This is the podcast of our Sunday morning sermons at VFC. Visit us at for more information.
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Storyteller, Part 1: The Wheat and the Weeds // Jamie Nunnally
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40:31Ever wondered why there are so many imposters and hypocrites in churches? What should we do about it? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares insights both this topic from a story that Jesus told. Why did Jesus use parables? Matthew 13:12-13a Jesus didn't use parables to make everything clear, but to make everyone think. Jesus' parables revea…
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Ready to take things to the next level? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how focusing on worship can help you level up in your spiritual growth. Worship is devotion expressed. The word used in Greek literally means "to kiss the hand, in token of reverence". Worship is doing something that honors God and demonstrates your love and devot…
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Here is the problem: According to the World Health Organization, 40% of 10,000 people surveyed reported suffering from burnout in 2023. Burnout is a recognized psychological condition that results in physical and emotional fatigue, where we feel tired and lack motivation. It closely resembles depression. Analyzing the Problem: · Is time our problem…
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Why is community important? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how focusing on community can help you level up to the next stage of spiritual growth. Community is togetherness. It's gathering around a common faith and relying on one another for help, support and guidance—both naturally and spiritually. It's doing life together. U.S. Surg…
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Level Up, Part 1: Prayer and Fasting // Jamie Nunnally
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38:59Ready to take things to the next level? In this series, we talk about things that help us grow spiritually. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally encourages us in prayer and fasting. What is prayer? Prayer is communication with God. Prayer is the intersection of three things: 1) Being with God 2) Talking to God 3) Listening to God What is fasting?…
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Turning Points: Growing Through Change // Jamie Nunnally
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34:17Think of change and transition in your life as turning points. Most trips require a series of turns to get to where you're going. That's what change is – changes are the turning points that lead you to your destination. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares what the Bible says about navigating change. 1. Change is inevitable. Isaiah 43:18-1…
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What is the greatest gift that you could receive from God? What is it that you really want? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares about the greatest gift: God's presence. This Christmas, God doesn't just want to give you what you think you want, but what you really want. Not only does God want you to know who He is. He wants to be with you.…
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What does God want to give you this Christmas? In the message Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how God doesn't just want to give you what you THINK you want, but what you REALLY want. One of the things God wants to give you this Christmas is purpose. The Christmas story is all about purpose. 1 John 3:8 NASB Life seems pointless when you're purposeless.…
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This Christmas, God doesn't just want to give you what you think you want, but what you really want. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how God wants to give you peace. Luke 2:14 NKJV "Glory to God in highest, and peace on earth, goodwill towards men. What is peace? 1. Peace does not come from inactivity. 1 Peter 3:11 NKJV (Psalm 34:14) …
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What is your spiritual wishlist? Did you know that you can live life unoffended? In this message, Pastor Tim Martin shares how you can life an unoffended life. When offenses come, you can choose not to be offended. Every day we have choices. James 1:2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for…
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Taming the Tongue, Part 4: Angry Words // Jamie Nunnally
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34:10We've all done it: something makes us mad and we start punching others with our words. Let's learn to use our words according to God's design. In this message, Pastor Jamie shares how we can overcome angry words. Angry words are the idle words and the ugly words we say when we get mad. Being angry is not a sin. Jesus got angry. Mark 3:5 ESV The goa…
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Taming the Tongue, Part 3: Ugly Words // Jamie Nunnally
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40:27This sermon series is all about learning to use our words according to God's design. The Bible teaches that your ability to speak isn't just for you, but for others through you. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally talks about ugly words. Ugly words are harmful words that hurt others and reveal the poison in our own hearts. James 3:8 ESV but no h…
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Taming the Tongue, Part 2: Idle Words // Eric Robertson
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32:54Are you aware of the significance of your words? In this message, Pastor Eric Robertson shares how idle words can hurt others and even bring judgement upon ourselves. What are Idle Words? Matthew 12: 36-37 NLT: "And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or c…
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Taming the Tongue, Part 1: Words Matter // Jamie Nunnally
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36:33Do your words matter? In the message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares why we should tame our tongues. Taming the Tongue is learning to use our words according to God's design. What if your ability to speak isn't just a gift from God for you, but a gift to others through you? James 3:2-6 2 "Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our…
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How to Read the Bible, Part 4: Reading with the Author // Jamie Nunnally
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43:42Have you ever listened to a director's commentary on your favorite movie, or listened to a "behind the scenes" podcast for your favorite TV show? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how you can read God's word with the Author. Reading with the Author. Christianity is a relationship. Matthew 25 is the parable of the 10 bridesmaids. The gro…
