integrity, the same man when no one was watching…or everyone was watching… Man of war - David was willing to fight for what he believed in, to protect the name of His God, to protect the weak or innocent…even if it cost him These are great character qualities to develop in your own life - as Thomas Watson reminds us, you can judge a flower by its buds, you can judge a man by his youth! T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Guest: Gabe Boyd This is a throwback episode looking at one of the episodes that Gabe and I recorded talking about some important elements of what it means to be a man - this is the statement that we created to summarize those elements: Men speak truth, serve others, love deeply, endure joyfully, and humbly walk with the Lord. The concept of serving others embodies the idea that you see others and desire meet their needs even if that comes at a cost to yourself - this requires humility and an other-centeredness that is rare today - but so important for the maturity and development of a boy into a man! The action steps that we included in those episode notes three years ago are still so good - so here they are: Action Step Take notice of those who serve you! Show appreciation to those who serve you… (special note - waiter at restaurant...tip well) Take one person and find a way to serve them… T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
Primary vs. General Election The Primary Election is your opportunity to select the best candidate within your party to represent your party in the General Election The General Election is your opportunity to select the best candidate over the other party’s candidate to put those particular principles into action What if you don’t want to “align” with a particular party? Example - you like Shohei Ohtani as a player and you want him to win - he’s currently playing for the Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Series - for Ohtani to win, you are saying that you want the Dodgers to win. If the New York Yankees win the Series, Ohtani does not. Period. So, it doesn’t matter if you like the Dodgers or not - it doesn’t matter if you like party politics or not, if you want particular views and values to be advanced, you will need to align with the party that advances those views and values and vote accordingly. What if you don’t like the Electoral College and how the President is selected? Again, the Electoral College is about winning a majority of the votes from the majority of the states - like winning 4 out of the 7 games in the World Series - it’s not about how many runs (or votes) that you get, it’s about getting the majority of the runs (votes) in the majority of the games (states). Finally, what if you think that your vote doesn’t “count?” Doesn’t matter - it’s your vote - and you have both a responsibility and opportunity to cast a ballot - take it. Also, voting for candidates “down ballot” is tremendously important - not just voting for the President in this election. T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle ( ) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website. Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.…
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