We believe that God has called our church to lay the foundations for a long-lasting reawakening.
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In part 9 of the series, we are now in the New Testament and looking at the life of Jesus, who he claimed to be and how he proved each claim.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 8 of our Bible overview series, Brian talks about how we get from the Old Testament to the New Testament as we gear up to start the New Testament next week. From the rule of Persia to Jewish Independence to the Roman empire, Brian lays out a timeline of important events while encouraging us to come to God in prayer with our challenges.…
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Our Lead Pastor at Paisley, Buchan explored and asked the question "What's your perspective?" Helping us understand the power of our perspective and how we view all situations, really does determine the outcome, whether good or bad. With the importance of our perspective, also comes with the importance of being grateful, regardless of what life thr…
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In a wee break from our Old Testament overview, Laura jumps into the book of Numbers and brings a message on being courageous in our generation, looking at Moses, Caleb and Joshua.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In this message, Crooksy focuses on the repeated Biblical call for Jesus’ followers to ‘MAKE EVERY EFFORT’. We explore where the Bible directs us to focus our effort and what results we can expect to see when we partner our efforts with God’s powerful intervention.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 7 of our Bible Overview series, Brian wraps up the Old Testament overview by talking about returning to God. Is there something you're struggling to let go of to return to following God? If so, Brian ends with this challenge: "Talk to God about one way you show that He is most important and one way you struggle to make him most important. R…
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In part 6 of our Bible Overview series, Brian talks about the kingdom of Judah and different periods of revival under each king's reign. There is an opportunity for revival now and to return to God with passion in prayer and worship, repenting of sin, and turning to live Godly lives.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 5 of our series Brian encourages us to live the life God has called you to live; saying no to sin and going to God in prayer for help.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 4 of our Bible overview series, Brian talks about an era where God's people were all in one kingdom under one king spanning over King Saul, King David and King Solomon. Brian uses their stories to challenge us to live differently as an ambassador of Christ and say no to sin, greed, addictions, etc. Brian encourages to prioritise Godliness i…
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In part 3 of the Bible Overview series, we are looking at the book of Judges and Brian talks about the cycle of sin and spiral of sin. Brian challenges us to identify where we are at in the cycle and surrender our beliefs, opinions, and decision-making to God and His Word.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 2 of our Bible Overview series, Brian shares the story of Moses and encourages us to keep our faith in Jesus even when circumstances are overwhelming.저자 Re:Hope Church
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We are starting a new series that will provide an overview of the entire Bible which will include a big picture message for us to take away from each major era. Today Brian talks about the book of Genesis.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In preparation for fasting week at Re:Hope church, Brian talks about fasting moments in the Bible and reasons why we fast. He also encourages us to write our prayer requests down so that we can reflect on how God has answered our prayers throughout the year and beyond.저자 Re:Hope Church
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Advent 2024: Love - Paisley by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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Advent 2024: Love - Southside by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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Advent 2024: Love - West End by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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Advent 2024: Joy - West End by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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Advent 2024: Joy - Paisley by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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In this message by Chalcedony Williams, we explore the advent theme of JOY. Chalcedony is the lead pastor of Re:Hope’s location in Motherwell that will be planted Spring 2025. In her message she explores the different ways joy is expressed in the Bible and guides us to finding joy in our lives.저자 Re:Hope Church
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Advent 2024: Peace - West End by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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Advent 2024: Peace - Paisley by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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In our second week of advent, Re:Hope Southside’s lead pastor, Crooksy, brings a message of PEACE. We all experience moments of challenge, conflict and stress in our lives and often it feels like our personalities work against us when trying to find peace. Crooksy draws from Isaiah 8, Colossians 1 and Philippians 4 to bring us ways to access the pe…
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Advent 2024: Hope - Paisley by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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Re:Hope Southside’s lead pastor, Crooksy, starts our advent season with a message abut HOPE. Crooksy draws a parallel from Isaiah 8 where the people seem to be stuck in a loop and how we can often feel stuck in life – left to feel the tension of life. Like the people of Judah in those Biblical events, we can find our hope in Jesus. Crooksy leaves u…
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Advent 2024: Hope - West End by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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Today Brian shares what Re:Hope Church's 4 priorities are as well as providing updates on each of the church's locations and encourages us to invite someone to a Christmas event this year.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 10, and the final sermon in this series, Brian recaps what we've discussed so far and encourages us to live wisely as we are "always on" for Jesus. He ends the series with the challenge: What is the ministry the Lord has given you this week?저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 9 of our Colossians series, Brian talks all about marriage and encourages husbands and wives to follow God's call to live "higher".저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 8 of our series through Colossians, Brian talks about how we should live our lives as representatives of Jesus, letting the the love, peace, kindness, etc that we receive from Jesus flow into the people and relationships around you.저자 Re:Hope Church
