4 Minds. One Story. We have fused two age-old activities; Storytelling and the game Telephone into a thrilling new medium. Storytellers. We build delicious little narratives. Come try one.
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Chaque dimanche, Jérôme Cadet décrypte la communication d'un politique, d'une marque ou d'une personnalité. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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GREAT STORIES about GREAT STORYTELLERS shares insights into storytellers whose names you no doubt recognize—names like Edgar Allen Poe, Steven Spielberg John Grisham and Walt Disney—but reveals the backstories you probably never heard about them. The podcast features different kinds of storytellers—authors, directors, playwrights and even a poet or two. In short 10-15 minutes episodes, this fun and sometimes funny podcast features anecdotes and tidbits about storytellers, with each episode s ...
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A podcast about the history and people of western Nebraska.
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On the StoryTellers Live podcast, everyday people share real and personal stories. Some stories are profound, challenging, and emotional, while others are more common and relatable, shared with honesty and humor. All of these stories reveal what God can do in our lives when we trust Him with the details.
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Listen as the pages of the magazine come to life in the Storytellers podcast, a new series featuring the voices of six Our State writers, including Editor in Chief Elizabeth Hudson. Each podcast episode features a writer reading their column aloud, allowing each distinct voice to shine. You can experience Our State wherever you go — in the car, on your walk, or while cooking dinner.
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A wide assortment of author interviews with historians, military heroes, writers, speakers, journalists and much more. Also available at www.bestof1001stories.com.
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Mush Hughes and Leigh Northrup talk with makers and artists to learn more about the stories behind their projects and their creative journeys so far. Thanks for joining us here in the tavern!
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Hello Adventurers~! The Storyteller Squad is a narrative driven actual play podcast. Our cast use roleplaying games and cooperative improvisation to weave stories together. Join our heroes, as they discover the magic, mystery, and vibrant characters who populate the supernatural world of our story. If you're seeking epic tales of adventure, healthily mixed with slice of life and queer themes of love and friendship, then settle in for the "10 Hours Lofi and Chill for Autumnal Lesbians and Wit ...
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The power and meaning of stories and storytelling and how we make use of it . The importance of stories to different groups of people through the ages. How do we create and develop our own storytelling . The potency of our own story.
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La historias son potentes porque dejan huella; huellas que son las emociones que reconoce nuestro cerebro y el de quienes nos escuchan.
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The podcast that shares stories — original works, personal tales, favorites from TV shows, books, movies and more.
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Welcome to Storyteller Therapy! It's like therapy.... for storytellers building careers in film and television. Spade Robinson, while working for clients like Sundance, Film Independent, HBO, FOX and Disney, helps screenwriters and filmmakers to build their work, careers and lives to the heights you dream of! Find Spade's courses, workbooks and one-on-one consultations for your pilot, feature script or documentary at www.atlantafilmproject.com
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This is your home for stories about comics or comic-based stories. We curate news and talk with storytellers and artists. We focus on children’s books, graphic novels, illustrations, and the people behind these works that bring joy and inquiry.
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A Marathi podcast about Audiobooks and books. Where every once in a while, we will be talking about everything that is Audiobooks. It will feature author interviews, voice artist interviews, book lovers and more. The podcast is powered by Storytel. स्टोरीटेल कट्टा आहे एक आगळं-वेगळं गप्पांचं ठिकाण. इथं रंगतात गप्पा पुस्तकांविषयी, ऑडिओबुक्स विषयी. इथं उलगडतं लेखक-कलाकारांचं अंतरंग...त्यांचं रसिकांशी असणारं नातं. शिवाय, स्टोरीटेल घेऊन येत असलेल्या अनेक बोलक्या पुस्तकांची थेट ओळखही इथं होईल.
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Rid your world of ineffective graphs and mediocre presentations, one exploding 3D pie chart at a time! The storytelling with data podcast from bestselling author, speaker and workshop guru, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic covers topics related to data storytelling, better presentations, and all things data viz.
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Welcome to visual storytelling with me, Gary Fernon, the podcast where I talk things photography and video that help you create better visual content for yourself, and your clients. If you enjoyed these episodes then why not subscribe to hear more like this. My main focus is all about sharing, so let’s start a conversation. But above all, be creative, be inspired, be you.
