Host Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano talks to the most interesting people in business, finance, and Bitcoin. From billionaires to cultural icons, Pomp helps you get smarter every day.
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Saturday Mornings 11a-1p
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Host Joe Pompliano breaks down the most interesting topics in sports business. From athlete investments to media rights deals, you'll leave each episode more informed about the business and money behind sports. Join hundreds of thousands of others and start listening today!
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Welcome to Pompey Eclectic with your hosts Simon and Phil (Portsmouth born) delivering amusing and interesting discussion on a different topic every episode from an eclectic variety of subjects from the heart of Portsmouth, UK.
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with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey.
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Les plus belles histoires pour enfants du magazine Pomme d'ApiChaque mois, les enfants vont écouter la grande histoire qui est publiée dans le magazine Pomme d'Api. Surprise, audace, humour, tendresse et gaieté, ces histoires sont écrites par des auteurs et lues par des vrais parents, comme vous !Pomme d'Api s'adresse aux enfants de 3 à 6 ans et à leurs familles, de la petite à la grande section de maternelle et à tous ceux qui vivent et travaillent avec eux.En savoir plus : https://www.pomm ...
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Le Pompon est le podcast destiné à te faire découvrir des profils inspirants du Sud Ouest. Entrepreneur.e.s, artistes ou sportifs.ves, ils et elles avancent, créent, poursuivent leurs rêves et nous partagent aujourd’hui leurs histoires. Ces parcours atypiques sont parfois le déclic qu’il te faut, qui te donne l’envie d’entreprendre d’une manière ou d’une autre et de mener la vie qui t'inspire. Alors dès maintenant, éclate-toi dans la vie que tu choisis ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ...
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Der eine war mal 'ne große Nummer im Skisport, der andere im Quiz-Show-Business. Felix und Philipp treffen sich auf eine Pizza oder Pommes und diskutieren dabei Themen aus der Welt des Sports, aber auch aktuelle gesellschaftliche Aufreger. Dinge, die Euch und sie bewegen oder zum Schmunzeln bringen. Und wenn noch ein paar Pommes über sind, laden die beiden Kontakte aus Felix' Telefonbuch ein. Ihr könnt mitreden. Schreibt den beiden einfach: Neue Folgen gibt es jeden zwe ...
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Pomp's daily newsletter analyzing the business, finance, and technology industries. Join 260,000 subscribers by signing up below.
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POM - Een podcast over media, cultuur, technologie en ondernemen
Alexander Klöpping & Ernst-Jan Pfauth
POM - Een podcast over media en technologie. Met Alexander Klöpping en Ernst-Jan Pfauth.
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"La poma de Newton", amb Purificaci Barcel, s un programa de cincia, recerca i innovaci a Catalunya.
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A podcast dedicated to the most successful club on the South Coast, Portsmouth FC. Run by a group of mates from PompeyNewsNow with a passion for Pompey and messy away days. Listen weekly for new episodes! Subscribe/Follow - Help grow the podcast free and never miss an episode. Enjoy the podcast? Let us know on Apple Podcasts by leaving a quick review and a 5⭐️ rating. We appreciate your support it really helps. Twitter - @PO4cast @PompeyNewsNow. Website -
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Podcast je součástí kampaně Škola pomáhá. Deset rozhovorů s deseti osobnostmi české vzdělávací krajiny moderuje Tomáš Machalík z Národního pedagogického Institutu České republiky. Tento podcast je financován z fondu EU Next generation.
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Goizalde Landabaso presenta y dirige este programa sobre literatura que, de una forma amena, acerca las novedades y el trabajo de los escritores al gran público.
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Join us weekly for #Pompey views, news, and reviews about the blues, complete with laughs, banter, and the occasional incorrect stat. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just looking for a good time, tune in—you might just like it! Get in contact if your want to comment or contribute. Tweet Mike & Dan @pompeypod Follow us Watch us on YouTube All music by Matrika - Thanks! Hosted on Acast. See f ...
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Learn all about investing in real estate in Pompano Beach, Florida with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Pompano Beach plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Pompano Beach).
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O podcast oficial do Pompano.
