Jenny Watts is back with Season 2 of The Normal Kind of Disabled podcast and this season we are spicing things up as she is joined by others who are also living alongside a disability, illness or mental health or individuals who's lives have in one way or another been affected by one. Why ?!... to normalise what it truly means, is and embodies to be and become these labels called disabled and ill. The NKD podcast has been created to provide AWARENESS to the multitude of disabilities and illnesses out there, INSIGHT as to what it is truly like living in society with a disability or illness, to EMPOWER individuals to embrace their bodies, what has happened to them and to unapologetically go after the lives they deep down desire. And finally to UNITE, uniting the bridge of understanding between family members, doctors, friends, employers and society between those in which have been labelled disabled and ill and those who are deemed "normal". The NKD podcast has been created in order to spread awareness and encourage transformative change that we all in this community believe is beyond needed within society when it comes to its approach and views on disabilities, illness and mental health. So now you know the purpose behind the Normal Kind of Disabled lets get back to season 2 of the podcast and this very episode ! which is with no other than Miss Holly May Cookson who at the age of 27 was diagnosed with CML, Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia. Diagnosed only two years ago, in this episode Holly describes what receiving the magnitude of a cancer diagnosis at such a young age was like and the challenges herself and her family faced. Holly provides insight during this episode as to what steps followed for her after diagnosis for others also on this journey, and how she has attempted to re-build and create a new life for herself today while safely taking her illness along with her for the ride. It is safe to say within society cancer is one of the most known and feared diagnosis there is and Holly most certainly dose not hold back on the truths of what experiencing cancer as your reality can truly be like. If there is anyone who would like any help or advice regarding anything discussed within this episode or CML please do not hesitate to contact myself or others within the community at The Normal Kind of Disabled across all social media platforms or you can email at Guest Miss Holly May Cookson Podcast host, episode created & edited by Jenny Watts Mixed by Mike Silcock…