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How to Read the Bible, Part 3: Reading for Doctrine // Eric Robertson
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50:09Is doctrine important? In this message, Pastor Eric Robertson tells us how the Bible helps us know how what to think about God. We are thinkers by nature. We are curious by nature. Have you ever looked up at the stars at night and wondered how in the world they got there? Proverbs 25: 2 It is God's privilege to conceal things and the king's privile…
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Pastor Jamie teaches on how to read the Bible
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How to Read the Bible, Part 1: Reading Between the Lines
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40:30What's so special about the Bible? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares key things that set the Bible apart What is the Bible? 1. Practically speaking, the Bible is a collection of 66 books by 40 authors written on three continents, in three languages over 1,500 years. 2. Spiritually speaking, The Bible is the written word of God. Jesus: t…
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We'll often phrase questions about the existence of evil as, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" There's a problem with this question: there are no good people. If we view the problem evil through the lens of our goodness, we will see ourselves as victims. But when we see the problem of evil through the lens of God's goodness, we will see ou…
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How do we love lost people without condoning harmful and sinful behavior? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally will share three ways we can love the lost. Three weeks ago, we saw that Jesus described Himself saying: Luke 19:10 "For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost." Christians don't fight against the lost, we fight for the …
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Do you attract or repel others when you tell them about Jesus? In this message, Pastor Eric Robertson explores how our approach to evangelism can either attract or repel those we wish to reach. The discussion centers on a critical shift in understanding: moving from an approach rooted in judgment and justice to one that prioritizes mercy and grace.…
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Lost Cause, Part 2: Long Story Short // Jamie Nunnally
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44:50If we're looking for the lost, what do we do once we have the lost's attention? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how, in light of shorter attention spans, we can make a long story short. Luke 19:10 "For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost." Romans 15:18-19 NIV "I will not venture to speak of anything except what Chr…
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Lost Cause, Part 1: Looking for the Lost // Jamie Nunnally
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38:33Who are lost people? In this series, we're going to talk about who they are, how we are supposed to relate to them, and what we are supposed to be doing about them. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how we can look for the lost. Luke 19:10 Jesus' goal is to seek, not separate from the lost. The lost aren't our enemies, they are the miss…
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Elephants 2024, Part 4: AI, Social Media, & the Truth // Jamie Nunnally
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43:35What is truth? How can we know what's true and what isn't? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares about something really important: the truth. John 18:37-38a "... 'What is truth?' Pilate asked." Nothing has changed in 2000 years. There is an all-out attack on the truth, and that means there is an all-out attack on Jesus. John 14:6 NLT Jesus …
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Elephants 2024, Part 3: The Sex Talk // Jamie Nunnally
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48:06Are your views of sex biblical? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares what the Bible says about sex. This message does not target anyone, VFC does not hate anyone, everyone is invited to worship, and questions are welcomed. We're looking at sex from a biblical perspective today and see which beliefs we hold are cultural, and which are scrip…
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Elephants 2024, Part 2: The Secret to Health // Tiffany Nunnally
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57:28Does physical health matter for a Christian? In this message, Tiffany Nunnally shares the secret to health. For too long, the church has ignored the topic of physical health, or at the very least put it in a separate box from the rest of our spiritual lives. The secret to health is to invite the Lord into your everyday habits, and to rethink your c…
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How Should Christians Vote? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally will share about this elephant in the room. Our Elephants in the Room was a series started back in 2015 because I realized there were tough topics and sensitive subjects that needed to be addressed with grace and truth. How Should Christians Vote? 1. Christians should be informed an…
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When your story is history, and your story is his story, your story will become ministry and prophecy. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares the story of Stephen from Acts chapters 6 & 7. Acts 6:1-4 Church growth requires division of labor. If you try to do everything, you'll succeed at nothing. Acts 6:5-6 POINT #1 The world promotes people…
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Stories are powerful. Your past can help someone’s future. In this message, Ryan Davis shares his amazing story of how God revealed Himself and led Ryan into a transformed life. Ryan’s past includes being bullying, drug use, and anger. It seemed that anger was his family inheritance. Drug use was the way he coped with life. Ryan called himself an a…
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This is My Story: The Syrophoenician Woman // Jamie Nunnally
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35:58If Jesus called you a dog, how would you react? In this message, which continues our This is My Story series, Pastor Jamie shares the biblical story of an outcast who received mercy from Jesus. In Mark chapter 7 and Matthew 15, we find the story of the Syrophenician Woman This encounter takes place around 2/3rd of the way through Jesus' 3-year eart…
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God is faithful to bring people through trials, abuse, and poor choices. The Lord redeems and restores. In this message, Terry Cone shares his powerful story of redemption and restoration. This message is a part of VFC's "This is My Story" summer series.