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Abenteuer Reportagefotografie – Podcast über visuelles Storytelling
Kai Behrmann: Visueller Storyteller und Fotograf
Mit Bildern Geschichten erzählen: Im "Abenteuer Reportagefotografie"-Podcast dreht sich alles um das visuelle Storytelling. Was macht eine Geschichte fesselnd und welche Methoden gibt es, sie mit Bildern zu erzählen? Lerne, die Momente deines Lebens, an die du dich erinnern möchtest, visuell festzuhalten. Egal, ob auf Reisen oder vor der eigenen Haustür – und mit welcher Kamera.
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Storytelling For Social Impact gives you expert insights and practical tools to help you break through the noise and avoid common pitfalls with your storytelling, creating a greater impact as a result.
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Join me as we go through the life stories of storytellers at a simple level. No complex literary analysis, just a person talking to himself about some other people who’ve made an impression on his life.
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Join host Fred Ranger On The Visual Storytelling podcast, where we explore the art and craft of creative storytelling through photography and filmmaking in this day and age. This show features candid conversations with some of our time's most innovative and inspiring creators and practical insights & tips to help you improve your storytelling skills. Whether you're a pro or just starting, learn how to connect with your audience through compelling stories. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify ...
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Zena Dell Lowe is a seasoned and engaging teacher with a passion for writers and storytellers. Her focused, concise, and practical episodes (all roughly 20 minutes) not only explore the nuts and bolts of the craft, but also dive deep into the inner life of the artist and the "why" behind creativity. If you believe that story matters, you'll want to give this podcast a listen.
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Geschichten, die verkaufen - Storytelling und Content Marketing
Bernhard Kalhammer & Uwe von Grafenstein
Mit guten Geschichten Kunden und Mitarbeiter gewinnen. Das erprobte Training für Storytelling & Content Marketing: https://www.geschichtendieverkaufen.de/ Mehr Kunden und Umsatz durch Business Storytelling und Content Marketing. Geschichten, die verkaufen ist das zertifizierte Schritt-für-Schritt-System für Unternehmer, Selbstständige und Führungskräfte im Bereich Marketing, HR und Vertrieb mit Bernhard Kalhammer und Uwe von Grafenstein Kunden gewinnen, Mitarbeiter gewinnen, Vertrieb verbess ...
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„DIE STORY - Der Storytellingpodcast für Unternehmer“ bringt echte Geschichten und tiefgründige Einblicke ans Licht. Hier erzählen Unternehmer, warum sie die geworden sind, die sie heute sind. Erfahre mehr über die prägenden Momente, persönlichen Hintergründe und die Zusammenarbeit, die ihre einzigartige Story geformt hat. Lass dich inspirieren, deine eigene Geschichte zu entdecken und damit Menschen zu erreichen, die wirklich zu dir passen.
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A podcast dedicated to helping higher ed marketers tell better stories and enroll more students. Hosted by video producer and storytelling coach, John Azoni, these episodes provide quick-win practical advice you can put to use in your marketing right away.
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Storytellers in Politics airs episodes every week on Tuesdays at 8pm EST / 5pm PST. The podcast aims to make subscribers feel they have agency and influence over the future direction of our country as consumers of information and users online.
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Подкаст від storytell.ink - це розмови з маркетологами-практиками та креативними підприємцями. Корисні історії, поради та інструменти, які можна застосовувати для власного бізнесу. storytell.ink - команда, яка допомагає компаніям будувати довіру та лояльність людей за допомогою ефективного контенту.
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Trent, Brian, and AJ share how they started storytelling businesses in the small city of Snohomish, Washington. Learn about their small business struggles, joys, and opportunities in video production, live event production, and podcasts, while learning to run a business.
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On KnotWork, we explore the mythology and folklore of Ireland, and beyond. Episodes begin with a story, followed by a deep dive conversation about how this age-old tale still resonates today. Our guests include oral storytellers, writers, artists, musicians, and spiritual leaders. Occasionally, in our Myth Workers and Culture Makers series, our guest offers a song, a meditation, or another bit of creative magic. We talk about what it means to live a myth-inspired life. These conversations ex ...
