Each week, Marcus Parks and Jackie Zebrowski explore the worlds of screwin' and bad brain business as they answer questions from you, the listener! Email us at cavecomedyradio@gmail.com to ask us questions!
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Jackie & Marcus discuss the pressure from family to get married, slowly growing apart from a SO and answer a listener's email about issues orgasming while on medication. Got a question? Email us at TheLastPodcastNetwork@gmail.com저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus discuss using anger productively, getting back up after falling on your face, and tiny tantrums.저자 SAOHA
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The hiatus is over and Marcus and Jackie are back in studio to discuss breakups, fake anxieties and starting life all over again.저자 SAOHA
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Marcus and Jackie discuss what it means to be able to end a therapy cycle, and hear from a woman who has trouble communicating her emotions to those closest to her.저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus discuss recovery from a bout of depression, and read a letter from a woman who is concerned about starting the wrong medication.저자 SAOHA
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Marcus and Jackie discuss the idea that part of growing up is learning to communicate the hard stuff with yourself and your loved ones, and respond to a letter from a listener trying to decide if they’re on the right medication.저자 SAOHA
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Marcus and Jackie are back after a brief hiatus to talk about how paranoia can affect a relationship, and answer a letter from a woman who is having trouble balancing her sex-positive world views with her desire to date monogamously.저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus talk about bad dreams and answer a question from a guy wondering whether he should get a hold of an ex girlfriend to ask for forgiveness.저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus talk about how to both say no and avoid the anxiety that comes along with it and answer a question from a woman whose husband is oh so addicted to porn.저자 SAOHA
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Marcus and Jackie talk about the road to the right medication and answer questions from a woman whose boyfriend is driving all her friends away with his constant demands on her time.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie talk about accepting the realities of medicating and answer a question from a gal looking for self esteem tips and a guy wanting to know how to deal with homesickness during the holidays.저자 SAOHA
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On today's SAOHA: Jackie talks about dealing with her anxiety about the immediate future, whatever it may be, and answer a letter from a woman wanting to keep her own kids from having the combative relationship she's got with her own sister.저자 SAOHA
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This week on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about how to appreciate the person on the other side of your mental struggles and answer questions from a nanny looking to get out of her job and a girl looking to control her OCD-induced anger.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about holding on to the good shit and answer a question from a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder.저자 SAOHA
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This week on SAOHA: Jackie talks about a friend going through a sticky time and we answer a question from a woman thinking about getting into escort work.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie talk about a recent huge milestone in Jackie's life and answer a question from a Democrat in love with a Republican.저자 SAOHA
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This week on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about poison grudges and answer a question from a woman asking about her fiance's non-existent sex drive.저자 SAOHA
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Marcus and Jackie are back after a long hiatus to talk about what's been going on these last couple of months and answer a letter from a gal asking if she should just give up on romantic relationships.저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus finally figure out a good way to talk to someone who doesn't live with mental illness and answer a question from a woman trying to figure out how to not get bored and chuck away every relationship she's a part of.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie talks about her recent experience seeing Sturgill Simpson and how it relates to courage in artistic expression and the two answer an email from a woman asking about getting married too early.저자 SAOHA
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This week Marcus talks about unlocking memories through music and he and Jackie hear a response letter from someone with some very encouraging words for last week's letter writer, Shotput.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about how to self-reflect without self-hating the fuck outta yourself and answer a letter from someone who ain't sure if what they're doing in life is what they're meant to do.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus discovers a new dimension to bipolar disorder and the two answer a question from a listener wondering what to do about her fuck-up brother.저자 SAOHA
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We're back! Jackie and Marcus talk about the seasonal fuckupery that caused our hiatus and answer letters from one listener thinking about going into the Canadian Armed Forces and another worried about a possible mental health diagnosis.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus wax Bowie and answer a question from a listener who's a might bit afraid of getting out into sex land.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about swapping New York stress for home stress and answer a question from an Australian asking if she's doing it right.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about how to not forget the things that make you happy when dealing with maintaining your shit and answer a letter from a friend that's wanting to know how to get through a grieving Christmas.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus answer letters from a girl whose boyfriend's best friend has decided to go full dickhead and a nurse who is at her wit's end with her job.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about supressing their inner bully and answer a question from a younger gal with some overwhelming feelings for an older man.저자 SAOHA
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It's a short one today as we talk about how to deal with getting through the low lows after a high high and what happens when everyone seems to be stinking on purpose.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus laments a loss that is nowhere as bad as he thinks he is and the two answer a question about a problem that is nowhere as insurmountable as the writer thinks it is.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about better ways to push that pleasure button and answer questions about a sexual experiment gone possibly wrong and how to reconnect with a friend who cut you off for the right reasons.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie talk about the difference between giving up and letting go and answer letters from a guy wanting to know if he's crazy (he isn't) and a girl who has a sex problem with her new beau.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about Marcus' lack of responsibility last week and answer a letter from a girl who's skeptical about a family trip with her boyfriend.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA, Jackie and Marcus wax philisophical on Who Framed Roger Rabbit and answer questions from a dude looking to separate friendships and another wondering how to get over his social anxiety when it comes to finding like minded people at college.저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus return from a particularly inspiring vacation in the Gunks upstate and answer a question from a Humane Society employee with compassion fatigue.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk why the phrase "Who wears the pants" is weird and unhelpful plus answer a question from a girl looking to help out with her friend in her fight against her mother,저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie meditate on the words "choice", "must", and "will", and answer an email from a guy on the verge of moving back home.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus prepares look for the difference between chemical and organic when it comes to the bad brain and the pair answers a question from someone on their way up.저자 SAOHA
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On today's episode Jackie and Marcus talk about being recently touched by suicide and answer a question from a girl who needs to get the hell out of a bad relationship.저자 SAOHA
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Marcus and Jackie talk about Marcus' recent misadventures in depression over the last couple of weeks and answer a return letter from a guy looking to get his girlfriend more comfortable with masturbation.저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus talk about the new documentary The Nightmare about sleep paralysis and answer a question about how far is too far when knowing what's best for someone else.저자 SAOHA
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Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about the release of the Cowmen album and answer a question from a woman looking to see how to not waste time with her husband.저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus talk (and kinda argue!) about whether or not satisfaction is a dirty word and answer a letter from a guy who has a bitchy, possibly evil friend of his significant other.저자 SAOHA
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This week Jackie and Marcus talks about how Marcus relates not to fifties double murderer and skin aficionado Ed Gein but to the kid who befriended him and answer a letter from a guy wanting to help out his dad with a malicious gold digger.저자 SAOHA
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This week it's all about getting your mayonnaise and eggs in order as we talk goal sheets, how to return to a place after a long absence wherever it may be, and how to deal with alcoholism creeping in to your life.저자 SAOHA
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It's a pinballin' episode today as we discuss how being a terrible person makes the world a terrible place and answer a letter from someone looking to break the habit of feeling like he fakes every aspect of his life.저자 SAOHA
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Jackie and Marcus delve deeper into the negative impacts of religion on mental health with a discussion on the similarities between certain sects of Christianity and Scientology and answer a letter from a woman who wants to know how to reconcile her depression with her boyfriend's anger.저자 SAOHA
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Marcus and Jackie talk about the processes that made them into accepting themselves as the people they are today and answer a question from a listener looking to up her ability to not pay attention to the Hollywood types.저자 SAOHA
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Having become fresh outta hecks, Marcus comes out of a long depression and question one woman looking to leave her job at Walmart and a response from a woman with a narcissistic mother gives her input on the last episode.저자 SAOHA
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