This show is a replay of our Temple Students services at Temple Church in New Bern, NC.
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This week as we continue through our series of the life of Jesus, Nick Lewis teaches about the triumphal entry, when Jesus enters Jerusalem for the final week with shouts of praise before He is crucified and resurrected.저자 Temple Students
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March Serve Month - Session 4: Spending Time with the Lost Without Being Influenced
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28:50As we continue with our fourth session from March Serve Month this week, we learned that serving like Jesus means spending time with the lost without being influenced. the Bible calls us to love and serve the lost while also positively influencing both believers and unbelievers around us. In this message, Jessica Hinson walks us through 2 Timothy 4…
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This is session 2 of our dating and relationship series. Here we will discuss biblical marriage. We will define it, talk about its purpose and design, and then show why we should think about marriage before we think about dating. At the end we will cover how dating in a healthy way can benefit your future marriage.…
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As we continue this week through our life of Jesus series, Jessica Hinson takes us through the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead found in John 11, and we see the significance of Jesus revealing His power over death for all who put their faith in Him.저자 Temple Students
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In our third session from March Serve Month Alex Hinson walks us through how we see Jesus giving the perfect example of humility. On the final night with His disciples, Jesus washes their feet before they eat together. Jesus did this as an example of humility for the disciples, then He calls them to serve in the same way. Join us as we look at John…
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As we continue through the life of Jesus, Alex Hinson teaches us through a conversation Jesus has with those who hate Him: the Jewish leaders. To teach them about who they are and who He is, Jesus uses the illustration of shepherd and sheep. Jesus is the Good Shepherd of God's flock.저자 Temple Students
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March Serve Month - Session 2: Dealing Rightly with Conflict
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32:04In our second session from March Serve Month, Jessica Hinson unpacks Jesus' practical teaching from Matthew 18 all about the biblical process of navigating conflict within the church.저자 Temple Students
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As we begin our first message for March Serve Month Alex Hinson starts us off by realizing that dependence on God is essential. We will look to Jesus who is our perfect example of this and he showed that through prayer. Let's dive into the life of Jesus and learn from Him how to rely on God.저자 Temple Students
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This is session 1 of our dating and relationship series. Here we will discuss the purpose of the series and why we redoing it. Topics covered are: why singleness is not bad, the world's view of dating, and the biblical view of dating. If you find this helpful, share it with your friends that could also benefit from it!…
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This week as we continue our series through the life of Jesus, Nick Lewis teaches us about the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on the mountain in front of three disciples Peter, James, and John. We learn through this story the coming glory of Jesus when he returns and the reality of Heaven when we see Moses and Elijah on the mountain with Jesus.…
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This week, Jessica Hinson teaches through the story of peter's incredibly significant declaration of Jesus as the Christ. Tune in as we learn about what this passage reveals about the identity of Jesus, Peter, and the Church, as well as how our identity as the New Testament Church shapes our calling.…
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This week we continued our series through the life of Jesus as Alex Hinson teaches us about Jesus feeding the 5,000, Jesus walking on water, and the teaching that Jesus does the next day. We learn from these stories that Jesus is the bread of life who gives eternal life to those who place their faith in Him. The main question to ask yourself is "Wh…
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This week we continued our series through the life of Jesus when Alex Hinson taught on Jesus and Nicodemus. We learned what it means to be born again and we also talked about the gospel that Is available to all who have faith in Jesus.저자 Temple Students
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This week on 1-26-2025 as we continue through the life of Christ, Nick Lewis teaches on the call to be a disciple. Jesus calls all of us to follow and obey Him and when we do this we will become fishers of men and seek to call others to know the Lord.저자 Temple Students
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Through the story of Jesus being tested in the wilderness, Jessica Hinson teaches us this week what we can practically learn from the way that Jesus responds to satan's various strategies of temptation. In the desert, Jesus did what humanity could never do: He trusted God's way to truly be better by perfectly obeying the will of His Father. Tune in…
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This week on 1-12-2025, Alex Hinson our student minister talked through the story of John the Baptist starting his ministry and calls the people of Israel to repent. Jesus comes to be baptized to identify with the people and to initiate His ministry. Music clip - "Star Wars" Main Title - Original Score by John Williams…
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This week on 1-5-2025, Alex Hinson our student minister helped us learn that Jesus was in the beginning of time with God and also that Jesus is God. Jesus left the glory of heaven to come and give His life for us on the cross.저자 Temple Students
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In the final week before Christmas break on 12-8-2024, our student minister Alex Hinson tells us about how God has finally sent the one who will fulfill all of the promises that He made in the Old Testament. Jesus is born to a faithful girl named Mary who is engaged to Joseph. The miracle of Jesus' birth is the beginning of the climax of God's stor…
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In the final message during our trip, Alex Hinson closes us off with the story of Daniel making a choice between bowing down to the earthly king or bowing to the heavenly King. His faith and God's protection lead king Darius to praise God. In the same way our faith can have an impact on those around us.…
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In the third message on Daniel during our trip, Nick Lewis tells us about the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as they stand tall while everyone else around them bows down to the golden image King Nebuchadnezzar made. We learn that even when you are in the fire and might be suffering if you stay obedient to God and do not bow or bend to ido…
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In the second message of Daniel on our trip, Jess Hinson teaches us about the exile Daniel and the resolve in his heart to follow God by not eating the kings food. God blessed Daniel and his friends obedience. If we want to live as faithful exiles we must resolve in our hearts that we are going to follow God over everything.…
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This week, Alex Hinson, starts us off with the first of four messages on the book of Daniel during our fall Retreat as he walks us through the story of the exiles from Judah who were taken to Babylon. We will learn how Babylon destroyed Jerusalem, how they influence the exiles, and how they rename the exiles.…
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This week, Alex Hinson, the student minster, teaches on Ezra and Nehemiah telling us about God leading Nehemiah on a seemingly impossible task to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. With a burden for the city, a dependence on God through prayer, a team of willing people, and great leadership, Nehemiah accomplished the God-sized task. Even after the wal…
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In this weeks episode, Jessica Hinson teaches about the New Covenant from the books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. God promised to take out their hearts of stone and give them new hearts that could follow Him.저자 Temple Students
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As we continue our study through the Old Testament, Nick Lewis presents the book of Jonah, highlighting God's mercy. Service Date: October 27, 2024저자 Temple Students
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