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I am Chief Imran a Powerful Online Native Healer and love spells caster ..Am a Native Healer that work with Strong Spells Casting /African Native Healing And Herbs Call Or Whats app +27 763069612 Email - 100% Guaranteed & Affordable. Private & Confidential with Immediate Results. Welcome to Chief Imran in South Africa the only one who heals and solves all failed /unfinished problems from other Native healers & Spells caster online. Call Or Whats app +27 763069612 Em ...
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In this Monday show, Patka is going to talk to the general director and headmaster of the newly opened high school Skyro, that is the first one in Europe focused on AI technologies. You are also going to hear an opinion of experts from Národný inštitút vzdelávania a mládeže about incorporating the AI into the education as we know it.…
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In this Monday show, Patka is going to talk to the general director and headmaster of the newly opened high school Skyro, that is the first one in Europe focused on AI technologies. You are also going to hear an opinion of experts from Národný inštitút vzdelávania a mládeže about incorporating the AI into the education as we know it.…
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Throughout the year, the team at the English section of Radio Slovakia International, Slovakia’s national broadcaster, reported on these and many other events. In this two-part special program, “Year in Slovakia”, we highlight some of the stories that made headlines, as well as lesser-known events that carry significant importance for the country. …
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: Новинки горнолыжного курорта Доновалы, Первый постоянный мост через Дунай в Братиславе. 2.Дни Рождественской октавы, посвящённые памяти христианских мучеников. 3. 160-я годовщина обнаружения рунических надписей на горе Велестур. 4. "Рождественское чудо"- предновогодняя история об исполнении желаний. Музыка.…
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1. Новости 2. Тема дня 3. Репортаж о рождественском деревянном вертепе в Банской Бистрице. Коммнетирует его автор Я. Хован 4. Рубрика "Экология". Репортаж о помощи птицам в городской среде в зимних условиях.Говорит орнитолог Й. Ридзонь. 5. Рубрика "Сериал Рождественские сказки, сочиненные учащимися билингвальных гимназий". Автор сказки Денис Польск…
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On the second day of Christmas, Christians commemorate the first martyr, St Stephen, who was stoned to death for his faith. Another important Stephen known in this region of Europe was King Stephen of Hungary, who was also very devoted to God. That is why today on Radio Slovakia International we are going to dedicate a special programme to Stephens…
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On the second day of Christmas, Christians commemorate the first martyr, St Stephen, who was stoned to death for his faith. Another important Stephen known in this region of Europe was King Stephen of Hungary, who was also very devoted to God. That is why today on Radio Slovakia International we are going to dedicate a special programme to Stephens…
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1. Этнограф Зора Минталова-Зуберцова о значении Рождества для наших предков. 2.День Святого Штефана. Традиции и обычаи. 3. Обычный деревянный кругляш может творить чудеса. 4. Рождественские рассказы учащихся билингвальных гимназий.
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Christmas in Slovakia has evolved significantly in recent years. Climate change has made a white Christmas less predictable, and the consumption habits of the modern Western world have lessened the appeal of handmade, locally produced goods. However, there are individuals and communities across the country who are preserving traditions and shifting…
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Christmas in Slovakia has evolved significantly in recent years. Climate change has made a white Christmas less predictable, and the consumption habits of the modern Western world have lessened the appeal of handmade, locally produced goods. However, there are individuals and communities across the country who are preserving traditions and shifting…
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Рождественская программа: Беседа с директором Словацкой филармонии Марианом Турнером и арфисткой СФ Катариной Турнеровой. Встреча с супругами-художниками Марией и Даниэлом Биделницей. Интервью с руководителем балетной труппы Словацкого национального театра Ниной Полаковой. Детская рождественская сказка.…
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1. Словацкие традиции в Щедрый вечер. Как словаки встречают Рождество? Беседа с проф. Марией Добриковой. 3. Курс словацкого языка. 3 урок, посвященный Рождеству.4. Дети поздравляют с наступающим Рождеством. Рождественские песни исполняет детский хор "Про музыка"
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Ježiško 999 99. This is an address that has been known to both kids and adults in Slovakia for decades, more specifically, for 26 years. Slovak Post annually receives thousands of letters from all around Slovakia and even the world from children, who are reaching Ježiško with their biggest Christmas wishes.…
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Ježiško 999 99. This is an address that has been known to both kids and adults in Slovakia for decades, more specifically, for 26 years. Slovak Post annually receives thousands of letters from all around Slovakia and even the world from children, who are reaching Ježiško with their biggest Christmas wishes.…
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1. Новости 2. Тема дня 3. Рубрика "Почтовый ящик- обратная связь". Рубрика "Музыкальыне перекрестки". Сюжет о творчестве словацкой фольклорной певицы Анны Хулеевой.
