Living your best life? are you? Over the years I've been coaching and mentoring it's become clear that many people I come across are living less than what they believe is their best life. This leaves them feeling: - Frustrated - Out of control of their health - Reactive/stressed - Unhappy and unfulfilled - Feeling negatively about themselves their life and others - Like they want more from life! This podcast has been created to encourage and create insight for those wanting and ready for mak ...
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Have you ever felt like you want to be seen a certain way? Do you avoid being honest because you want to 'keep the peace? Are you a people pleaser? I created this podcast for you, so you can be free to needing to 'please' others. There are some truths about caring what others think that we don't talk about, so here they are. Enjoy…
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This is a simple and practical episode about creating systems that make things easier. As a coach I don't believe that motivation, commitment and will power are the long term answer for success, it's deeper and easer than that. Here's how.
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January is the most popular month for goal setting, yet many clients when I meet them have gotten it wrong. They've innocently created goals that work against them and/or are hard to achieve! Here's what I want you to know before you set your goals. Enjoy
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Episode 44 - Client convo Paul: Exponential results with ease
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30:30This was a conversation I recorded between a client and myself. Paul has had some incredible results in the last 8 months of our work. Before we met he was struggling with what he wanted with his life, how to lose weight and be less anxious. Paul is a successful, deep and loving man and it's a pleasure to share this with you. Sam…
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Unwanted feelings and thoughts you don't want? Traditionally we see these as a problem, in my experience that's the opposite of the truth, they are the solution to freedom. Enjoy
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I believe accountability will make you weak, not ALWAYS but at certain times. Here is my take on it and be warned it's not what you would usually hear on the subject! Enjoy, Sam
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What is it? what does it mean? How can you use it to make life better? In this recording of a live talk I did recently, I share the powerful nature of ownership and how it can transform your life, relationships and self confidence. Enjoy
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We're good at making things harder than they need to be. So I've created a podcast to talk about how to make it easier. This is all in the context of day to day living life and achieving goals. As always my aim is to serve, I hope you find value in it.
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It's something we are! This has been one of my most popular live talks for a long time. Understanding how to make things easier and how to be fully and truly committed to the things you want, it's a life changing thing. Enjoy, Sam
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Episode 38: Breaking And Making Habits... what you never knew....
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22:31I've worked for years with people to create new habits, in that time I've learnt some things that I never hear anyone talking about. These things are important! especially if we are wanting to achieve goals or make changes in life of some kind. In this live I share all of that with you. Enjoy
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This episode marked a very important anniversary for me, it's significant in many ways. Because of that i've learned what I now help others to see for themselves. In this live I share with you what that is. Enjoy
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There's a way to get better results in life, which is simple and easy. By changing the system that creates them.. In this podast I talk about how I understand the systems you have that creates the results you see and, how to change them.
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We've all heard those cliche lines like: Just do it and Face the fear.... Although I'm not one for cliches I am one for understanding the truth of something. In my years as a coach I've noticed the negative effects of procrastination and, the positive effects of immediate action. In this podcast I share those with you.…
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The topic of motivation is covered poorly in the 'personal development' industry. It turns out motivation isn't what people think it is. In this podcast I share my insights and ideas about motivation to help you be consistent, focused and a powerful creator. Enjoy.
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In this short episode I talk about how to USE the tension of the body and the mind to RELEASE the tension of the body and the mind. I also share some insight as to why tension exists. Let's create!
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As a coach it goes without saying that I help people every single day with their goals. From setting them to making sure the goal is aligned with the person (vital for success) and doing the deep inner work to keep them moving forwards. When I first meet someone and we're creating the vision for their life which includes goals, there's often a big …
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Rest is the foundation of a healthy, happy and results filled life. The problem though is most people have no idea what true rest is and HOW to rest. In this short podcast I address that. Bear in mind that this is a recorded Facebook live and I haven't edited it so you'll pick up on this one being a bit different. Sam…
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Self doubt and criticism are universal and human experiences. They key though is how we interact and live with them. In this episode I talk about how to do that Enjoy, Sam
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We get in our own way and make life hard when we throw it all up in the air and say F**k it I give up or, F**K it I've ruined it again. You haven't and in this audio I explain why Once you've listened you'll know how to make life and achieving goals effortless Sending love, Sam
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Episode 28: What you avoid is the thing that will set you free
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23:17This has been the most successful public talk I've done to date I take a deep dive with you into what you avoid is the very thing that will set you free. If you have a goal and taking action towards that goal can create ant kind of resistance, will power or forced motivation this is for you. If you want to take bigger leaps towards your goal, this …
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There's a simple truth to making it easy to be commitment and be consistent. I share that with you here, this comes from experience in coaching thousands of people over as many hours. Sending love Sam
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Episode 26: The 3 RRR's How to be more relaxed and open
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14:01This is an important one, it's about something we are rarely taught, that our experience of life isn't set it's self created. If you want to change how you feel about life or yourself this is something you must know! If you have goals you want to achieve this is where you start. Sending love Sam
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If you've ever found that you're reactive in your life and have thoughts/stories that don't serve you, then this is for you. If you have goals you're finding it challenging to achieve or coming up against resistance to things that you want, you'll find this game changing. In this podcast I talk about how to identify thoughts, stories and judgements…
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Episode 24: Anxiety, depression, infertility and success
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25:44In this video to mark the birth of our second son, I talk about what it's taken to grow a business whilst being on an IVF journey with our two boys. It's been the best and the worst (at times) experience of our lives and it's ultimately what has lead to the success I have seen in my life and business. I share that with you here. This is for you to …
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Episode 23: How to be confident and believe in yourself
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19:19Confidence isn't what you think it is or have been lead to believe it is If you've every questioned your confidence you need to listen to this. Sending love
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In this episode I share with you 3 things that you need to know and implement to make any goals you set, easy to achieve. These are things I've noticed in my years of being a professional coach and supporting people with their goals Take your time to listen and implement, I share questions and insights that you'll want to explore so this is an epis…
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If you knew a way to turn things you judge about yourself into things you love about yourself, would you want to know? This is it Sending love Sam
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Episode 20: Instead of taking things to heart, take your heart to the things.
