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Just my thoughts on life, fitness, sobriety, spirituality, relationships, potential, and love.
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TizzleTalkTV is a podcast that stands out for its focus on promoting positivity and shedding light on various social issues. This platform is dedicated to breaking down barriers and fostering wisdom through engaging discussions and thought-provoking content.
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Predicaciones de la palabra de Dios doctrinas de la gracia
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The Tizcan Podcast is all about Thousand Sons in Warhammer 40k including interviews with the best Thousand Sons players in the world.
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Welcome to Tiz Humphrey, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Simon Buchou on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@simon_buchou
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New podcast weblog
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Mundo Friki, Otaku, Tonterías y más, resumidas así nomás por tres seres poco iluminados XD
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Aqui Habrá risas, reflexiones, experiencias y momentos sad... Demuestro que la vida es una tizana llena de sabores diferentes, que al unirse hacen algo genial!!
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En la Biblioteca de Tizca podrás conocer el trasfondo del universo de Warhammer 40k en castellano.
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Il podcast sui fumetti condotto da Tito Faraci: ogni primo mercoledì del mese una chiacchierata con fumettisti e appassionati.
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Che siano ricordi, storielle, recensioni o analisi... io sarò qui per parlare di qualsiasi cosa mi capiti in mente per ogni puntata, cercando di intrattenervi con le tante passioni che mi ritrovo a dover gestire!
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Welcome to Dontae williams podcast show, where amazing things happen be part of the team send me voice messages so we can have more topics to talk about
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Tecnología educativa al alcance del profesorado. Un Podcast donde hablaremos sobre tecnología educativa y clasificaremos Apps educativas según uso en el aula. Miguel Ángel Robledo Ortega.
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Tizzie (Elizabeth Maher Infant Sleep Consultant) has gained an International reputation as The Baby Whisperer. From an early age, Tizzie discovered how to read babies body language, cries and cues, and from that auspicious beginning she has developed a series of books that have provided parents and babies with a good night's sleep the world over. Save Our Sleep is the podcast parents asked Tizzie to create.Tizzie and the Save Our Sleep team support families in Australia, Ireland and all arou ...
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En este breve cuento navideño, os cuento cómo el Gobbo Rojo robó el Garrapato Dorado para iniciar su revolución. ¡Felices fiestas, eruditos!저자 Helios
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Hoy, en la Biblioteca de Tizca, voy a narrar la Guerra Aérea del Mundo de Rynn, donde el tenaz Imperivm se enfrentó a la intrépida y temeraria aviación de los Orkos.저자 Helios
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Hoy, en la Biblioteca de Tizca, os voy a hablar acerca de los Necrones más destacables en el Milenio 41.저자 Helios
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Hoy, en la Biblioteca de Tizca, os voy a narrar la Guerra de Taros, donde el Imperivm se enfrento a los T'au por tierra y, sobre todo, por aire.저자 Helios
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Hoy, en "La Biblioteca de Tizca", sigo con otro programa monográfico dedicado a una Legión Astartes hablando de Vulkan y de sus Salamandras.저자 Helios
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Noah Neundorfer joins the podcast for an interview and breakdown of the latest changes to 40k and how they impact the Thousand Sons저자 Tizcan Podcast
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David and Russel review the experiences from the US Open in Dallas 2024저자 Tizcan Podcast
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(Late Upload) David and Russel breakdown the latest balance update dropped on the 40k world this spring저자 Tizcan Podcast
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In this episode of TizzleTalkTV, rapper Hevii delves into the complexities of his life, sharing insights on mental health, his spiritual journey, and the dynamics of his relationships. Hevii opens up about his relationship with God, discussing how it has been a source of strength and guidance in his life. He also talks about his relationship with h…
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Tito, Lavinia e Matteo si prendono una pausa. Grazie per queste 126 puntate, presto ne sentirete altre ❤️저자 Querty
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Piero Manzoni, con Paolo Bacilieri - Tizzoni d'inferno 125
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46:37Ospite dell'ultima puntata del 2023 il grande Paolo Bacilieri, che è appena uscito per Coconino/Fandango con un libro su un altro grande: Piero Manzoni.저자 Querty
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Hoy, en "La Biblioteca de Tizca", sigo con otro programa monográfico dedicado a una Legión Astartes hablando de Perturabo y de sus Guerreros de Hierro.저자 Helios
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Scrivere storie per la grande D - Tizzoni d'inferno 124
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53:53Appena finita Lucca 2023, l'ospite speciale di questa lunga puntata è Marco Nucci: sceneggiatore ed editor Disney, con il quale Tito e Lavinia discutono di cosa significhi scrivere storie per la grande famiglia di Paperi e Topi. Matteo corregge la pronuncia.저자 Querty
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Ospite speciale Emanuele Vietina, con il quale parliamo della Lucca di quest’anno, in continua evoluzione. Ma ci sono altri due ospiti speciali: Caparezza e Leo Ortolani, che trovano il tempo per un bel saluto!저자 Querty
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La separazione del maschio, con Fumettibrutti - Tizzoni d'inferno 122
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42:28Pare, si dice, qualcuno sostiene che questo libro sia davvero bello. Noi lo sappiamo bene, perché ne abbiamo parlato con Josephine Yole Signorelli, che ne è co-autrice.저자 Querty
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Hoy, en la Biblioteca de Tizca, os voy hablar acerca de Sigismund, Primer Capitán de los Puños Imperiales y primer Gran Mariscal de los Templarios Negros.저자 Helios
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Hoy, en la Biblioteca de Tizca, os voy hablar acerca de la Adeptus Mechanicus Collegia Titanica. Os voy a hablar de cómo se crea esta organización, de qué divisiones se compone y qué acciones tomaron a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad.저자 Helios
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Episode 57 - Taking the fight to GSC (with Kit Smith Hanna)
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1:18:09Special guest Kit Smith Hanna joins the show to talk about how he went undefeated as the Texas Open this past weekend with Thousand Sons.저자 Tizcan Podcast
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David and Russel jump into 10th with their first Majors of 10th edition.저자 Tizcan Podcast
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Hoy, en la Biblioteca de Tizca, os voy hablar acerca del Adeptus Astra Telephatica. Podréis conocer la historia de los Astrópatas, su organización, sus poderes y su relación con otros organismos del Imperivm de la Humanidad. Sin olvidar lo más importante, su papel como medio de comunicación principal en la galaxia.…
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Come si cucina una bistecca perfetta? Ce lo spiega Dario Bressanini. Che sta anche scrivendo un fumetto per Feltrinelli Comics!저자 Querty
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David, Russel, and a special guest sit down to cover the ins and outs of the new 10th edition Index for Thousand Sons.저자 Tizcan Podcast
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Eternity, Alessandro Bilotta e Sergio Gerasi - Tizzoni d'inferno 120
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41:56Ritornano Alessandro Bilotta e Sergio Gerasi, con il loro Eternity pubblicato da Sergio Bonelli Editore.저자 Querty
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Ospiti speciali Fausto Vitaliano e Claudio Sciarrone (e Francesco Artibani in absentia) a parlare di Technoldogy, il loro nuovo fumetto a sei mani!저자 Querty
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David and Russel break down the 2023 Balance Dataslate for Thousand Sons and Chaos armies alike.저자 Tizcan Podcast
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