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Ever want to escape? Get away? Rest your mind? You've come to the right place. Welcome to the Audio Oasis Storytelling Podcast. Here we share stories about life, confessions, the power of music, and even matters of the heart. These are mini-stories created for you to stop by, listen, think, laugh, and most importantly, rest. It is an audio oasis for your journey... Safe travels, enjoy and be well. PODCAST WEBSITE: stephanieycole@gmail.com
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Coming to you from the communications department at Harrison School District 2 this is our opportunity to chat with the students, staff, and people doing important things in our schools and community. We hope you’ll follow along as we upload these in-depth conversations every month to help you get to know these amazing people and to better understand the work going on behind the scenes to support, encourage, and inspire our students here in southeast Colorado Springs.
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This podcast narrates to you short stories, poems and letters from a collective of authors. It is a simple cup of tea in hand, or a long drive kind of moment, to truly immerse yourself in a tale or two. For the love of a good story!
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RISK! is a live show and podcast “where people tell true stories they never thought they’d dare to share in public” hosted by Kevin Allison, of the legendary TV sketch comedy troupe The State. It's featured people like Janeane Garofalo, Lisa Lampanelli, Kevin Nealon, Margaret Cho, Marc Maron, Sarah Silverman, Andy Borowitz and more, dropping the act and showing a side of themselves we’ve never seen before. See more information at http://www.risk-show.com
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The Tokunbo podcast series amplifies the narratives of Nigerian storytellers in the diaspora, exploring themes of identity and culture. Through in-depth conversations, the series provides a platform for authors to share their creative processes, challenges, and the ways their heritage shapes their storytelling.
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Host Kent Hance shares insightful, educational and often hilarious stories from his legendary life as a lawyer, a former U.S. Congressman, a university chancellor, and most notably, a native Texan. With themes ranging from leadership to politics and great friendships with some colorful characters, this podcast is an opportunity for Hance to share some of his rare, behind-the-scenes experiences and to solidify his unofficial title as The Best Storyteller in Texas.
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Logan Judy and Tyler White of Wise Disciple explore the stories of today’s culture in order to give Christians the tools to engage the world with truth and grace.
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Each month community storytellers take to the Odyssey Storytelling stage to relate true (well, mostly), personal stories loosely related to a pre-chosen theme in front of a live audience. The stories are not read or memorized, they are told from the life experiences and creativity of the teller.
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Since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated by stories—not just the 'what,' but the 'how.' How lives change, how moments unfold. I realized the answers aren’t always in books—they’re with people. That’s why I started this show: to uncover the extraordinary in the everyday, one story at a time.
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In days of old, bards and troubadours roamed the countryside, telling their stories to anyone who wanted to hear. Today, we bring the bards’ tales to you with these intriguing stories and exciting adventures, performed for you by our own talented readers. Tune in and enjoy the story!
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What's going on in the night sky right now? Find out with Star Lore Historian Mary Stewart Adams, who narrates the stories written across the sky each week in order to restore the mythic grandeur of knowing the stars. Here, ancient mythologies are woven together with poetry, astrology, contemporary astronomy, and the new star wisdom astrosophy, to reveal the brilliant story of now.
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Shabdaphule शब्दफुले by Sujata – मराठी कथांचे सुंदर जग!मराठी कथांचे सुंदर जग! प्रेम, गूढ, भयकथा, थरारक आणि भावनिक कथा ऐका उत्कंठावर्धक निवेदनासह. Shabdaphule शब्दफुले by Sujata – The Marathi Storytelling Podcast! Mystery, romance, horror, and emotional dramas brought to life with immersive narration. Tune in for compelling stories that take you on a journey of words. Subscribe now for the best Marathi audio stories! #ShabdfulePodcast #ShabdaphulebySujata_MarathiPodcast #Marathi_podcast #Mara ...
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ברוכות הבאות וברוכים הבאים לסטוריטלרז, הפודקאסט שנותן כבוד לאומנות הסיפור, באמצעות שיחות עם מספרי הסיפורים הכי מעניינים שיש. בכל פרק נצלול לעולמו של סטוריטלר אחר, נתוודע לתחומים שונים בהם אומנות הסיפור באה לידי ביטוי ונלמד, על הדרך, איך להפוך למספרי סיפורים טובים יותר בעצמנו. קדימה, מתחילים!
