Self Mastery in all Seven Areas of Life
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My take on Arnie's Autobiograpy, Total Recall. - Definitely Recommended. - Classic Immigrant Story, from Rags to Riches, always an inspiring tale.Arnie's Rules: - Have a Vision - Trust Yourself - Break some Rules - Appreciate the Naysayers/Haters - Do not be afraid to Fail - Don't Overthink - Forget Your Plan B - Burn Your Boats - A day has 24 Hour…
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How does one get into Forex Trading?- Check out Irek Piekarski’s Trading MasterClass Beliefs about money shaped in early childhood Changing My Money Mindset Going from Mindset of Scarcity to Mindset of Abundance Providing a Service to Others for a Fulfilled Life No obsession with a “Baller Lifestyle” Not opting for the…
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How does one get into Forex Trading? - Check out Irek Piekarski’s Trading MasterClass at - Value Investing- Began with Infinite Prosperity, Lewis Mocker and Amy Sangster- Don’t be a “Fusspot” on the minor details - Watchlist Creation Frustration- Overcoming that First Wall at 4 Weeks In- Identifying Your Purpose- Financia…
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- Why the heck should you meditate? Couple reasons. In this episode I go through my main two thoughts... - Become aware of that never ending Mind Stream of thoughts!- Your stream of thoughts can shape your reality. - Regaining Control and Training your awareness!Book Mentions: The Untethered Soul - Michael Singer Seth Speak - Jane RobertsDan Harris…
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The only worthwhile comparison you can make about yourself is between yourself today versus 1 month or 1 year ago.Thanks to the newest sponsors Shed Life (Ireland), now providing customized Beanies.Podcast Logo Design by RMK Design.Guitar Backing Track by The Relaxing World(link: is available at(www…
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