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תניא יומי - מבואר / Daily Taniya

הרב יהושע פיש Rabbi Yehoshua Fish

לימוד תניא יומי באופן קצר וברור מיועד למתחילים בספר התניא ויכול להועיל גם למתקדמים להצטרפות לקבוצת ווצפ ייעודית לשיעורי תניא יומי - https://chat.whatsapp.com/GYnGzDQ9tHsCDs64eZhTOP
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Public Radio Alliance

Tanis is a bi-weekly podcast from the Public Radio Alliance, and is hosted by Nic Silver. Tanis is a serialized docudrama about a fascinating and surprising mystery: the myth of Tanis. Tanis is an exploration of the nature of truth, conspiracy, and information. Tanis is what happens when the lines of science and fiction start to blur... Support TANIS to hear exclusive MINI and BONUS EPISODES and more! http://patreon.com/tanispodcast Please rate and review on iTunes if you enjoy TANIS! http:/ ...
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Your go-to NFL podcast is here, hosted by DVOA creator Aaron Schatz and NFL legend Mike Tanier. Each week, Aaron and Mike round up the NFL action, offering unique insights and advanced stats that you won't find anywhere else. From breaking down game performances to analyzing team strategies, they bring their expertise and passion for the game to every episode. Whether you're a casual fan or a stats enthusiast, this podcast will elevate your understanding of the NFL and keep you informed thro ...
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"note未満の駄話"をコンセプトに、たによしと、たにもとの、アラサー男子ふたりが毎週月曜日に配信中。話題は、日常に起きたこと、仕事、コミュニティ、ベンチャー、お笑い等。ニュースやカルチャーが気になる方向け。 ▼お便り: https://forms.gle/3Dx5LCYmNQiggceP7 ▼ハッシュタグ: #tanifm ▼ポッドキャストの書き起こしサービス「LISTEN」はこちら https://listen.style/p/tanifm/rss
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At Tanium, we live, dream, and debate cybersecurity 24/7. Now, with TANIUM PODCAST, you’re in on the conversation. Go behind the scenes with our team leaders, partners, and customers in the U.S., UK, Europe, Asia, and elsewhere around the globe. We’ll discuss the latest products, perspectives, and success stories at Tanium, an innovator in security software and the industry’s only provider of converged endpoint management (XEM).
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THE TANISH SHOW hosted by Tanishchavan is a promising podcast to bring shows that entertain , educate and groove you .. Tanishchavan brings here an array of unique and unheard shows with countable episodes which illuminates your dark and boring lives with the spark of our goals behind these shows..Stay tuned for every new show arriving on this podcast ..
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THE TANISH SHOW hosted by Tanishchavan is a promising podcast to bring shows that entertain , educate and groove you .. Tanishchavan brings here an array of unique and unheard shows with countable episodes which illuminates your dark and boring lives with the spark of our goals behind these shows..Stay tuned for every new show arriving on this podcast ..
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Welcome to Arise Transformed with Dr. Tanisha. It's a great day to have a GREAT day! This podcast is an empowerment zone to propel you with prayer, positivity, peace, and praise in Christ. Enjoy our Daily Devotions as you rise from sun up to sun down with faith and love.
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Inspirational Moments is a show that will encourage you with words of inspiration. This show is a tool to help overcome life challenges. Tanisha has a heart of compassion for people and she will interview guest that will share their "Inspirational Moments with you. Tanisha wants to help uplift, encourage, motivate, and inspire you.
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Having cheated her way into Heaven only to then argue her way out of it, Tani-san is at liberty to continue on her way albeit as the one person in the Universe to whom the usual rules no longer apply. Now follow her adventures as she bounces about in a consequence-free environment causing all sorts of unnecessary problems for people who don’t deserve it. And some who do. Check out Tani-san’s Adventures on Instagram too. Search tani_san_adventures
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You Already Know with Kenan Thompson and Tani Marole

You Already Know with Kenan Thompson and Tani Marole

You Already Know, hosted by Saturday Night Live star Kenan Thompson and Tani Marole, is an entertaining weekly multi-format pop culture podcast. As longtime friends and popular culture fanatics, You Already Know’s Kenan Thompson and Tani Marole share their unique takes on the latest & greatest in movies, music, TV, sports, politics and more.
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Beyond This Moment with Coach Tanishia A. Johnson

Spiritual Life Coach Tanishia Johnson

Beyond This Moment invites you to these candid life conversations on boldly living your divine purpose with authenticity. We will cover a range of topics related to what it means to truly find and live the life you desire and deserve. Topics will include: self-love, self-forgiveness, self-empowerment, healing as a journey and what you can do beyond this moment to prepare for the next chapter or season in your life! Welcome to your safe landing space with Spiritual Life Coach, Tanishia A. Johnson
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Quieres ms de la vida ests buscando respuestas Snate te ensear cmo encontrarlas en tu interior Este libro cambi mi vida y creme tambin cambiar la tuya Una obra maestra de empoderamiento MEL ROBBINSautor de El poder de lossegundosLa Psicologa holstica proporciona un enfoque revolucionario para la sanacin personal que usa el empoderamiento del yo y genera un cambio definitivo hacia la paz interiorComo psicloga clnica la Dra Nicole LePera a menudo se senta frustrada por las limitaciones de su p ...
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The Lofty Entrepreneur goes behind the scenes of entrepreneurship / being a small business owner. We dive into the entrepreneur's journey, talk with experts about topics not commonly shared with small business owners & humanize the experience. There's no sugar-coating here. So, whether it's tips, tools, resources, education or inspiration you need, to help you go to the next level of YOU as a self-employed person--you can find it here! Support The Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/ ...
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Tani Talks Pirkei Avos


