Just a couple nerds talking about movies, games, comics, and more! Come check us out!
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By Sydney Skyy
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Former “Podcast Dari Bus Kota”. Berbagi pengalaman membaca, menulis, dan bercerita IG: @fairywoodpaperink / email: paperinkpodcast@gmail.com
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Un nuevo Podcast dedicado a la música electrónica!! Buscanos en FB como "JohizSKDY Presenta" (PD. Esperamos llegar a 25 likes para modificar nuestro link directo :3) Por el momento solo seran recopilatorios, no seran mezclas por falta de tiempo... Espero lo disfruten... :3
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Sering banget nih baca review nggak suka sama karakter-karakter yang too good to be true, alias terlalu sempurna, nggak masuk akal. Eheu, ini bukan masalah relatable atau nggak, tapi ini masalah kebutuhan cerita dan jumlah halaman.
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Ngomongin pembajakan buku emang nggak ada habisnya. Menurut aku penyebabnya mulai dari habit baca, menghargai karya, akses, kemampuan, sampai fasilitas kayak perpustakaan.
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Ngobrol dengan Raka tentang apa yang akan kita pilih kalau kita punya kesempatan untuk balik ke masa lalu seperti Lasha dalam novel “The Strange Playlist”. Tentang khayalan, harapan, pilihan hidup. Pokoknya “what-if” moment. Untungnya jawaban-jawabannya nggak merusak rumah tangga kita! Lols. Maaf ya kalau suara rekamannya kurang oke, Raka suaranya …
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Had a blast chatting with Cary from Legacy Effects. Learned about how he went from making DIY Halo armor to making giant robots for the show "Stargirl"
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I got to sit down with Andy Z and chat about making it in music and what it's like to work and be a dad during all this craziness.
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Alec is back! It was great catching up with him and we had a great conversation.
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#AUDIOSTORY Novel Satu Ruang Bab 2 - "Till We Meet Again"
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26:58Baca keras novel Satu Ruang bab 2 "Till We Meet Again". Novel Satu Ruang mengisahkan tentang pertemuan Satrya dengan Kinan dan Sabrina. Kinan membuatnya seperti bercermin, karena memiliki kenangan pahit seperti Satrya. Sedangkan Sabrina membuat hari-hari Satrya terasa lebih menyenangkan. Di bab 2 ini bercerita tentang pertemuan kedua Satrya dan Kin…
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#AUDIOSTORY Novel Secangkir Kopi & Pencakar Langit Bab 21
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33:51[REPOST] Baca keras novel Secangkir Kopi & Pencakar Langit Bab 21. Episode Athaya, Ghilman, Satrya, and the gang ke nikahan Fajar di Bandung. Satrya yang lagi modus, dus, dus! Athaya yang masih clueless, dan Ghilman yang tetap kampreeeettts! Enjoy! ;) Credits Background Music: 1. A Distant Hug - Barradeen 2. Calm - Barradeen 3. Take A Walk - Keys o…
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Episode pertama bersama suami gue, Raka, ngomongin komentar dia (yang kadang salty) tentang karakter-karakter di novel gue. Dia adalah teman halu pertama gue dari sebelum nikah, karena cuma dia yang suka nanggepin! XD. Dia cerita antara lain, karakter mana yang paling relatable buat dia, karakter cewek yang bakal dia ajak date kalo ada di dunia nya…
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Menyebarkan kehaluan novel Satu Ruang & Dua Jejak lagiii!! Kali ini gue ngobrol dengan Kinan (karakter novel Satu Ruang dan Dua Jejak) yang mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pembaca. Dari daily skin care, koleksi tas, traveling, sampai... sssttt... Satrya! Terlalu banyak kode di sini! :p Jangan lupa ikutan kuisnya ya! PS: Nggak usah serius-ser…
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Gue nggak mau halu sendirian, please! This is me, having girls talk with Sabrina (a character from Satu Ruang & Dua Jejak). Mostly talking about her personal love life! Jangan lupa ikutan kuisnya yaaa! PS: Nggak perlu serius-serius amat dengerinnya :p
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Mari halu bersama! Satrya (major character dari novel SKdPL, Satu Ruang, Dua Jejak) mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari pembaca kesayangan. Maafin ya, suara ketawa gue lebih gede daripada masnya. Satrya ketawanya kalem bener! XD
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Banyak temen-temen gue yang nggak mau baca novel lokal. Dari alasan karena ceritanya klise, kayak FTV, nggak masuk akal, sampai karena nggak suka sama nama karakternya. Akhirnya gue ngobrol dengan teman-teman gue Radi dan Taufan, dua orang yang suka malas sama novel lokal
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Laura Rose is a talented Pole Dancing Competitor and Instructor. We had an awesome conversation on International Women's day 2020
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Interview with the Co-Founder of the clothing brand "Lowkey Lifestyle".