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Oral Storytelling discussions, interviews, performances, news and more. We're one of the oldest podcasts out there (we started in 1999) now come to this updated format. We'll be migrating older, relevant content to this space as well as creating brand-new entries. You're listening to the Storyteller.net Amphitheater. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amphitheater/support
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Be inspired to speak
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मित्रा देसाई... जगापुढे भारतीयत्वाची खरी ओळख पुढे आणण्यासाठी संशोधन, लेखन आणि संवादातून तेजोमय भारत सारखी संकल्पना पुढे आणणारी, शीतळा, फ्लॅग ऑफ अनंता यांसारख्या जगाचे लक्ष वेधणाऱ्या पुस्तकांची लेखिका आणि तेजोमय भारत सारख्या संकल्पनेतून भारताचा खरा इतिहास जगापुढे उलगडू पाहणारी ऑस्ट्रेलियात राहणारी मराठमोळी लेखिका. अत्यंत अभ्यासपूर्वक, सप्रमाण आपले म…
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(Episode 424): From Swamp Sounds to Graphic Novels: The Creation of Frankie Crossroads
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21:14#FrankieCrossroads #MarkRichardLuther #IndieComics #GraphicNovels #SelfPublishing #BluesMusic #AdventureComics #YoungAdultBooks #ComicBookArtist #IndieAuthor #CreativeJourney #UpstateNewYork #ComicCon #IllustratorLife #bookseries Join us as we dive into the whimsical world of "Frankie Crossroads," a unique graphic novel series created by Mark Richa…
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Here’s a way you can connect with Kevin! A personal hangout... or you can bring friends and family! Listen for details on a great way to be a part of a huge new story. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoic…
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Send us a text An extraordinary lady with a great story저자 Crispin Harris
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Take a trip along the Sidney-Black Hills Trail as Conner and Irene discuss the history of the trail and its importance in changing a way of life for the Lakota and the people who settled in western Nebraska.
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#84 - How to Manage 300+ Marketing Staff at a Large University w/ Heather Macbain from University of Edinburgh
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51:40In this episode of Higher Ed Storytelling University, host John Azoni sits down with Heather MacBain, Head of Marketing at the University of Edinburgh. Heather manages a vast network of over 300 MarCom staff across the university, spanning marketing, communications, and stakeholder engagement roles. She shares insights on how their unique structure…
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A Woman’s Quest for Knowledge: Boan’s Tears by Ali Isaac | S6 Ep9
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43:00Please Support Our Show: Join us on Substack Love KnotWork Storytelling? Your financial contribution (via Substack) helps me pay the amazing team that puts this show together. With your paid subscription, you'll be invited to our next members only Myth Workers' Salon. Subscribe to our newsletter Myth Is Medicine. OUR STORY The Irish goddess Boan ha…
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Clinging to What is True- A Story of Waiting on God :: Amber Robinson :: [Episode 316]
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37:48Pleading with God through desperate prayers and waiting for Him to answer can create havoc in your spiritual journey unless you arm yourself with God’s truth. Amber Robinson, from our community group in West Cobb, Georgia, shares her journey of waiting patiently for her marriage partner, then subsequently struggling with infertility and waiting to …
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Today's episode is a special report on the main story of this week: The Trump Group Chat Scandal. It all started when the Trump Administration accidentally texted its war plans to Jeffrey Goldeberg, editor in chief of The Atlantic. WATCH, and SUBSCRIBE! #hillaryclinton #hillarysemails #hillaryemails #hillary #butheremails #donaldtrump #trump #group…
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Filmmaker Life: The Truth About Festivals with Vici Howard Black & Brown Femme Films Festival (https://bbffilms.org/) July 25 – 26, 2025 ***************** Learn from and work with Spade! • FREE! How To Develop A TV Writing Career hour-long course (https://vimeo.com/985813809?share=copy) • Take Spade's 8 Week Pilot Course! (https://www.blackfilmspac…
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To show what folks are missing out on if they’re not Patreon members, we’re featuring stories by Emmy Turner, Walter Zimmerman and Manolo Matos, that were previously part of our library of Bonus Content at Patreon.com/risk • Pitch us your story! risk-show.com/submissions • Support RISK! through Patreon at patreon.com/risk or make a one-time donatio…
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गूढ आवाजाचे Gudh Awajache | Narayan Dharap | Horror Story | Shabdaphule by Sujata Podcast | Bhaykatha | Marathi Horror
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19:16A mystery-horror story written by the legendary Narayan Dharap, the master of Marathi horror fiction. Exclusive on Shabdaphule By Sujata Podcast – a gripping tale of suspense, eerie sounds, and a chilling experience that will leave you spellbound. What happens when an old alarm clock starts ticking mysteriously in an empty house? Who or what winds …
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In this episode of "Kent Hance: The Best Storyteller in Texas," Chancellor Kent Hance shares a variety of stories and insights. He begins with an inspiring saying about striving for excellence and recaps an interview with Sam Middleton, highlighting Middleton's book "Swapping Dirt." Hance then reflects on the history and challenges of Alcatraz pris…
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Episode 2: Helon Habila in Conversation with Jola Naibi
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54:46Send us a text Helon Habila is an award-winning Nigerian novelist and poet. His books include, Waiting for an Angel, Measuring Time, Oil on Water, and Travelers. In this conversation with Jola Naibi for the Tokunbo podcast series, he talks about how the political situation in Nigeria influenced his writing and the challenges and advantages of being…
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Story Journal: Never Take Friendship Personal, Oddity, Monster Hunter Wilds & More!