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Podcast by PompedUp
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Welkom in de Verhoorkamer. Een podcastkanaal van de KRO-NCRV en NPO Radio 1 met waargebeurde verhalen van grote moordzaken waarin mogelijk valse bekentenissen zijn afgelegd in de verhoorkamer. De Pompmoord: Vier mannen zijn in 2004 veroordeeld voor de moord op een pompbediende in Warnsveld. Maar volgens deskundigen is die veroordeling mogelijk onterecht omdat er in de verhoorkamer een valse bekentenis is afgelegd. Aan de hand van de originele verhoortapes en het strafdossier hoor je in deze ...
continue reading hat einen Podcast! “Pommesgabel” ist mindestens zweimal im Monat zu hören und beschäftigt sich mit unserem Lieblingsthema: Metal. Entgegen dem Namen unseres Magazins beschäftigen wir uns nicht mur mit Power Metal, sondern mit allen härteren Klängen. Das "Power" steht in diesem Fall für "The Power of Metal, Rock & Gothic", wobei wir explizit noch Hardcore und Metalcore miteinbeziehen. In Folge 0 erzählen wir, was in unserem Podcast zu hören sein wird und wer wir eigentlich sind: ...
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test Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to the Emily Pompei Medical Intuitive podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Neuer Podcast. Neue Formate. Neue Gäste.
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🎙️ À CÔTÉ DE MES POMPES, le podcast 100 % consacré au running et à la communauté de la course à pied, animé par moi, Sébastien Martin, coureur passionné, enseignant et créateur de ce podcast ! Chaque semaine, je partage avec vous mon expérience, mes découvertes et ma passion pour la course à pied : de l’entraînement aux séances techniques, en passant par les à-côtés indispensables comme la nutrition, le matériel, le lifestyle et les chaussures. 🔥 Rejoignez la communauté des PATREONS du PODCA ...
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Yapı malzemeleri ve atı ksu pompaları için doğru adresin ceytes olduğunu söylemiş miydim?
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À consommer sans modération avant, pendant et après votre visite au Centre Pompidou.
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Em episódios exclusivos idealizados e criados pela equipe do Sesc Pompeia, artistas, pensadores, esportistas e influenciadores debatem temas que atravessam o nosso tempo.
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A weekly podcast about Portsmouth Football Club. Host Barry Clements discusses transfers, news, results, fixtures and anything Pompey with a range of guests.
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A Pompey podcast brought to you by the Portsmouth News
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Podcast by Neues vonne Pommesbude
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Un balado qui parle de santé et de guérison à travers l’histoire de gens qui ont pris leur santé entre leurs mains.
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Chicago's own Christopher Ricci showcasing the hottest tunes in trance, house and EDM for your listening pleasure.
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Hosted by Theo Fleury, this podcast explores the power of vulnerability and "me too". Trauma survivors and advocates share their stories of hope and healing.
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Pompidou Review is a six-part serial podcast that analyzes the jokes and themes of the genius Netflix original series Pompidou. Join host, Lincoln Bartlett, as he delves into the one-star rated series with friends Matt Grippi and Chase Doerr, as they try to figure out what Pomipodu and his companions are going to do next.
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Session Podcast l'émission qui parle de dégustations en tout genres en rapport avec le monde de la bière
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Travel guide to Pompeii, telling you about places to stay, visit, eat and more! Cover art photo provided by Andy Holmes on Unsplash:
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Podcast o inovacích, podnikání a startupech Co znamená být influencer? Zaměstnávají bezpečnostní firmy hackry? Odpad jako zdroj - utopie, nebo realita? A proč je budoucnost v hlasu?! Sledujte sérii MeltingPOTcast s inspirativními řečníky George stage, scény diskusního fóra Meltingpot 2019. Ve StartUPcast, první sérii podcastu produkovaného Českou spořitelnou, vás do světa podnikání a startupů zve Dan Tržil.
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"Un grupo de primos alejados por diferentes circunstancias, se juntan a conversar y pasar un buen rato, resolviendo las dudas existenciales de la humanidad y compartiendo diferentes puntos de vista. risas, peleas, bromas y sabiduría son algunas de las situaciones que encontraras en este gran podcast."
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Willkommen bei ‚LEADERSHIP NEU GEDACHT! DER PODCAST MIT CORINNA POMMERENING‘, Ihrer Quelle für frische Perspektiven und praxisnahe Einblicke in die Themen New Leadership, Change und Employer Branding. Dieser Podcast ist perfekt für Führungskräfte, Macher und Gamechanger, die bereit sind, neue Wege zu gehen und Veränderung in ihren Unternehmen zu fördern. Freuen Sie sich in jeder Episode auf spannende Gespräche mit führenden Experten aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die Ihnen neue Denkanstöße ...