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Got to sit down with two talented Bay Area artist. Lou is also an old friend from High School, so it was nice to catch up as well. Hope you enjoy!
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In this Episode we are trying out a new interview style with my friend Alec! We lost a few minutes of audio but this is still a great listen.
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We get way too into Endgame and Game of Thrones on this one. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!
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We talk Spider-Man Far From Home and then we go on way too long about Young Justice
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We talk Titans, Godzilla, Online Gaming, and Avengers!
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We remember Stan Lee. and we talk Young Justice and Titans
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Our first responses to Red Dead Redemption 2
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SKDE Radio Episode 6: We're Like A Pack of Lone Wolves
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28:36Just John today! I'm talking MFKZ, CW shows, Red Dead (again), and some Avengers 4 news!
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Ryan gives us a Venom review, and we talk videogames and other up coming movies. As well as a behind the scenes interview of Captain Marvel costume makers.
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SKDE Radio Episode 4: Product Placement Is Plus Ultra!
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1:19:50We talk about product placement, Dark Phoenix, X-Men in the MCU, and the My Hero movie!
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We talk Joker test footage and Captain Marvel's first trailer. Ryan joins us again.
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SKDE Radio Episode 2: WE can do whatever WE want!
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1:02:23This week we are talking Batman, DC's new streaming service, Anime, and Venom!
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The first episode of the Seek Knowledge Destroy Everything podcast! We talk about ourselves (just a little), Avengers 4 theories, and new and upcoming videogames! Tune in and follow us on Instagram!
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Presentando el nuevo podcast de SKDY Studio!! Este pequeño episodio es meramente introductorio en el que menciono a grandes rasgos las características de este nuevo proyecto… Esperen muy muy pronto los episodios ya concretos de este proyectito… Lunes: #MusicMonday Viernes: #ViernesDeportivo Twitter: @OficialSStudio Facebook: =PROXIMAMENTE= NOTA: Di…
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Episodio 003 David Guetta Busca el Playlist en nuestra Pagina de Facebook: "Johiz SKDY Presenta" PD. Una disculpa por la tardanza... :3 Ya estamos preparando Episodio 004 - M????n S?????g저자 johizskdypres
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Episodio 002 Deadmau5 01. AUral Psynapse [Original Mix] 02. There Might Be Coffee 03. Not Alone [Deadmau5 RMX] 04. Ghost N' Stuff 05. The Veldt [Vinny RMX] 06. Breathless [Deadmau5 RMX] 07. Raise Your Weapon 08. Professional Griefers저자 johizskdypres
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Episodio 001 Armin van Buuren 01. Belter [Original Mix] 02. This Light Between Us [Dabruck & Klein RMX] 03. Suddenly Summer [Heatbeat RMX] 04. Positron [AvB RMX] 05. We Are Here To Make Some Noise [Maison & Dragen RMX] 06. I'll Listen [Original Mix] 07. Brute [Darren Porter RMX]저자 johizskdypres
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