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News overview. Topic: Accessible Christmas. We present a charitable project that provides Christmas Eve dinners to those who cannot afford it and we look back at the production of a fairy tale in Slovak sign language that will be aired by Slovak Television during the Christmas holidays.
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News overview. Topic: Accessible Christmas. We present a charitable project that provides Christmas Eve dinners to those who cannot afford it and we look back at the production of a fairy tale in Slovak sign language that will be aired by Slovak Television during the Christmas holidays.저자 STVR
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: 135-летие газеты «Словак в Америке», 77 лет назад скончался архитектор Душан Юркович, Рождественский концерт Словацкой филармонии, Годовщина членства Словакии в Шенгенской зоне, Новый словацкий рекорд любителей зимнего плавания. 2. Зимнее плавание в р.Ваг, забег между мостами и восхождение на Маргат. 3.Словацкая рождествен…
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3.Рубрика "Все о Словакии". Репортаж о кошицких церковных колоколах.4. Спорт. Комментируем успех словацких хоккеистов на предрождественском турнире "Куфланд Кап". Голоса тренеров, игроков.
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Martina Šimkovičová Greňová talks to Professor Katarina Gephardt about the compendium "Home and the World in Slovak Literature. The Literature of a Small Nation in Context". The promoter of Slovak literature in English translation, Julia Sherwood, provides information about the Slovak authors included in the 2024 Seagull's Books catalogue and answe…
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Martina Šimkovičová Greňová talks to Professor Katarina Gephardt about the compendium "Home and the World in Slovak Literature. The Literature of a Small Nation in Context". The promoter of Slovak literature in English translation, Julia Sherwood, provides information about the Slovak authors included in the 2024 Seagull's Books catalogue and answe…
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1. Новости. 2. Тема дня. 3. Женщины в науке. Часть 3. Мария Беликова занимается искусственным интеллектом и машинным обучением. 4. Мероприятия общественного объединения "Украсим Словакию".
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The festive season is upon us, and preparations for the Christmas holidays are in full swing. This year, Radio Slovakia International invited students to write Christmas-themed stories and reflections for our broadcast. We are delighted to present, through the English service of the national public broadcaster, the creative works of talented studen…
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The festive season is upon us, and preparations for the Christmas holidays are in full swing. This year, Radio Slovakia International invited students to write Christmas-themed stories and reflections for our broadcast. We are delighted to present, through the English service of the national public broadcaster, the creative works of talented studen…
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2. Словацкие миссионеры. История жизни П.Дикоша в Новой Гвинее 3. Проект "Рождественское чудо". Волонтеры помогают одиноким пенсионерам.
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In this Monday show, Patka is going to walk you through two topics. Recent survey by research company NMS showed that over a quarter of Slovaks have faced sexual harassment in public transport. In the second part of the show we re going to talk about how tourism in Slovakia can be more ecological and sustainable.…
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In this Monday show, Patka is going to walk you through two topics. Recent survey by research company NMS showed that over a quarter of Slovaks have faced sexual harassment in public transport. In the second part of the show we re going to talk about how tourism in Slovakia can be more ecological and sustainable.…
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1. Адвент - период ожидания Рождества. 2. Завершение радиоигры "20 лет в Евросоюзе". Итоги жеребьевки. Имена победителей. 3. Музыкальные перекрёстки. Рождественские песни
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: 45-я годовщина смерти архитектора Эмила Беллуша, Компьютерная томография египетской мумии, Рождественский вертеп из кружев всех словацких регионов, Городские укрепления Кежмарка и Подолинца. 2. Современные тенденции в рождественской кулинарии- шеф-повар Иван Кессл. 3. Словацкая рождественская музыка…
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