Happy Valentine’s Day! You know what that means: We have a brand new season of Love Is Blind to devour. Courtney Revolution (The Circle) joins host Chris Burns to delight in all of the pod romances and love triangles. Plus, Meg joins the podcast to debrief the Madison-Mason-Meg love triangle. Leave us a voice message at www.speakpipe.com/WeHaveTheReceipts Text us at (929) 487-3621 DM Chris @FatCarrieBradshaw on Instagram Follow We Have The Receipts wherever you listen, so you never miss an episode. Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts.…
What makes for a mature Christian? Our Gospel lesson from Luke 5:1-11 and our Old Testament lesson from Isaiah 6:1-8 give us some good direction. Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .
Canada has it's speeches from the throne, the US it's inaugural addresses, but Jesus sets out his agenda as king in Capernaum by quoting the prophet Isaiah. Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .
Luke’s Gospel can be read in many ways. A Gospel of reconciliation, a Gospel of mercy towards the least. But it is also a warning. That the Lord’s wisdom is often never appreciated until it’s too late. Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .
If there are any outstanding models in the Scriptures of patience, surely they would be Simeon and Anna. Both spent the better part of a lifetime waiting for the consolation of Israel. What enabled them to show such patience? What can we learn from them about faith in the Lord's promises? Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .…
All of the best fantasy fiction books move from light to darkness to light again. Star Wars contrasts the light side of the force with the dark shades of the Death Star and Darth Vader. The Lord of the Rings contrasts the lightness of the world of men with the darkness of Mordor, the domain of Sauron and his legions of Orcs. In the Harry Potter series, school headmaster Albus Dumbledore speaks these words right before some very trying times: “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” ("The Prisoner of Azkaban"). Because where there is Christ, there is light, and where there is light, there is life. Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .…
No matter where he looked, or how often he prayed, or how many worship services he attended, the man simply could not find peace. He said that his “conscience could never achieve certainty but was always in doubt and said: “You have not done this correctly. You were not contrite enough. You omitted this in your confession.” The more he tried to please the Lord the more “uncertain, weak, and troubled” he became. Was there nowhere he could go to find a God who forgave him, who loved him, who would show him mercy? Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .…
"In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" (Luke 1:39-42, ESV) Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .…
"We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not weep.’ For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is justified by all her children.” Luke 7:32-35 Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .…
John the Baptist certainly sounded like a revolutionary. But he was calling for a different kind of revolution than any we have seen before or since. Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .
"Peace on earth, peace in heaven." As hard to believe as peace in the Middle East, or Eastern Europe, or Asia - or anywhere. Yet it is the Lord's will to reconcile all things to himself through the blood of his cross. Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .
You may never have thought about this: when you are asleep you are still alive. Your heart beats, you breathe, and your brain is still firing - you dream.There is therefore a difference between being alive and being awake. What IS that difference? That’s what Jesus is asking us today. Not, “are you alive?” but “are you awake?” Support the show Check us out at ascensionlutheran.ca and intheway.org .…