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This is My Story: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal // Jamie Nunnally
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40:41When your story is history, and your story is His story, your story will become ministry and prophecy. In this message, Pastor Jamie shares lessons for our lives from the biblical story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal. 1 Kings 18:1, 17-21 POINT #1: Idolatry adds a limp to our walk with God. An idol is anything that takes the place of God in your…
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저자 Victory Fellowship Church
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This series is answering your submitted questions. We don't think we know all the answers but we believe scripture contains what we need. God is cool with your questions, so let's ask Him! Explain the difference between Calvinism and Arminian. Which one do you agree with & why? What do I do when I feel my church/leadership isn't investing in my spi…
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This series is answering your submitted questions. I don't think I know all the answers but I think scripture contains what we need. God is cool with your questions, so let's ask Him! What are your thoughts on the Word of Faith movement? When, if ever, does it take on an unhealthy, damaging view of faith? Why do so many Christians get hurt by the C…
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저자 Victory Fellowship Church
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We Are the Church, Part 3: Church Authority // Jamie Nunnally
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46:31Who is in charge of the church? Continuing this series about the church, Pastor Jamie shares about church authority. What is a church? Ekklesia - a church is an intentional gathering of people who follow Jesus. It's not a building, it's a spiritual family. Who is in charge of the church? Jesus is in charge of the church. Colossians 1:8 NLT "Christ …
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We Are the Church, Part 2: Church Activity // Jamie Nunnally
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48:39What are churches supposed to be doing? Do we help our city or help our church members? Do we reach the lost or disciple existing believers? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares about what activity a church should be doing. Ekklesia - a church is an intentional gathering of people who follow Jesus. What is a church supposed to be doing? Ac…
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We Are the Church, Part 1: Church Family // Jamie Nunnally
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46:04Why do Christians gather on Sunday mornings? Does it matter where we gather? Who is welcomed at these meetings? What should we be doing when we gather? In this message, Pastor Jamie shares who we truly are as "the church". History of the word "church": Ekklesia: not a religious term. It means a gathering, a congregation, or an assembly of people. I…
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Do you realize that Jesus came to rescue you?In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares the hope-filled, awesome message that was lived out on this earth through Jesus Christ. The cross is Jesus' death for me, but the empty grave is Jesus' life for me. The cross gets me into heaven, but the empty grave gets heaven into me. The cross reveals Jesu…
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How should a believer manage money? In this message, Pastor Eric Robertson shares about a topic that Jesus taught about a lot. Jesus and Money The focus of his teaching on money was not to create a path to financial stability, or not to invest in a Kingdom Ponzi scheme. The focus of Jesus was to ensure that you were in control of your money and tha…
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Married? Want to be married some day? Wish you weren't married? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how marriage is "simple". Marriage is simple: love your spouse the way Christ loves you. Ephesians 5:31-23 Your marriage is only as good as your maturity. The quickest way to improve your marriage is to improve yourself, not to try to impro…
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Parenting is NOT easy, but its simple: train your children the way God trains you. Psalm 127:3a NLT "Children are a gift from God." Our goal is to raise the type of child we would want to be friends with as an adult. Ephesians 6:1-4 NLT "Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. 2 "Honor your fat…
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Simple, Part 1: Forgiveness is Simple // Jamie Nunnally
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45:44In this series, we're talking about things that aren't easy, but they're simple. Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares that it is not easy to walk in forgiveness, but it's simple. There are three types of forgiveness God is calling us to experience: 1. Receiving God's forgiveness 2. Forgiving ourselves 3. Forgiving others We must receive God's forgiveness. …
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Prepare to Die, Part 4: Dealing With Grief // Jamie Nunnally
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37:43Do you sometimes feel stuck mourning a loss? In this message, Pastor Jamie will share how to deal with grief. Things I want you to know about grief: Grief is a normal, healthy response to loss, pain, and death. John 16:20a Water washes – in the natural we have to clean a wound. Think of crying as cleaning an emotional wound. There are two wrong way…
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Are you prepared to die? We tend to avoid thoughts of death, especially our own. In this message, Pastor Cynthia shares how thinking about death can lead to life. Thinking About Death Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” – NLT Tips for Dying Well - Not a bucket list, a way of life. Be an Apprentice o…
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