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Brisa na Pomar é uma parceira da produtora de música Pomar com o pesquisador musical Gabriel Gutierrez, que comanda o canal "Na Brisa do Som". Vamos entrevistar artistas do selo, e parceiros da Pomar, para falar sobre o processo criativo de seus lançamentos, do single ao álbum. A entrevista acontece via live, no Instagram da Produtora Pomar, e se desmembra nesse Podcast. Siga as redes: @produtorapomar @gabriel.gutierrez34 #TeAjudamosANãoPerderORitmo
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Le podcast qui parle de l’actualité Apple, des produits et de leurs usages .
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Il delitto di via Poma. La ricostruzione di bugie, errori e depistaggi che dopo oltre 30 anni nascondono ancora la verità sull’omicidio di Simonetta Cesaroni.
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Every Episode Matt Piper from Weekend Offender Records interviews some fantastic Portsmouth based Artists in the cites growing music scene complete with Live performances
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Pièces maîtresses de la collection du centre Pompidou, les VIP, very important pieces, sont des œuvres émanant d'artistes aux personnalités libres, passionnées et aux vies incroyables. Sous forme de conversations entre une journaliste et un.e conférencier.e, ce podcast vous offre un moment privilégié devant chaque chef-d'œuvre. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Coproduite et réalisée chaque mois avec Moustic the Audio Agency, cette émission à trois voix donne la parole à trois chercheurs spécialistes d’un thème.
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110% The real us - Tune into our weekly Podcast which is actually recorded from 2 different time zones! We chat all things Entertainment, Movies, TV & our lives
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Voor alle lijstjes van Alexander en Ernst-Jan, abonneer je op de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief met tips, tools en gadgets via (elke vrijdag in je inbox). Meer POM? Ga naar Zie het privacybeleid op en de privacyverklaring van Californië op…
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Le lièvre blanc "Il était une fois l’histoire de Nayati, le meilleur chasseur de sa tribu. Nayati rapportait toujours assez de gibier pour que tout le monde mange à sa faim..." En attendant la fête de Noël, la Grande histoire de Pomme d’Api vous invite à écouter un épisode du Fabuleux tour du monde du petit train. De la Bretagne au Chili, du Japon …
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#276 - Comment gérer son allure en course ? Construisez une stratégie gagnante ! (avec Bruno Heubi)
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous, et bienvenue dans cette nouvelle capsule "L'œil du coach" ! Aujourd’hui, j’ai le plaisir de retrouver Bruno Heubi pour discuter d’un sujet clé pour vos performances proposé par Bastien, un fidèle auditeur que je remercie et dont je vous laisse prendre connaissance de sa question : Quelle est la meilleure stratégie d’allu…
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Joe had a great time at Mike's Beer Bar last night. Thinking back to the 2024 Pittsburgh sports year. Positivity for the Steelers compared to a year ago. Skenes has been a huge story. There were some big collapses too. Pitt/WVU for the game of the year. Malkin's 500th for play of the year. Justin Fields pass against the Browns was the worst play. B…
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Who is the team to beat in the AFC and who is the best first-round matchup for the Steelers?
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Who would be the best matchup for the Steelers in the playoffs in the opening round - the Broncos are becoming scary. Are the Bills the team to beat, or is it still the Chiefs? Are the Steelers a mental hurdle Lamar can't clear? Calls on who the Steelers want to face
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Which team do the Steelers fans want to face in the playoffs?
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Calls on who the Steelers want to face
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Who would be the best matchup for the Steelers in the playoffs in the opening round - the Broncos are becoming scary. Are the Bills the team to beat, or is it still the Chiefs? Are the Steelers a mental hurdle Lamar can't clear?
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Brian Batko with injury updates on Watt and Pickens, Andrew Destin as Kevin McHale
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Brian Batko provides the latest injury updates on Watt and Pickens, who are trending in opposite directions. Deshon Elliott looks unlikely to play, why have the Steelers had the Ravens number, the usage of Muth.Andrew Destin joins to discuss his competitiveness, his attempt to portray Kevin McHale on Winning Time, what the Pirates might do and what…
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Andrew Destin on portraying Kevin McHale and the Pirates offseason
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Andrew Destin joins to discuss his competitiveness, his attempt to portray Kevin McHale on Winning Time, what the Pirates might do and what about Joc Pederson, which Pirates pitcher could be traded.