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1:06:23Logan and Tyler put down some thoughts in this month's story journal. Tune in for discussions about recent emo news, The Black Cauldron, Monster Hunter Wilds, and more! Join the Sanctified Storytelling Substack! - https://sanctifiedstorytelling.substack.com/ Join our community on Discord! If you have a question for the show, send it to logan@wisedi…
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Amazing News! Kevin Teaching Online Storytelling Workshops!
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7:25A special announcement about a fun and creative way you can get personal training from Kevin and meet lots of other RISK! fans. There’s only a few months left where Kevin can teach online workshops for United States time zones! To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more abo…
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1:04:16"Ancient Civilizations & Mysteries: the Cayce Interviews": The first of a multi-part series based upon the readings of the most prolific psychic of the 20th century- Edgar Cayce. The interviews were done with leading authors and experts at The Edgar Cayce Association For Research & Enlightenment. Edgar Cayce has given us a treasure trove of documen…
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What begins as a simple letter to a season unfolds into a profound meditation on life, death, resilience, and renewal in John Shuttleworth's masterfully crafted "Dear Autumn." Narrated by the author himself, this piece transcends mere seasonal observation to capture the bittersweet essence of autumn as it stands on the precipice of winter's approac…
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Subscriber-only episode What begins as a simple letter to a season unfolds into a profound meditation on life, death, resilience, and renewal in John Shuttleworth's masterfully crafted "Dear Autumn." Narrated by the author himself, this piece transcends mere seasonal observation to capture the bittersweet essence of autumn as it stands on the preci…
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Nr. 373 - So nutzt du Testimonials, Use Cases und Trust Icons für maximales Vertrauen in deine Angebote
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17:42Erfolgreich im Marketing und Unternehmertum wirst du nur, wenn du deinen Kunden die Sicherheit gibst, dass sie die richtige Entscheidung treffen. Erreiche deine Ziele mit dem Einsatz von Kundenstimmen! Deine kostenfreie Vertrauens-Analyse: https://www.geschichtendieverkaufen.de/kostenloses-erstgespraech In unsicheren Zeiten brauchen deine Interesse…
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The celestial bodies that weave with human destiny (Moon, Mercury, Venus) are making unique gestures right now, and with Neptune about to change signs, it's time to state your intentions and not wait on what dreams may come.
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The Storyteller Squad: Expanded Universe – 11. San Francisco Hellfire
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2:59:54San Francisco is beset by a series of unexplained fires, and a certain mysterious dragon spirit once again seems to be involved. Join four unlikely friends as they are swept into a night of danger, magic and adventure while trying to protect the young dragon from hellish forces. Oh, and did we mention there’s a weird bus involved? The Storyteller S…
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Josh Burnstein is an Emmy-winning producer, journalist, and activist who served as a senior digital strategist in the Obama Administration, and Obama/Biden presidential campaigns. Josh made waves running a dynamic campaign for DNC Vice Chair this year, speaking truth to power and pressing the urgency for modernization and meaningful infrastructure.…
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Ali discusses Disney's first feature-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937).