Season 7: The Living Lessons Family Edition! (Weekly) A Weekdly Podcast of a Mishna Per Shiur Where A Few Minutes Can Change You From What You Hear! Support The Tani Talks Podcasts! https://thechesedfund.com/tanichessedfund/thetanitalkspodcasts Email: Maximumtee7@gmail.com
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show series
Az ígéret csak akkor ér valamit, ha be is teljesül. Jézus nem csupán beszélt a haláláról és feltámadásáról – megígérte, és úgy is lett! Felment Jeruzsálembe, elítélték, átadták a pogányoknak és keresztre feszítették. És most, a legnagyobb és legcsodálatosabb ígéret is beteljesedett: feltámadt! Az üres sír nemcsak egy történelmi tény, hanem egy bizt…
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Egy esemény, amely megrengette a világot – nemcsak a földet, hanem a szellemi valóságot is. A föld megrendült, a sziklák meghasadtak, a sírok megnyíltak és a templom kárpitja kettéhasadt… Mi történt ott a kereszten, ami ilyen hatalmas erővel bírt? És vajon mit jelent ez ma nekünk? Hogyan hat ránk ma is a kereszt ereje?…
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Welcome to another episode of The Tanya Joy Show. Today, host Tanya Joy delves into the challenging topic of January 6th, featuring an in-depth conversation with Daniel Gray, a man who found himself at the center of the media storm following the events at the Capitol. With the narrative often skewed by mainstream media, Daniel shares his firsthand …
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A keresztről szóló beszéd valakinek bolondság, valakinek Isten ereje. Bárhogy is állunk a kérdéshez, azt vita nélkül el kell ismernünk, hogy olyan jelentőségű dolog történt a Golgotán, ami végül az egész világot átformálta, megváltoztatva a társadalmat, kultúrát. De vajon személyesen neked mit jelent a kereszt?…
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Welcome to the latest episode of the Tania Joy Show, where we delve into the controversial and painful past of many American parents who, just for advocating for their children’s education and expressing their First Amendment rights, were labeled as domestic terrorists. Join Tania as she explores the journey of these everyday heroes, focusing on th…
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Az emberi kegyelem gyakran elfogult, politikai és társadalmi érdekek befolyásolják, és nem mindig tükrözi az igazságot. Isten kegyelme azonban más: nem érdemek vagy befolyás alapján adatik, hanem mindenkinek elérhető, függetlenül attól, hogy mennyire nem vagyunk rá méltók. Jézus átvette Barabbás – és a mi helyünket, hogy megmutassa: az Ő kegyelme n…
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The Tania Joy Show Wednesdays at 4:14pm CST The Tania Joy Show - LEARN HOW to Podcast Like a Pro with Amber May TODAY'S GUEST: Amber May Website: www.AmberMay.com Podcast Like a Pro DISCOUNT LINK - https://successfullyyouuniversity.teachable.com/?affcode=555688_6eerujzz Tania Joy’s Links: CardioMiracle -https://cardiomiracle.com/?sca_ref=3344040.Dl…
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Mindketten elbuktak, majd mindketten megbánták amit tettek. Mégis, egyikük története helyreállással, a másiké tragédiával végződött. Mégis miért? Vajon törvényszerű volt Júdás bukása? Vagy számára is lett volna lehetőség a megtérésre? És ha igen, akkor ő hol siklott félre? És mit tanulhatunk ma mindebből?…
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The Tania Joy Show Wednesdays at 4:14pm CST The Tania Joy Show - God's Vision for President Trump | Hannah Ratnam TODAY'S GUEST: Hannah Ratnam Website: www.hannahratnam.com X - @LtdStories YouTube - Supernatural Stories Ltd. Tania Joy’s Links: CardioMiracle -https://cardiomiracle.com/?sca_ref=3344040.DlJsdnWpZ3 Use CODE: B4A or TANIAJOY at checkout…
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בפרק א מתחיל לחקור בעל התניא במהות מדריגת הבינוני - עבורו נכתב הספר. האם הוא מושלם? האם הוא חוטא לפעמים? מהי המדריגה הפנימית הזו הנקראת בינוני, ולמה אנחנו משתמשים במושג הזה כדי לתאר אדם שהוא 'חצי חצי'. וגם, יסוד ראשון בתניא - עקרון שתי הנפשות. ---- תמיד רציתם ללמוד את התניא אך התקשיתם עם הטקסטים? הפודקאסט הזה בשבילכם! בפודקאסט הזה נלמד את ספר התניא…
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Életünk során mindannyian átélünk bukásokat és a kudarc fájdalmát. Péter is átélte. Pedig ő volt a tanítványok között a legelkötelezettebb, a legbátrabb, a legbiztosabb; mégis, Jézus elfogásának éjszakáján háromszor tagadta meg Mesterét. De a történet itt nem ért véget! A kudarc nem a végállomás, hanem a helyreállás kezdete lehet.…
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The Tania Joy Show Wednesdays at 4:14pm CST The Tania Joy Show - LIVE with PAUL KAMENAR - Birthright Citizen EO | 14th Amendment TODAY'S GUEST: Paul Kamenar Constitutional Lawyer Tania Joy’s Links: CardioMiracle -https://cardiomiracle.com/?sca_ref=3344040.DlJsdnWpZ3 Use CODE: B4A or TANIAJOY at checkout to save on your order! Sherwood Functional He…
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