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Brian Batko with the latest injury updates on Watt and Pickens
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Brian Batko provides the latest injury updates on Watt and Pickens, who are trending in opposite directions. Deshon Elliott looks unlikely to play, why have the Steelers had the Ravens number, the usage of Muth.
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Chris Hoke on the Steelers vs Lamar, penalties vs Eagles, tush push, his Ravens prediction
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Chris Hoke joins to discuss Steelers success vs Lamar, how the Eagles demoralized the Steelers, Watt's injury outlook, the tush push and if it should be illegal, the penalty on Monty Adams on the long snapper, what Hokie is watching for after the first Steelers/Ravens game, what the best playoff opponent would be in the first round. Hokie listens t…
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Chris Hoke on if Queen has been good, Steelers/Ravens prediction
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Hokie listens to Mullys the Snowman and loves it. Is Patrick Queen been good, JPJ's up and down season, his prediction for Steelers/Ravens, he has Baltimore winning 28-27, how Ravens week hits different.
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Chris Hoke on the Steelers vs Lamar, penalties against the Eagles and the tush push
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Chris Hoke joins to discuss Steelers success vs Lamar, how the Eagles demoralized the Steelers, Watt's injury outlook, the tush push and if it should be illegal, the penalty on Monty Adams on the long snapper, what Hokie is watching for after the first Steelers/Ravens game, what the best playoff opponent would be in the first round…
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Looking back at the Pittsburgh sports year and the highs and lows
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Joe had a great time at Mike's Beer Bar last night. Thinking back to the 2024 Pittsburgh sports year. Positivity for the Steelers compared to a year ago. Skenes has been a huge story. There were some big collapses too. Pitt/WVU for the game of the year. Malkin's 500th for play of the year. Justin Fields pass against the Browns was the worst play. B…
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We miss Ron Cook. Jagr's return was awesome. Highs and lows of the year. A caller calls it a "convoluted" year. Another caller gets dumped and Joe shames him mercilessly.
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Joe had a great time at Mike's Beer Bar last night. Thinking back to the 2024 Pittsburgh sports year. Positivity for the Steelers compared to a year ago. Skenes has been a huge story. There were some big collapses too. Pitt/WVU for the game of the year. Malkin's 500th for play of the year. Justin Fields pass against the Browns was the worst play. B…
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In an extended podcast, we discuss Derby, the January transfer window, Coventry and Watford. 5:14 - Hugh, Andy and Freddie start by reviewing the unacceptable loss away at Derby and question Pompey’s squad depth. 24:34 - The lads take a look at where the squad needs to be strengthened in January and the challenges that go with that. What calibre of…
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After a run of 4 games unbeaten, Portsmouth crashed back to Earth with another performance to forget at Derby. From the first minute the hosts were better in every department and we were lucky it was only 4-0. Here's our views on the Friday night game at Pride Park. As always, pop your views and comments and get involved. Play Up Pompey! Subscribe,…
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Grand-mère araignée "Il était une fois un monde où il n’y avait que la nuit et le froid. Un jour, la belette annonça : « De l’autre côté du monde, il existe de la lumière, une boule de feu qui s’appelle le soleil… »" En attendant la fête de Noël, la Grande histoire de Pomme d’Api vous invite à écouter un épisode du Fabuleux tour du monde du petit t…
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#1456 Anthony Pompliano & Phil Rosen | Bitcoin Is Taking Over Traditional Finance
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Phil Rosen, the Co-Founder of Opening Bell Daily, and Anthony Pompliano, Author of ‘How To Live An Extraordinary Life’ and CEO of Professional Capital Management, discuss bitcoin, federal reserve, housing regulations, home affordability, why the market is telling the fed what to do, and why you need to become an investor. ======================= Le…
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How FIFA Rigged Its Process for Saudi Arabia to Host the 2034 World Cup
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Today's podcast breaks down how FIFA rigged its process for Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup of men's soccer. I look at the strategic moves FIFA made to set up Saudi Arabia as the only viable 2034 bidder, how Saudi Arabia financially influenced FIFA over the past few years, the details of Saudi Arabia's 2034 bid, and much more. Enjoy! Ps. I …
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The Pomp and Joe Show, with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey, from Wednesday, December 18th, 2024
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10AM - What constitutes a successful season; If the Steelers win division but lose in first round, is it a good year
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Hour 1 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Does winning the division constitute a successful season? Starkey believes you HAVE to win a playoff game. If the Steelers win the division but lose in the first round of the playoffs, is it a failed year?
