One Starfish with Angela Bradford

Garrett holds a degree in mechanical engineering and has been entrenched in the manufacturing industry since his graduation. His professional endeavors have primarily centered around the defense and energy sectors. However, over time, he began to sense that his contributions were not resonating with his community as deeply as he desired. Nurturing an entrepreneurial dream since childhood, he seized the opportunity to realize it by opening a Next Day Access franchise. This venture allows him to forge connections with like-minded businesses and directly engage with individuals in his community, fulfilling his passion for enhancing people’s lives and invigorating him with newfound energy. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garrett-brown-6921895b/ Alignable: https://www.alignable.com/indianapolis-in/next-day-access-north-indianapolis Connect and tag me at: https://www.instagram.com/realangelabradford/ You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDU9L55higX03TQgq1IT_qQ Feel free to leave a review on all major platforms to help get the word out and change more lives!…