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8:27In this short episode I want to offer a possibility to you, one that will have to experience freedom and peace of mind within yourself, perhaps that you have never felt before. This is important and something that can have someone experience their life so much more fully and powerfully. Here is why and how. Sending love Sam p.s. If you feel inspire…
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Episode 19: Taking a stand for your life and create happiness and freedom.
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9:53Taking a stand for your life, what does it mean and why is it the key to a happy and fulfilled life? In this live I am sharing with you what taking a stand means and how to do that. Sending love Sam
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In this episode I explore why it's true that ALL habits are helpful and, the truth behind changing a habit from something that hinders you to something that supports you. It's an important thing to know about, achieving goals is far easier when all of who we are and what we do is aligned with what we want! Loving, Sam…
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Episode 17: Where the rubber meets the road, being powerful and in control
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10:58I loved doing this podcast I get to talk about two of my favourite things together, cars and personal transformation! In this live we talk about the real nuts and bolts of what we must focus on to create real and lasting change in our lives. This is where the rubber meets the road! It's so important to be aware and know this work on a deeper and de…
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Episode 16: Living as this is the best day of your life
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13:37What would be different if you were living as this day being the best of your life? Not as a 'cool idea' but as a truth? Within that question is an invitation to slow down and to look at who you are that is creating what you have, and who you need to become to receive/ create what you want. I hope you enjoy, loving Sam…
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In this episode I talk about how to make taking action easier, It's often not what you think. If you ever feel frustrated or in resistance to the fact you aren't doing what you need to do to reach a goal, then this is for you. What I share in this episode is what I think one of the most important things we can know as a human being and, as someone …
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Episode 14: Conversation with clients. David Brown (AKA King David)
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34:01In this conversation we talk about what it really takes to change your life and what's required. David also invites us all to have a deeper understanding of who we are and how to create with our natural way of being through his work with archetypes. It's a powerful, deep and loving conversation. Loving, S…
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Episode 13: Conversations with clients, Rebecca. AKA Sources Pink Angel
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32:02This is the story of Rebecca AKA Sources Pink Angel. Rebecca shares her journey to freedom, abundance and love of life. Loving, S
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This is a live video I recorded for an online event I was a part of. One of the lives was on Consistency, commitment and self sabotage and, what you need to know about them. As this was a live video it does include a drawing which you can't access here so if you'd like to see it you can watch the video version here: Als…
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In this episode I share with you 3 steps to follow, to have the best and most successful year of your life. This is in the context of your goals, desires and wants. If you find value in this join my community to learn more of this kind of insight and to know you're living your best life! You can join here Enjoy, loving Sam…
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Episode 10: How to stop caring what other people think
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24:04A big one for so many people. This was huge for me too, being affected by what other people thought about me used to plague me. I didn't realise the gravity of it until it caused me such suffering I was forced to do something about it. I'm so glad I did, and I now have the privilege of working with others on this too. If you want to create freedom,…
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In this short episode I share a story about a client and his experience of slowing down. This can truly change lives, it changed mine and others I've worked with. As you listen, as always apply what you hear to yourself and your own life. If you have questions then ask, I'm here. And if you want to join my community where I share and go live often,…
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Do you ever find yourself blaming others or feeling resentful? GREAT! This is an opportunity for healing, for transformation and to go within yourself. Total and complete ownership in your life will create freedom, power and clarity. I hope you enjoy the episode and if you do, come and spend time with me and my community on Facebook. Loving, Sam…
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Almost daily I talk about motivation with friends, clients and people I’m connected with. I think we’ve lost our way a little when I’m comes to understanding what it means to be motivated. In this episode I share a story of a client that thought she needed motivation her whole life until she realised that belief stopped her getting results, I talk …
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Episode 6: Mastering goals, how to make goals work FOR you
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10:17Seriously, how have we got to a place where so often we get goal setting so wrong? A goal shouldn’t be a reaction to something, goals serve us so much more so when we wake up to them being a place to create FROM. Let’s clear this up.
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In this little episode we explore why the answer you seek isn’t where most people look, emotional clarity, creating and succeeding with goals and having a peaceful and exponential life. The answer is right there and here, in this episode.
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What does that mean? Do you need to wake up? YES! So many of us in my experience got through our lives on automatic pilot, things becomes familiar and often we struggle to know what’s next or what we really want? That’s what this podcast episode is about, waking up to your TRUE nature and ability to create!…
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Episode 3: Don’t let what you think become who you are
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10:38Here’s the truth about our experience and how by simply understanding it, we’re free to be who we truly are. You are not what you think you are, you’re exponentially more
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When is the last time you asked this question and have your answer heard truly heard? In this episode we explore the truth as to why we often don’t get what we want and end up anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. Enjoy x
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This truth changed my life, It’s also been the thing that has led me on to what will be my life’s work: The truth behind our human experience. In this very first episode I’ll begin to explore with you these truths and how you too can experience freedom, peace of mind and love for yourself.
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