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11AM - Jay Caufield believes depth scoring is key to the Penguins recent success; Rob Long in Baltimore believes Lamar Jackson finally concurs the Steelers
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Hour 2 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: The Penguins are on a roll and other teams are not playing well, allowing the Penguins to move up in the standings. He thinks Lamar will have a big game and there is voter fatigue with Lamar to win MVP and Josh Allen will win. Rob would rather win playoff games than the division being valued as a great priz…
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12PM - Poni joins to defend his Steelers take and becomes an incredible debate! Mark Kaboly is optimistic George Pickens and TJ Watt will play Saturday
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Hour 3 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Andrew Fillipponi joins us for a surprise appearance to defend his take on if the Steelers win the division means it's a successful season. Mark gives the Steelers a great chance to beat the Ravens in Baltimore and would be more worried if the Ravens come to Pittsburgh in the wild card. Mark believes, if Mi…
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1PM - Is this Lamar Jackson's breakout game George Michalowski joins; The debut of Mullsy the Snowman
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Hour 4 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Rob Long in Baltimore thinks Lamar Jackson will have a Michael Jordan against Craig Ehlo-type game and break through against the Steelers. The debut of Mullsy the Snowman! George Michalowski of Pittsburgh Sports Now previews the week ahead for Pitt basketball.…
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George Michalowski of PSN joint to talk Pitt basketball, an edit to Mullsy the Snowman
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George Michalowski of Pittsburgh Sports Now previews the week ahead for Pitt basketball, including how the roster is meshing and Beebah Cummings' role as a freshman. A change to the Mullsy Christmas song, should we change it?
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Will Lamar Jackson have a breakout game? The debut of Mullsy the Snowman!
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Rob Long in Baltimore thinks Lamar Jackson will have a Michael Jordan against Craig Ehlo-type game and break through against the Steelers. The debut of Mullsy the Snowman.
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Welcome to Pompey Eclectic's festive mini audio podcast episode....Simon the Cut and Shaolin Phil wish you a merry Christmas and discuss Xmas food and movies among other xmassy stuff.저자 Simon Eddy
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Poni joins to defend his Steelers take and becomes an incredible debate!
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Andrew Fillipponi joins us for a surprise appearance to defend his take on if the Steelers win the division means it's a successful season. Poni thinks sweeping Baltimore and finishing higher than the Bengals over an entire season. Poni thinks that's more important than one playoff win over the Broncos.…
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Rob Long of 105.7 The Fan in Baltimore believes Lamar Jackson finally concurs the Steelers
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Lamar Jackson is 2-5 against the Steelers with 5 interceptions. He thinks Lamar will have a big game and there is voter fatigue with Lamar to win MVP and Josh Allen will win. Rob would rather win playoff games than the division being valued as a great prize to mount a successful season. If you don't have the No. 1 seed, he doesn't think the divisio…
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Jay Caufield believes depth scoring is key to the Penguins recent success
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The Penguins are on a roll and other teams are not playing well, allowing the Penguins to move up in the standings. Depth scoring and timely goal scoring has been big for the Penguins especially with Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin aren't scoring. Jay discussed how Ned and Tristan Jarry have shared time in goal.…
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If the Steelers win division but lose in first round, is it a good year?
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If the Steelers win the division but lose in the first round of the playoffs, is it a failed year? Joe would argue Mike Tomlin doesn't win big games anymore. Bob thinks if the Steelers don't win a playoff game, they would consider it a failed season.
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"Connaissez-vous le Marchand de sable ? C’est lui qui, le soir, après l’histoire, quand il est l’heure de dormir, vient déposer sur les paupières des enfants fatigués un peu de sable magique… ou parfois, des paillettes de fées !" Le Marchand de sable, une histoire lue par Sophie, écrite par Céline Person, illustrée par Aurélie Guillerey, publiée da…
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Le petit chevrier "Il était une fois un garçon qui conduisait ses chèvres jusqu’à un champ de maïs. Et tous les soirs, il les ramenait au village…" En attendant la fête de Noël, la Grande histoire de Pomme d’Api vous invite à écouter un épisode du Fabuleux tour du monde du petit train. De la Bretagne au Chili, du Japon au Canada, de la Guinée au G…
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#1455 Anthony & Polina Pompliano | Will The Fed Push Bitcoin Higher?!