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Greetings, dear listeners! As we prepare for the finale episode of Vocal Velvet Season 2, here is a throwback show from 2021 for you to think about. Ahhhhh…2021, when the world was…um… unique. (Yeah. I’m gonna go with that.) Enjoy!
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Where The Streets Lead - Ashley Riffo and Bob Patterson
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40:18This week on The Visual Storytelling Podcast, I had an insightful conversation with Ashley Riffo, the Editor of Street Photography Magazine, and Bob Patterson, the Founder and Publisher. We discussed their journey in releasing a printed book titled “Where The Street Lead,” which delves into the personal sanctuaries where 53 street photographers cre…
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शिवसेनेसारख्या महाराष्ट्रातील पक्षाचे मुखपत्र म्हणून प्रसिद्ध असणाऱ्या सामना या दैनिकाचे दिल्लीतील ब्युरो चिफ नीलेशकुमार कुलकर्णी यांनी गेली अनेक वर्षांत दिल्लीतील राजकारण विशेषतः तेथील मराठीजनांचा प्रभाव अनुभवलेला आहे. पत्रकारितेच्या निमित्ताने अनेक राजकारण्यांशी जवळून संबंध आला आहे. त्यांची नोंद ठेवतानाच दिल्लीतील संसदेच्या आठवणींचा पट उलगडणारे प…
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A Classic RISK! episode from our early years that first ran in March of 2013, when Nayland Blake, Sarah Bell and Kevin Allison shared stories about putting fondles on gnomes, hot dogs in vaginas, and animal tranquilizers up nostrils. • Pitch us your story! risk-show.com/submissions • Support RISK! through Patreon at patreon.com/risk or make a one-t…
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In this episode of Kent Hance, The Best Storyteller in Texas Podcast, Kent sits down with Sam Middleton, a titan of Texas real estate and the owner/broker of Chas. S. Middleton and Son. Known for brokering some of the most iconic ranch sales in American history, Sam takes us behind the scenes of his legendary career. From orchestrating the $725 mil…
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(Episode 423): Braxton Cosby on the Challenges of Writing Dystopian Young Adult Fiction
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26:38#BraxtonCosby #YoungHellions #BROKEN #DystopianFiction #YoungAdultBooks #AuthorInterview #LiteraryWorlds #PostApocalyptic #YAReads #NewBookRelease #SpeculativeFiction #AuthorLife #BookTalks #ReadersOfInstagram #WritingCommunity Join us in an enthralling discussion with Braxton A. Cosby, the visionary behind the dystopian masterpiece, BROKEN: Book 1…
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Welcome to the Visual Storytelling podcast. Let’s discuss how to effectively implement the solutions discussed in the previous episode. In the first and second episodes of this series (series 8 episodes 9 and 10) I discussed the following challenges that business face with respect to their photography. • Brand Consistency • Quality & Professionalis…
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In dieser Episode sprechen wir über ein Herzensprojekt, das uns schon lange begleitet: unser eigenes Magazin! Die Idee tragen wir schon lange mit uns herum und nun ist es endlich soweit: Wir machen uns selbst Druck! Unser Magazin soll nicht nur eine Sammlung von Bildern und Texten sein, sondern ein kreativer Ort, der unsere Gedanken, Geschichten un…
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Send us a text The origin of some of our most fascinating stories저자 Crispin Harris
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Melanie Hamlett revisits her story from 2012 called “Fuck or Fight” with Kevin. She has many new insights 13 years later. You can also watch this episode on YouTube! • Pitch us your story! risk-show.com/submissions • Support RISK! through Patreon at patreon.com/risk or make a one-time donation: paypal.me/riskshow • Get tickets to RISK! live shows: …
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Welcome to Ratchet Book Club, where we read Good Classics and Hood Classics alike. In this episode, I continue Waking With Enemies by Eric Jerome Dickey. You can purchase Waking With Enemies on Amazon by clicking this link: https://amzn.to/4iElTR7 Voicemail number: 916-633-1537 Thoughts or Questions? Email us at WretchedAndRatchet@Gmail.com. Twitte…
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Conner and Irene discuss the limitations of history and the quest to be accurate despite having limited evidence, documents, and resources of information when telling a story, by using the example of Amanda Lamme, who died on the Oregon Trail.