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We our back to our Colossians series with part 7 and today Brian encourages us to go all in to following Jesus. To learn about Jesus and become more like him, to set aside sinful things and set our sights on heaven.저자 Re:Hope Church
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Every year we celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles or as Brian calls it, the Feast of Eternity. Brian encourages us to give our lives to Jesus if we haven't yet. He also challenges us to life our thoughts above our stresses and anxieties and spend these next 7 days thinking about the joy of heaven and eternity with God.…
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As we get ready for Gifts Week, Laura talked about generosity as a path to joy; becoming Generous & Joy-filled people in response to a generous & joy-filled God!저자 Re:Hope Church
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This week, Pastor Buchan discusses generosity and why we should be generous. Exploring the relevance of generosity today as Christians and how to apply generosity as a lifestyle rather than as a one off, remembering that we are blessed to be a blessing!저자 Re:Hope Church
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Generosity As A Godly Character Trait - Re:Hope Southside
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37:35Part of Re:Hope Church’s yearly rhythms is to take a week to practice intentional generosity. In this special message, Re:Hope Southside’s lead pastor, Crooksy, outlines why we have this practice, why we do it at this time of year and goes on to draw helpful principles for generosity from Luke 10 and Luke 18. Crooksy highlights some common some com…
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In part 6 of our Colossians series, Brian points out 6 false paths we might find ourselves taking. He then encourages us to reflect on where our efforts lay: in attempting to appear to be a better Christian to others or to attempting to actually grow genuinely deeper in my relationship with Jesus.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 5 of the Colossians series, Brian encourages us to continue running after Jesus and ends on Colossians 2:13-14: "You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailin…
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In part 4 of our Colossians series, Brian talks about responding to the amazingness of Jesus and what kind of impact we would like to make for Jesus in our lifetime.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 3 of our series through Colossians, Brian encourages us to stand firmly in our salvation and to continue following Jesus.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part 2 of this series in Colossians, Brian talks about prayer and teaches us the P.R.A.Y model as we begin our church wide event of 40 Days of Answered Prayer.저자 Re:Hope Church
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Senior Pastor Brian introduces a new series on the book of Colossians. As we prepare to study this book for the next few weeks, he provides historical background, map visuals, and takes us on Paul's journey before he writes this book in the Bible.저자 Re:Hope Church
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This week we focused on Vision across all our Re:Hope locations. As we take time to reflect on the last 12 months, we take time to remember our core vision as Re:Hope Church, but also we take time this week to focus on the next 12 months, and discover God's plans for Re:Hope Paisley.저자 Re:Hope Church
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In this VISION SUNDAY message, Re:Hope Southside’s lead pastor, Crooksy, encourages us to follow Jesus’ command to His disciples in John 13 to love each other. Crooksy spends some time exploring how meeting our membership commitments helps invest in care and loving each other and highlights ways that we can add extra intentionality to following thi…
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Its Vision Sunday! Laura finishes off the summer mini series with a call to treasure God's wonderful assignment for us. She shares about Re:Hope's heart for long lasting reawakening, as well as Re:Hope West End's missional focus to reach the next generation.저자 Re:Hope Church
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A Bible Overview of Clouds: God's Glory - Re:Hope Southside
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32:03In the final part of Re:Hope Southside’s series A BIBLE OVERVIEW OF CLOUDS, lead pastor Crooksy invites us to focus on how clouds represent GOD’S GLORY. We see the connections that the Bible makes between God’s presence, guidance and judgement with His glory and consider Daniel 7 and Revelation 5 and 19 as moments when all 4 aspects of our clouds s…
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The Pestilences of Following Jesus Pt. 4 - Re:Hope Paisley
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42:13The Pestilences of Following Jesus Pt. 4 - Re:Hope Paisley by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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Laura shares a call to treasure the Bible, starting with delight (however small). As we delight in God's Word as our spiritual food, our clarity, and our protection, our love will grow & with it - our consistency, stability, fruitfulness - leading to more delight!저자 Re:Hope Church
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In part two of our summer mini series Laura shares on treasuring the voice of God, and how it reveals God’s character, our value, and provides a firm foundation to build our life on.저자 Re:Hope Church
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A Bible Overview of Clouds: God's Judgement & Justice - Re:Hope Southside
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41:01In part 3 of Re:Hope Southside’s series A BIBLE OVERVIEW OF CLOUDS, lead pastor Crooksy invites us to focus on how clouds represent GOD’S JUDGEMENT + JUSTICE. Building from Genesis 6 + 7 and focusing on the events of 1 Kings 18, Crooksy helps us realign our attitude towards God’s judgement as something to be taken seriously and celebrated as the me…
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The Pestilences of Following Jesus Pt. 3 - Re:Hope Paisley
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36:18The Pestilences of Following Jesus Pt. 3 - Re:Hope Paisley by Re:Hope Church저자 Re:Hope Church
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The Pestilences of Following Jesus Pt. 2 - Re:Hope Paisley
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38:05Here at Re:Hope Church, we're on a mission to be all in for Jesus. We are keen for every single person to experience that reawakening moment with Jesus that sets their life on a new pathway full of hope, joy, peace and His incredible love. But sometimes we can experience some hinderances along the way that can deny us being all in for Jesus. Pastor…
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