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Polina Pompliano, Author of ‘Hidden Genius’ and Founder of The Profile, and Anthony Pompliano, Author of ‘How To Live An Extraordinary Life’ and CEO of Professional Capital Management, discuss bitcoin hitting another all-time high, why the fed has such a big impact on bitcoin, SoftBank’s $100 billion investment, how Donald Trump will draw more inve…
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The full Pomp and Joe Show, with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey, from Tuesday, December 17th, 2024
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10AM - 10 pressing questions entering Steelers-Ravens; What grade would you give Omar Khan for putting together the roster
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Hour 1 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Who are the Steelers three most important players? TJ Watt, Russell Wilson, or George Pickens? Should Jaylen Warren receive more touches in the offense? What grade would you give Omar Khan for putting together the wide receiver room? What grade for the remainder of the roster?…
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11AM - Pitt volleyball head coach Dan Fisher joins us to preview the Final Four; Are you concerned about Joey Porter's play and no turnovers from Minkah
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Hour 2 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Dan Fisher said Pitt's experience this season is a major separator compared to the previous three teams that have reached the final two rounds. Dan thinks Liv Babcock is definitely worthy of National Player of the Year. Pitt will play Louisville at Louisville and could play Penn State in the national champi…
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12PM - Coach of the Year, MVP battle, and Bob Pompeani compares MVP candidacies for Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen
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Hour 3 with Joe Starkey and Bob Pompeani: The Penguins are 6-2-1 in their last nine games. Joe wonders if the Penguins are poised to be good or if it's fluke and bad they've won some games for rebuilding. College Football transfer portal talk. Bob and Austin both believe Dan Campbell is near the top for Coach of the Year. Bob compares MVP candidaci…
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1PM - Trip around the NFL; Officiating has been questionable in some games
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Hour 4 with Joe Starkey: Patrick Mahomes is trending in the right direction and feeling better with his ankle. If Russell Wilson or Justin Fields leave in free agency, where would they go? NFL officiating hasn't been great this season and was noticeable on both sides in the Steelers-Eagles game Sunday. Denver plays at the Chargers on Thursday and B…
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NFL officiating wasn't great in Steelers-Eagles, Bo Nix is looking good in Denver
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Officiating hasn't been great this season and was noticeable on both sides in the Steelers-Eagles game Sunday. Denver plays at the Chargers on Thursday and Bo Nix is turning into a star.
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Brock Bowers is set to break Mike Ditka's rookie tight end record. Aiden Hutchinson believes he will be back in time for the Super Bowl. Patrick Mahomes is trending in the right direction and feeling better with his ankle. If Russell Wilson or Justin Fields leave in free agency, where would they go?
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Bob Pompeani compares MVP candidacies for Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen
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Is Mike Tomlin your NFL Coach of the Year? Bob and Austin both believe Dan Campbell is near the top. Bob compares MVP candidacies for Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen. He makes the case for Lamar Jackson, but Allen has led the Bills to new heights, setting records, and playing very well. Is Brock Purdy a good enough NFL quarterback?…
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Are the Penguins on the right path? Is college football in a good place?
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The Penguins are 6-2-1 in their last nine games. Joe wonders if the Penguins are poised to be good or if it's fluke and bad they've won some games for rebuilding. The transfer portal window makes no sense opening the day after the College Football Playoff was announced and open until December 29. Bob wonders if players should have a buyout, like co…
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Are you concerned about Joey Porter's play and no turnovers from Minkah Fitzpatrick?
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Has Joey Porter Jr. taken a step back? He uses his hands too often and AJ Brown totaled over 100 receiving yards against Porter. Bob likes that he's not afraid and has infectious confidence. Minkah Fitzpatrick hasn't forced a turnover since 2022 and continues to be alarming for Joe.
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Pitt volleyball head coach Dan Fisher joins us to preview the Final Four!
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Dan Fisher said Pitt's experience this season is a major separator compared to the previous three teams that have reached the final two rounds. Dan thinks Liv Babcock is definitely worthy of National Player of the Year. Pitt will play Louisville at Louisville (Final Four host) and could play Penn State in the national championship.…
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