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An Interview with Writer Rachel Faith: When Your Muse Calls at Night
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54:25The transformative power of words takes center stage as Rachel Faith opens her heart about writing as a pathway to healing and self-discovery. With remarkable candor, she reveals how putting pen to paper became her salvation during difficult chapters of her life, particularly in breaking cycles of trauma between generations. Rachel's journey throug…
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Invocation of the Rebel Ma by Saoirse Connolly | S6 Ep8
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43:22Please Support Our Show: Join us on Substack Love KnotWork Storytelling? Your financial contribution (via Substack) helps me pay the amazing team that puts this show together. With your paid subscription, you'll be invited to our next members only Myth Workers' Salon. Subscribe to our newsletter Myth Is Medicine. OUR STORY This week, another episod…
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A New Trajectory - Redeemed from Alcoholism and Pursued by The Father -Sarah Robinson :: [Episode 315]
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35:26“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Psalm 40:2 Life is full of “pits” - some self-imposed, some at the hands of others, and some at the expense of living in a fallen world. But, be encouraged! Today’s storyteller is going to remind you of God’s deepest desire - to…
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In the early 20th century, textile mill owners sponsored baseball teams, providing entertainment for their employees and nurturing a passion for the game that’s been handed down through generations of North Carolinians. Listen as the pages of the magazine come to life in the Storytellers podcast, a new series featuring the voices of six Our State w…
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Our Ramblin’ Man reflects on backyard encounters and how they remind us that we share North Carolina with all manner of neighbors — furred, feathered, and scaled. Listen as the pages of the magazine come to life in the Storytellers podcast, a new series featuring the voices of six Our State writers, including Editor in Chief Elizabeth Hudson. Each …
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A scientist who once rescued a pair of helpless squirrels returns to the forest where she released them. She recalls their saga fondly — but will they remember her? Listen as the pages of the magazine come to life in the Storytellers podcast, a new series featuring the voices of six Our State writers, including Editor in Chief Elizabeth Hudson. Eac…
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Vinegar carries the familiar zing that brightens our barbecue and bounties first, our spirits and souls second. One food writer ponders the question: What can’t vinegar do? Listen as the pages of the magazine come to life in the Storytellers podcast, a new series featuring the voices of six Our State writers, including Editor in Chief Elizabeth Hud…
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Our writer reflects on where his love of vinyl began, and how the snap, crackle, and pop of a needle sliding across a turntable will always satisfy his soul. Listen as the pages of the magazine come to life in the Storytellers podcast, a new series featuring the voices of six Our State writers, including Editor in Chief Elizabeth Hudson. Each podca…
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Michaela Murphy and Michelle Murphy share stories on a Murphytastic episode. • Pitch us your story!risk-show.com/submissions • Support RISK! through Patreon atpatreon.com/risk or make a one-time donation:paypal.me/riskshow • Get tickets to RISK! live shows:risk-show.com/live • Get the RISK! Book and shop for merch:risk-show.com/shop • Take our stor…
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At the John C. Campbell Folk School, hands still craft with purpose. Stitch by stitch, our editor in chief finds a rhythm reminiscent of her mother’s work and a timeless appreciation for goods made from the heart. Listen as the pages of the magazine come to life in the Storytellers podcast, a new series featuring the voices of six Our State writers…
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In this episode you'll learn-- how Clive Cussler turned his love of the sea into best-selling, action-adventure novels how Cussler went from writing award winning ads to bestselling thrillers how Cussler managed "the willing suspension of disbelief" of readers at a level matched by few authors how Cussler's real life adventures were nearly as momen…
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निवेदन हे करिअरचे क्षेत्र म्हणून निवडून अत्यंत मेहनतीतून त्यात आपले स्वतःचे स्थान निर्माण करण्याची किमया स्नेहल दामले यांनी साधली आहे. अभ्यासपूर्ण, आशयघन आणि संयत अशा निवेदनशैलीमुळे स्नेहलला रसिकप्रियता लाभली आहे. सांस्कृतिक, सांगीतिक आणि राजकीय अशा तिन्ही प्रकारांतील कार्यक्रमांना तिचे निवेदन, सूत्रसंचालन उंची देऊन जाते. पुण्यातील प्रतिष्ठीत वसंतो…
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